
Years have passed since Jay joined the gang. The four were an unstoppable team, never failing a raid.

Despite their best efforts their secret was discovered almost a year after Jay joined their gang. The four faced their own issues, but they were always there for each other. The four were feared all over the island by both kids and adults. They continued their raids and soon their base was completely filled with food and weapons. Countless nights went by where they went without food, so they always got their fill in the morning in their hideout. Bruises were inflicted each night, so half of their morning was Evie patching up their wounds and Carlos patching up hers.

Through the years, even as they grew older their parents' abuse of them continued. Bruises were a common thing on the Isle, but the gang definitely had it the worst.

They all were hurt in different ways, the only thing keeping them alive was each other.

Years went by, countless nights without sleep, haunted by the memories.

Hateful eyes glare at her from the shadows. The sinister green eyes glowing with hatred.

"Love is weakness." Maleficent snaps.

"But mom-"


Don't you dare to talk to your mother like that!" She yells.

"I'm sorry." Mal apologizes.

"No!" Maleficent shouts, slamming the metal rod down on Mal's back again. "Never apologize."

Mal nods. "I won't." She says as she puts her hands in front of her, cowering behind them. "Please don't hurt me!"

Maleficent growls in anger.


Mal grimaces in pain, the blood dripping down her back. Tears well up in her eyes.

"Never cry!" Her mother shouts furiously.

She slams the metal rod down on Mal's leg.

Mal cries out in pain as Maleficent glares at her in hatred. "You'll never be my daughter." She growls, grabbing Mal's bloody hand and dragging her downstairs.

"No, I don't want to go there! Not again!" Mal screams.

Maleficent pulls the door open, shoving Mal into the room, slamming the door closed, trapping Mal in there.

Tears well up in her eyes as she cries out in pain. Her arms and legs are soaked in blood and blood drips down her back. She finds herself unable to move, having broken her arms and her leg, while almost fracturing her spine.

She lies on the floor in pain as the blood drips down from her body, forming a small puddle of blood below her.

She never was gonna be the person her mother wanted her to be, not while she still held on to the one thing keeping her from embracing her inner darkness, her family.

"Mal?" Evie questions, bringing her back to reality.

"Huh." She gasps, turning towards Evie. "What is it E?"

"Are you okay, you kind of just spaced out? Usually when I space out it's because of something said that triggers a memory, so are you okay?" Evie asks. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Just something my mom said." Mal answers. "She said that I couldn't truly be evil if I still was in the gang."

Evie laughs. "Are you kidding?" She asks. "Mal. We've done more evil in the gang than out."

Mal nods. "I know, but you know my mother." Mal frowns. "She won't let this last forever."

Evie laughs. "Like she can stop us."

Mal sighs. "You know she can."

Evie smiles. "Nothing will keep us apart."

"Not even my mother's banishment kept me and you apart."

"You did go there to try and kill me." Evie says.

Mal groans. "But I didn't, and let's just be glad that she doesn't know that."

Evie nods. "Yeah, mercy isn't a very villainous thing to do, but even your mom is teaming with all of our parents. Power comes in numbers, and right now we've been more villainous as a gang."

Mal nods. "Thanks E."

Evie shakes her head. "No thanks. Not a villainous thing at all." She teases.

Mal laughs.

"Nothing will keep us apart M. Not our parents or anyone else. You, me, Carlos, and Jay will always be together. We're a family, the only family we truly have considering our parents abuse. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will break us apart."

"I just wish she knew about how evil we truly are."

"Our parents don't seem to realize we don't have the same amount of resources they had.

"For what we have we're doing pretty good." Mal sighs.

"Yeah." Evie agrees. "Okay, I'm done." Evie says taking her hand off of Mal's leg. "Should be all patched up."

Mal sighs. "Thank you E."

Evie smiles. "We're always there for each other."

Mal nods.

"And Mal, no matter what you mom thinks of you, you're a pretty badass villain all on your own."

Mal smiles. "I am pretty badass."

"You're definitely rotten."

"To the core."

Auradon is a different land than the Isle of the lost. It's a land inhabited by heroes, the do-gooders. They play by the rules and live peacefully. Only sixteen years ago, the king of the United Kindoms of Auradon banished all the villains to the Isle of the Lost. King Beast married Belle and together they had a son named Benjamin. Prince Ben grew up in a land of opportunity, where he didn't have to worry about coming home and being abused, or having to fight to survive. At the age of sixteen Prince Ben made his first official proclamation.

"I've decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance… to live here in Auradon."

His parents stared at them in a combination of fear and shock. "What?" His mom mutters.

"Everytime I look out there I feel like they've been abandoned." Ben explains.

"The children of our sworn amongst us?" His dad questions.

Ben nods. "We start with a few. Only those who need our help the most."

"Okay, but you still have to choose who comes and… maybe we should wait until you're actually king to do this, I mean, it's a lot."

"No, they shouldn't have to go any longer. Besides, I've already chosen them."

His father rolls his eyes. "Have you?"

"Adam, give him a chance." Belle urges. "Who are their parents?"

Ben shudders, preparing himself for what's next. "Cruella De Vil."

His dad scowls at him. "She's a crazy woman!" He shouts.

"Adam, let him finish." Belle snaps.

She looks back at Ben with a calm and soothing smile.

"Jafar, Evil Queen…" Ben pauses breathing sharply, "And Maleficent."

Adam glares at his son. "Maleficent?!" He shouts. "She's the worst villain in the land!"

"Dad, just hear me out."

"No! I will not hear of it! They all are guilty of hundreds of crimes!"

"Dad, their children are innocent!" Ben argues. "Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?"

"No! They're villains. They're getting what they deserve!" his dad exclaims.

"Adam." Belle snaps. "I gave you a second chance."

He looks down. "I suppose the children are innocent." He mutters as he walks away.

Belle walks up to Ben. "Well done."

Ben smiles at his mom. "Thank you."

She smiles before walking over to her husband.

"How much of an influence did she have on this proclamation?" His father asked, turning around to face his son.

Ben smirks, "None." And for the first time in a long time, Ben had lied to his parents, but he knew that they needed to believe he was in control, not her. They didn't trust her, not anymore, and she didn't trust them, and no matter how many times he had asked, she never told him why.

Ben looks out the window towards the Isle of the Lost. "These children don't deserve to be trapped there," He thinks to himself. "She's always been right about that."

Mal climbed out of the hideout, stopping and spray painting her long live evil logo on a barren wall. As she painted the shadow of Maleficent and the green fire around her. She finished her painting and hopped down, along her way bumping into a kid and knocking them to the ground. She dropped the spray can on the ground and headed towards the market.

Jay climbed down a ladder and passed a long live evil logo of Jafar in his genie form. He passed by a kid around his age and swiped off a pocket watch.

Evie walked across a table at the slop shop, kicking off plates of food. She hopped off the table and headed towards the market where she was supposed to meet up with the other members of her gang.

Carlos crawls out of the broken window of Hell Hall. As he climbed out he saw a kid throwing his apple in the air. He grabbed the apple as it was in the air and took a bite out of it before throwing it back to the kid.

Mal and Evie meet up in an alley near their hideout. Jay slides down a roof and back flips onto the ground. He nears an alley and meets up with Mal and Evie. Carlos walks through a building, trampling over people lying in beds and kicking all the food and supplies onto the ground. He runs out of the building to avoid being caught and meets up with the others.

The four head inside a run down building near the market. They run inside and climb up the staircase, looking out a huge window with cracks in the glass. They jump out of it and near a metal fence, all four grasping it and pulling it to the side.

The gang runs in and Mal shoves a man with a bag of flour. A man yells at her and she runs at them and dunks their head into a bucket of water. The four cause mischief and shove people to the ground, stealing food and weapons. They run through a tunnel and appear on the other side of the market.

Mal walked through the market, she stole some clothes from a few shops and spray painted an M on a blue tarp.

Jay hopped onto a table, pocketing all the stuff on it, before any of the adults could notice he ran off.

Evie wraps her blue scarf around a boy's neck and flirts with them before pulling her scarf backwards, causing them to fall to the ground. She grabs the apple in their hand and takes a bite out of it before throwing it back at them.

Carlos kicks off a basket of rotten apples, spreading them across the floor. He throws another basket onto aad. He hops onto a wagon and sits on a pile of hay, throwing it at the people around him.

They swing around the rafters of the building and do flips and tricks off the beams.

The group runs into the street and begins dancing, trying to hide their thievery with their movements. A few other kids their age join in, copying their movements, unaware of the group subtly stealing from them.

As the group finishes dancing the kids around them begin to notice things missing. As they realize what happened they turn to Mal's group, but they're all already gone.

As the four arrive at their hideout they begin to unload all the things they stole, but something catches Carlos' eye.

"Mal." He says as he stares at the white paper he just dumped on the ground.

"What is it Carlos?" Mal asks.

Carlos shows her the white newspaper, her eyes widening as she reads the headline

"Official Proclamation by Prince Ben for the Anti Villain Kids Program

Prince Ben; soon to be king of Auradon has made his first official proclamation as king. Four children from the Isle of the Lost will be sent to Auradon and attend Auradon Prep; a high school, where they will learn how to be upstanding citizens of Auradon. Prince Ben hopes that he can bring more children over, saying that everyone deserves a chance; that villains children don't deserve to be treated as villains.

The first four children have been chosen and will begin attending Auradon Prep beginning next week."

"No way!" Evie exclaims as she looks at the names.

"Mal; daughter of Maleficent, Evie; daughter of the Evil Queen, Jay; son of Jafar, Carlos; son of Cruella De Vil." She reads.

"No way." Mal complains.

"Come on Mal. We'll finally get away from our parents." Carlos urges.

"No!" She exclaims. "I mean don't you see what they're trying to do here. They're trying to take the strongest villain kids off the isle and reform them.

"Prince Ben claims to have chosen the four children who he believes need the most help." Carlos reads.

"No, they can't do this." Mal complains.

"M, what's the problem? We can bring our evil from here to there. We can prove to our parents how evil we are."

"That is if they don't steal our weapons. I mean, are they really dumb enough to not steal all of our knives, and if we leave them here then they'll just be stolen, and-"

"M. We don't have to go." Evie says. "We all are happy with how the gang is now. This is our one chance to escape our parents' abuse."

"And what about when we're inevitably sent back here? We all know that the second we leave our parents will put a target on our backs. Out parents won't ever let us out of their sight and-"

"Mal, we'll always be a family." Evie interrupts. "Nothing will change that. Now, do you want to go and destroy all of Auradon in the name of all that is evil?"

Mal nods. "Let's blow that popsicle stand."

Evie laughs. "Hey no matter what. No matter where we are, here or in Auradon, we're always rotten."

"To the core." They all say.

Mal grins wickedly, "We'll bring that place down in flames."