
Of all of the children to be in the Isle of the Lost, Mal and her gang deserved it, yet here they are, being sent to Auradon.

The black limousine pulled up right outside of Maleficent's dark castle, a man in a black suit stepping out and opening the door.

Crowds of children gathered around it, watching as the door of Maleficent's castle opened. First out was Carlos. He had a pretty bad scar on his forehead and his arm was covered in blood, which blended in with his red leather jacket. He slowly walked over to the limousine and climbed in. Next out was Jay, his father glaring at him angrily as he walked towards the car. He climbed in, breathing heavily as he sat down next to Carlos. Evie came out and walked over to the car before climbing in, followed by Mal who glared at her mother, her eyes flashing green, before climbing in.

The man closed the door behind them and got in the front as he began driving off, envious eyes following the vehicle.

The four sat in the back, all groaning in pain as they began to leave the Isle of the Lost."

"Did you bring them E?" Mal asks, trying to ignore the pain.

Evie nods. "Yep, I think I got em all." She says before looking down, trying to hide the line of blood on her neck.

"E. You don't need to hide it from me." Mal growls.

Evie smiles. "So, what's the plan?"

Mal leans back, trying to think.

"What are you doing?" Jay asks.

"I'm plotting." Mal scowls.

"Well it's not very attractive." Evie grins.

Mal holds back a laugh and looks at Carlos. "What about you, C? You okay."

Carlos laughs, touching the scar on his forehead. "It'll heal."

Carlos leans back, but then notices a jar of candy. He looks at Jay who also saw it and goes to grab the jar, but is beat to it by Jay. He reaches into it and grabs a handful of candy before shoving it down his mouth. His eyes widen at the taste as he reaches for more. "Mmm." He moans, reaching for Jay's shoulder. "This tastes so good. It's salty like nuts and sweet like I don't know what."

"Let me see." Jay complains.

Carlos takes it literal and opens his mouth, showing the chewed up treat, causing Mal and Evie to grimace in disgust.

Jay slaps Carlos' shoulder and reaches for the treat in his hand, shoving it into his mouth.

He smiles as he chews on the treat, Carlos nodding his head as well.

Mal grabs a remote while Evie reaches for her hairbrush. Mal clicks the button and the window behind them opens. Evie turns around, her eyes widening when she sees where they're going. "Look!" She shouts, instantly regretting it as a wave of pain echoes through her throat.

Mal looks up, seeing it as well. The car is about to drive straight off the bridge. "It's a trap!" She shouts, as all four of them begin screaming. The four grab onto each other and brace for the end.

"I knew it." Mal complains. "They just wanted to get rid of us."

Evie nods as they all continue to scream, even through the pain.

However, the car doesn't just drop into the ocean. There's a small bump and the car continues driving as normal. The four look up, shocked that they're not dead.

"Look." Evie says peering outside the car window. There's a golden bridge with rings looping around it.

"What happened?" Carlos asks.

"It's like-"

"Magic." Evie finishes.

Mal turns around. "Hey." She says staring at the driver. "Did this remote just open up the magical barrier?"

The driver rolls his eyes. "No, this remote opens the barrier." He says holding up a small white button. "That one opens my garage, and this one-" He says, reaching for a remote on the roof of the car. "Ends dumb conversations." he finishes as the window rolls up, blocking the four from view.

Mal laughs as she leans back. "Nasty. I like that guy."

"So, what do you guys think the school's gonna be like?" Evie asks.

"Hopefully nothing like Dragon Hall." Carlos says.

"It would be nice to go a few hours without being punched for interrupting," Jay grins.

"Or talking at all." Carlos mutters.

Evie nods in agreement. "I just don't want to have my life endangered at every second. I mean, we brought knives everywhere just for self defense."

"And self offense." Mal adds thoughtfully.

Evie nods. "I wonder if they teach magic there."

Mal scoffs. "Like they're gonna teach a bunch of villain kids how to use magic."

Evie laughs quietly. "We should have a pretty good handle on it."

"Just remember, stick to the plan." Mal says.

Evie nods in agreement. "Mal. What do we do if we fail?"

Mal shrugs. "I don't know E, but we won't." She says. "Cause we're rotten." She says reaching out her hand.

Evie smiles and places her hand on Mal's, followed by Jay and Carlos. "To the core." They all say in unison.

The lights dimmed as those same evil green eyes glared at her, filled with malice and anger.

"You're going to Auradon!" She shouts angrily. "No, you can't run from me!"

"Mom, we're going! It's our turn to prove ourselves." Mal complains. "To truly be evil."

"No! If anyone is leaving this goddamn place it's me!"

"No. You deserve to be here. We don't!" Mal shouts.


Mal groans in pain as she stares at her blood stained hip. "You can't stop us. We're going." Mal groans.

"No, no, no!" She shouts. "You will all stay here!"


"No, that little gang of yours is staying here. You don't deserve to go."

"Why? Because we're not evil enough for you?"


Mal lifts her head weakly as the blood drips down her neck and back. "We're evil." Mal growls. "More evil than you."

Maleficent laughs. "More evil than-"


"Don't you dare talk like that to your mother!" She scowls.

"It doesn't matter how evil you were. Everyone knows that all you've been since you lost your magic was an abusive freak!"


"You're worthless!" Maleficent growls.

Mal smirks. "You're nothing. You're not evil, you're nothing. At least me and my gang still commit crimes. You just lay around here and yell at me!"


"Shut the hell up!" She growls.

Mal laughs weakly. "Make me, bitch."

Maleficent's eyes glow green in rage. Her eyes are full of malice and hatred for her daughter.

"You can rot in Hell." She growls. "You're not ever leaving here."


Mal groans in pain. Her body is covered in blood, dripping coldly down her back. She glares at her mom with heartless eyes. "Fuck you." She growls before passing out in a pool of her own blood.

The car approaches the school where hundreds of kids are lined up at the entrance. The entire band is there, along with all the teachers, Prince Ben, and of course, the headmistress. The school is surrounded by weird shapes and statues, some of animals, including one of a dog that scares the four of them. They had only ever known one thing about dogs, and that was what Cruella had told Carlos. The man pulls up and gets out of the car, opening the door, causing Jay and Carlos to fall out on top of each other.

"No it's mine!" Carlos argues. "Why do you want whatever this thing is."

Jay pulls it closer to him. "Because you want it."

Mal and Evie get out the other side and walk around standing in front of Jay and Carlos.

"Give it back." Carlos whines.

Mal glares at them. "Guys, we have an audience." Mal snaps.

Evie reaches down and grabs Carlos' arm while Jay gets up. "Just cleaning up." He lies.

"Leave it like you found it." the headmistress sings.

The four glare at her. "And by that I mean just leave it." She simplifies.

Jay grabs it and throws it back in.

"And the other stuff." Mal snaps.

Jay groans and cleans out his pockets and hat, throwing the stuff he stole back in.

He glares at Mal before looking forward.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep." The headmistress greets them. "I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress."

Mal's heart skips a beat. "The…Fairy Godmother? Like, bibbidi, bobbidi, boo?"

"Bibbidi, bobbidi, you know it."

"Yeah, I always wondered what it was like for Cinderella when you just appeared with that sparkly wand, and warm smile, and sparkly wand."

"That was a long time ago, and you know what I always say. Don't focus on the past, or you'll miss the future."

"Then why were we stuck on the Isle for sixteen years?" Mal retorts.

The whole group of 'goody goodies' seemed shocked by her hostility.

"It's so good to finally meet you all." Ben says taking a step forward. "I'm Ben."

"Prince Benjamin." Audrey corrects. "Soon to be king." She says grabbing his hand.

"Bitchy." Carlos whispers, causing the four to stifle a laugh.

Ben chuckles awkwardly. "This is Audrey."

"Princess Audrey." She corrects. "His girlfriend." She squeals. "Right Benny-boo."

"Ben and Audrey are gonna show you four around." Fairy Godmother explains. "The doors to wisdom are never shut!" She exclaims, startling the four gang members. "But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00 and as you might have heard we have very strict rules about curfew." She explains before heading inside.

"It is so-so good to finally meet you guys. "Ben says, extending his hand out. He looks at Jay and walks over, expecting him to shake his hand, but instead Jay punches him in the shoulder. Jay grins and laughs lightly.

Ben walks over to Mal and shakes her hand. He kept staring into her green eyes, they looked exactly like hers, down to the beautiful emerald coloring. From behind Mal, Carlos glares angrily at Ben, he didn't know why he was so angry, he just was. No one ever looked at Mal like that, so why was he upset by it?

Mal notices Carlos' death glare and pulls her hand away from Ben's, snapping both of them back to reality.

Ben walks over to Evie and reaches for her hand, causing her to whimper and back away. He shakes it off and walks over to Carlos.

"Is that chocolate?" He asks as he releases his grip on Carlos' hand and backs away.

"This is a momentous occasion." He announces. "One that I hope will go down in history. As the day where our two peoples will begin to heal."

Mal scoffs. "Or the day where you showed four people where the bathrooms are."

Ben looked at her. "A little bit over the top?"

Mal smirks. "A little more than a little bit."

Ben laughs. "Well, so much for my first impression."

Mal laughs and then glares at him. "So, are you gonna show us where-"

"Oh, yes." Ben answers. "Here, we'll give you the tour." He says, grabbing Audrey's hand.

"Auradon Prep, originally built over 300 years ago." Ben explains, leading the group to a statue of a man. "Converted into a high school by my father when he became king." He says before clapping his hands.

Suddenly the statue of the man begins to change and morph back into a beast.

"Ahh!" Carlos screams, jumping into Mal's arms.

Mal smiles, but when she notices people staring she glares at him and he climbs down.

Ben holds back a laugh. "Carlos, my father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man." He explains. "To show anything's possible."

Mal feigns a smile. "Does he shed much?"

Ben nods. "Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." He answers with a straight face.

Mal groans and the six of them walk into the huge building. "So you guys have a lot of magic here? Like wands and stuff?" She asks.

"Yeah it exists, but it's pretty mundane." He explains. "Most of us here are just regular mortals, with a few exceptions."

"And what are these exceptions?" Mal asks, suddenly intrigued.

Ben chuckles, "I'm sure you'll meet her soon."

Mal rolls her eyes. "And the rest you, you're just regular mortals who just happen to be kings and queens."

Audrey laughs. "Yeah, our royal blood passed down generations."

Mal scowls at her as Ben walks over to the stairs. "Doug." He says, startling the kid walking the stairs.

Doug looks up from his book to see Ben. "This is Doug. He's gonna show you to your dorm rooms and give you your class schedules." Ben explains. He walks up to Mal and Evie. "I'll see you later, okay."

Audrey fakes a smile before grabbing Ben's arm. "Oh, and if you have any questions feel free to-"

"Ask Doug." Audrey interrupts. Her and Mal both fake laughter before sighing slowly.

"Hi guys, I'm Doug." He introduces himself. "Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, and-" He stops, having forgotten the name of his last uncle.

"Sneezy." Carlos finishes.

Doug nods. "So I put in all the necessary classes. History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Safety Rules for the Internet, and… Remedial Goodness 101." He shudders as Mal walks up behind him.

She smirks. "New class?"

Doug nods.

Mal laughs. "Come on guys. Let's go find our dorms." She says running up the staircase, Evie, Carlos, and Jay following.

A small beam of light shines into the room, reflecting off the pool of blood on the floor. Mal groans in pain as her eyes open. Her head is throbbing and her entire body feels like it's on fire. Memories flash through her head of the argument she had with her mother.

She had to find some way to Auradon, so that she and her gang never would have to wake up like this again. Bruised and beaten, within an inch of their life or even farther. With no one being able to die on the Isle their parents could abuse them to their heart's content and yet they still would never die, it never would be enough to push them over the edge and into death.

Countless nights went by where Mal wished her suffering could just end, today being another one of those days. But this time it could. For their suffering to end all they had to do was go to Auradon, where their parents could never reach them.

But there was only one problem. She was trapped. Her mother trapped her in the same god forsaken dungeon with no way out. It wasn't the first time, and it probably wouldn't be the last.

Mal groans in pain as she tries to rise to her feet, but her legs tremble and quiver beneath her, causing her to fall to the bloody dungeon floor. Every breath releases a wave of pain through her chest and every movement feels like a burning flame engulfing her body.

"Get up." A voice snaps from behind the door.

Mal groans in pain as she glares at the piercing green eyes of death, as the metal door slides open.

Her mother laughs. "Never defy me, child." She snaps. "Now get up."

Mal glares at her, her heart full of hatred. "Or what, bitch?"

Mal's mother glares hatefully at her, slapping her cheek. "Or you never will again." She threatens.

Mal groans. "What the hell do you want?" She hisses.

A wicked smile forms on Maleficent's face. "You."

Mal glares at her. "What?"

"I need you to do something for me."

"Fuck no." Mal hisses.

Maleficent laughs. "You will do this!" She snaps.

Mall rolls her eyes. Her eyes light up green as Maleficent's do the same. The two stare intensely at each other, but due to Mal's injuries she winces in pain and her eyes return to normal. "What do you want?" She growls.

"For you to be a good little dragon… and do what I say." She growls.

"Which is?"

"There's a certain wand I need… in Auradon."

"You mean?"

"Yes." She growls. "With this wand and my scepter I can bend both good and evil to my will!"

"Fine. I'll steal this wand and destroy the barrier." Mal sighs.

"And then I can finally get my revenge." Maleficent adds.

"And if I don't?"

"Then you won't be the only one who gets this treatment. You sure you want him to go through this too?"

"You stay the hell away from him!"

"Love makes you weak Mal. He's only ever gonna be a weakness."

Mal glares at her. "Fine. I'll do it."

"That's my dragon!" Her mom exclaims. "Now go grab your things, that band of miscreants are waiting for you." She growls.

Mal's eyes light up at the mention of her gang. "Fine." She says using all her strength to stand up.

Maleficent groans and grabs her arm before dragging her out the door.

As she leaves the room she see's Carlos, Evie, and Jay, waiting for her. Evie has a huge slit on her neck along with multiple bruises on her arms and chest.

Carlos has a huge gaping cut on his forehead and his entire arm is bleeding, his white jacket stained by the blood.

Jay had a black eye and multiple scars on his back, which were barely visible. He was breathing heavily and his wrists were slit open, small streams of blood stained to his arms.

Mal walks over to her friends, considering her injuries prevent her from running.

"E?" She asks, looking at the slit on her throat.

Evie smiles lightly, ignoring the blood dripping down her neck. "I'll be fine." She groans.

Mal looks at Carlos and Jay, who despite their injuries nod as well.

"Lets get that wand and burn that place to the ground." Evie smirks. Her voice is raspy, and she flinches after each word.

Mal nods as the three walk out the castle doors seeing a black limo waiting for them.

"Time to do what we do best." Mal laughs, despite her injuries.

"Be villains" Carlos finishes.

Mal and Evie open the door to their new dorm room and stare in befuddlement at its appearance. The room is a bright shade of pink with pink curtains and even pink bed sheets. Light shines through the window, almost blinding the two of them, since there wasn't much sunshine on the Isle. The blinds were even a pale pink color and there were pink frills on the edges of the bed sheets. The room smelled of flowers as well, causing Mal to grimace in disgust.

Evie's face lights up. "This place is so amaz-"

"Gross." Mal interrupts.

Evie nods. "Right, amazingly gross."

Mal rolls her eyes. "E."

Evie nods and walks over to the door, shutting it behind them.

"Lock too." Mal complains.

Evie smiles lightly as she locks the door. Mal walks over to the curtains, closing all of them, dimming the room. "Ah, much better." She sighs.

Evie nods. "Just like home."

"Did you get them through?" Mal asks.

Evie laughs lightly. "You would've thought that they would perform a weapons check."

Mal nods. "The idiots."

Evie pulls out a small leather bag, revealing a group of vials ranging in color in there.

Mal smiles. "Okay, I got our knives through. I hope the boys got theirs in."

Evie nods, but is startled when the door knob begins to rattle. She glares at Mal, who's already reaching into her boot to grab a knife. She hands a knife to Evie as the two hide them behind their backs.

The lock clicks, signifying a successful break in. Mal and Evie's eyes widen and they bring their knives closer. The door slowly opens and Mal throws her knife at the center of the door.

"You missed." Jay teases.

"No I didn't." Mal retorts.

"Good thing too. Now that there's no barrier these things could kill pretty easily. Carlos adds.

Mal nods. "Those idiots don't suspect a thing."

"Speaking of idiots." Evie says pointing to Ben who's walking down the hallway towards their dorm.

"Hide the knives." Mal hisses, sliding her and Evie's knives into her boot as Ben walks up.

"So do you find everything to your liking?" Evie and Carlos nod and Mal feigns a smile. "Yeah, it's great." She replies, a bit too enthusiastically.

Ben nods. "Well, lunch is in an hour, you might want to head down there soon."

Mal nods. "Okay, we'll see you then." She says, practically shoving him out the door. Ben frowns but walks out, walking over to Doug and Audrey.

"Do those four seem okay to you?" Doug asks.

Ben shakes his head. "No. They seem to be hiding something."

"Did you notice anything?" Audrey asks.

"Besides the huge scar on Carlos' forehead, not really." Doug answers.

"Jay seemed to have a black eye and his wrists were bleeding, Mal seemed to have blood along her arms, and Evie never even spoke to us, she just kind of hid." Ben answers.

Audrey shrugs. "She seems perfectly capable of talking to the other two boys, not to mention Maleficent's daughter."

Ben nods. "That's because they all were a part of a group together for six years."

"So they're friends." Doug states.

Ben nods. "Something like that."

"What about Maleficent's daughter?"

Ben shakes his head. "Mal. We can't judge them on their parents. Mal seems like the leader. Her voice was calm, but stern and demanding."

Audrey nods. "She also talked for most of the group. Carlos and Evie barely even talked, if at all."

"Somethings definitely wrong with them, so we're gonna find out what."

From behind them back in the dorm Mal and Evie have their heads peeked out, glaring at Ben and his group. "They think we're troubled?" She scoffs.

"They have no idea." Evie groans, wincing in pain.

"But we can't let them find out. They'll just use it to exploit us and our weaknesses."

"No matter what, they can't find out what happens on the Isle of the Lost; what our parents did to us." Evie agrees.

Mal smirks. "It's time to throw them off track."