Blinded by Love

"E, I'm not gonna force you to do it." Mal explains. "It's not my place to make you do this if you're not comfortable with it."

"Good, cause I won't. I'm not going through that again." Evie snaps.

E, he's not like the boys on the Isle. Especially not like him." Mal explains. "Okay, I promise I won't let him hurt you, not like last time."

"You said that last time too." Evie hisses.

Mal groans. "Eve, that's cause I was being an idiot last time. I wasn't there for you, and for that, I'm sorry."

Evie smiles lightly. "Just don't abandon me again."

Mal smiles. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Evie nods. "Okay, let's do this."

Mal smiles. "If he does anything that off-puts or frightens you let me know. I'd be happy to teach him a lesson."

Evie laughs lightly. "Thanks M."

Mal smiles. "Anything for my sister."

The Isle of the Lost was like an eternal hell, filled to the brim with demons. Villains; monsters, and even children. Among those demons was Evie; a fourteen year old girl who was a member of the most feared children on the Isle. It consisted of four kids, Mal; daughter of Maleficent, Jay; son of Jafar, Carlos; son of Cruella De Vil, and Evie; daughter of the Evil Queen. The four were guilty of many crimes and were the most feared children on the Isle.

Being one of the most feared children on the Isle had some advantages. She got whatever she wanted and could manipulate any guy she wanted to. She had a way with these kinds of things where she would flirt with someone and turn them on, then she could get them to do whatever she wanted. However, her rank also caused vulnerability.

While most people saw the gang as something to be feared, others; including Evie, saw it as a family. They were mistreated and feared. Those who didn't fear them soon did. But there was one among them that never feared her; saw her as weak, and thought he could use her.

"Anthony." Evie hisses.

"Hello Evie." He grins.

"Back for round two?" Evie asks, taking a drink from her glass.

Anthony smiles awkwardly. "You know it." He says as he leans in to kiss Evie.

Evie groans and kicks him in the crotch. "Get the hell away from me." She hisses.

"Evie, that's no way to treat your boyfriend." He smirks.

"Evie glares at him. "What do you want bitch?"

Anthony frowns. "Is that really how you think of me? Ouch."

Evie laughs lightly. "Yes, now what do you want?"

Anthony smirks. "You." He says kissing her passionately. Evie glares at him, but continues the kiss.

"You're a good kisser." Anthony grins, pulling back.

Evie smiles. "You're not too bad yourself." She says going in for another kiss.

The four of them walk into the lunch room. There's hundreds of tables and people gathered at each, along with a line for food stretching at least forty people.

"I hope lunch isn't as bad as at Dragon Hall." Carlos chuckles.

Mal nods. "I don't think I could have gone another day of slop." She grimaces in disgust at the thought.

Evie nods. "That garbage was horrible. Half the time I skipped lunch and ate at the hideout."

"Same." Mal agrees. "You ready?"

Evie shrugs. "I don't know. You promise they're not like him."

Mal laughs. "I can one-hundred percent guarantee you that these people aren't allowed to do over half the things he did."

Evie nods. "Doesn't seem like a very Auradon thing to do." She sighs, a tint of fear in her voice.

"Eve, we don't have to do this." Mal offers.

Evie shakes her head. "No, I'll do it, just not now." She sighs, taking a step back towards Mal.

Mal frowns, but grabs Evie's hand. "It's your choice." She says calmly.

Evie shakes her head, holding back tears. "I don't think I can do it Mal." She sighs.

Mal smiles lightly. "That's okay." She says. "I might have a different way."

Evie smiles. "Thank you." She whispers.

Mal laughs lightly and hugs her. "You're welcome."

"How long is this line gonna take?!" Carlos complains.

Mal laughs, looking at the line. There still were almost twenty people ahead of them. "I mean, we could-"

"I thought we were trying to fit in." Evie smirks.

"Well at least I was." Mal jokes, earning her a punch to the side by Evie.

Mal laughs. "Fine." She groans. A smirk forms on her face as she sees Ben walk over. "Ben."

Ben nods. "What is it?"

Mal frowns. "Does the line always take this long?"

Ben chuckles. "Unfortunately, yeah, at least when you're late."

"Late." She scoffs. "We came when you said to."

"Unfortunately, lunch starts earlier than that."

Mal's eyes fill with anger, and she has to use all her will to stop them from glowing into that menacing, evil green. "You lied to us." She states.

Ben chuckles awkwardly. "More like forgot." He states. "But hey, maybe I can get you to the front of the line?"

"You can?" Carlos asks.

Ben nods. "There's a VIP line for me and my friends, so I'm sure you could use that."

"Where is it?" Mal asks calmly, doing her best to sound genuine.

Ben sighs. "Follow me."

The four of them follow Ben to a much shorter line and grab their food.

"This is so much!" Evie exclaims, looking at all the food on their plates.

"This could last us like a month." Calos states.

"Or one meal." Ben interjects.

The three of them glare at him, both awe and confusion in their eyes.


"Yeah, there's three meals a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

"Dinner?" Evie stammers. "They-they have that here?"

Ben nods. "Yeah, didn't you have it on the Isle?"

"Of course, we just never had this much food." Mal lies.

Ben laughs lightly. "Well enjoy it." He grins. "But there is one condition to using the VIP line."

Mal frowns. "What?"

"You have to sit at my table."

Evie glared at Mal. If looks could kill Mal would've fallen to the floor lifeless. Mal smiled apologetically at her and turned to Ben.

Mal groans. "Fine."

Night fell on the Isle of the Lost and Evie made her way back to the tavern. It was the usual hangout spot at night and kids usually went there to get drunk or meet people, or both. But Evie was going there because that's where Anthony was. Every night Anthony was there, and for the last month the two had a thing going. Sometimes it was when they were drunk, sometimes sober. Every fiber of Evie's being, including her gang told her to stay away from Anthony, but she couldn't.

Evie went into the tavern and sat down, grabbing a glass and drinking from it. She almost immediately regretted it, instantly feeling the need to vomit, yet she refrained from it and took another sip. All the alcohol on the island was old and didn't taste too good, but it did the job.

Suddenly the broken bell on the door rang and Anthony walked in. Evie stared at him, her eyes wide. "Anthony." She called out, but he just kept walking. He walked into the back room and grabbed a bottle of alcohol before walking out the door, with two glasses.

Evie smiled. "Date night already." She grins, walking out the door.

She follows Anthony into a dark alley, seeing Anthony with a glass of alcohol.

"You came." He grins.

Evie smiles and walks forward. "Of course I did babe." She says.

Anthony laughs. He hands her a glass and pours some alcohol in it. Evie drinks it in one sitting as her stomach growls, disagreeing with her.

"Not the smartest choice." Anthony grins.

Evie smiles, leaning in for a kiss. Anthony sighs and kisses her passionately. "Babe?" He asks.

Evie laughs. "What is it?"

"I need your help."

"With what?" Evie asks, kissing him again.

Anthony pulls away and Evie takes another sip of alcohol."You mentioned that you make potions and poisons, right?"

Evire sets the glass down. "Yeah, why?"

Anthony sighs. "There's-there's been someone following me around. They-they keep threatening to hurt me." Anthony stammers.

Evie laughs lightly. "So you want to poison them."

Anthony shakes his head. "I don't want you to get your hands dirty, I just need something to make them leave me alone."

Evie nods. "Cyanide, if you get it in their system it should kill them in an instant. It's in the hideout. I'll get it tomorrow, but for now… let's enjoy the rest of the night." She grins leaning in for another kiss.

Anthony laughs lightly and kisses her again. "I would love to." He says kissing her passionately, knocking her off her feet and onto the ground.

Evie laughs and they continue to kiss.

Well, this couldn't have been any more awkward. Ben had insisted that Mal and her gang would sit at his table, and trying to gain Ben's trust she said yes. Unfortunately, none of them were too thrilled about it.

Mal was sitting next to Ben, quietly picking at her food before putting it in her mouth, while Ben looked at her in both awe and confusion, which she didn't seem to notice. Something about her seemed familiar, but he couldn't place it.

Carlos was sharpening his knife under the table, out of Ben and his friends' view. He had barely touched any of the food on his plate. "Mom, would kill me if she found out I ate this much." He complained.

"Your parents aren't here." Ben says. "Just enjoy your food. There's a trash can over there if you aren't hungry enough to finish it."

Jay glares at him. "You throw away food you don't eat?" He snaps, slamming his fists on the table, startling everyone but Mal, Evie, and Carlos, who were used to it by now.

"Yeah, the food's no good cold. What we don't finish just gets thrown away and the staff makes more." Doug explains.

Jay glares at him angrily. "You waste your food?!"

Doug nods. "We can make more later if you want."

Jay grabs the collar of Doug's shirt, bringing him closer. "I think it's time I teach you a lesson."

Carlos laughs lightly, causing Ben to stare at him like he's a maniac. "What the heck?" He questions. "Jay, calm down."

Jay smirks. "I'll calm down, once this school learns not to waste anything!"

"Jay. Put him down." Mal orders, her voice stern.

Jay scowls at her but listens.

"Okay, what the hell?!" Ben exclaims.

"There's not enough food on the Isle." Evie mutters.

"What?" Ben asks, unable to hear her sentence.

Mal looks at him. "There's not enough food on the Isle." She explains. "The thought to any of us that you would throw away your food instead of bringing it to the Isle where kids are starving angers us."

"You mean you guys don't get food like this on the isle?" Ben questions.

Mal scoffs. "You think we'd react like this if we did?"

Ben's expression changes from one of anger to sadness. "I had no idea."

"Like hell you did." Evie snaps, still refusing to take her eyes off her plate.

"Eve, calm down." Mal orders. Evie glares at her, but listens.

Ben sits down. "I'm sorry. I really had no idea."

Evie rolls her eyes, but still refuses to look up.

Ben looks at her. "I'm sorry." He says, placing his hand on hers.

That's when all hell began to break loose. Evie panicked and reached into her sleeve, pulling out her knife. "You stay the hell away from me." She threatens holding the knife to his throat.

"E!" Mal snaps.

Evie glares at her, bringing her attention back to Ben. "You think you can use me? You think you can pretend to be nice and get me to do what you want?" She growls.

"What no. I would never." Ben states.

"Shut up! You're lying." Evie shouts.

By now a crowd's formed around them. The looks on their faces are a combination of fear, disgust and anger.

"Get away from him!" Someone shouts.

"You really are a villain." Someone states.

'Go home! You don't deserve to be here."

Evie glares at Ben, her eyes watering. "I won't make the same mistake." She hisses. "I won't-I won't." She says, falling into Mal's arms crying.

"It's okay E." Mal comforts her. "Come on, let's go back to the dorm."

Evie shakily nods and raises her head to see a soothing smile on Mal's face. She grabs Evie's hand and the two walk out of the lunch room, leaving Jay and Carlos with Ben.

The two stare at him in shock.

Ben looks up at them. "I'm fine." He announces.

"Send them back!" A kid shouts.

Ben glares at the crowd.

"All right! Children, disperse!" Fairy Godmother shouts. "This is a private matter."

There's a wave of groans, but the crowd disperses, returning to their lunch.

"Fairy Godmother it's quite alright." Ben explains. "I scared her."

"No one should ever react that way when merely frightened." Fairy Godmother says, turning around.

"You don't know what she's been through!" Carlos defends as he runs off after her and Mal.

"Tell your friend to meet me in my office tomorrow morning." Fairy Godmother tells Jay before he turns around and runs off.

Ben glares at her. "It's not her fault."

Fairy Godmother sighs. "I'm afraid it is." She says before walking away.

Ben slams his fists on the table in anger.

"You okay Ben?" Doug asks.

"She doesn't deserve this." Ben sighs.

"She pulled a knife on you. There has to be consequences." Audrey argues.

Ben looks at her. "No, she was scared. She said something about me manipulating her. That this was all a lie to get her to do what I wanted."

"What are you suggesting?" Doug questions.

"I think the Isle isn't as glamorous as we all think."

Evie runs into the base. The room was empty, causing Evie to sigh in relief.

"Okay, I just need to get a vial of cyanide." She says to herself.

Evie runs over to the weapons room, quickly grabbing a knife. She carelessly searches through her bag of potions and poisons, accidentally destroying a few. She growls in anger, but stops when she sees the green vial. "Perfect." She grins.

She grabs the vial and hides the knife in her boot. She starts heading towards the door, but is stopped when she sees Mal, Carlos, and Jay run in.

"E!" Mal snaps.

Evie smiles sheepishly. "Hi Mal."

Mal glares at her angrily. "You lied to me." She states.

Evie groans. "I wouldn't say lie more like-"

"Damn it E! That's the rule. Lie to others, but never each other!"

Evie glares at her angrily. "Get the hell out of my way." She hisses.

Mal's eyes widen. "What?" She asks.

"I said get out of my way!" Evie shouts.

Mal glares at her before noticing a mix of red and blue liquids on the floor. "No." She growls.

"Out of the way."

Mal's eyes widen. "Oh God. God no, E! Have you been drinking?" She snaps.

Evie glares at her.

"It was for fucking Anthony wasn't it." She hisses. "What does that son of a bitch want?!" She shouts.

Evie glares hatefully at her. "Don't you dare call him that!" She snaps. "Now out of the way."

"Make me." Mal hisses.

Evie glares at her before pulling out a small red vial.

Mal's eyes widen. "You said you destroyed it!" Mal hisses.

"I lied." Evie laughs.

"Eve, he's manipulating you. Please, don't do this. I'm just trying to protect you".

Evie glares at her and throws the vial on the ground. It begins to emit a red smoke that circles around Mal, slowly suffocating her.

"I don't want to hurt you Mal. I just need you out of the way." She growls before glaring at Carlos who had a worried expression on his face. "It'll wear off in a few minutes.

"Hey E. It's okay. He can't hurt you." Mal says.

Evie nodded her head, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry." Mal admits.

Evie looks up at her. "What?"

Mal sighs. "I was trying so hard to fit in and gain Ben's trust, that-that I hurt you."

Evie laughs lightly. "It's okay. I overreacted."

"Hey, it's not your fault." Mal assures her. "Trust me, if I had gone what you went through I would've done the same, and probably actually killed him."

Evie nodds. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"You said you'd be there for me, that you wouldn't let that happen again, and you are."

Mal smiles. "I'll never make that mistake again."

Evie chuckles, wiping away her tears. "You're such an amazing friend Mal. Even if all of Auradon can't see that."

"Mal laughs. "We're not friends E. We're family."

Evie nodds.

"Are you okay with telling me what happened?" Mal asks.

Evie nodded her head slowly. "I was mad, at you, for bringing us there, and then-then when he touched me I-I remembered-"

"Anthony." Mal finishes.

Evie nodds. "He did the same thing when we met and-and-"

"You weren't gonna make the same mistake again." Mal finishes.

Evie nodds. "I was so scared and-and-"

"You snapped."

Evie nodds.

"Eve, this isn't the Isle. Not everyone is like Anthony." Mal explains. "Besides, that's a normal reaction on the Isle."

Evie shakes her head. "But it's not here."

Mal laughs lightly. "The knife might have been a bit much."

"They're gonna take all our weapons now." Evie sighs. "I-I ruined your plan. I'm-I'm so sorry Mal." She stammers.

Mal shakes her head. "No, no, you're okay. It's okay." Mal assures her. "It would have happened eventually."

"Like they can take our knives anyways." Carlos says as he walks in.

"C." Evie smiles.

"Hey, I might not know much about the whole Anthony situation, but you're not alone." Carlos explains. "I'm here for you, and if that means fighting off dozens of guards to prevent them from dragging you back to the Isle so be it."

"We're all here for you." Jay sighs as he walks in.

Evie smiles.

"And Evie, those kids didn't know what they were talking about. You don't deserve to go home, if anything this proves why you need to be here."

Evie shakes her head. "I thought we didn't want them knowing about life on the Isle."

Mal nods. "We didn't, but if they know they won't send us home. There's no way that these good guys could be capable of something so cruel."

Evie smiles and wipes away her tears. "Okay." She sighs. "But C was right. "They can't take our knives anyways."

Mal laughs. "You're not wrong."

She goes in to hug Evie, but it startled by a knock on the door. She slips off the bed and walks over to the door, slowly sliding it open. "Ben?" She questions.

"Hi Mal."

"What do you want?" She growls.

Ben sighs. "I need to talk to Evie."

Evie walks back into the tavern. She looks around for Anthony, but he's nowhere to be found.

"He said to meet him here." Evie sighs.

She walks back out and over to the alley she found Anthony in last night.

"Anthony?" She calls out. "I brought it."

She listens for a response, but it's completely silent. She walks further down the alley, hearing the sound of shattered glass. She walks towards the source of it, but as she walks near it she hears someone moaning. She continues walking down the alley, stopping when she sees Anthony.

She drops the glass of alcohol in her hand, startling Anthony, who's currently laying on top of another girl.

She glares angrily at him and throws the vial of cyanide on the ground, shattering it.

"Evie!" He shouts. "Evie it's not like that."

Evie ignores him and runs, runs to the only place she ever felt at home, her family.

"She doesn't want to see you." Mal growls.

Ben sighs. "I just need to know what happened. I'm not mad, but...people are saying that this proves that she deserves to go home. That all of you need to go home."

"So you're just gonna send us back after one fight." Mal snaps.

"She pulled out a knife." Ben complains. "Mal, she could have hurt someone."

"But she didn't." Mal argues.

"Because you calmed her down."

Mal shakes her head. "No, I didn't do anything."

"Mal, I need to know what happened. Even Fairy Godmother thinks she should be sent home."

"You don't know what she's been through Ben." Mal snaps.

"Which is why I'm here. If I can't present a reason she attacked me then I don't have a choice."

"You scared her." Mal answers. "Just tell them that."

"Mal, people don't pull out a knife on someone when they're frightened."

Mal rolls her eyes. "You aren't going near her."

"Mal I don't want to do this. She shouldn't be sent home, but if there isn't a reason she attacked then she will. Saying I scared her won't hold up."

"Fine." Mal snaps, looking back at Evie. "Come in."

Ben sighs and walks in, careful to notice Evie lowering her head on sight. Jay and Carlos just glare at him.

Ben walks over to Evie. "Look, I'm sorry Evie. But I need to know why you attacked me."

Evie shakes her head, tears streaming down her face.

Ben groans. "Fine, but I'll need the knife."

Evie nods and pulls out the knife, handing it to Ben.

"Great. Now get out." Mal snaps.

Ben stands up. "I'll need any weapons you three have as well."

Mal rolls her eyes but pulls out a knife from her boot, careful to leave a few untouched. She groans and hands them to Ben who turns to Carlos.

Carlos reaches into his jacket and pulls out a knife, while Jay does the same. "Just take it, but leave her alone." Carlos sighs.

Ben nods. "I will do my best to protect you four, and Evie, I'm sorry, but Fairy Godmother wants to see you in her office first thing in the morning.

Evie nods shakily and Mal closes the door, locking Ben out.

"Hey, it's okay Eve."

Evie nods. "I know."

Mal smiles and hugs Evie. "Thank you M." She looks up. "And you guys too."

Carlos and Jay nod. "We're a family." Carlos sighs.

Ben sighs, releasing his ear from the door. There was no way he could split up a family.

He walks off running into Doug and Audrey.

"I need your help." He tells them.

"With what?"

"I need to know why Evie did what she did."

"You mean attack you and threaten to slit your throat." Audrey corrects.

"Isn't that invasion of privacy?" Doug asks.

Ben nods. "Yeah, but it's that, or she might be sent back to the Isle."

"They're friends, we can't split them apart."

Ben shakes his head. "No, they're family."

Mal walks into the hideout, still coughing up red smoke. She heads to the far back room, but stops when she hears crying; sobbing. She follows the source of the sound and finds Evie in the medical room crying. Her first immediate thought is, 'What the hell E?' but given the current situation she tries to control herself.

"You okay?" She asks as she sits down next to Evie.

Evie shakes her head, looking at Mal, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry Mal, I-I put Anthony over the gang and now-now I have neither."

Mal suppresses her laughter, causing Evie to glare at her. "Just because we had a fight doesn't mean that you aren't in the gang anymore. Eve, you're family, family doesn't break apart that easily.

Evie smiles. "I guess it doesn't."

Mal nods. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Evie shakily nods. "I-I lied to you!" She cries. "I put An-Anthony over the gang; ov-over my family." She sobs.

Mal nods. "Love makes you do crazy things."

Evie shakily nods. "Yeah."

"So what happened?"

"I came here to get cyanide." She admits. "Anthony said that someone kept following him, threatening to hurt him."

Mal smirks before laughing, causing Evie to glare at her. "Eve, that was Jay." She explains. "He was just watching out for you, threatening him that if he hurt you he would get hurt."


"He may not always seem like it, but he's family, and we watch out for each other."

Evie laughs lightly. "So he tricked me? Did he know it was Jay?"

"I have no idea."

Evie's heart stops. "Was he gonna try to hurt Jay? Did-Did I give him what he needs to kill Jay?"

"Jay can take care of himself. You still haven't finished." Mal smirks.

Evie nods. "I went there to give him the cyanide, but-but, he wasn't alone. He was with another girl and-and they were-"

"That son of a bitch!" She curses.

Evie nods. "I just ran, he tried to explain but-how could I ever forget what I saw?"

Mal holds back a laugh. "I could go kill him."

Evie shakes her head. "Just promise me you'll stop me from doing anything stupid.

Mal nods. "I won't let him hurt you. I'll be there for you."

Evie laughs.

"Hey, you want to go get a drink?" Mal asks.

"For serious?"

"It sounds like you need something to take your mind off of this."

Evie laughs. "Sure, why the hell not."

"What do you mean they're family? They're-they're villains!" Audrey exclaims.

"I thought all there was among villains was mutual relationships and personal benefit. How-how could they be a family?" Doug asks.

Ben shrugs. "Maybe being in a group for six years brought them closer?"

"No, it has to be that Maleficent's daughter is manipulating them. That it's all a trick." Audrey explains.

Ben glares at her. "You saw the way she caught Evie when she fell into her arms crying, or how she ignored the crowd of people yelling at her that they should be sent back and brought Evie to their dorm, or how she was there for Evie afterwards. There's no way that's just a trick."

Audrey opens her mouth to argue, but can't find the words to do so. "So what do we do then?"

"We fight for them, but we need to know what caused this."

"You want to fight to keep villains here?" Audrey questions.

Ben nods. "If the Isle is what brought her to pull a knife on me, then that's the last place she should be."

"Yeah, but she's still a danger here." Audrey argues.

Ben nods. "We're gonna need to stay close, stop her from doing anything that could hurt anyone."

"But she won't even talk to us, or any boys other than the two in her gang, and even they don't lay a finger on her." Doug explains.

Ben sighs and pulls out his phone. He quickly dials a number and it starts to ring.

"Who are you calling?" Doug asks.

"Someone who might be able to help Evie open up."

"Who?" Audrey asks, dreading the obvious answer.

"My sister." He answers.

Mal and Evie walk into the tavern, grab a glass and sit down. "To moving on." Mal says, raising her glass.

"To family." Evie says, raising her glass to hit Mal's.

"Evie!" Someone shouts.

Evie growls, recognizing the voice and raises her head to say something but is stopped by Mal.

"What the fuck do you want Anthony?" She hisses.

Anthony glares at her. "I-I just want to explain."

"No, now get the hell out of here!" She growls.

"It's not your choice." Anthony scowls. "It's hers." He says pointing at Evie.

Evie shakes her head, refusing to even look at him. "Get out."

Anthony scowls at her, but leaves. Mal sits back down next to Evie. "He won't hurt you again." She says. "I promise."