No Regrets

"You wanted to see me?" Evie asks as she and Mal walk into Fairy Godmothers office the next morning.

Fairy Godmother nods. "Yes, but I'm afraid your friend will have to wait outside."

Mal shakes her head, glaring at Fairy Godmother. "No." She refuses.

"Excuse me?"

"I said I'm not leaving. Anything you need to tell Evie you can tell me!" She scowls.

Fairy Godmother sighs. "Alright." She says looking at Mal before focusing her attention on Evie.

"Your behavior yesterday has brought me quite a difficult decision."

Evie nods solemnly, while Mal holds her hand.

"You see there are many people here that don't think you deserve to be here after yesterday."

Evie nods. "I understand."

Mal shakes her head. "So that's it? One fight and you send her home?" Mal snaps.

Fairy Godmother sighs. "We've never had anyone react that way before. Weapons have never even entered the school, so you pulling out a knife on the soon-to-be king, terrified most the children here."

Evie looks down, a small smirk forming on her face, which she tries to hide by faking a frown.

"Which is why I need to know why." She explains. "Did Ben threaten you, or…"

"No." She responds. "I just freaked out."

"Why?" She questions.

Mal glares at her. "It's personal." She growls.

"Personal or not I still have to make a decision. Without a reason I have to expel her."

Mal glares at her. "No, you can't just expel her."

"I'm afraid I have no choice."

"You already took our knives, she can't hurt anyone."

"Maybe, but if she has violent tendencies like that from Ben touching her and no presentable reason for it, then who's to say it won't happen again?"

"I am." Evie speaks up. "I'll tell you."

"E, you don't have to." Mal assures her.

Evie shakes her head. "I'm not getting you sent back home Mal."

"Okay, what happened? Why did you attack Ben?"

Tears well up in Evie's eyes. "Because he reminded me of someone else."

"E, don't."

"I'm fine M." Evie assures her.

"Who?" Fairy Godmother asks.

"Anthony Tremaine."

"Her ex-boyfriend." Mal finishes.

Fairy Godmother steps back. "Oh, I'm so sorry. But, what could happen to cause you to act like that?"

"He hurt me." Evie answers plainly. "He cheated on me and-and-got me-"

"Evie, don't!" Mal snaps.

"Don't what?"

"Eve, please, don't do it. She can't know." Mal begs. "No one will treat you the same if they know."

Evie nods and changes the subject. "Growing up in a land with only villains kind of made us more violent. We didn't get the chance to be good, and- now because of me- I- I ruined it for my family."

Mal shakes her head. "No, you didn't ruin it E. I wasn't there for you, if that means we have to go home, I will still be there for you."

Evie smiles and hugs Mal. "Thank you." She whispers.

Fairy Godmother looks at the two of them. There was no way that she could send them home. But it wasn't just her choice. "Alright." She sighs.

The two girls look up and look at her. "Alright what?" Mal asks.

Fairy Godmother sighs. "We will make our final decision on Monday. Until then though Evie is suspended."

"Suspended?" She questions.

"Yes, and you will have detention today and tomorrow."

Mal's eyes fill with fear and hatred all at the same time. "Detention!" She shouts. "There is no way you sending her to fucking detention for this, she didn't even hurt anyone, why should she have to go through that much pain?!"

Fairy Godmother stares in shock at Mal's sudden outburst. "I will not tolerate that kind of language."

Mal glares at her. "You are not giving her detention!" She hisses.

Fairy Godmother stares at her. "Detention isn't what you think it is in Auradon."

"Any version of that suffering is torture. You're not putting her through that alone."

"Dear, all detention here is sitting in my office for an hour."

"So you aren't gonna hurt her?" Mal questions, beginning to calm down.

"Goodness no. Maybe I'll give her a few goodness classes but I wouldn't say that hurts her."

Mal glares at her. "Fine, but if she has detention than so do I, and if you dare lay a finger on her I will-"

"Mal." Evie snaps, calming her down. "It's okay."

"I'm sorry dear, but you don't have detention, so I'll have to ask you to leave."

Mal groans. "Fine. We'll do this the hard way." Mal says as she walks out the door.

"Great, now-"

She's interrupted by the door opening and one of the teachers dragging Mal in.

Fairy Godmother rolls her eyes at Mal who smirks in response. "What'd she do?" She sighs.

Mal smiles. "I punched a kid in the face and knocked them out."

Fairy Godmother's eyes widened in shock. "Fine, you have detention."

Mal smiles and sits down next to Evie. "Told you I'd be there." She says to her.

Evie laughs lightly. "So you really think that this won't be as bad as Dragon Hall?"

Mal holds back a laugh. Well they took our knives, so I don't think they can make us write. I will not talk out of turn in our own blood.

Evie grimaces at the memory. "Yeah, let's hope you're right.

There's a beat of silence before Mal finally breaks the silence. "What the hell are we doing here?" She growls.

Fairy Godmother sighs. "I need you to tell me everything that happened. Why you attacked Ben and what this Anthony did."

"No." Mal complains. "You said that-"

"I said we'd make the decision on Monday, and many factors will decide that. The first of which, being her reason for attacking Ben."

Mal glares at her "We don't have to tell you anything."

"I want to help you girls, but I can't if you won't tell me why."

"She told you enough." Mal snaps. "If she doesn't want to think about it then she won't."

"This isn't your choice Mal. We need more reason than an ex-boyfriend."

"An ex-boyfriend who hurt her in unimaginable ways." Mal corrects. "Because of what he did, how he…"

"Manipulated me." Evie finishes.

"Because what he did to her Evie barely can be in the same room as a guy, let alone touch one."

"Interesting, but your file says that you also manipulated every guy on the Isle. How is this different?"

"Because he tricked me into hurting my best friend. I was blinded by my love for him and I hurt them, I hurt my family."

"The Evil Queen?"

Evie shakes her head. "No."

"Us." Mal answers.

Fairy Godmother stares at them. "You're a family?" She wonders.

Mal glares at her. "Don't look so shocked. That's what the gang always was."

"I thought that love was-"

"So you knew?" Evie asks, on the verge of tears. "You knew that there was no love on the Isle and still let us rot there? We went through so much pain because of what your king did to us, and you knew?! You never once tried to intervene, tell them that children don't deserve to be raised without being loved?"

"I thought-"

"You thought what? That since we were the children of villains we couldn't be good?"

"Did you ever consider that we might not have been evil if we were raised by heroes?"

"Are you evil?"

"What do you think? We're troubled, start fights, and pull knives on people, so tell me, are we villains?"

"We're done telling you anything. Make your decision. Send us home, or don't, but you aren't gonna make us do anything anymore." Mal snaps as she grabs Evie's hand and the two stand up. "Good day." She mocks as they walk out the door.

Fairy Godmother stares in shock. Their outburst should have convinced them that they were villains. They gave her real reasons to think so, yet now, she wanted to help these girls more than ever.

"So you mean…" Carlos asks.

"They knew." Mal sighs. "The entire time."

"So they, what? Just let us rot. Go through all that suffering while they lived happily here?" Carlos, asks, anger rising up within him.

Mal nods. "We don't have much time." She explains. "After that outburst they're definitely gonna send us home."

"They are not sending us home over this! I'm not going back to that fucking hell hole. I don't ever want to see that bitch again, not after what she did!" Carlos complains.

Evie nods. "Trust me, we all could go without seeing our parents."

"Like they care. They just confirmed that they knew what happened, all the pain and suffering we endured, so why the hell would they care about sending us home to those monsters." Mal argues.

"So what do we do?" Evie asks her.

Mal smirks. "We steal the wand. Tonight."