Daughter of the Wind

The group broke apart as they heard a knocking on the door. Carlos reflexively pulled out a knife, but Mal pushed it back towards him, motioning for him to put it away. Carlos sighs and hides the knife again as Mal walks towards the door.

The knocking gets louder, causing Mal to growl in anger and pull the door open. On the other side was Ben and Fairy Godmother. "What do you want?" She asks Ben before looking at Fairy Godmother. "I said we were done!" She snaps, beginning to close the door, but she's stopped by Ben who holds it open.

"What the hell do you want?" She snaps.

"To apologize." Ben answers. "I never should have made you come to my table. I knew Evie was uncomfortable and it's all my fault this happened."

"Finally something we agree on." Carlos snaps from behind Mal.

"I will do whatever I can to defend you four. Fairy Godmother told me what happened, about how your parents didn't love you. I-I really had no idea."

"Sure you didn't." Mal scoffs. "And whether you did or not, she did." Mal accuses Fairy Godmother, giving her a death glare.

"Dear, I never meant to say such a thing." She apologizes.

"Don't. We don't need your apology. The fact stands that you knew our parents weren't capable of love, so neither are we. We may be the children of the four most evil villains in all the land, but we are nothing like them." She hisses.

"I never said you were." Ben interrupts.

"But everyone else did." Mal argues. "You heard them,'send them back, they don't belong here', 'they got what they deserved.' Tell me Ben, why do you think we even pulled a knife on you in the first place? Why do you think we were so angry and scared? Oh yeah, I know why, we were raised on the fucking Isle! We don't need your pity, your highness. No matter what you do or say we will still be the same family we've been for years. You can try to send her back, but you'll have to go through us, and we do not go down easily." She says with a smirk.

Ben looked at her in awe. She was so angry and frightening, but she was willing to do whatever it took to protect her friends. He felt guilt creep up his body. He wouldn't be forced to make this decision if he had just backed off. "The school board, along with my parents will get to decide what happens to you four, but I truly do wish and I will try my hardest to protect you four. If the Isle made you this way it's the last place you should go.

Mal felt a smile creep up on her face, but she quickly hid it. "We don't need yours or anybody else's help, we've made it this far on our own, we don't plan to change that."

Ben frowned. Mal was stubborn, she stuck up for her friends, but she didn't change her mind. She had insisted that they'd make it through this on their own, but they never would succeed. He didn't doubt they'd put up a fight, but four kids against an entire kingdom isn't exactly a fair matchup. He needed to get them to explain the real reason she attacked him.

"Okay." He sighs. "If you ever need help or need to talk, I'm here."

Mal glares at him and he walks away, leaving only Fairy Godmother with the four villain kids.

Fairy Godmother frowns and looks at Mal. She walks in and turns towards Evie. Carlos gives her a death glare and Jay stands in front of her protectively. Mal reaches into her bag, but stops when she hears Fairy Godmother. "I'm sorry dear." She told Evie. "I looked into the records from the Isle of the lost for this Anthony person. I'm so sorry about what you went through dear, and I will do everything in my power to keep you here. With this news we can easily sway the public's opinions on your outburst. I just need you to grant me permission to share it."

"No." Mal says, her voice stern and full of venom. "You aren't telling anyone what that bitch did to her."

Fairy Godmother's eyes widen. She didn't expect that sort of response. She looked at Mal. "This might be the only way to keep you guys here." She warns.

Mal nods. "No one should ever know what we've gone through."

Fairy Godmother sighs. "It's your choice, if you don't want me to, I won't tell a soul."

"We can take care of ourselves."

Fairy Godmother sighs. "No one ever should go through what you four have."

Mal smirks before looking back at Fairy Godmother with a frown. "You have no idea."

Fairy Godmother frowns before leaving the room, leaving the four kids on their own.

"Are we really not gonna consider it?" Jay asks.

Mal glares at him. "We can't force that on Evie ever again."

"Mal, if it let's us stay, then I'm willing to let them know." Evie assures her.

Mal shakes her head. "No." She snaps. "We don't need their help."

Carlos walks over to Mal, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Mal, this might be our only chance to stay here. It can't hurt just to tell them."

"No, Carlos, we don't need their help and that is final."

Carlos looks at her with a frown. He knew that Mal was stubborn, and if she didn't want to tell anyone they wouldn't, but he couldn't help but feel like she was hiding something. "Promise me you'll at least consider it as a last resort."

Mal frowned, causing Carlos to make puppy dog eyes. Mal hid her smile. "I'll consider it." She promises.

Carlos smiles and hugs Mal. "So what's plan A then?"

Mal smirked. "We blow this popsicle stand."

A few hours later the boys headed back to their room to take a nap and get properly rested for the upcoming night. As night fell the door opened slightly and Mal and Evie walked in. Carlos was playing a video game and waving his arms frantically, punching the virtual enemies in his game. Meanwhile, Jay was emptying his pockets full of what he had stolen from the other kids in Auradon the day before.

"Haha, die suckers!" Carlos screams at the TV.

Mal smiles and walks over to him, grabbing a controller. Carlos smiles as he and Mal begin rapidly punching at the enemies on the screen. A grin forms on the two's face as they change the mode to versus. The two turn towards each other and begin swinging their arms at each other. Carlos goes for a right hook, his arm only inches away from Mal. Mal smirks and dodges to the side before uppercutting Carlos. Carlos groans. "You weren't supposed to actually hit me." He complains.

Mal smiles. "I thought it'd been a while since we actually fought." She explains, setting the controllers down and putting her fists up.

Carlos grins and throws his controllers to the side before charging at Mal with a left hook. Mal grabs his arm and tries to flip him, but Carlos retaliates with a punch to her side. Mal dodges his punch, letting go of his arm. Carlos slides into her legs, causing her to fall to the floor. He grabs her arm and pins her to the ground, but she smirks and kicks him in the stomach releasing his grip on her.

He goes in for a right hook, to which she grabs his arm, but Carlos planned for it and kicked her side. She falls to the floor with a thud and Carlos reaches his hand out to help her up. Mal smirks and grabs his arm, throwing him on the ground and pinning him. Carlos pushes Mal off of him and gets up, tackling her to the floor. He pins her down again, this time preventing her from kicking him by holding down her legs with his right arm. Mal smirks and leans in and kisses Carlos' cheek. He blushes and loses his focus, giving Mal the opportunity to throw him off of her and onto the floor.

"That was a dirty move!" Carlos complained.

"We're villains, we always play dirty." Mal retorts with a smile as she twists Carlos arm to stop him from moving. Carlos repeatedly taps the floor with his left arm, signalling for her to let him up. She lets go of him and helps him up as the two smile at each other.

"I swear they're so cute together." Evie thought to herself, smiling at the unfolding events. "Even in a dire time like this, those two still find ways to have fun."

Mal looks at Carlos' arm. She chuckles quietly to herself and pulls out her spell book. With a wave of her hand all the bruises on her and Carlos from their fight disappeared. She smiles. "Alright, now that that's over, lets go."

Carlos nods and the two head for the door but are stopped by Evie. Do you two even know where the wand is?" She asks.

Mal's face flushes in embarrassment, and also because Carlos put his hand on her shoulder. "No." She sighs walking over to Evie.

Evie pulls out a piece of glass. "Then I think it's time we find out if this is the real thing." She says.

"It's a piece of glass." Carlos states.

"Not just any glass. We found it in the vault in Dragon Hall with my mother's scepter."

Carlos glared at her. "I thought you two said you never found it." Jay says.

Mal nods. "We didn't want Mom to know, since we failed." She explains.

Carlos smirks. "You? Failed?" He jokes.

Mal glares at him. "Mom cursed it with the last bit of magic she had left. She wanted to kill Evie."

Carlos' jaw dropped. "But there's no magic on the Isle."

"You know that's not true." Mal retorts. "All the small spells I was able to use proved that."

"Not to mention that one girl Harry claimed to have found who had powerful magic." Evie adds.

"He also said that her eyes glowed blue when she was angry," Jay retorts. "He's delusional. She was just a pathetic girl."

"But there's nowhere near enough magic for that powerful of a spell. Even with all the magic on the island the curse could only last a few hours. That and there isn't death on the Isle, so that wouldn't even be possible."

"And it wasn't. When I touched the scepter-"

"You touched it?!" Carlos snapped.

"Yes. It only lasted a few minutes though, not even that."

Carlos sighs. "At least you were okay."

Mal nods. It was nice to see how much her friend cared about her.

"Anyways, we found a bunch of shattered pieces of glass, and if Maleficent's scepter was in there then we assumed that this was my mother's mirror." Evie explains.

"So how does it work?" Jay asks her.

Evie shrugs, beginning an incantation off the top of her head. "Mirror mirror in... my hand, where is Fairy Godmother's wand...stand." She says looking at the mirror.

"Smooth." Carlos teases her.

Evie glares at him, but stops when she sees an image of a brown wand in the mirror.

"It worked." Mal says, surprised that it was actually the real thing.

Evie looks bkack at the image. "Where is that?" Mal asks.

Evie shrugs. "Magic Mirror not so close." She says. The mirror immediately switches to an image of the earth.

"Try being more specific." Carlos tells her.

Evie ignores what he said. "Closer." She says. The mirror zooms in, once again on an image of the wand."

"Damn it!" Evie exclaims, the other three laughing. "Eve, apparently your mirror has a sense of humor." Carlos jokes.

Evie glares at him and he grabs the mirror. "Show us the building the wand is in." He says. The mirror zooms out to an image of a museum with a huge archway, along with a sign out front saying, "Welcome to the Museum of Supernatural History."

Carlos smirks. "Told you to be more specific." He says, throwing the mirror back to her.

She catches it and groans. "Why'd it work for you?"

"Where is that?" Mal asks, ignoring Evie's question.

Carlos pulls out a laptop he stole. He types something on it and turns the screen towards the rest of the group. "2.3 miles from here." He explains, earning a smile from Mal.

"Lets go." She says, heading towards the door, along with Carlos and Jay. She opens the door and the boys run out, but she's stopped by Evie. "Why are you so happy?" She asks Mal.

Mal sighs. "During our fight I kissed Carlos cheek so I could win." She admits, blushing.

Evie jaw drops. "That's what he meant by that was a dirty move."

Mal nods. "What'd he do?" Evie asks.

"Nothing, he thought it was just to win our fight." Mal explains.

"And what did you mean by it?"

"I wanted to win, but I also wanted to see how he'd react, to know if-"

"He felt the same." Evie finishes.

Mal nods. Evie chuckles to herself before putting her hand on her sister's shoulder. "I can almost guarantee you he does."

Mal shook her head. "I don't think so, he just thinks of us as friends."

"Maybe, but if you never tell him you'll never know." Evie assures her.

"But if I tell him and he doesn't feel the same, our friendship will be destroyed." She thinks to herself. "I'll think about it." She says, walking out of the room. Evie smiles to herself. "Those two are meant for each other." She says before following Mal.

Crystal's POV

As I set down my necklace and lay down in bed I hear footsteps. Loud footsteps, like running, just outside my door. It quiets down and I get out of my bed, seeing the halls completely empty. It was well past curfew by now, so on one should be in the halls, but my curiosity got the best of me when I saw a boy with white hair wearing a black and white jacket run by. I grabbed my necklace and slowly closed my door, following the boy. However, he heard my footsteps, causing me to panic as he turned around. I just waved sheepishly at him, while he just stared. He didn't wave back, he just stared…

Slowly the boy turned around, not saying a word as I heard someone call what I assumed to be his name. "Carlos." The person shouted. That's when it clicked. This was one of the VK's who just transferred here. Curious as to why he was ignoring me I walked up to him, even to the point where I stood right in front of him, but he just continued walking forward, as if he couldn't see me.

I sighed in disappointment, of course he was ignoring me too. However, then I saw his head perk up and his eyes widen. He turned around and looked down the empty hall. "Is someone there?" He asks, but he's met by silence.

The boy runs through the hall towards the source of the voice I heard earlier. Curious as to where he's going I follow, just silently walking behind him. The boy meets up with three other kids. One had blue hair. I immediately recognized her as Evie Queen, the person who attacked Ben yesterday. Next to her was another boy with brown skin. He was tall and was wearing a red vest. I recognized him as well. He was Jay, the son of Jafar. He was the one who yelled at Doug. I chuckled quietly to myself recalling the memory before looking at the last person. It was a girl with purple hair. I remembered hearing Ben call her Mal. Creepy kid wanted to stalk her or whatever. "She was the one who calmed down Evie after she attacked Ben." I realized.

Suddenly the four kids look straight at me. I flushed in embarrassment and wave, but no one waves back. "Is someone there?" I hear Evie call out.

I nod, but she looks right past me. "Maybe we should go." Carlos says to Mal. "I've felt like someone was watching us since I left the dorm.

Mal shakes her head. "No, this is our only chance. We have to get the wand tonight before they send us home."

My eyes widen. The wand? What do they want the wand for? Maybe this is what she was talking about.

"So just let Fairy Godmother tell everybody so we'll have more time. Why are you so against that?"

"I just am, Carlos!" Mal snaps. "Okay, nobody is watching us. If you really need me to, I'll use a spell to check."

Carlos nods. Mal pulls out her spell book and flips to a page before saying. "Reveal any hidden force, show us anybody that can hear these words."

My heart stopped as she said those words and I closed my eyes. I tried to imagine what she'd do if she saw me. Surely she'd have no problem killing me.

Yet, I hear her mumble these words, "You're just being paranoid Carlos, there's no one here." She says. He sighs in relief and runs into the museum, the others following him. I sigh in relief and go after them, trying not to make a sound. They walk over towards the doors, seeing a guard around the area.

"Really, one guard." I mutter, instantly clasping my hand over my mouth.

"Eve, you say something?" Carlos asks.

She shakes her head. "Weird." He says.

They both nod before looking at an object next to the guard. I instantly recognize it, a wave of terror flushing through my face.

The guard spins around in his chair, looking at the door. Me and the other four kids dive to the side to avoid his view before leaning back in to look at it.

"That's your mother's spinning wheel." Jay scoffs. "It's kind of dorky."

"It's magic, it doesn't have to look scary." Mal argues.

She opens her spell book, reading the incantation. "Magic spindle do not linger, make my victim prick a finger."

The guard stirs and leans back in his chair. "Impressive." Jay jokes. "I got chills." Carlos laughs.

I hold back a laugh, hopeful to not give away my presence. "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." The guard gets up from their seat and walks over to the spinning wheel, pricking their finger on the spindle. There's a small spark and the man yawns before laying down and falling asleep.

The kids all smile, even me before encountering their next obstacle. The locked doors.

"Stand back." I hear Jay say from behind me. I put my hands in front of me, as if I was saying stop, you're going to hit me, but he continued to lunge forward. "Make it easy, make it quick, open up without a kick. The doors fly open as Jay jumps over me and kicks the now open doors, falling to the floor. Carlos grabs his hand to help him up, while Mal just laughs, saying, "Coming?"

The four villain kids and me walk over to the hall of villains, where four statues stood. There was Maleficent, standing front and center, Cruella De Vil, Evil Queen, and Jafar. The four kids looked at them in fear.

"Mommy?" Evie questions.

"Killer." Jay groans.

"I'll never forget mother's day again." I hear Carlos mutter. I see him shudder looking at the statue, there was a tremor in his voice. Fear.

"Hey it's okay, she can't get you here." I hear Mal tell him as she embraces him in a smiles at her and I can see her blush.

I smirk. So Mal has feelings for Carlos. How sweet.

"Well, the wands not here. Let's bounce." Jay says as he and Evie run off. Mal smiles at Carlos and both of them run off after Evie and Jay. I follow them but not before looking at the four statues of their parents. "What did you do to them for them to fear you that way? I ask. "Their own parents."

I sigh and run after the four villains, only to see them reaching towards the wand. Suddenly a loud siren goes off.

"A force field and a siren. That's just a bit excessive." Me and Carlos say in unison. Luckily, they only heard Carlos.

The four kids ran out of the museum as the siren turned off.

I sighed and walked into the hall of heroes. There were huge statues of a bunch of heroes from all the stories. A life sized version of Aurora and Philip, which just inflated Audrey's ego, Snow White and Prince Florian, Aladdin and Jasmine, and so many more, in the center of it all being Queen Belle and King Beast.

Next to each statue were the magical artifacts from each story. Philips dragon slaying sword, magic lamp, magic mirror, the rose. I scanned the room for what I was looking for, but it was nowhere to be seen. I growled angrily as I walked over to the hall of villains, and surely in the very back was a statue of my parents. Next to it was a big brown staff with an icy tip. I reached for the staff which was surrounded by a glass case. I placed my hand on the case and it shattered and I grabbed the staff as an alarm went off. I quickly ran out with the staff clutched in my hand.

Third Person POV

As the villain kids get back to their dorms Jay and Evie go to bed. Mal was about to go to her dorm, but is stopped by Carlos who grabs her wrist. "We need to talk." He says as he leads her outside.

As the two get outside Carlos grabs Mal's spell book and mutters a spell under his breath. The two instantly disappear and appear again on the roof of the school.

"You can use magic?" Mal asks.

Carlos shrugs. "Spells." He answers. "Figured if you could do it so could I."

Mal sighs. "Why'd you bring me here?"

Carlos frowns. "Why are you so against telling anyone what happened with Evie and Anthony?"

"Nothing happened."

"Don't lie to me. This isn't about Evie is it? Evie's totally open to telling everyone, yet you won't even tell me and Jay. I could ask Evie why you won't tell us, but I'm not. I'm asking you. What happened between Evie and Anthony that you don't want to tell anyone about?"

"Nothing." Mal snaps.

"Mal, nothing's not an answer." Carlos argues. "We finally can have a life in Auradon, we can be away from our parents, live our lives, and-"

"Forget about him! You want me to forget about him. I can't Carlos! Look, I want to get away from our parents just as much as you do. But I can't forget about him. Carlos, I can't abandon him."

"What does that have to do with what happened to Evie?"

"Because Carlos! Because I want to go home! I can't just leave him Carlos, not with my mother, he…"

"Look Mal, I miss him too. And I promise we'll go back for him, but we can't just give up. I know people will just think of us as weak if we tell them about Anthony, but-"

"That's the problem Carlos. They won't think of us as weak. They'll think of us as villains. They'll think of me as a villain, of you as a villain, for God's sake they'll hate Evie too!"

"Mal, what are you talking about?"

Mal breaks down into tears. "I killed her...I killed my best friend's daughter." She cried. Carlos leaned closer to her and she cried into his shoulders.

"Mal, that doesn't make sense."

"A-Anthony, got Evie pregnant…" she muttered, crying onto his shoulder.

Carlos eyes widen. "W-What? You mean…"

"I killed Evie's daughter."

Carlos began to cry. "Mal, what do you mean?"

"W-When I found out Evie was pregnant with Anthony's kid...I-I left her. I abandoned her for eight months, I didn't talk to her or anything. I didn't give her any food, shelter, I-I threatened her child, if she told you. I-I didn't want to lose you because I cared about you. I-I realized what I did and went to apologize and help her. I helped her through labor, but since I wasn't there for her, and Evie was only fifteen, the baby died. Only a few minutes after her birth."

Carlos looked at her. He wanted to scream, he wanted to hate her for what she had done, but he couldn't. He couldn't find it in himself to hate her.

"Evie said she forgave me. We were friends still, b-but, I killed her daughter. I mean, I hurt her and I can't ever forgive myself for that. Even after everything Evie agreed not to tell you. She knew that I regretted it and that I couldn't lose you." Mal wipes away her tears and gets up walking away from Carlos. "But I guess now I have." Carlos ran after her. "Thank you for telling me." He says as he hugs her. She smiles, but it doesn't last long. "And you'll never lose me." He says, before kissing her cheek. Both of them blush and Carlos runs off the roof, leaving Mal there, alone. She sits down and looks at the night sky, remembering the memory that plagued her dreams.

Mal heard a loud scream. She ran towards Evie's room, pulling the door open. She ran over to Evie to see her crying.

"E, what's wrong?" Mal asks.

Evie looks at Mal. "My baby, my baby's gone."

Mal's eyes widen. "No!" She screams.


"This is all my fault." She cries

"M, this is not your fault."

"Yes, it is. If I was there for you, if I wasn't a fucking idiot then this never would have happened. E, I'm so sorry, I-I killed you baby."

"Mal, you can't blame yourself."

"I'm the only one to blame!" I shout. "This is all because of me!"

"M, it's the Isle. The baby never would have lasted long here."

"E, I'm so sor-"

"M, stop. There's no point in blaming someone right now."

"I'm so sorry E."

"I know, but there's no reason to be. M, I forgive you for anything you did or did not do. You made a mistake, so did I. All we can do is move on."

Mal sighs, wiping away her tears. "What was her name?"

"Emily." Evie answers.

Mal leans down and kisses Emily's forehead. "I love you Emily, and I'm sorry."

Crystal's POV

I watched as tears streamed down my cheeks as I listened to their conversation. Mal and Carlos hugged and I saw Carlos kiss Mal's cheek before running off. I smiled and watched Mal sit down and look up at the night sky. I slowly fly down towards her, but I stop when I see her looking straight at me.

"I don't know who you are, or why you think it's okay to intrude on personal matters." She glared at me and I felt fear coursing through me. "But if you get in our way, I will kill you." And with those words she grabs her spell book and disappears.

I sit down and set down my father's staff, staring out to the Isle of the Lost. " We will get you out of there. I won't let those idiots win. Not after what they did to you." I frown "The barrier will come down...and I know exactly who to go to for help."

"Those Beasts will pay…"