It's so Obvious

News spreads fast in Auradon. Especially news about what seems like an idiotic decision. Hardly anyone approved of the VK's staying in Auradon. Most of the students at Auradon were scared of them, all the adults could now only see them as their parents, and some people even began to question Princess Ashlyn and Prince Ben's decision.

The VK's were treated the same. Some understood Ashlyn's decision, after all they never harmed Ben, but any hope of making friends diminished. Ashlyn kept her promise. Only her family, the VK's, and Fairy Godmother knew about the real reason. The VK's returned to Auradon Prep and were told to continue their lives as normal, but what happened had an impact on them.

"It's only been a day and we still are getting people telling us to send them home." Ben complains.

"You know just as I do that they won't stop unless we give them a reason. But I made a promise and I always keep my promises." Ashlyn replies.

"Still, could they calm down for half a second?" Ben complains.

"Nope." She groans. "Can you believe the number of complaints we've gotten from your girlfriend?"

"I don't understand why. She agreed to help me find out, but now she's complaining and saying we made the wrong choice."

"Well for starters, it moves the spotlight from her. She always has been obsessed with being the center of attention."

"I just wish I could tell her the real reason."

"No, Benny. I promised them we wouldn't tell anyone, that includes Audrey, no matter how close you two are." I argue. "Besides, it's not like she'd care. That self centered bitch only cares about herself." She grumbles, quiet enough for Ben not to hear her.

"I know, and I promise I won't. She'll just have to accept that."

"Good boy." Ashlyn teases before walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Ben asks her.

"None of your business." She teases.

"To see the VK's." He guesses.

Ashlyn nods. "Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner!" She jokes.


"Two reasons. One, to see if they want to help me burn all these complaints from Audrey."

Ben rolls his eyes. "Kidding!" She nervously laughs. "Not." She mumbles.

"And the second reason?"

"To trick two love birds into confessing their true feelings for each other." She laughs.

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"By doing what every other girl does. Flirt with her crush." Ashlyn says with a wicked grin.

"You're evil."

"Aww, thank you." She puts a hand over her heart and pretends to feel touched.

"I'll never understand how you're my sister. You're the exact opposite of mom and dad."

"Let's just say I grew up with the wrong crowd."

"Crystal?" He wonders.

"Not even close."

As if on cue Ashlyn got a phone call from Fairy Godmother.

"Yeah...oh you think she...hahaha, yeah, I'll be right over. Okay...bring it. Okay, see ya."

"What now?"

"A certain item was stolen from the museum." She laughs.

"Please say it wasn't the wand." He says, almost begging that to not be the case.

"As hilarious as that would be, that's sadly not the case. Lets just say my best friend might have stolen her father's staff."

"And you wanted me to give her a chance." Ben scoffs.

"We don't even know if it was actually her."

"Who else has a reason to steal something like that?"

"What's her reason?" She retorts.

"Do you really need to ask me that?" He asks.

"What? You're the one accusing my roommate." She argues. "I shouldn't be arguing. I saw the staff in our dorm, but it's fun to argue with Benny." She thinks to herself. "Especially since he never gets mad at me for it."

Ashlyn smirks. "What now?" Ben asks her, getting impatient.

"Oh, I was just...nevermind! Let's just go check it out. Something tells me Crystal's already there."

"Fine, but what about your plan with the VK's?"

"Those love birds have gone a few years without telling each other, what's half an hour gonna do to them?"

A lot apparently. After everything that had happened that weekend the four VK's decided to take a break from the drama and people yelling at them, by locking themselves in their dorm rooms the entire day. Currently Mal and Carlos were in the middle of a match in their game, where they weren't fighting each other.

"Ha! I win!" Mal brags, sticking her tongue out at Carlos.

"You cheated!" Carlos whines.

"Since when was punching you in the gut cheating?" Mal questions.

"Since we forbid physical contact during the game." Evie pipes up.

"So?" Mal scoffs.

"Let me simplify. You punched him, you won. If you didn't punch him, you lose." Jay teases.

"And if you talk to me like that, he won't be the only one I punched!" Mal snaps, causing Jay to laugh.

"She warned you." Carlos mumbles as Mal runs over to Jay.

Jay tries to stop her, but Mal casts a spell immobilizing him and punches him as hard as she could in the gut, causing Carlos to start laughing. Mal sent a glare his way before smiling.

"Alright, now that that's over with I think we should play a game." Evie says.

"Weren't we just doing that?" Carlos asks.

"Yeah, this is a different game though. One I know Mal loves." Evie says with a smirk.

"I vote yes! I vote yes! I vote yes!" Jay repeats with the same smirk.

"No! No way in hell! Carlos, please don't do thi-"

"I'll play."

"I hate you."

"What's so bad about it?" Carlos inquires.

"The fact that E runs the game!" Mal complains.

"Well, I fucked up." Carlos groans.

"Yep, okay Jay, you're first." Evie says with a smile.

"Alright. Truth or dare Evie?" Jay asks with a smirk.

"Truth." She answers.

"Alright, who's your favorite best friend?"

"Well, you're the only one who doesn't hate this game. Carlos is just a sweetheart, and Mal has helped me through a lot, plus I've known her the longest. So Mal."

"Aww, thanks E." She cooes. "I still hate you."

Whatever, my turn now." Evie says.

"No. No. No! No!" Mal cries. "Anyone else!"

"Okay, M, truth or dare?" Evie asks.

"Can I quit?"

"Nope. Now truth or dare."

"I'm fucked either way." She complains.

"Don't make me ask again M."

"Fine. Dare."

Evie smiles. "I dare you to kiss Carlos." She even paused for dramatic effect after each word.

"Umm, no."

"Can't back down from a dare." Jay chuckles, causing both Mal and Carlos to glare at him.

"Anything else." Mal begs.

Mal's interrupted by Carlos who leans forward and kisses her cheek. "Okay, Mal's turn now."

"That's not fair. I dared Mal to do it." Evie whines.

"Too bad. Evie, truth or dare."

"Dare." Evie answers.

Mal smiles. "Okay, I dare end this fucking game right now!"


"Can't back down from a dare." Carlos teases.

Now it was Jay and Evie's turn to glare at the two other VK's who were both grinning.

"Fine." Evie groans.

"Nice one." Carlos compliments, high-fiving Mal.

"You, love birds. Quit it."

"We are not-"

"Don't deny it." Evie snaps with a smirk. "So now that you took the easiest way to have fun and embarrass Mal, what do you want to do?"

Jay smirks. "I know exactly what."

"I don't think we should let them ever choose a game again." Mal tells Carlos.

"Okay, well if that's the way it's gonna be me and Evie are just gonna go."

"What are you doing?" Evie whispers.

"Giving them time alone." He whispers back.

She smiles. "Yeah, have fun. Me and Jay are just gonna leave. Mal, don't kill him."

"Whatever E."

Jay and Evie leave the room, but then instantly press their ears to the door.

"So what do you want to do?" Carlos asks, fidgeting his fingers awkwardly.

"Umm, so I know I asked you this question a long time ago, back in the treehouse, but umm, did your answer change?" Mal asks.

Carlos thought about it for a moment. "No. What about you?"

Mal sighs. "I don't know. I know we said we wouldn't change anything because we might never have met if we did but...that was before I met him."

"I miss him too. And I know how much he means to you, but what does that have to do with the question?"

"I know I said I wouldn't change anything for me, but…"

"You would for him." He finishes.

She nods. "He was treated so badly, and now we have this opportunity, the chance to be good, something we never had, but I'm scared if I choose to be good and live here in Auradon like Ashlyn promised us, that I'd lose him."

"Mal, we won't let your mother do anything to him." Carlos assures her.

"How? She's on the Isle with him. We can't do anything to them. For all I know she could be torturing him this very moment."

"Mal. We will stand by you no matter what choice you make. What we said about Evie, goes for you too. You're our family. So is he. We all want him back, but maybe there can be another way."

"No, there isn't. If I don't get mom the wand she'll…"

"We won't let her hurt him."

"How? How can you say that? We have no idea what she's doing to him right now."

"Well, if she wants us to actually steal the wand, she won't lay a fucking finger on him."

Mal giggles as Carlos hugs her. "We'll get him back. Whether that's through good or evil, because we're rotten…"

Mal smiles. "To the core. Thanks Car."

"I'm here for you. You were always there for me. So I'll gladly repay the favor."

Ashlyn's POV

I walked with my brother into Fairy Godmother's office. As I expected Crystal was sitting in the chair across from her. I walk over and sit down next to her, my brother on my other side.

"Princess Ashlyn, you explained everything to Prince Ben, correct?"

"Ashlyn, and yes. So what's going on." I groan. I already was bored.

"Well, as you know, Jack Frost's staff was stolen from the museum last night-"

"And you assumed it's Crystal." I retort.

"Exactly. She is the only one who has cause for stealing it, and is the only person who could possibly use it, only working for her bloodline."

"Well, in her defense, the staff is her fathers. And since he isn't here anymore, so it technically belongs to her. Just because it was put in a museum against her will, it still belongs to her, so really, there's no issue here." I explain. "Can I go now?"

"There's more to it. The staff was stolen, but knowing she was at the museum that night, makes her a main suspect for the person who tried to steal my wand."

I can't help but smirk at her words. "Well, did she actually steal the wand?"

"No. I don't think so." Ben says.

"So then what's the problem. Increase the security on the wand, problem solved. She won't do it again, I promise. So, now, can I go."

"Princess Ashlyn I need you to look at this from a different standpoint."

"Do I have to? I have places to go and things to do." I whine.

"Sis, sit down." Ben tells me.

I roll my eyes but sit back down. "What do you want me to do?"

"Well for starters I'm gonna need you to check yours and Crystal's dorm for anything she may have stolen from the museum."

"Because if she stole anything from the museum she'd definitely hide it in our dorm where I can find it." I say with a sarcastic smile. She did, but they don't need to know that. "And either way, the staff belongs to her. It belonged to her family, and was stolen when her father disappeared. If she stole it, she was getting back what rightfully belonged to her."

"It's dangerous. A magical artifact like that is too dangerous for a child her age."

"A dangerous artifact that yes, powers up her magic, but also helps her control and store her magic. Now, there's a lot of legal shit already between us and Crystal's family, so I suggest we keep it on the down low, and let her have what rightfully belongs to her."

"You seem so sure she has it." my brother states.

"I may have seen it last night, and the night before, and the night before that, and this morning, I mean, the fact you guys haven't seen it is amazing. If you were gonna suspect someone you should at least have checked their dorm to see if it was lying next to their bedside. Anyways, I don't get what you're so upset about, so, if we're done here, me and Crystal are gonna go back to our dorm."

I stand up and grab Crystal's hand and we walk towards the door.

"What about the wand?" my brother asks.

I roll my eyes. "It wasn't her. She has no need for it."

We both walk out and close the door behind us, leaving my brother and Fairy Godmother to discuss further. We walked over to our dorm and as I opened the door I saw the infamous stolen staff lying on Crystal's bed.

"So why'd you really steal it?" I ask as I close the door behind us.

"Is it stealing when it's technically mine?"

"I guess not, so why? And don't tell me that it helps you control your magic because I know that's a lie."

Crystal sighs. "I need it to get back my dad."

"I figured that much. But how is that supposed to help? The staff can help you find him, but that's not the issue. We already know where he is, it's how do we get there, and how do we get him out? How is your dad's staff supposed to help with that. Even it's magic isn't strong enough for something like that."

"Yeah. I know. I just can't sit around anymore. I saw how much those kids suffered, and I'm really glad that you stopped them from going back there, but it only makes me worry about him more."

"You're scared of what might be happening to him." I realize.

"We both know he doesn't deserve to be there, and I know you've been trying really hard to get him back, but I can't bear the thought of something happening to him there. No matter how little the staff helps I need it. If I want any chance to get my dad out of there I need to be able to control my magic, and I need it to be stronger."

"Crysie, I promised I would do anything to get him back, and I keep my promises. We will get him back, no matter what. My parents were wrong to do what they did, which is why it's a good thing I never listen to anyone. Trust me, we would not be this far if I did."

"It still feels like we haven't done anything. I know you've helped the four villain kids, and I know that we're closer than ever to getting my dad back, but I still feel like we're in the same place we were weeks ago. I know you have helped the villain kids, but…"

"Crysie, we'll get your dad back. Soon, okay. We just need to find a new way."

She nods. "I think I know how."

"You want to help them." I realize.

"Um, yeah, how'd you know?"

"I used my magic to show Mal things that made her happy, it showed moments with De Vil, one of them being at the museum."

"Oh, well yeah. They were there. I'm pretty sure they wanted to wand to destroy the barrier and free their parents."

"Interesting. We might want to talk to them soon."

"You want to tell them?"

"We have to. We'll see how they adapt. They said they were gonna give good a chance, although I doubt it."

"What do you mean?"

"After I yelled at my parents about the conditions of the Isle they came to calm me down and told me they might give it a good shot. While that could help us a little, we need them to steal the wand. Good or bad."

"Don't you feel bad for using them that way?"

"For the good of Auradon, some sacrifices must be made. No matter how much it hurts my family or my friends, I have to do this."

"You're not worried at all about hurting them?"

"No, I am. I really don't want to hurt them, especially after what I already did to them. I just want to help them, but I also need to help everyone else. I need to do what's best for Auradon and the Isle. I need to do what's best for them, and for anything to work, we need a way to open the barrier. They might be our only chance at that."

"I really can't tell if you're a hero or villain according to those standards everyone has. You want to do things for the good of the kingdom, but you're willingly going to destroy people's lives. You're doing everything to help me, but at your own family's expense. I really can't thank you enough. You're an amazing friend Ashlyn."

"You guys are like my real family. I'd do anything to help you. I miss him too."

"Thanks Ashlyn. I don't know what I'd do without you?"

"Seems like everyone's saying that these days. First Ben, now you, I wonder who's next. Seems like none of you could really live without me."

"I'm not sure if we could. I'm sure lots of people can't. You've done a lot already for Auradon. You've done a lot for me, and done a lot for the people in the Isle."

"Thanks Crysie."

"You have got to stop calling me that." She complains.

"Never gonna happen." I smirk. "Wanna come see the VK's with me?"

She definitely noticed the look on my face. "What are you doing to them now?"

"Nothing." I deny, my voice being a higher pitch than before.

"Stop lying, what are you doing?"

"I'm just gonna go trick De Vil into realizing his feelings for Mal." I admit. "And do so by flirting with him."

Crystal just burst out laughing. "She's gonna kill you, you know that right?"

"It's for the best. They're meant for each other, I'm just helping them realize it." I couldn't hold back my laughter anymore. "In the most brutal way possible." I finish with a chuckle.

"You're evil." She jokes.

I laugh. "I try to. See you later Crysie." I say walking towards the door.

"It's Crystal!" She calls back, but I already was out of the door.

Carlos' POV

As I left Mal's room dozens of thoughts coursed through my brain. What do we do? How can we get the wand? What will Maleficent do to him if we fail? What were Jay and Evie talking about? Can we really give good a chance? Why the hell did I say all of that to Mal, but most of all, why did I feel safe with Mal? I felt like I was at home with her being there, but why? What was this feeling I keep feeling whenever I'm with Mal?

My thoughts continued to course through my head when I saw Jay and Evie in front of me.

"Oww! Watch where you're going Carlos." Evie complains.

"Me? You're the ones who were sitting right outside our door." I realized what I just said. "Why were you outside our door?"

"We, umm, we…"

"You guys are weird." I say as I roll my eyes before walking back to my dorm. As I walked in I sat down on my bed, sprawling across the bed, my arms and legs stretched out. My heart was beating at an excessive rate and my pulse was racing. I felt a churn in my stomach and heat seeping into my cheeks. My mind is focusing on one thing; Mal. For the last four years my mind has raced at the thought of Mal. I never knew what it ever meant. I enjoyed her company over everyone else. I felt this weird feeling I felt around no one else. But I never understood it.

We all grew up being taught that love was weak. Even familial love was weak, but we always knew otherwise. We grew up teaching each other how to love, we were each other's family. But I always felt different about her for some reason. We were closer than friends, but I didn't know what that meant.

When we came here and I saw her with Ben, I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time. Jealousy. I don't know what it means. Jay and Evie always seem to be smiling whenever we're near each other. Ben seemed to have this smile, the same smile Mal gave me. I always thought that meant that she was happy to be with me, or that we were friends, but Ben had never met her, yet he had that same smile. I felt anger boiling up in me as he gave her that smile, a smile usually only that we gave her. She didn't seem to realize or care much, but I felt my cheeks warming up.

Mal's always been there for me. Whenever I was scared like when we first came to Auradon and I saw the statue of that monster, she helped me up. When I had my nightmare a few nights ago she came over to my dorm and sang to me, regardless of the rules.

We've always felt close, but for some reason, I wanted to be more. I don't talk to anyone the way I talked to Mal.

As I laid down on my bed my eyes began to close, when a memory came to mind. It was me and Mal, back in the treehouse. As Mal began to climb down the treehouse something caught my eye. Spray painted over my logo, a black and white crossbones, was two dragons, that formed a heart, one black, one green. I smiled and left, not giving it much thought.

Another memory came to mind. I was looking through one of the closets in Hell Hall. I had stolen one of my mom's fur coats that were too small and had taken a liking to wearing them everywhere. I took a few cans of red, black, and white spray paint and dyed the jackets in my own colors. Lastly, I painted a crossbone on the back of the fur coats. A few nights later when I put on one of the coats I saw the same symbol I saw in the treehouse. Painted over my crossbones symbol, was two dragons forming a heart, one purplem one green. I got upset and asked Mal why she did it, causing her to blush for some reason, mumbling something under her breath. I still didn't pay much attention to it.

I got up from my bed and walked over to my closet, pulling out one of the fur coats Mal painted. The symbol still remained, but I didn't see it as I did before. I used to see it as Mal ruining my coats, but now I saw it as something else. Not only as a symbol of our friendship, but as a symbol of being combined, almost as a two in one, "I'm there for you, you're there for me." kind of thing.

Suddenly another flash…

It was just me and Mal. It was dark and then Mal started screaming. I ran over to her, to try and calm her down but she kept crying out in pain. Every scream physically hurt me, like my heart was aching for her. But then, it stopped.

That was when we found him, I guess the idea of finding him made me forget about the rest of that day, and the pain I felt when I saw her in pain.

I put on the fur coat as an idea came to mind. I walked out of my dorm and back over to Mal and Evie's dorm. I knocked on the door, to see if they were there, but nobody answered. I pulled out the key Mal gave me a few nights earlier and opened the door. The room was empty. I smiled and walked over to a closet. I knew that Mal brought spray paint from the Isle, so when I opened the closet I was pleasantly met by dozens of cans of spray paint. I grabbed a few cans of purple, green, and black spray paint before heading back towards the door. As I walked by the door something caught my eye. Sitting on Mal's bed was a purple pendant with a dragon on it.

I realized what it was and walked towards her bed. "Sorry Mal." I mumble under my breath before grabbing the pendant. I notice a latch and pull at it, the pendant falling out of my hand instantly. Inside of the pendant, was a picture of me and Mal, next to it, that same symbol. I couldn't help but smile, my cheeks lighting up a bright pink. I felt a wave of emotions crash over me. My heart began beating twice as fast. I could feel myself shaking. Next to the image of me and Mal, was a red and purple heart. I began to realize what I was feeling, I liked Mal.

I always felt like I wanted to be more than friends, but I never realized it. Every time I was with Mal I could feel my heart racing. It was like every little thing meant the world to me. Her smile was the most beautiful thing I had seen, a smile that was always reserved for me. It was so obvious now that I thought about it!

I closed the locket, my heart continuing to beat excessively. "I really hope Mal doesn't hate me for this." I say before setting down the pendant and walking out of the bedroom with the cans of spray paint still in my hands. As I walked into my dorm I grabbed one of my fur coats. I laid it down on the floor as I grabbed a can of green spray paint. My thoughts all focused on my feelings for Mal. She's always been there, sure we met in horrible circumstances, but being her friend has changed my life. She deserves something to let her now I'm thankful for that.

I open the can of green spray paint and start spraying the red sleeves, dying them green.

I set down the green spray paint and grab a can of purple spray paint. I spray the white part of my fur coat purple.

I grabbed the can of black paint and started painting black streaks on the green sleeves, swirls of magenta circling around them.

I started painting small gold dots on the bottom corner of the jacket, green and purple swirls circling around them.

I looked at the jacket before hearing the door rattle. My heart stopped and I panicked, shoving the jacket into the closet, careful to prevent the paint from dripping.

I closed the closet door and was about to walk towards it when I saw the door knob rattle before clicking, signifying a successful break in. I was about to reach into my jacket and pull out a knife, already forgetting they were in a different jacket but stopped when I saw the person on the other side.


Ashlyn's POV

I was walking towards Mal's dorm when I heard a voice singing in the distance.

When I know something is true beyond question or doubt

There's no particular point in pointing it out

Blue is the color of sky

Our mother's don't worry and on the Isle we can't die

We all sing, we're family

It's something I don't need to hear

It's just clear

I immediately recognized the voice and started walking towards his dorm. It was across the hall from Mal's, so I was surprised she couldn't hear him. As I neared the door to his dorm the voice got louder.

Why go, stating the obvious

It's so, painfully obvious

How could I miss

Something that's this plain to see

When it's glaring and staring right at me

So obviously

"Maybe you won't need my help at all." I mutter with a smile.

When you get bored you start painting everything you can see

You confide in me and you tell me what you always think

And you dance like nobody's there

Awkward or perfect, you don't even care

Something courageous, amazing, contagious, and kind

All combined

My smile grew wider. It was about Mal! Carlos loves her too! He doesn't need my help. As I walked closer towards the door I heard the sound of spray paint. Intrigued, I cocked my head to the side and started pushing the door open, only to find out it was locked.

Of course he locked the door before singing about his feelings.

Why go, stating the obvious

It's been, painfully obvious

How could I miss

Something that's this plain to see

When it's glaring and staring right at me

So obviously

Sometimes the words we tend to withhold

Well, they're exactly the words you need to be told

But oh, thinking you know

I never said I love you

I love you, I love you

I love you

I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable he was at the moment. He loves Mal. I never would've guessed that. "So he finally realized what he was feeling." I mumble

He finished singing and I tried to open the door again, but it didn't budge. I sigh, but take out a hair pin and pick the lock. Trust me, I do this a lot more than you think. Almost every night.

I rattled the lock and pulled out the pin before opening the door. As I got in Carlos had already hid all the spray paint, but I think I know where it is.

"Ashlyn?" He says, his scowl shifting into a smile.

"Hey Carlos." I say.

"Hey Ashlyn, what are you doing here?" He asks, looking nervous.

"Oh, I just wanted to see if you guys wanted to help me with something." I lie. Well, it's not a full lie. I did want to ask them if they wanted to help burn all of Audrey's letters and complaints, but that wasn't entirely why.

Carlos seemed to relax a bit more, his shoulders slumping down. "Um, sure, but I don't know where the others are." He sighs, sitting down on the bed.

It's time to confirm my suspicions. I walk over to him before pulling the closet door open. My mouth drops as I look at the coat Carlos painted.

I couldn't help but laugh, causing Carlos to run over and close the closet door.

"It's not what you think." He defends.

I scoff. "Who are you trying to convince? Me? Or yourself?"

He just stops and freezes in place. He just stares blankly at me for a few seconds. I decide to put an end to it and wave my hand in front of his face, causing him to flinch and look back at me.

I noticed he was blushing, his cheeks a bright pink.

"You really love her don't you." I sigh.

He just stares blankly at me. "It-It's not like that."

"Don't lie to me Carlos." I say with a smirk before looking back at the jacket that was now painted in Mal's colors. "Turns out you don't need my help after all."

He just gives me a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I came here to help you realize your feelings for Mal." I admit.

He just looked confused. "You mean-"

"It's so obvious." I complain. "Like seriously, you two are the only ones oblivious to it."

Carlos' face lit up. "So that's why Jay and Evie kept freaking out every time we were near each other." He realizes.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Yep." I say.

He suddenly froze again.

"What now?" I groan, rolling my eyes.

"How did you plan on doing that?" He asks.

I smirk. "I may have planned on flirting with you in front of Mal just to make her angry so you'd realize that you hated seeing her angry or upset, but also that you'd never feel the same about me or any other girl the same way you feel about Mal."

"She would've killed you." He deadpans.

I smile. "I know, but anything for true love." I tease.

"Just stop." He says.

I shake my head. "You just sang a love song about your feelings for her."

He didn't say a word, almost as if he didn't realize that. That's a whole new level of being oblivious.

"But no matter how much you deny it, you love her. So don't deny it anymore."

Carlos just smiled. "So what did you need my help for?" He asks, changing the subject.

I frown. I enjoyed teasing him about his love life, but I'll back off for now. "I just wanted to see if any of you wanted to help me burn all these complaints from Audrey." I say, pointing to a bag full of letters.

He smiles. "Hell yeah!"

I smile and we walk out the door to Mal and Evie's dorm.

"Hopefully she's back by now. She won't want to miss this."

"Aww, do you really want to see Mal that much?" I tease him, noticing his pink cheeks.

"N-No." He stammers.

"Liar." I whisper in his ear before walking further ahead and knocking on the door. Through all of this only one thought was in mind, "I'm sorry Carlos. I'm sorry for what I'm gonna do to you and your friends, but someone has to do this. My family made a mistake, and I'm gonna fix it. I can't let the thought of hurting my friends prevent me from doing what's right. Please forgive me."