The date

"Thank god the class finally over. Let's heading home and sleep peacefully. " Tommy said excitedly.

"Are you even a human? You always eating and sleeping. Don't you have any life goals?" Saint got irritated by Tommy's excitement.

"Yes I have." tommy said in a funny way.

"Really?? Then tell me your goals."

"My goal is my motto. My motto is do whatever you like. So I am following my motto." Tommy said proudly as he lifted his shirt collar. 

"Then what is it you like?"

"For now I like....... eating and sleeping hehehehe."

"Ptooey." Saint got irritated and spit his other side.

"Hey pal, don't underestimate my motto." Tommy said.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Don't come near me crying when you fail the exam. " When saint got irritated by his friend his phone buzzed. Saint took his phone from under the table and he was looking at the phone for a while instead of answering the call.

"Hey why are you staring at your phone? Come on pick it up."

"But it's shows just number. Not the contact name. So I wondered who is it."

"You have to pick up the call if you want to know who it is."

"Yeah Okay." Saint answered the phone.


There was a deep voice came from the other side of the call. Once he heard the voice he cut the call without any second thought. And he looked so nervous, at the same time he looked happy.

Saint's pov...

Even I didn't saved his number I can tell who is the person behind this deep fruity voice. How can I forget the voice that I always want to hear. But I am so nervous now, I can feel coldness on my hands but at the same time they are numb also. I couldn't say a word. My lips are sealed because of a weird feeling that happening in my heart now.

End of pov.

"Hey, why did you cut the call?" Tommy asked who noticed everything.


"Who was that? Why did you cut the call?" Tommy asked again.

"It's...... P'....Zee."

"Doc? I thought he wouldn't call. But why didn't you talk to him?"

"What should I talk? I am so nervous. If he asked about last night what will I do?" Saint asked nervously.

"Why are you acting like a K drama female lead? You are also a boy. You have to talk boldly." Tommy gave some advice to Saint.

"You will understand when you are in the situation like me." Saint said annoyingly.

"I will never have a situation like that." Tommy said proudly. 

Zee's pov...

"What?" Jimmy asked Zee when he took the phone from his ear dissapointedly.

"He cut the call."

"What??? Then what did he say?"

"Are you deaf Jimmy? Didn't you pay attention when I said he cut the call? He didn't speak a word. When he heard my voice he cut the call instantly. "

"That's what I always saying when you talk with someone talk slowly and softly. Now look for yourself what you did, he got scared and ran away by your voice." Jimmy  irritated Zee.

"Are you insulting me Jimmy? Please be serious. I am so worried here. Why he cut the call? So it means he doesn't want to talk to me right? Is he angry with me? I think I  made a wrong move. I shouldn't kiss him. At first I must have known his thought. Zee you idiot, you ruined everything with your own hand." Zee scolded himself.

"Don't be an over dramatic hero. If you have made a wrong move he would stopped you when you kissed him. But he didn't do like that. May be his call cut by accidentally. You can call him again."

"What should I do if he cut the call again?"

"We have only one way to find out that. Just call him already.  We can give him time if he do as the same as before na?"

"Ok, then I'll give him another call." Zee called again.

Saint's pov...

"You shouldn't have cut the call. Now how do we know the reason he called?"

"Don't scold me, I was nervous ok?"

"Now what should we do? Hmmm.... how about you call him? Isn't it a good idea?" Tommy gave an idea.

"Are you insane? How can I call him? I cut his call just a minute ago."

"Then what next?...." when Tommy was thinking about their next move Saint's phone buzzed again.

"Here, he called again. Answer the damn phone already." Tommy yelled at Saint. But this time Saint's heart fluttered even more.

"You won't answer right? No problem." Tommy took the phone and answer himself.

Zee's pov...

"Why are you looking like you are going to poop?"

"Shut the hell up Jimmy. I am so nervous.  What will I do if he cut the call again?"

"If you are not sure about, then give me the phone." Jimmy took the phone from Zee's hand.

"Hey Zee, he answered. Hello!" Jimmy said.

"Hello doc! Is that you?"

"Is he alwasys call you doc?" Jimmy asked Zee as he covered the phone with his other hand.

"No, why?"

"Then why is the caller called you doc?" Jimmy asked confusingly.

"Oooh, It's not nong Saint. I this it's his friend. He is the one who called me like that."

"Ooho, then I'll handle this." Jimmy smiled like he hit the jackpot.

"Hello dude, are you there? Talk with me."

"Ah yes yes I am here. Then how are you darling?" Jimmy decided to mess with him. So he pretended like Zee and asked him in a flirty way.

"I know you are older than us. But I don't know you have this problem.  Are you that old?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I am not Saint dude. I am his friend. Can't you recognize his voice?" "OUCH. What the hell Saint. " Saint hit Tommy for his bad mouth.

"Talk nicely." Saint said with a soft voice.

"Then can you speak?" Tommy asked annoyingly. But Saint let his friend to talk.

Zee's pov...

"Why are you laughing?" Zee asked his friend who laughing hardly.

"You are right. He indeed bad mouth person. But seems interesting. "


"Yeah yeah, then who are you? Why are you answer the phone? where is my Nong then?"

"My Nong??? You couldn't even recognize his voice. But you call him My Nong."

"The line is not clear I think."

"Ah ah leave it. Why do you call him?"

"I want to talk to him personally.  So I called for ask him out."

"You want to meet him again? Hmmm.... Ok then where should I bring him?"

"Will you come also?"

"Of course.  I won't let him alone with you anymore." Tommy said like an over protective mother.

"Interesting." Jimmy whispered.

"What did you say?"

"Ha nothing. Then we will meet at the cafe near your campus at 4 O'clock tomorrow.  Bye." Jimmy cut the call.

"What did he say?"

"He said he wouldn't let Saint alone with you Hahaha. He will come with your cutie tomorrow. What a bitch. "

"Hoo, what should I do then. I want to talk with Saint personally. "

"Dont worry I can be there with you if you want or else it's ok." Jimmy said like he doesn't care.

"Don't pretend like you don't care. I know you want to come with me so bad. What is the matter? Are you interested in Saint's friend." Zee asked Jimmy playfully. 

"Are you crazy? Who can like a bad mouth person like him? He easily fall for my tricks. I like to tease him That's it." Jimmy said with a suspicious smile.

"But I can smell something fishy."

"Don't tease me, tomorrow you have a date with your soon to be boyfriend. Be ready bye." Jimmy rushed from Zee.

"I know you my friend." Zee said himself and smiled.

Saint's pov...

"He want another date."


"Hm. He wanted to talk to you something.  So he asked you out."

"But I didn't accept that."

"You didn't but I did. Don't angry at me. This is a good thing. You can talk and clear things with him. Don't worry I will be there with you. I won't leave your side promise. " Tommy promised to saint.

Perth's pov...


After my class ended I rushed to my room. I couldn't find P'Saint today. But it's okay. It's ok if I couldn't meet you today. I have three more weeks to spend my time with you. I was thinking about P'Saint while watching TV then I heard the door opened. There was my Beloved brother arrived from work. He looked very happy and his face was bright like sun. Only today I have seen him this much happy After a long time. So I greeted him with a big smile.

"Good evening P'."

"Oh good evening. Aren't you go out anywhere today? You always hanging out with your friends."

"No P' I am free today. By the way why are you looking so happy today?"

"Am I that obvious?" Zee asked like a child.

"Exactly." Perth smiled at his brother.

"How did you find out anyway?"

"P' I am your brother. I can tell by seeing your eyes."

"Ok I'll tell. I met this guy a few days ago. I like him since at the first moment that I met him. So I have asked him out."

"Hoo, you are faster than I thought. Then..... who is the person who made you fall for him head over heels? What is his name? Is he a doctor too? Can I meet him? Can you bring me with you next time when you meet him?" Perth was jumping between heaven and earth in joy.

"Calm down my boy. First I have to know what is his feeling for me. Then I'll introduce you to him ok na?" Zee asked Perth as he caressed Perth head.

"Hmm then ok."

"I am a bit tired.  So I am heading to my room ok good night."

"Won't you have dinner?"

"It's ok, I am not hungry." Zee smiled at Perth and heading to his room.

Next day...

"Saint what the f*ck are you wearing?" Tommy yelled at Saint.

"Why? What's wrong with my outfit?" Saint asked as he adjusted the dress.

"Are you going to go for a date or school? Why are you wearing white?" Tommy asked irritably.

"For your kind information it's not my uniform. So no, I am not going to school."

"I am so done with this kid. Just look at you in the mirror for yourself Saint."

Saint looked at the mirror and saw his reflection.

"Why what's the problem? I think It's ok for me." Saint said as if he satisfied with what he was wearing.

"I am so done with you." Tommy said unbelievably.

"Yeah yeah let's go."

"Aren't you nervous anymore?" Tommy teased saint.

"A little bit." Saint casually said.

At the cafe...

"You saw your watch 18599859th time already. However he will come anyway. Don't get panicked for a second.

Will he come?" Zee asked Jimmy.

"He will come. And I will be back in a minute."

"Where you are going?"

"I need to use the restroom. I'll be back."

"Hmm." Zee nodded his head.

After some moments they arrived the cafe.

"Are you ok? Are you nervous?"

"Oh God Tommy,  will you stop asked this question for a minute. You kept asking this. I am okay."

"Then let's get inside."


Saint and Tommy parked their car at the parking lot and they got inside the cafe. When they enter the coffee shop Saint's eyes widened and looking for the particular person. One he found the person his memories came back and his face turned red because of blushing. He was looking at that person without even blinking his eyes. At the moment Tommy caught by saint's blushing face.

"Don't blush too much na? He will dead for sure if you blushing like this." Tommy teased saint with smiling face.

"You like to tease me don't you?"

"What to do. This is my nature."

"Nature my a...."

"Stop right there. Your man is waiting for you there. So let's heading to him." Tommy stopped saint when he about to yelled at Tommy. 

Tommy walked Saint as he hold Saint's hand to the place where Zee seated. When they arrived the certain spot, Zee was watching the time in his watch.

"Errr... H...hi!" Saint greeted Zee.

Zee caught up by the voice and looked upright. There was his Nong stood like an angel with his white outfit.

"Hi, Nong Saint." He greeted Saint with the bright smile and stared at him. Saint also smiled at him.

"Ahem!" Tommy clear his throat to bring them to reality from their dream world.

"Did you planned to talk like this or can we sit?" Tommy asked tiresome.

Him again? Zee thought to himself and he observed the holding hands. He got jealous instantly.

Then they sit and talked. Saint didn't speak that much, he could only smiled and nodded his head. But Tommy asked so many questions to Zee. He looked very tired by the questions. When will this gonna end? Zee screamed inside him. The he messaged his friend to the rescue, come help me. Drag this roller coaster out.

Some moments later...

"Saint I'll be back ok?" Tommy looked rushed.

"Where are you heading?" Saint asked .

" I'll tell you later." He told as he leaving the place.

Finally some alone time zee's inner thought.

"Sorry for my friend.  He is over protective when it comes to my life."

"No no it's ok. I appreciate that. He is a good friend. "

"Hmm yes."

"Then.... how are you?" Zee asked awkwardly.

"Hmm. I am good. How about you?"

"What do you want to here? Truth or lie.?"

"If it is lie, then it doesn't matter. So... I'll go with truth then."Saint said politely. And the jealous hitting Zee so hard. So he decided to Express his feelings right away.

"If you want to hear the truth then, I am not okay. Frankly said after the kiss I always thinking about you. I don't know it is right or wrong that I kissed you the other day but at the moment it seemed right. I was very nervous past these days. Because you didn't said anything about the kiss on our way at that night. So I thought you didn't like me. That's why I didn't called you soon. And the reason why I asked you out is, I want to hear what you feel about me from you personally.  I can understand if you mad at me. Because I am the responsible for my act." Zee finished talking and he looked even nervous to hear what will Saint gonna tell.

"Why should I mad at you? You didn't done anything wrong." Finaly Saint said.

"What? Did you say I didn't do wrong? So...that means you ok with it?"zee asked excitedly. 

"I like you since I first met you at the hospital, My heart fluttered whenever I near you. I couldn't control my heart beats raised whenever you come near me. I don't know what is this feeling but I like to be close to you. And frankly said you are my FIRST KISS." Saint said as he looked in to Zee's eyes.

Zee couldn't speak a word. He flattered by Saint's confession.  He didn't prepare for it. He thought when he left this cafe he will be heartbroken. This is unexpected.

"I also so nervous before I came here. But not anymore. You asked me the other day am I seeing anyone? No I am not seeing anyone, I am single."

"And for the other question?" Zee asked

Saint in a soft way. Saint looked like he thinking deeply and Zee eagerly waiting for Saint's reply.  And said"YOU CAN."

"I want full answer." Zee asked in a demanding way.

"Yes doctor you can hit on your patient." Saint smiled at Zee. And they were looking into their eyes deeply as always.

Hello FRIENDS! I am not sure about this chapter. If  you feel boring then let me know. I will make it better in the next chapter. Bye for now...