Evil Saint

Tuesday 9.30 a.m...

Ding dong......

"Hhhmmmmm.....who is that?" Saint woke up from sleep by the door bell, it's more like a disturbance to him.

"Hoooiiiii, I am coming.  Don't break my door bell." The bell was ringing without gap. So Saint got irritated by the person.  He went to open the door as he scolding the person who was outside of the door.

"What the hell you...." Saint thought it was Tommy but when he opened the door he was shocked by the person in front of him and stucked with his words.

"Perth??? What are......" He called the latter's name shockingly.

"P'Saint, are you ok?" Perth hugged Saint as soon as he opened the door and while he asking him why was he here.

"Hey what are you doing? Just let me go." Perth hugged Saint tightly. Saint could tell how Perth relieved when he hugged like this. But he couldn't guess the reason.

"Perth you are hugging me so tight, I couldn't breathe." He said as he patted the latter's shoulder.

"Oh, I am sorry P'. I am just so happy to see you are ok. That's why I hugged you like this." As soon as Saint said he couldn't breathe Perth let go of Saint right away. After the separation of two bodies Saint breathed heavily. 

"Er, by the way what are you doing here?" Saint asked his junior as he yawned.

"Won't you invite me inside the room P'?" Perth said through the relieved smile.

"Inside the room?" But the owner of the room asked reluctantly.

"Hm, can I come in?"

"Hm, alright." Saint accepted with no other option even if he didn't want to.

"Your room is beautiful P'." Perth said as he amused by the the room.

"Hm thanks." But as for Saint , he respond without any reaction while looking at Perth and Perth came closer to Saint and said "just like you." And smiled at him.

But Saint didn't get angry because the line which Perth said recalled the night when Zee said, "this room is cute just like you." So he couldn't contain himself. His heart was pushing him to talk to Zee. But as for the situation right now he can't do that. But he decided to call Zee after go to the campus.

"You didn't tell me what are you doing here." Saint asked as he walked away from Perth.

"Ooh, this morning I called you lots of time. But you didn't pick my call. So I called P'Tommy and he said you are sick that's why you didn't come to college. So I came to see you as fast as I could."

"Tommy said I am sick?" Saint asked in confusion.

"Hmm that's what he said. Why P', you didn't sick?"

"No no, I mean yes I have a severe headache and my body aches by yesterday's works." So he Somehow managed Perth to save Tommy. But at the same time he thought himself you will be a dead meat today Tommy.

"Err, I just remember, you have a class right now no? I know your schedule,  yes you have a class." Saint asked him as he memorized his schedule.

"P', have you had observing over me that much?" So he was trying to flirt with Saint. But he didn't give space to that. He nose cut Perth immediately.

"Perth, did you skip your class again?" He asked with a cold voice like he stared at him angrily.

"Don't look at me like that P', I didn't skip my class, my schedule have change changed so I have free time now." He said casually.

"Ohh ok. Then I am going to shower so if you want to leave you can ." Saint said as he pointed at the door.

"It's ok P' we have same schedule now so we can heading to college together. "

"Hmm ok." Saint said without any purpose. He just thought however we have to go to the same college.  So it's not a big deal. But his reply made Perth to think that Saint like to go with him. So he believed that Saint also like him even he didn't say he liked Perth. But as for Saint he unawares of it. So he went immediately into the bathroom.

15 minutes later...

After the shower Saint realized that he didn't get the towel before he enter the bathroom.  So he decided to asked Perth to get the towel for him. Because he hasn't any other way.

"What to do now? If Perth wasn't here I can go to my room naked. (because he has no choice). But he is sitting outside. What to do?" Saint was talking to himself, because he is in a critical situation right now. So he decided to called Perth.

"Err... Perth. " he called Perth reluctantly at the same time he was feeling shame inside of him.

"Yes P'." As soon as Saint called him he responded like he was waiting for the moment. (Don't think bad about Perth,  he was in the living room. The bathroom not far from the living room.  That's why he could hear Saint easily. )

"Errrr...... I forgot my towel. Ca....can you get it for m...me?" He said awkwardly.

"Of course P'. Where is it?"

"In my wardrobe."

"Two minutes P'." Perth said and Went towards the bedroom. It's a one bedroom apartment so it's not difficult to find the room. After enter the room he noticed how neat and clean his room except the bed. Because Saint woke up just now and as soon as he wake from the bed he went straight to open the door.

So Perth went staright to the bed and and adjusted the pillows and folded the bed sheet. Then he placed them neatly to fulfill the beauty of the room.

After that he took the towel from the wardrobe and went straight to the bathroom as he looked back to check once more if the bed was looking good.

"P' here is your towel." Perth said as he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Finally...is it that hard to find the towel. Why did you take this much of time?" Saint was nagging as he sighed.  Because he had to wait for him over ten minutes. So he decided to shower again until Perth returned.

"Sorry P', here take this." Perth gave the towel as he apologized but Saint only extended his hand through the slight opened door. But he couldn't reached the towel. So he tried to extend his hand a bit but he couldn't get it. Then he waved his hand to search where it was to get it from Perth. Perth could only laughing at his P' because as for him it was so funny to looked Saint's childish behaviour. 

"P', you are so funny. Why are you only extending your hand. How can you get this if you aren't look?" Perth teased Saint.

"Even I couldn't look, you can put it on my hand no? Come on give me." Saint said from the bathroom as he kept his hand outside.

"P' are you naked?" Perth asked in a teasing way. By his question Saint got so embarrassed.  Because he really naked right now. He couldn't put on his pyjama he wore before because he is fresh now and the pyjama stinks. So he couldn't protest or go out. Then he decided to be silent in embarrassment. From Saint's silence Perth understood his P's situation so he put the towel on Saint's hand and said,

"Don't worry P', I won't see your naked body." He said through the laugh. It makes the situation even worse for Saint. So he awkwardly get the towel  from the latter. After a while Perth ran as he thinking something.  He went straight to Saint's bedroom and returned to him.

"P'." He knocked the bathroom door again.

"What now?" Saint asked irritably.

"If you only have the towel how could you come out. So I got you a new pyjama. " Perth gave the pyjama to Saint. So Saint get it from Perth. But this time he was not only extended his hand. He came out of the door and went inside after getting it from Perth. (Please think his pant as a black colour towel or something.  Because I couldn't find one with towel🙏).

Perth couldn't believe what just happened now and what he saw. Because he didn't expect that Saint could come out and get the pyjama without top. He couldn't contain himself, that image was the only one in his mind right now. He was mesmerized by that view and He was standing like a statue until Saint got out from the bathroom. 

"Perth are you ok?" While Saint got out from the bathroom he noticed Perth. He was looking zoned out and didn't show any movement. So Saint shook him by his shoulder to get him back to reality. 

"Huh? What did you say P'?" Perth realized that Saint standing in front of him with full dressed so the visual changed.

"Are you ok? You look like you have seen a ghost." Saint said as he smirked and went straight to his bedroom. Saint wanted to revenge on him for made fun of Saint before and he succeeded.

"You are an evil P', you have this side also?" Perth understood and asked while Saint was walking towards his room. Before he close the door he turned and said "you really don't know about me Perth." And closed the door behind him.


After a while Saint went in to his bedroom Perth had a phone call. So he took the phone from his pant pocket and it showed BRO. He answered the phone immediately.

"Hello P'Zee."

"Hey Perth. Where are you buddy? Sorry I couldn't talk to you last night." He said with a low and cracked voice. But he managed before his brother find out.

"It's ok P', I am at my senior's apartment." He lied to his brother because Zee could mistaken by his words. "When will you come home? please P', stay with me at least three days in a week. You always stay with P'Jimmy." Perth whined at his brother through the phone.

"That's what I call you." Zee said in a tired voice.

"What are you saying bro?" He asked confusingly at his brother.

"I called you because I want to inform you that I will stay at home tonight.( Zee refers their apartment as home.) "

"Really P'?" While Perth talking to his brother excitedly Saint returned from his bedroom.

"Perth, I am ready let's go." Saint said while Zee still on the line.

Zee could easily recognize the voice because he can't forget his Nong's voice even if he is in coma. So an instant he heard Saint's voice he understood Perth was at Saint's apartment.  He couldn't think anything, he only felt like his head was spinning and his heart was fluttering heavily.  The thought why Perth had to spend with Saint it made him crazy inside of him. Even if Perth his baby brother, he loved Saint so much than he loved himself. 

"Sure P' Saint,I am coming. " once he heard their conversation Zee cut the call immediately.

"Bro, I am sor... P', P'." He noticed Zee cut his call without telling him. So he called Zee several time to confirm that.

"Who are you talking with?" Saint asked Perth as he put his bag on his shoulder.

"Er, I was talking with bro, but he cut the call without telling me." Perth said with a little sad.

"P'Zee?" Saint asked Perth reluctantly to confirm. After he was confirmed from Perth nodded he understood why he cut the call. So he tried to call Zee right away without realizing Perth was still standing in fron of him. The bell was ringing but Zee didn't answer his call. Then he tried second time, but again no answer. Then he was going to tried third time and Perth interrupted him.

"P',who are you trying to call this  hurry?" Perth asked Saint when he noticed his senior's worries on his face. After his interruption Saint realized Perth's presence. 

"Huh? Nothing,  no one. let's go." He lied and dragged Perth to the campus.

At the Jimmy's apartment...

"Hey Zee, you said you are gonna call Perth, did you call him?" Jimmy asked as he gave Zee a cup of coffee. But he didn't get any reply from the other.

"Hey Zee what are you looking at?" Zee was sitting as he looking at the phone. So he went behind Zee and saw the phone.

Someone posted their photo which Perth gave the flower bouquet to Saint at the function last night on Facebook.  So Zee accidentally got to see the photo and it was reminding him what was happened last night. 

Jimmy took the phone as soon as he saw the picture from Zee's hand and threw it away on the sofa.

"Zee, don't hurt yourself like this. You have to talk with Saint.  He looked so furious last night. I don't even know why you said like that last night. Please Zee, I couldn't see you like this." Jimmy said with concern.

"What do you want me to do then?" He said with lifeless voice.

"Zee, this is not the end of your relationship. Why are you hurting yourself? Just tell Perth everything.  Tell him you and Saint in a relationship."

"How could I tell him Jimmy? You know his condition.You know everything about Perth, how can you talk like this?" He asked Jimmy with demanding tone.

"But he is your brother. He loves you so much Zee. If you talk to him he will understand." Jimmy tried to convince Zee.

"Come on call him." Jimmy took the phone from the sofa and gave to Zee. But he refused to call.

"I can't Jimmy don't force me."

"But this is not good for your relationship Zee. Not only with Saint but Perth also. If he find out himself about your relationship with Saint what would he feel? Just think about it Zee." Jimmy asked Zee and made a phone call to Perth. Even Zee didn't want to do this Jimmy forced him to talk to him.






"Perth, I am ready let's go." When Zee talking to Perth he heard Saint's voice behind the phone call. As soon as he heard the voice he let the phone fall from his hand by shocking.

"Pal, what happened? why did you let the phone down." Jimmy took the phone as he asked Zee and he put the phone on his ear.

"Sure P'Saint, I am coming." He looked at Zee right away as soon as he heard Perth called Saint's name. Then he cut the call immediately.

Now Jimmy doesn't have any idea, how to comfort Zee. He also in a shock at the same time confused that why Perth with Saint. He felt guilty that he made his friend's situation even worse.

"I think it's better. " Zee said as he thinking something.

"Better what?" Jimmy didn't understand so he asked in confusion.

"It's... better if Saint with Perth." Zee said like he has made a decision.

"Zee do you aware of what are you saying? Are you mad?" So Jimmy yelled at Zee in furious tone.

"I am full aware of it Jimmy. You know I can't choose one. I can't choose both of them either. So it's better if I leave instead of choose." He said as he looked at Jimmy while tears falling from his eyes. When looked at Zee's eyes, Jimmy could tell how much he would hurt when he decide this. So he hugged his friend to make him feel better. And Zee cried through his heart in unbearable pain while Jimmy hugged him.

There can be no words to describe the extent of the pain he is experiencing now. Whenever he thinks that Saint is no longer in his life it seems to him that someone is grabbing his heart and tearing it up.

"Why my life has changed like this Jimmy? I thought I got my happiness when I met Saint. But why this life so cruel to me. Why is it so hurtful Jimmy?I couldn't bear it. I can repair others heart through the surgery but I couldn't repair my broken heart." He was lamenting at Jimmy through the tears while he hugged him. Jimmy couldn't see his friend like this so Jimmy hugged him tightly to comfort him.

I don't know why I am giving you only sadness guys. I am really sorry. Because In love or life If any obstacles come, it won't be small no? So when the obstacles are big then the pain and the tears would be long. But this will too go away one day. It's not permanent. No pain No gain😘