The Long Game

Observation deck…

A traffic report is on a public viewscreen.

"Solar flare activity has increased across space lanes five, five, six and all commercial flights are advised to avoid…" A woman said.

The Tardis materialises, and the Doctor, Rose, Jared, Ruby, and Blake step out.

"So, it's two hundred thousand, and it's a spaceship. No, wait a minute, space station, and er, go and try that gate over there. Off you go." The Doctor said.

"Two hundred thousand?" Rose asked.

"Two hundred thousand."

"Right." Rose said, opening the TARDIS door. "Adam? Out you come."

Adam comes out, and his jaw drops, "Oh, my God."

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." Rose said, reassuring Adam.

"Like how we've got used to it." Ruby said, holding Jared's hand. "Time travel, space travel. It's not so different defeating a Dalek. Like how it is a Grimm."

"It's not the same. They're entirely different." Blake said. "And our weapons weren't made to defeat Daleks."

"Yeah, the Monado wasn't either." Jared said, nodding his head. "We're halfway done."

"Where are we?" Adam asked.

"Good question. Let's see. So, er, judging by the architecture, I'd say we're around the year two hundred thousand. If you listen…" Rose said, showing off.


"Engines. We're on some sort of space station. Yeah, definitely a space station. It's a bit warm in here. They could turn the heating down. Tell you what...let's try that gate. Come on!" Rose said, leading the ladies and gentlemen through the metal gate to a massive viewing window. "Here we go! And this is. I'll let the Doctor describe it."

"The Fourth great and bountiful Human Empire. And there it is, planet Earth at it's height. Covered with mega-cities, five moons, population ninety six billion. The hub of a galactic domain stretching across a million planets, a million species, with mankind right in the middle." The Doctor said, and Adam faints. "He's your boyfriend."

"Not anymore."

"So, Adam is one name we both scratched off our relationship lists." Blake said, looking at Rose.

"Yup…" Rose said, sadly.

"I could talk about mine for days. Especially during my days with him in the White Fang."

"Blake, you don't have to talk about anyone from the White Fang. If you don't want to." Ruby said, giving a smile. "Even if I want to know more about you."

Floor 139…

The space station has a central hub with three wheels turning.

"Come on, Adam. Open your mind. You're going to like this. Fantastic period of history. The human race at its most intelligent. Culture, art, politics. This era has got fine food, good manners." The Doctor said, walking with Adam.

"Out of the way!" A man said, angrily.

Suddenly there are a lot of people bustling around, opening up food vending stations and serving customers at their counters.

"This place became lively quick." Blake said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah!" Ruby said, holding Jared's hand. "Are you hungry?"

"Not now." Jared said, smiling. "Not now, Little Red."

"Thank you very much indeed. Somebody there? That's great. What do you want, love? All right, keep moving. I'll be with you lot in a minute. Here you are. One at a time. What now, what was it? Kronkburger with cheese, kronkburger with pajatos. Do you want a drink? Oi, you, mate. Stop pushing. Get back. I said, back." A chef said.

"Fine cuisine?" Rose asked.

"That is not fine cuisine." Blake said.

"It looks more like street food than anything." Ruby said.

"My watch must be wrong. No, it's fine. It's weird." The Doctor said, looking down at his watch.

"That's what comes of showing off. Your history's not as good as you thought it was." Rose said.

"My history's perfect."

"Well, obviously not."

"They're all human. What about the millions of planets, the millions of species? Where are they?" Adam asked.

"Good question. Actually, that is a good question. Adam, me old mate, you must be starving." The Doctor said, walking away with Adam.

"No, I'm just a bit time sick."

"No, you just need a bit of grub. Oi, much is a kronkburger?"

"Two credits twenty, sweetheart. Now join the queue." The chef said.

"Money. We need money. Let's use a cashpoint." The Doctor said, checking his pockets.

"And what's a cashpoint?" Blake asked, looking at Jared.

"Oh, just an ATM." Jared said, eating some custard creams. "I am not that hungry."

"But I am!" Ruby said, running up to Jared, and she grabbed his backpack to pull out a packet of Chips Ahoy in there. "Aha! Got them!"

"You went inside his bag for some cookies?" Blake asked, crossing her arms. "Both of you are eating some. One British, one American."

"Attention all staff. All coverage of the Glasgow water riots being transferred five through nine." Someone on the speaker said.

The Doctor goes to a Credit Five cashpoint and does something clever with his sonic screwdriver. It produces a plastic card which the Doctor hands to Adam, "There you go, pocket money. Don't spend it all on sweets."

"How does it work?" Adam asked.

"Go and find out. Stop nagging me. The thing is, Adam, time travel's like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide book, you've got to throw yourself in. Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get charged double and end up kissing complete strangers. Or is that just me? Stop asking questions, go and do it. Off you go, then. Your first date." The Doctor said. "And Jared, have some fun with your girls, Ruby and Blake. I want to figure out what's going on myself."

"You're going to get a smack, you are." Rose said, walking with Adam away from the Doctor.

"So, it's just the three of us." Blake said, walking with Jared and Ruby away from the Doctor. "What will we do? Now that the Doctor is busy."

"I don't know. Shopping maybe." Jared said, still eating his custard creams. "After the Vytal Festival. And meeting Penny Polendina, I just think that we needed a day like this."

"You say that about every girl you talk to. Rose, us. Who else will you get clingy to?"

"I think we should drop this topic." Ruby said, and Jared dropped his box of custard creams onto the floor. "He doesn't want to answer that."

"Ruby, we left the others in the TARDIS." Blake said, recalling what they did. "And Jared wanted Sun and Penny to come."

"He wanted them to come. Because he just met them. And Jared, he said that he wanted to meet Penny for a while. Why can't you see the positives of that?"

"Maybe because we don't know her."

"Well, I know her." Jared said, smiling. "I know her well enough that if she was here. She would love to have fun with Ruby."

"She is one of my friends. Like you." Ruby said, as Jared nodded his head. "Shopping. What should we get?"

"Something we won't expect…" Jared said, and he walked around the floor they are on to see something recognizable to him. "Oh. A Nerve Gear."

"And what's a Nerve Gear?" Blake asked.

"It's this helmet. That brings you to VR MMOs. You get literally sucked into this world. Different worlds. Right inside this headset."

"And you see whatever you want?" Ruby asked, running up to the headset to pick it up. "Cool! Can I try it?"

"The only problem is, Ruby. The headsets were recalled or confiscated. Because of one game, life or death. That game was called Sword Art Online."

"So what you're saying is, since you're in that virtual world. You can die in the real world, if you die in there?" Blake asked. "That's messed up."

"I've always wanted to go to those worlds seen in SAO. Maybe meet the people seen in the anime. Maybe they're real in this world." Jared said, happily.

"You never know, unless you check!" Ruby said, when she passed the Nerve Gear to Jared. "Sword Art Online is a fantasy game, yeah?"

"Yup. Back home, Sword Art Online got adapted into a mobile game. I've always wanted to try out the real thing."

"Now you can try it out. I want to try it too, once we're done. With this adventure!"

Jared, Ruby, and Blake walked over to Rose and Adam.

"All staff are reminded that the canteen area now operates a self cleaning table system. Thank you!" Someone on the speaker said.

"Try this. It's called Zaphic. It's nice, it's like a, er, Slush Puppy." Rose said, handing the drink to Adam.

"What flavour?" Adam asked.

Rose takes a suck at the straw, "Sort of beef?"

"Oh, my God. It's like everything's gone, home, family, everything."

Rose takes out her mobile phone.

"This helps. The Doctor gave it a bit of a top-up. Who's back home, your mum and dad?" Rose asked.

"Yeah." Adam said.

"Phone them up."

"But that's one hundred and ninety eight thousand years ago."

"Honestly, try it. Go on."

"Is there a code for planet Earth?"

"Just dial."

The phone rings in a house with a For Sale sign outside.

"I'm sorry we're not in. Please leave a message. Thanks. Bye…" Someone on the answering machine said.

"It's er. Hi. It's me." Adam said.

Adam's home…

A little dog runs in.

"I've sort of gone travelling. I met these people and we've gone travelling together." Adam said, his voice over the answering machine.

Floor 139..

"But, er, I'm fine, and I'll call you later. Love you. Bye. That is so…" Adam said, with an alarm blaring throughout the room.

"So, Adam wanted to phone home." Ruby said, as everyone grabs their things and starts to leave. "It's not that big of a deal."

"It could be." Jared said, and the vendors close up shop. "Not saying why."

"Oi! Mutt and Jeff! Little Red Riding Hood, Kitty Cat, and Monado wielder! Over here!" The Doctor said, angrily.

"This can't be good." Blake said, watching Adam keep Rose's phone.

"It won't be, Blake." Jared said, walking with Ruby and Blake. "I don't like today at all."


Seven people are seated at an octagonal desk around a central chair with wires coming out of it. The Doctor, Rose, Adam, Jared, Ruby, and Blake stand to one side, observing.

"Now, everybody behave. We have a management inspection. How do you want it, by the book?" Cathica asked.

"Right from scratch, thanks." The Doctor said.

"Okay. So, ladies, gentlemen, multi-sex, undecided or name is Cathica Santini Khadeni. That's Cathica with a C, in case you want to write to Floor five hundred praising me, and please do. Now, please feel free to ask any questions. The process of news gathering must be open, honest, and beyond bias. That's company policy."

"Actually, it's the law." Suki said.

"Yes, thank you, Suki. Okay, keep it calm. Don't show off for the guests. Here we go." Cathica said, and she settles into the central chair. "And engage safety…"

The seven hold their hands over palm print on the table in front of them. Lights start to come on around the room. Cathica clicks her fingers and a portal opens in her forehead. The seven put their hands into the palm prints.

"Oh, my god!" Ruby said, looking straight at Cathica's forehead. "Why'd she do that?!"

"And three, two, and spike." Cathica said, while a beam of light shines into her portal.

"Doctor, what's happening?" Ruby asked, looking at the Time Lord.

"Compressed information, streaming into her. Reports from every city, every country, every planet, and they all get packaged inside her head. She becomes part of the software. Her brain is the computer." The Doctor said.

"If it all goes through her, she must be a genius." Rose said.

"Nah, she wouldn't remember any of it. There's too much. Her head'd blow up. The brain's the processor. As soon as it closes, she forgets."

"So, what about all these people round the edge?"

"They've all got tiny little chips in their head, connecting them to her and they transmit six hundred channels. Every single fact in the Empire beams out of this place. Now that's what I call power."

"At least they're not brain dead." Blake said, crossing her arms.

"You all right?" Rose asked, looking at Adam.

"I can see her brain." Adam said.

"Do you want to get out?"

"No. No, this technology, it's amazing."

"This technology's wrong." The Doctor said.

"Trouble?" Rose asked, looking at the Doctor.

"Oh, yeah."

"On a scale from 1-10, how much will things go our way?" Blake asked.

"I'd say a 6, if Adam doesn't succeed with his greed." Jared said, smiling.

"So, does that mean things will still go wrong?" Ruby asked.

"Yup. In the future, that is."

Suki pulls her hands away as if she has just received an electric shock. The other six lift their hands and the information beam shuts down. Cathica's portal closes.

"Come off it, Suki. I wasn't even halfway. What was that for?" Cathica asked.

"Sorry. It must've been a glitch." Suki said.


"In 3...2...1…" Jared said, looking around the room. "Now!"

"Promotion." Someone on the speaker said.

A wall lights up with the word.

"Come on. This is it. Come on. Oh God, make it me. Come on, say my name, say my name, say my name." Cathica said.

"Promotion for Suki Macrae Cantrell. Please proceed to Floor five hundred."

"I don't believe it. Floor five hundred." Suki said.

"How the hell did you manage that? I'm above you." Cathica said.

"I don't know. I just applied on the off chance and they've said yes."

"That's so not fair. I've been applying to Floor five hundred for three years."

"What's Floor five hundred?" Rose asked.

"The walls are made of gold." The Doctor said.

By the lift...

"Cathica, I'm going to miss you. Floor five hundred, thank you." Suki said.

"I didn't do anything." The Doctor said.

"Well, you're my lucky charm." Suki said, extending her arms out for a hug.

"All right. I'll hug anyone." The Doctor said, giving Suki a hug.

"So, the year 200,000." Blake said, as Jared is drinking a cup of Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. "There's something wrong with this place, and I can't place my finger on it."

"This place is hot." Ruby said, rubbing her forehead. "Like it's making me sweat."

"Maybe because you're wearing a lot of black."

"That doesn't explain anything! It just doesn't!"

"Childish, as always. So, any hints?" Blake asked, looking at Jared.

"Just the heating. Wearing a black hoodie, probably a bad idea." Jared said, looking between Ruby and Blake. "Even if I know what's coming."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Rose asked.

"No, no, you stick with the Doctor. You'd rather be with him, Jared, and some of Team RWBY. It's going to take a better man than me to get between you five. Anyway, I'll be on the deck." Adam said, looking at Rose.

"Here you go. Take the Tardis key. You know, just in case it gets a bit too much." Rose said, giving Adam her TARDIS key.

"Yeah, like it's not weird in there."

"All staff are reminded that the sixteen forty break session has been shortened by ten minutes. Thank you." Someone on the speaker said.

Adam leaves with the key, grinning to himself.

"Oh, my God, I've got to go. I can't keep them waiting. I'm sorry. Say goodbye to Steve for me. Bye!" Suki said, and the elevator door closes.

"Good riddance." Cathica said.

"You're talking like you'll never see her again. She's only going upstairs." The Doctor said.

"We won't. Once you go to Floor five hundred you never come back."

They walk back through the cafeteria, with Jared, Ruby, and Blake behind them.

"Have you ever been up there?" The Doctor asked.

"I can't. You need a key for the lift, and you only get a key with promotion. No one gets to five hundred except for the chosen few." Cathica said.

"So, people go to Floor 500, and they never come back." Blake said, walking to the newsroom with Jared and Ruby. "This has a mystery written all over it."

"And what is up with the walls are made of gold?" Ruby asked. "Are they made out of actual gold? Or is that just a way to say things?"

"It's just a way of saying things." Jared said, smiling. "We felt the effect of the heat after staying here for a while. It's definitely the heating. It goes all the way to the top to Floor 500. That's where all the cold air is packed in."

"This is another episode of Doctor Who. Isn't it?" Blake asked.



"Look, they only give us twenty minutes maintenance. Can't you give it a rest?" Cathica asked.

"But you've never been to another floor? Not even one floor down?" The Doctor asked, and he sits in the broadcast chair.

"I went to floor sixteen when I first arrived. That's medical. That's when I got my head done, and then I came straight here. Satellite Five, you work, eat and sleep on the same floor. That's it, that's all. You're not management, are you."

"At last. She's clever."

"Yeah, well, whatever it is, don't involve me. I don't know anything."

"Well, you should ask." Jared said, walking around the room. "Asking questions is the right thing to do."

"Well, why would I?" Cathica asked.

"You're a journalist. And I'm studying to be one. So, why is all the crew human?"

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"That doesn't explain there not being any aliens. We're in like, what, a long time away since the first moon landing? How come there's no aliens on board? Since humanity touched the stars?" Blake asked.

"I don't know. No real reason. They're not banned or anything." Cathica said.

"So, where are they? The aliens? I want to meet them!" Ruby said, excitedly.

"I suppose immigration's tightened up. It's had to, what with all the threats." Cathica said.

"What threats?" The Doctor asked.

"I don't know all of them. Usual stuff. And the price of space warp doubled so that kept the visitors away. Oh, and the government on Chavic Five's collapsed, so that lot stopped coming, you see. Just lots of little reasons, that's all." Cathica said.

"Adding up to one great big fact, and you didn't even notice."

"Doctor, Jared, Ruby, Blake, I think if there was any kind of conspiracy, Satellite Five would have seen it. We see everything."

"We can see better. This society's the wrong shape, even the technology."

"It's cutting edge."

"It's backwards. There's a great big door in your head. You should've chucked this out years ago." The Doctor said.

"So, what do you think's going on?" Rose asked.

"It's not just this space station, it's the whole attitude. It's the way people think. The great and bountiful Human Empire's stunted. Something's holding it back."

"And how would you know?" Cathica asked.

"Trust me, humanity's been set back about ninety years. When did Satellite Five start broadcasting?" The Doctor asked.

"Ninety one years ago."

Outside the computer cupboard…

The Doctor is using his sonic screwdriver on a pair of double doors.

"We are so going to get in trouble. You're not allowed to touch the mainframe. You're going to get told off." Cathica said.

"Rose, tell her to button it." The Doctor said.

"You can't just vandalise the place. Someone's going to notice!"

The doors open.

"Oh, we know." Jared said, as the Doctor is having fun making things go sput amongst the mare's nest of wiring. "The Doctor does like making things blow up."

"This is nothing to do with me. I'm going back to work." Cathica said.

"Go on, then. See you!" The Doctor said, looking at Cathica.

"I can't just leave you, can I!"

"If you want to be useful, get them to turn the heating down. It's boiling. What's wrong with this place? Can't they do something about it?" Rose asked.

"I don't know. We keep asking. Something to do with the turbine." Cathica said.

"Something to do with the turbine." The Doctor said, annoyed.

"Well, I don't know!"

"Exactly. I give up on you, Cathica. Now, Rose, Ruby, and Blake. Look at them. These three girls are asking the right kind of question." The Doctor said, looking between Rose, Ruby, and Blake.

"Oh, thank you." Rose said.

"Thanks!" Ruby said, happily.

"We really appreciate it." Blake said.

"Why is it so hot?" The Doctor asked, looking at Cathica.

���One minutes you're worried about the Empire and the next it's the central heating!" Cathica said, angrily.

"Well, never underestimate plumbing. Plumbing's very important." The Doctor said, and he produces a monitor with a schematic on it. "Here we go. Satellite Five, pipes and plumbing. Look at the layout."

"This is ridiculous. You've got access to the computer's core. You can look at the archive, the news, the stock exchange and you're looking at pipes?"

"But there's something wrong."

"I suppose."

"Why, what is it?" Rose asked.

"The ventilation system. Cooling ducts, ice filters, all working flat out channelling massive amounts of heat down." Cathica said.

"All the way from the top." Jared said, happily. "Which is the 500th floor."

"Something up there is generating tons and tons of heat." The Doctor said.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm missing out on a party. It's all going on upstairs. Fancy a trip?" Rose asked.

"Sure, I'm up for one." Blake said, crossing her arms.

"As long as we're not away from the action. I'm fine with going up top." Ruby said, nodding her head.

"Let's go to the 500th floor together." Jared said, smiling.

"You can't. You need a key." Cathica said, looking between the five.

"Keys are just codes, and I've got the codes right here. Here we go. Override two one five point nine." The Doctor said, and the monitor shows 215.9976/31.

"How come it's given you the code?"

"Someone up there likes me."

Outside the lift…

"Come on. Come with us." Rose said, looking at Cathica.

"No way." Cathica said.

"Bye!" The Doctor said, happily.

"Well, don't mention my name. When you get in trouble, just don't involve me." Cathica said, leaving them.

"That's her gone. Adam's given up. Looks like it's just the five of us."

"Yeah." Rose said.

"Yup." Ruby said, holding Jared's hand.

"Good." The Doctor said, looking between his four companions.

"I know." Jared said, nodding his head.

(Jared's POV)

Floor 500…

"The walls are not made of gold. The four of you should go back downstairs." The Doctor said, looking around.

"Tough." Rose said.

"This is our fight too!" Ruby said, annoyed.

"We're not just gonna leave you." Blake said.

"Never ever." I said, while we found the Editor and his staff.

"I started without you. This is fascinating. Satellite Five contains every piece of information within the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. Birth certificates, shopping habits, bank statements, but you five, you don't exist. Not a trace. No birth, no job, not the slightest kiss. How can you walk through the world and not leave a single footprint?" The Editor asked.

"Suki. Suki! Hello? Can you hear me? Suki? What have you done to her?" Rose asked, running up to Suki.

"Rose, I'm sorry." I said, walking up to Rose to comfort her. "But she's dead. Like what happened with Gwyneth."

"She's working." Rose said, looking up at me.

"They've all got chips in their head, and the chips keep going, like puppets." The Doctor said.

"Oh! You're full of information. But it's only fair we get some information back, because apparently, you're no one. It's so rare not to know something. Who are you?" The editor asked.

""It doesn't matter, because we're off. Nice to meet you. Come on." The Doctor said, while Suki grabs Rose's arm.

Eight other zombies grab the Doctor, Ruby, Blake, and me.

"Tell me who you are." The editor said.

"Since that information's keeping us alive, I'm hardly going to say, am I." The Doctor said.

"Well, perhaps my Editor in Chief can convince you otherwise."

"And who's that?"

"It may interest you to know that this is not the Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. In fact, it's not actually human at all. It's merely a place where humans happen to live." The editor said, and we heard a growl and snarl nearby. "Yeah. Yeah, sorry. It's a place where humans are allowed to live by kind permission of my client."

"Wow, just wow…" Blake said, and we're looking up at a giant lump hanging from the ceiling, with a very nasty set of teeth in a mouth on the end of a pseudopod. "That's one hell of a mole."

"I don't know. This thing looks like it came out of a science fiction film." Ruby said, sadly.

"What is that?" Rose asked.

"God, I wish I knew this episode more." I said, frowning.

"You mean that thing's in charge of Satellite Five?" The Doctor asked.

"That thing, as you put it, is in charge of the human race. For almost a hundred years, mankind has been shaped and guided, his knowledge and ambition strictly controlled by it's broadcast news, edited by my superior, your master, and humanity's guiding light, the mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe. I call him Max." The Editor said.

"Ruby, Blake, we're not going out without a fight, are we?" I asked, as I punched out of the zombies to grab the Monado, and activate it. I selected an art. "Monado Buster!"

"So, you're taking the front lines." Ruby said, looking back at me, while she takes out her Crescent Rose and puts it on scythe form. "What will we do?"

"Cover me!" I said, running up to the zombies with my Monado and I slashed some of them down. "This has to work!"

"Me too." Blake said, using her Gambol Shroud to die down some of the zombies and to knock them down. "Oh no…"

Meanwhile, the Doctor and Rose have been placed in hefty sets of manacles.

"Create a climate of fear and it's easy to keep the borders closed. It's just a matter of emphasis. The right word in the right broadcast repeated often enough can destabilise an economy, invent an enemy, change a vote." The editor said, and Ruby, Blake, and I put our weapons away.

"So all the people on Earth are like, slaves." Rose said.

"Well, now, there's an interesting point. Is a slave a slave if he doesn't know he's enslaved?"

"Yes." The Doctor said.

"Oh. I was hoping for a philosophical debate. Is that all I'm going to get? Yes?" The editor asked.


"You're no fun."

"Let me out of these manacles. You'll find out how much fun I am."

"Oh, he's tough, isn't he. But, come on. Isn't it a great system? You've got to admire it, just a little bit." The editor said.

"You can't hide something on this scale. Somebody must have noticed." Rose said.

"From time to time, someone, yes, but the computer chip system allows me to see inside their brains. I can see the smallest doubt and crush it." The editor said, while Cathica arrives on Floor 500. "Then they just carry on, living the life, strutting about downstairs and all over the surface of the Earth like they're so individual, when of course, they're not. They're just cattle. In that respect, the Jagrafess hasn't changed a thing."

"Ruby, Blake, watch her back." I said, while the Doctor, Rose, and I spot Cathica behind the editor's back.

"Right." Ruby said, nodding her head, and looking at Cathica.

"We've got this." Blake said, smirking.

"What about you? You're not a Jagrabelly…" Rose said, looking at the editor.

"Jagrafess." I said, frowning.

"Jagrafess. You're not a Jagrafess. You're human."

"Yeah, well, simply being human doesn't pay very well." The editor said.

"But you couldn't have done this all on your own." Blake said, holding her Gambol Shroud. "You needed a partner of some kind."

"No. I represent a consortium of banks. Money prefers a long-term investment. Also, the Jagrafess needed a little hand to install himself."

"No wonder, a creature that size. What's his life span?" The Doctor asked.

"Three thousand years." The editor said.

"That's one hell of a metabolism generating all that heat. That's why Satellite Five's so hot. You pump it out of the creature, channel it downstairs. Jagrafess stays cool, it stays alive. Satellite Five is one great big life support system."

"But that's why you're so dangerous. Knowledge is power, but you remain unknown. Who are you?" The editor asked, and he snaps his fingers and energy surges through the manacles.

"Leave them alone. I'm the Doctor, she's Rose Tyler, she's Ruby Rose, she's Blake Belladonna, and he's Jared Shay. We're nothing, we're just wandering." The Doctor said, looking at the girls, and then me.

"Tell me who you are!" The editor said, angrily.

"I just said!"

"Yes, but who do you work for? Who sent you? Who knows about us? Who exactly…" The editor said, he stops and the Jagrafess growls. "Time Lord."

"What?" Ruby asked, holding her Crescent Rose. "How do you know that?"

"Oh, yes. The last of the Time Lords in his travelling machine. Oh, with his little human friends from long ago…" The editor said, looking at Team Rose, Blake, and then me.

"You don't know what you're talking about." The Doctor said.

"Time travel."

"Someone's been telling you lies."

"Young master Adam Mitchell?" The editor asked, and he calls up the holo-monitor showing Adam in the broadcast chair.

"Oh, my God. His head!" Rose said, shocked.

"This is bad." Ruby said, sadly. "This is really bad…"

"Ya think?" Blake asked, looking at Ruby.

"What the hell's he done? What the hell's he gone and done? They're reading his mind. He's telling them everything." The Doctor said.

"And through him, I know everything about you. Every piece of information in his head is now mine. And you have infinite knowledge, Doctor. The Human Empire is tiny compared to what you've seen in your T.A.R.D.I.S. Tardis." The editor said.

"Well, you'll never get your hands on it. I'll die first."

"Die all you like. I don't need you. I've got the key." The editor said, and the Tardis key rises from Adam's pocket.

"You and your boyfriends!" The Doctor said, looking at Rose.

"Today, we are the headlines. We can rewrite history. We could prevent mankind from ever developing."

"And no one's going to stop you because you've bred a human race that doesn't bother to ask questions. Stupid little slaves, believing every lie. They'll just trot right into the slaughter house if they're told it's made of gold." The Doctor said, as the Jagrafess snarls.

"Now." I said, while I'm watching Ruby and Blake leave with Cathica.

(Open POV)

Floor 500 news room…

"What are you two doing here?" Cathica asked, and she looked over at Ruby and Blake.

"We thought you needed protecting." Blake said, holding her Gambol Shroud.

"You'll be fine." Ruby said, thinking it through for a moment. "I hope."

Cathica throws the corpse off the broadcast chair and sits down, "Disengage safety."

Floor 500…

"What's happening?" The editor asked.

Floor 500 newsroom…

"Maximum access. Override Floor one three nine." Cathica said, while Adam is disconnected and the Tardis key falls to the floor. "And spike!"

Floor 500…

"Someone's disengaged the safety. Who's that?" The editor asked, and he calls the image up on the holo-monitor.

"It's Cathica." Rose said, smiling.

"She's protected by Ruby and Blake." Jared said, happily. "I knew that this would happen."

"And she's thinking. She's using what she knows." The Doctor said.

"Terminate her access." The editor said.

"Everything I told her about Satellite Five. The pipes, the filters, she's reversing it. Look at that." The Doctor said, while the icicles are starting to melt. "It's getting hot."

"I said, terminate. Burn out her mind." The editor said, looking at Suki.

Floor 500 newsroom…

"Oh no, you don't. You should have promoted me years back." Cathica said.

"Ooo, she's good." Blake said.

"Yeah." Ruby said, nodding her head.

Floor 500…

The consoles explode and the dead operators collapse. Alarms sound in the rest of Satellite Five and people panic. Jared got Rose out of her manacles.

"She's venting the heat up here. The Jagrafess needs to stay cool and now it's sitting on top of a volcano." The Doctor said.

"Yes, I'm trying, sir, but I don't know how she did it. It's impossible. A member of staff with an idea." The editor said, taking Suki's seat while Rose and Jared try to free the Doctor.

Rose gets the sonic screwdriver from the Doctor's pocket, "What do I do?"

"Flick the switch! Oi, mate, want to bank on a certainty? Massive heat in a massive body, massive bang. See you in the headlines!" The Doctor said, leaving with Rose and Jared, after he is finally free.

"Actually, sir, if it's all the same to you, I think I'll resign. Bye, then!" The editor said, and Suki grabs his ankle and he falls. "Let go of me!"

The Doctor, Rose, and Jared run for the broadcast as chunks of ice fall from the ceiling, the satellite shudders and the Jagrafess growls.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!" The editor said, when the Jagrafess explodes. The Doctor snaps his fingers and closes Cathica's portal.

Floor 139...

As dawn rises over Mother Earth, the people on level 139 are helping the injured.

"We're just going to go. I hate tidying up. Too many questions. You'll manage." The Doctor said.

"You'll have to stay and explain it. No one's going to believe me." Cathica said.

"Oh, they might start believing a lot of things now. The human race should accelerate. All back to normal."

"What about your friend?" Cathica asked, looking at Adam.

"He's not my friend." The Doctor said.

"Now, don't…" Rose said.

"I'm all right now. Much better. And I've got the key. Look, it's. It all worked out for the best, didn't it? You know, it's not actually my fault, because you were in charge." Adam said, while the Doctor pushes Adam into the TARDIS.

Adam's home...

And Adam stepped out of the TARDIS with the Doctor, Rose, Jared, Weiss, and Yang.

"It's my house. I'm home! Oh, my God, I'm home! Blimey. I thought you were going to chuck me out of an airlock." Adam said, looking around.

"Is there something else you want to tell me?" The Doctor asked.

"No. What do you mean?" Adam asked.

The Doctor picks up the answering machine, "The archive of Satellite Five. One second of that message could've changed the world."

"Oh, let me." Yang said, and the Doctor tossed the answering machine to her. The blonde activated her semblance, her eyes glowed red for a moment, and she destroyed the poor defenseless answering machine with a single punch. "That's it, done and done."

"See you." The Doctor said, as Yang stood up from where she was and she walked over to Jared and Weiss.

"How do you mean, see you?" Adam asked.

"See you, as in goodbye." Weiss said, crossing her arms. "Bon voyage! Adios! And all that pizzazz."

"But what about me? You can't just go. I've got my head. I've got a chip type two. My head opens." Adam said.

"What, like this?" The Doctor asked, snapping his fingers, opening Adam's head.

"Don't." Adam said, snapping his fingers to close his head.

"Don't do what?" The Doctor asked, snapping his fingers for Adam's head to open.

"Stop it!" Adam said, snapping his fingers for his head to close.

"Stop what?" Weiss asked, snapping her fingers for Adam's head to open.

"I said, stop it!" Adam said, snapping his fingers for his head to close.

"Ooo, let me try!" Yang said, snapping her fingers for Adam's head to open.

"Why do I have a feeling that I upset an ice queen and someone who has a temper tantrum?" Adam asked, snapping his fingers for his head to close.

"All right now, Doctor, Weiss, Yang, that's enough. Stop it." Rose said, looking between the Doctor, Weiss, and Yang.

"Thank you." Adam said, and Rose snapped her fingers for his head to open. "Oi!"

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." Rose said, while Adam snapped his fingers for his head to close again.

"The whole of history could have changed because of you." The Doctor said.

"I just wanted to help." Adam said.

"You were helping yourself."

"You abused the power of time travel, you didn't even care for us one single minute you were with us." Weiss said, walking up to Adam, angrily. "And you don't even deserve to be with us in the first place. Rose thought you were a nice guy, but you took full advantage of her kindness."

"If it was Ruby who was doing that." Yang said, walking next to Weiss to support her point. "And you upset her, betrayed her. Oh, don't even think for one moment that I won't hurt you. I will find you, and I will kill you."

��You upset Weiss and Yang." Jared said, standing in between Weiss and Yang. "That's a big oops for you. You don't even know the half of the things they'll do in the future. When Yang says something, she actually meant it."

"And I'm sorry. I've said I'm sorry, and I am, I really am, but you can't just leave me like this." Adam said, looking at the Doctor, Weiss, Yang, and Jared.

"Yes I can. 'Cause if you show that head to anyone, they'll dissect you in seconds. You'll have to live a very quiet life. Keep out of trouble. Be average, unseen. Good luck." The Doctor said, looking back at Adam.

"But I want to come with you."

"I only take the best. I've got Rose, Jared, Team RWBY, and Team JNPR."

Adam's mum comes in the front door.

"Rose, Rose. Oh, my God." Adam said, realizing that his mom is here.

"Who's that? Geoff, is that you?" Adam's mom asked.

"It's me, mum. Don't come in. Wait there a minute."

"Oh, my Lord. You never told me you were coming home! Hold on, I'll just take my coat off. You should've told me you were coming home. I would've got your favourite tea in."

"Rose, take me with you." Adam said, while the TARDIS engines starts up. "Weiss, Yang, I'm sorry about potentially ruining the future."

"Yeah, you're worse than my father." Weiss said, as Jared nodded his head. "Bye."

Rose, Jared, Weiss, and Yang goes inside and it dematerialises.

"Hey, what's that noise? Have you left the back door open? Blimey, there's a draft." Adam's mom said, and she enters the front room. "What a surprise. Oh, let me look at you. Oh, six months. It's like I saw you yesterday. Isn't it funny? The time goes by like that."

She clicks her fingers, to see Adam's head open.