Father's Day

Memory:Jackie's bedroom…

A photograph of a laughing man with thinning hair.

"Peter Alan Tyler my dad. The most wonderful man in the world. Born 15th September 1954." Rose said.

"Come here, Rose. Come here." Jackie said, while she has got a photograph album open. Little Rose joins her on the bed. "Who's that? It's your daddy. You weren't old enough to remember when he died. 1987, 7th of November. Do you remember what I told you? The day that Stuart Hoskins and Sarah Clarke got married. He was always having adventures. Oh, he would have loved to have seen you now."


"That's what Mum always says. So I was thinking, could we, could we go and see my dad when he was still alive?" Rose asked.

"Where's this come from, all of a sudden?" The Doctor asked, looking at Rose.

"All right then, if we can't, if it goes against the laws of times or something, then never mind, just leave it."

"No, I can do anything. I'm just more worried about you."

"I want to see him."

"Your wish is my command. But be careful what you wish for."

Register office…

The Doctor, Rose, Jared, Pyrrha, and Jaune attend her parent's wedding.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Angela Suzette Prentice…" the registrar said.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Suzanne Suzette Anita…" Pete said.

"Oh, just carry on. It's good enough for Lady Di." Jackie said, annoyed.

"I thought he'd be taller." Rose said.

"Well, Pete is cool." Jared said, smiling. "Not to the level of amazing."

"To be my lawful wedded wife, to love and behold till death us do part." The registrar said.

"He died so close to home." Jackie said.

Memory:Jackie's bedroom...

"I wasn't there. Nobody was. It was a hit and run driver. Never found out who. He was dead when the ambulance got there. I only wish there'd been someone there for him." Jackie said.

"I want to be that someone, so he doesn't die alone." Rose said.


"November the 7th?" The Doctor asked.

"1987." Rose said, and the time rotor starts up.

"The 1980s, now that's a time I never thought I could go to." Jared said, happily.

"So, what's so good about that time period anyway?" Pyrrha asked, crossing her arms.

"Oh, lots of my favorite films came out around that time." Jared said, happily. "But today, we'll do whatever we can to save Rose's dad."

"But Rose said her dad is dead." Jaune said. "How can we save him?"

"Just wait and see."

Waterley Street...

The Tardis has parked herself between a telephone junction box and a road sign, by park railings. Never Can Say Goodbye is playing somewhere.

"It's so weird. The day my father died. I thought it'd be all sort of grim and stormy. It's just an ordinary day." Rose said.

"The past is another country. 1987's just the Isle of Wight. Are you sure about this?" The Doctor asked.


"I'm not sure that this is a good idea." Pyrrha said.

"It isn't." Jared said, nodding his head. "This is the one episode that'll break me for a couple of days or weeks. Not for years. That's for people I'll lose someday."

"Spoilers." Jaune said. "We don't want to know that yet."

Jordan Road...

"This is it. Jordan Road. He was late. He'd been to get a wedding present, a vase. Mum always said, that stupid vase." Rose said, while a green van comes around the corner. D602 PKW. "He got out of his car." It pulls into the kerb. "And crossed the road."

"We're watching a car crash…" Pyrrha said, sadly. "And it involves Rose's dad."

"Yeah." Jared said, as Jaune grabbed Pyrrha's hand.

"Oh, God. This is it." Rose said, while Jared grabs one of her hands.

"I'm sorry." Jared said, as Pete gets out of the van, the Doctor takes Rose's other hand.

A beige car comes round the corner...NEH 793W...and straight into Pete. The driver shields his face with his arm and keeps going, leaving Pete and the broken vase in the middle of the road. Pete tries to move.

"Go to him, quick." The Doctor said.

"I don't think she has the will to do it." Jared said, letting out some tears.

"So, what happens next?" Pyrrha asked, looking over at Rose.

Later, round the corner, as sirens approach.

"It's too late now. By the time the ambulance got there, he was dead. He can't die on his own. Can I try again?" Rose asked.

The Doctor, Rose, Jared, Pyrrha, and Jaune look round the corner to see themselves by the kerbside, "Right, that's the first you and me. It's a very bad idea, two sets of us being here at the same time. Just be careful they don't see us. Wait till she runs off and he follows, then go to your dad."

Pete parks at the kerb.

"Oh, God. This is it." Rose 1 said.

"I'm sorry." Jared 1 said.

"I can't do this." Rose said, as Jared stands in between Pyrrha and Jaune.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but this is the last time we can be here." The Doctor said, and Rose runs forward as Pete is getting out of the van. "Rose! No!"

Rose dashes past her earlier self and pushes her father out of the path of the beige car. The vase rolls away, unbroken. The earlier Doctor, Rose, Jared, Jaune, and Pyrrha vanish.

"Did she just?" Jaune asked, looking at Rose and Pete.

"I think she just did." Pyrrha said, wrapping her arm around Jaune's.

"Is that even possible?"

"I think it is. Jared, did you know that this was gonna happen?"

"When don't I?" Jared asked, sadly.

"But Rose, doesn't her changing the future have consequences?" Jaune asked.

"It does. But time will re-insert itself afterwards. Not saying when but the Doctor will be mad at Rose for a while."

"I think Rose made a bad decision." Pyrrha said.

"She did."

"Yeah." Rose said.

"You, your boyfriend, and your mates need a lift?" Pete asked.

Something with blood red eyesight flies over South London.

The Tyler's flat...

"Right, there we go. Sorry about the mess. If you want a cup of tea, the kitchens just down there, milk's in the fridge. Well, it would be, wouldn't it. Where else would you put the milk? Mind you, there's always the window sill outside. I always thought if someone invented a window sill with special compartments, you know, one for milk, one for yogurt, make a lot of money out of that. Sell it to students and things. I should write that down. Anyway, never mind that, excuse me for a minute. Got to go and change." Pete said, while he goes to his bedroom.

"All the stuff mum kept. His stuff. She kept it all packed away in boxes in the cupboard. She used to show me when she'd had a bit to drink. Here it is, on display. Where it should be. Third prize at the bowling. First two got to go to Didcot. Health drinks. Tonics, mum used to call them. He made his money selling this Vitex stuff. He had all sorts of jobs. He was so clever. Solar power. Mum said he was going to do this. Now he can. Okay, look I'll tell him you're not my boyfriend." Rose said.

"When we met, I said travel with me in space. You said no. Then I said time machine." The Doctor said, recalling what happened.

"It wasn't some big plan. I just saw it happening and I thought, I can stop it."

"I did it again. I picked another stupid ape. I should've known. It's not about showing you the universe. It never is. It's about the universe doing something for you."

"So it's okay when you go to other times, and you save people's lives, but not when it's me saving my dad."

"I know what I'm doing, you don't. Two sets of us being there made that a vulnerable point."

"But he's alive!" Rose said, angrily.

"My entire planet died. My whole family. Do you think it never occurred to me to go back and save them?"

"So, Rose just changed time." Jaune said, looking at Jared. "The future of this universe."

"She did. I know what will happen next. It won't be pretty." Jared said, leaning against the wall.

"Rose's father, he had a lot going for him." Pyrrha said, looking around. "What would have happened it he succeeded?"

"Oh, he does. In another time and place, another world even. But that won't happen, if things don't get mended here."

"Yeah." Jaune said, nodding his head. "What's the plan?"

"We don't let someone else die. Today, that's the plan."

"All right then, I will." Rose said, handing her TARDIS key to the Doctor.

"You've got what you wanted, so that's goodbye, then." The Doctor said.

"You don't scare me. I know how sad you are. You'll be back in a minute, or you'll hang around outside the Tardis waiting for me. And I'll make you wait a long time!" Rose said, annoyed.

The Doctor leaves and Rose slams the door behind him. Pete puts his head round the bedroom door.

"Boyfriend trouble?" Pete asked, looking at Rose.

"I've never realized how sad this could be." Pyrrha said. "Preventing someone from dying. What could we do to help?"

"We can't do anything. Not yet at least." Jared said, letting out a sigh.

The red-eyed thing flies over the area, then a man clipping a shrub suddenly disappears with a brief scream, followed by a woman pegging out the washing and a tramp drinking cider. Indoors, Rose is putting peanuts back into their bowl. Pete has changed into his wedding suit.

"Excuse me, do you mind? What're you tidying up for?" Pete asked, looking at Rose.

"Sorry. Force of habit." Rose said.

"Listen, don't worry about him. Couples have rows all the time."

"We're not a couple. Why does everyone think we're a couple? I think he left me."

"What, a pretty girl like you? If I was going out with you…"

"Stop right there."

"They are so a couple." Jaune said, as Jared nodded his head. "What do people call the Doctor and Rose back home for you? If they're a couple."

"Oh, TenRose or Ten Petals." Jared said, happily.

"And me and Weiss?"


"YellowSnow?" Pyrrha asked, crossing her arms. "Really?"

"Yup." Jared said, walking around the room.

"I'll take you and your friends back to the loony bin where you belong. Except I'm sure I've met you somewhere before." Pete said, looking at Rose.

"Maybe you have, maybe you haven't." Pyrrha said. "We're not saying anything."

Waterley Street…

The Doctor outside the Tardis when he looks up for a moment. He unlocks the doors and opens them to reveal an empty police telephone box. The Tardis interior is missing, "Rose! Jared! Jaune! Pyrrha!"

Pete's car…

"I met this bloke at the horse's, and he's cutting me in on copyright." Pete said.

"But I thought you were a proper businessman and that." Rose said.

"I wish! Oh, I do a bit of this, a bit of that. I scrape by."

"Right. So I must've heard wrong. So, really you're a bit of a Del Boy?"

"Oh, shoot me down in flames. You're not related to my wife by any chance, are you?"

"Time travel makes things complicated." Jaune said.

"It does. Like a lot." Pyrrha said, looking back at Jaune. "I'm still surprised that six of us were able to fit inside this car."

"Especially since this was made for five people."

"Jackie wearing dresses. That's a sight I won't get out of my head." Jared said, laughing a lot. "Not for a while."

"She said she'd picked the most fantastic man in the world." Rose said, thinking about what her mom said.

"Must be a different Jackie, then. She'd never say that." Pete said, while the radio changes to 105.4 FM, and rap music comes out.

"Ooo, Don't Mug Yourself." Jared said, still laughing. "By The Streets. My dad, he's a DJ. I love music and stuff."

"This stuff goes right over my head." Pete said.

"That's not out yet." Rose said.

"It's a good job and all."

"I'm just going to check my messages." Rose said, taking out her phone to check her text messages.

"How do you mean, messages? Is that a phone?"


"Watson, come here. I need you. Watson, come here. I need you. Watson, come here. I need you." Bell said.

"Alexander Graham Bell." Jared said, when the car that should have killed Pete is behind them. "The first phone call ever…"

Pete turns a corner, it drives straight on then vanishes.

Outside St Pauls Church….

Stuart's dad is using a proper mobile phone of the time...the size of a brick. Guests are entering and the bridesmaids are just arriving.

"Half the guests haven't turned up. You're better off not being here, it's a disaster in the making. No, in this case, knocked her up is a phrase I'd use." Stuart's dad said.

"Watson, come here. I need you." Bell said.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Watson, come here. I ne…"

Stuart's dad tries redialing and his son comes out of the church.

"Dad, get inside. We can't see the bride before the wedding. It's bad luck." Stuart said.

"It was bad luck when you met her. I tell you, this day is cursed." Stuart's dad said, while they go back inside.

The bride arrives. Her dress is a mass of Lady Di flounces.

"Now, that's what I call a meringue." Bev said.

"Listen, Stuart's dad said and go round the block, cos there's people missing." Suzie said.

"How do you mean, missing?" Sarah asked.

"There's no Dave, no Sunita, no Bea." Bev said.

"There's no one from the Lamb and Flag." Suzie said.

"Oh, my train's detached again. I knew I should've used Velcro." Sarah said, annoyed.

"I'm here. Stop your bellyaching. Take Rose a sec, will you?" Jackie asked, while she hands over a baby in a carry cot.

"Oh, ain't she pretty?" Bev asked.

"She's a little madam, that's what she is. Oh, I need more hands. Where's her useless article of a dad got to?" Jackie asked, as Pete drives round the corner.

Pete's car…

The beige car suddenly appears and drives towards them.

"Shit!" Jared said, in between Jaune and Pyrrha.

"Dad!" Rose said, looking at Pete.

Pete swerves into the kerb, missing a tree, "It's that car. Same one as before."

Outside St Pauls Church…

"It was right in front of us. Where's he gone? You called me Dad. What'd you say that for?" Pete asked, exiting the car with Rose, Jared, Jaune, and Pyrrha.

"Oh, wonderful. Here he is, the accident waiting to happen. You'd be late for your own funeral and it nearly was!" Jackie said, angrily.

"No damage done."

"And who's this? What're you looking at with your mouth open?" Jackie asked, looking at Rose.

"Your hair." Rose said, staring at Jackie.


"I've never seen it like...I mean, it's lovely. Your hair's lovely. And that baby you're holding. That would be your baby." Rose said, looking at her younger self.

"Another one of yours, is she?"

"So, the Tylers are known for fighting and arguing." Pyrrha said, looking between Jackie, Pete, and Rose. "I can't help but feel bad for Rose. In the middle of her parents fighting."

"Yeah." Jaune said, sadly. "At least it isn't with the Doctor."

"Speaking of the Doctor, where is he?" Pyrrha asked, looking back at Jared. "Do you know?"

"He's heading here now. The TARDIS, it no longer exists." Jared said, smiling. "Just give it time, Arkos."

"What's it got to do with you what he gets up to?" Jackie asked, looking at Rose.

"What does he get up to?" Rose asked.

"You'd know."

"Oh, 'cos I'm that stupid. I play around and I bring her to meet the missus. You silly cow." Pete said, looking at Jackie.

"But you are that stupid." Jackie said, crossing her arms.

"Can we keep this stuff back home just for now?"

"What, with the rest of the rubbish? You bring home cut-price detergents, tonic water, Betamax tapes and none of it works. I'm drowning in your rubbish. What did he tell you? Did he say he's this big businessman, 'cos he's not. He's a failure. Born failure, that one. Rose needs a proper father, not one who's flannelling about like some big kid."

"Jackie, I'm making a living, it keeps us fed, don't it?"

"Stop it!" Rose said, looking between her parents. "You're not like this. You love each other."

"Oh, Pete. You never used to like them mental. Or I don't know, maybe you did." Jackie said, looking at Pete.

"Jackie, wait, just listen." Pete said.

"If you're not careful, there'll be a wedding and a divorce on the same day."

"Wait here. Give us a couple of minutes with the missus. Tell you what, straighten the car up. Stick it round the corner or something. Don't cause anymore trouble." Pete said, taking the vase and gives Rose his car keys.

"So, Ruby lost her mother and Rose lost her father." Jaune said, walking away with Jared and Pyrrha for a moment. "What else do these two have in common?"

"Oh, there's a lot more in common between those two than you know." Jared said, smiling. "Wait till you see what Rose does in the future."

"And what does she do in the future?" Pyrrha asked.

"She does something cool."


The red-eyed monster hovers over a playground. A woman is pushing her son on the swing. From the colour of his skin we can guess who this should be.

"Hey, Jack. Jeff." Mickey said.

But the boy on the slide and the two on the see-saw have just vanished. Then his mother isn't behind him anymore either. Mickey runs.

Outside St Pauls Church…

"I'm not listening. It's just the duffel coats all over again." Jackie said, looking at Pete.

"Jackie, sometimes a duffel coat is just a duffel coat. Things will get better soon, I promise." Pete said.

"I've had enough of all your daft schemes. I never know where the next meal's coming from."

"I'll get it right, love. One day soon, I promise you, I'll get it right. Come on."

The little boy runs round the corner from Waterley Street.

"Monsters! Going to eat us!" Mickey said, terrified.

"What sort of monsters, sweetheart? Is it aliens?" Suzie asked, while Mickey runs straight into the church.

The Doctor runs up behind Rose, Jared, Pyrrha, and Jaune, "Rose! Jared! Arkos! Get in the church!"

A large thing with bat-like wings appears in the sky. Very devilish. It hisses and starts to swoop. Rose screams. The Doctor pushes Rose to the pavement just in time to avoid its talons. While Jared ran inside the church with Pyrrha and Jaune.

"Get in the church!" The Doctor said, and two more Reapers appear.

"Oh, my God. What are they? What are they?" Suzie asked.

"Inside!" The Doctor said, angrily.

"Sarah!" Stuart said, looking at his wife.

"Stay in there!" The Doctor said, while Stuart's dad tries to run away, but he gets pounced on. Another blocks Sarah's path to the church, but when she screams it flies off and pounces on the vicar instead. "In!"

St Pauls Church...

The Doctor gets the bride's party inside and slams the doors on the creatures. They can be seen flying around outside, "They can't get in. Old windows and doors. Okay. The older something is, the stronger it is. What else? Go and check the other doors! Move!"

"What's happening? What are they? What are they?" Jackie asked.

"There's been an accident in time. A wound in time. They're like bacteria, taking advantage."

"What do you mean, time? What're you jabbering on about, time?"

"Oh, I might've known you'd argue. Jackie, I'm sick of you complaining."

"How do you know my name?"

"I haven't got time for this."

"I've never met you in my life!" Jackie said, angrily.

"No, and you never will unless I sort this out. Now, if you don't mind, I've waited a long time to say this. Jackie Tyler, do as I say. Go and check the doors." The Doctor said.

"Yes, sir." Jackie said, walking away from the Doctor.

"You did something Weiss would have done." Pyrrha said, crossing her arms.

"I know." The Doctor said, nodding his head. "I should have done that ages ago."

"My dad was out there." Stuart said.

"You can mourn him later. Right now we've got to concentrate on keeping ourselves alive."

"My dad had…"

"There's nothing I can do for him."

"No, but he had this phone thing. I can't get it to work. I keep getting this voice." Stuart said, handing the Doctor the phone.

"Watson, come here. I need you. Watson, come here. I need you." Bell said.

"That's the very first phone call. Alexander Graham Bell. I don't think the telephone's going to be much use." The Doctor said.

"But someone must have called the police." Stuart said.

"Police can't help you now. No one can. Nothing in this universe can harm those things. Time's been damaged and they've come to sterilise the wound. By consuming everything inside."

"Is this because? Is this my fault?" Rose asked.

"No, it isn't." Jared said, looking at Rose. "It's my fault. I saw this coming, I should have stopped you."

"But your Monado, it would have taken you a couple of seconds to activate your blade, and activate Monado Speed." Pyrrha said, looking at Jared. "It would have been too late, by then."

"She does have a point. You don't know what would have happened if you interfered when Rose saved her dad." Jaune said.

"True, I don't know how this would have affected Jackie, Rose, and Pete." Jared said, sadly. "Especially in the battle."

"Spoilers!" Rose said, angrily. "I don't want to know about that!"

Outside St Pauls Church…

The creatures take passers-by.

"No!" A woman said, terrified.

Cars have crashed. A pram is overturned. Bicycle wheels turn then stop. Shoes blow with the autumn leaves.


All laid out for the signing of the register.

"There's smoke coming up from the city but no sirens. I don't think it's just us. I think these things are all over the place. Maybe the whole world." Pete said, when the beige car appears at the corner, turns, the driver covers his face and it disappears again. "Was that a car?"

"It's not important. Don't worry about it." The Doctor said.

"You really should worry." Jared said, smiling. "Everything will be fine."

St Pauls Church…

Rose is standing by the altar with Jaune and Pyrrha when Pete comes out of the vestry.

"This mate of yours. What did he mean, this is your fault?" Pete asked.

"Don't know. Just everything." Rose said.

"I gave you my car keys. You don't give your keys to a complete stranger. It's, it's like I trusted you. Moment I met you, I just did. wound in time. You called me Dad. I can see it. My eyes, Jackie's attitude. You sound like her when you shout. You are. You are. You're my Rose. You're my Rose grown up." Pete said, hugging Rose in tears.

"Dad. My Dad. My Daddy." Rose said, sadly.

Meanwhile, a creature is head-butting a side door. The Doctor pulls the curtain aside and gets out his sonic screwdriver.

"Rose is close to her parents." Pyrrha said, as Jared is drinking some bubble tea. "Are you close to yours?"

"Yeah, I am." Jared said, smiling. "Or I was. Before I did this. Traveling throughout time and space. Like, I could go home. At any time. Through that portal in the TARDIS. But I'm not so sure if I want to."

"It's up to you. You can go back home. Or you can stay." Jaune said. "It doesn't matter really. You choose."

"Maybe later."

"I give that impression, yeah." The Doctor said.

"I just wanted to ask…" Stuart said.

"Can you save us?" Sarah asked.

"Who are you two, then?" The Doctor asked, looking between the married couple.

"Stuart Hoskins." Stuart said.

"Sarah Clark." Sarah said.

"Ooo, plus one." Jared said, walking towards the married couple. "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know. I don't want to know, really." Sarah said.

"How did all this get started?" The Doctor asked.

"Outside the Beatbox Club, two in the morning." Stuart said.

"Street corner. I'd lost my purse, didn't have money for a taxi." Sarah said.

"I took her home."

"So, what happened next? Did you as her out on a date?" Jared asked.

"And did you do what all first dates go?" Pyrrha asked.

"Did you write his number? Or her number?" Jaune asked.

"Wrote his number on the back of my hand." Sarah said.

"Never got rid of her since. My dad said." Stuart said.

"I don't know what this is all about, and I know we're not important."

"Who said you're not important? I've travelled to all sorts of places, done things you couldn't even imagine, but you two. Street corner, two in the morning, getting a taxi home. I've never had a life like that. Yes. I'll try and save you." The Doctor said.


"I'm a dad. I mean, I'm already a dad, but Rose grows up and she's you. That's wonderful. I mean, I suppose I thought that you'd be a bit useless, what with my useless genes and all, but. Well, I mean, how did you get here?" Pete asked.

"Do you really want to know?" Rose asked.


"We came here in a time machine." Jared said, standing with Jaune and Pyrrha. "This big blue box that travels across all of time and space. We get to see the universe in it?"

"Time machine. Rose, is this true?" Pete asked, looking at Rose.

"Cross my heart." Rose said.

"What, do you all have time machines where you come from?"

"No, just the Doctor." Rose said.

"The Doctor is the only person we know with a time machine." Jaune said, holding Pyrrha's hand.

"He isn't all that bad, besides being rude at times." Pyrrha said.

"Did you know these things were coming?" Pete asked.

"No." Rose said.

"God, I don't know, my head's spinning. What's the future like?"

"It's not so different."

"What am I like? Have I gone grey? Have I gone bald? Don't tell me I've gone bald. So, if this mate of yours isn't your boyfriend and I have to say, I'm glad, because being your dad and all, I think he's a bit old for you. Have you got a bloke?"

"No, I did have…" Rose said, thinking about Mickey.

"She was in love with him." Pyrrha said, sadly. "And she still kinda is."

"Yeah…" Rose said, looking at Pyrrha.

"Mickey!" Jackie said, angrily.

Little Mickey runs up to Rose and hugs her.

"Do you know him?" Pete asked.

"I just didn't recognise him in a suit. You have to let go of me, sweetheart. I'm always saying that." Rose said.

"He just grabs hold of what's passing and holds on for dear life. God help his poor girlfriend if he ever gets one." Jackie said.

"Me and Rose were just talking with Jared, Pyrrha, and Jaune." Pete said.

"Oh, yeah? Talking? While the world comes to an end, what do you do? Cling to the youngest blonde. Come on, Mick." Jackie said, leaving the room with Mickey.

"You can't tell her." Rose said.

"Why?" Pete asked.

"I mean, I really don't want you to tell her."

"What, do you don't want people to know?"

"Where I come from, Jackie doesn't know how to work the timer on the video recorder."

"I showed her that last week. Point taken."

St Pauls Church...

The Doctor is talking to baby Rose in her carrycot by the choir stalls, "Now, Rose you're not going to bring about the end of the world, are you? Are you?" Rose walks up with Jared, Jaune, and Pyrrha. "Jackie gave her to me to look after. How times change."

"You and Jackie, it never worked out." Pyrrha said, smiling. "But Rose, you are adorable as a baby."

"Times have changed. Jackie wants someone to take care of Rose." Jaune said, nodding his head.

"I'd better be careful. I think I just imprinted myself on Mickey like a mother chicken." Rose said, thinking about earlier.

"No. Don't touch the baby. You're both the same person. That's a paradox, and we don't want a paradox happening, not with these things outside. Anything new, any disturbance in time makes them stronger. The paradox might let them in." The Doctor said.

"Can't do anything right, can I?" Rose asked.

"Since you ask, no. So, don't touch the baby." The Doctor said, looking at Rose.

"I'm not stupid."

"You could have fooled me. All right, I'm sorry. I wasn't really going to leave you on your own with Jared, Jaune, and Pyrrha."

"I know."

"But between the five of us, I haven't got a plan. No idea. No way out." The Doctor said.

"Doctor, you'll think of something." Pyrrha said, crossing her arms. "You always do."

"Ruby and I do, if you're not around." Jaune said, laughing a little. "We come up with plans, even if they're crazy."

"The entire Earth's been sterilised. This, and other place like it, are all that's left of the human race. We might hold out for a while, but nothing can stop those creatures. They'll get through in the end. The walls aren't that old. And there's nothing I can do to stop them. There used to be laws stopping this kind of thing from happening. My people would have stopped this. But they're all gone. And now I'm going the same way." The Doctor said

"If I'd realised." Rose said.

"Just tell me you're sorry." The Doctor said, looking at Rose.

"I am. I'm sorry." Rose said, while she hugs the Doctor. "Have you got something hot?"

Rose reaches into his inside pocket, takes out a key and drops it because it is glowing hot.

"It's the Tardis key!" The Doctor said, taking off his jacket to pick it up safely. "It's telling me it's still connected to the Tardis." He makes an announcement from the pulpit. "The inside of my ship was thrown out of the wound but we can use this to bring it back. And once I've got my ship back, then I can mend everything. Now, I just need a bit of power. Has anybody got a battery?"

Stuart picks up the mobile phone, "This one big enough?"


"Good old dad. There you go." Stuart said, handing the Doctor the phone.

"And he���s a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller." Jared said, taking out the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller out of his backpack to hand to the Doctor. "Here you go."

"Just need to do a bit of charging up and then we can bring everyone back." The Doctor said, when he uses the ever-versatile sonic screwdriver while the creatures batter at the doors.

"So, time has changed." Pyrrha said, sitting down in a bench with Jared and Jaune. "Just by Rose saving her dad. Will time get restored?"

"It will." Jared said, smiling. "I know it will. We're on the sidelines for once. This is something Pete has to handle himself."

"Rose's dad. I don't know if he can do anything." Jaune said, sadly.

"Well, he can."

"What do you want to do now?" Pyrrha asked, looking at Jared. "Besides staying here, depending on how Pete wants to stay alive."

"Maybe play this." Jared said, taking out his Nintendo Switch with Super Smash Bros Ultimate loaded up. "I'm up for playing this."

"Smash at a time like this." Jaune said, happily. "You're on."

"I'm telling you, Jaune. I'm Weiss as snow. And you'll Schnee me in action." Jared said, selecting a character on the character selection screen. "Inkling."

"You have an inkling that you'll win." Pyrrha said, looking down at the Nintendo Switch. "I don't care who wins. As long as you both have a good time."

The Tardis slowly materialises around her key.

"Right, no one touches that key. Have you got that? Don't touch it. Anyone touches that key, it'll be, well, zap. Just leave it be and everything will be fine. We'll get out of here. All of us. Stuart, Sarah you're going to get married, just like I said." The Doctor said.

Outside, the car repeats its brief drive around the corner. Inside, the Tardis is fading in and out.

"When time gets sorted out…" Rose said.

"Everybody here forgets what happened. And don't worry, the thing that you changed will stay changed." The Doctor said, looking at Rose.

"You mean I'll still be alive, though I'm meant to be dead. That's why I haven't done anything with my life, why I didn't mean anything." Pete said.

"It doesn't work like that."

"Rubbish. I'm so useless I couldn't even die properly. Now it's my fault all of this has happened."

"This is my fault." Rose said, looking at Pete.

"No, love. I'm your dad. It's my job for it to be my fault." Pete said, reassuring Rose.

"Her dad? How are you her dad? How old were you, twelve? Oh, that's disgusting." Jackie said, walking up to Pete.

"Jacks, listen. This is Rose."

"Rose? How sick is that? You give my daughter a second hand name? How many are there? Do you call them all Rose?"

"Oh, for God's sake, look. It's the same Rose!" Pete said, taking baby Rose from Jackie and hands her to Rose.

"Rose! No!" The Doctor said, snatches her away too late and gives her back to Jackie. A creature appears inside the Church. "Everyone, behind me! I'm the oldest thing in here."

"Doctor!" Rose said, when the creature pounces on the Doctor, then flies over to the Tardis. They touch, the Tardis and the creature vanish, and the key falls to the floor. Rose runs to pick it up. "It's cold. The key's cold. Oh, my God, he's dead. This is all my fault. Both of you. All of you. The whole world."

"This is it. There's nothing we can do. It's the end." Bev said.

"It was fun." Pyrrha said, as she is still surprised as to what the Doctor did. "Us traveling across time and space, yeah?"

"Yeah." Jared said, happily. "Me, you, and Jaune. Arkos with their fan."

"Arkos. I might pick that up." Jaune said, laughing a little. "Maybe for a move or two."

"If we get out of this. We we get out of this. I don't know. Maybe have Nora and Ren with me for the next adventure."

"You're rotating between members of Team RWBY and JNPR." Pyrrha said. "Why?"

"Because I can. And it makes writing the story easier."

As the creatures start scraping at the stonework outside, Pete watches the car drive around the corner again and again from the vestry window. He goes back into the church and over to Rose, who is sitting on her own.

"The Doctor really cared about you. He didn't want you to go through it again, not if there was another way. Now there isn't." Pete said, looking at Rose.

"What are you talking about?" Rose asked.

"The car that should have killed me, love. It's here. The Doctor worked it out way back, but he, er, he tried to protect me. Still, he's not in charge anymore. I am."

"But you can't."

"Who am I, love?"

"My daddy." Rose said, sadly.

"Jackie, look at her. She's ours." Pete said, as Jackie walked up to him and Rose.

"Oh, of course." Jackie said, hugging the weeping Rose.

"I'm meant to be dead, Jackie. You're going to get rid of me at last." Pete said, excitedly.

"Don't say that."

"For once in your life, trust me. It's got be done. You've got to survive, because you've got to bring up our daughter. I never read you those bedtime stories. I never took you on those picnics. I was never there for you." Pete said, looking over at Rose.

"You would have been." Rose said, letting out some tears.

"But I can do this for you. I can be a proper dad to you now." Pete said.

"But it's not fair."

"I've had all these extra hours. No one else in the world has ever had that. And on top of that, I got to see you. And you're beautiful. How lucky am I, eh? So, come on, do as your dad says. You going to be there for me, love? Thanks for saving me."

Outside St Pauls Church...

Pete runs out of the church, clutching the vase. A creature spots him. He runs to the corner, where the car appears. The driver flings his arm across his face, "Goodbye, love."

Thump! The vase drops and breaks. The creatures vanish.

St Pauls Church...

"Go to him. Quick." The Doctor said, standing behind Rose with Jared, Jaune, and Pyrrha.

"He needs you, more than ever." Pyrrha said.

"Now go to him." Jaune said, grabbing Pyrrha's hand.

"Good luck." Jared said, smiling. "You're doing what I don't have the courage to do."

Outside St Pauls Church...

Rose runs to her dying father. This time, the driver has stopped at the scene. Pete dies gazing into Rose's eyes.

"What's that?" Sarah asked.

Stuart's dad comes out of the church.

"The driver was just a kid." Jackie said.

Memory:Jackie's bedroom...

"He stopped, he waited for the police. It wasn't his fault. For some reason, Pete just ran out. People say there was this girl, and she sat with Pete while he was dying. She held his hand. Then she was gone. Never found out who she was." Jackie said.

Jordan Road...

Rose kisses Pete farewell then stands up and looks at the Doctor, Jared, Jaune, and Pyrrha.

"Peter Alan Tyler, my dad. The most wonderful man in the world. Died the 7th of November, 1987." Rose said,

The Tardis has relocated to outside the Tandoori across the road. The Doctor, Rose, Jared, Jaune, and Pyrrha walk away.