The beginning

I always like to look back at the time I met her, It was a pretty crazy day that definitely changed my life.

It all began on a Tuesday morning, I was on my way to school. The sun was so bright it shined threw my sunglasses and the sky was a crisp blue that just made me feel like today was going to be great; little did I know this day was going to change everything. My walk to school was long and boring, I just listened to music and enjoyed the same old scenery of trees and rice fields I get to see every day. Today was a nice acceptation, though. The cherry blossoms were blooming, and the blossoms looked beautiful as they waved around with the addition of the cool breeze. I started walking down a side road, but I saw a girl on the ground, she had long wavy brown hair and seemed short, as I got closer I noticed they hurt her; I ran over there as fast as I could. When I finally got up to her, I noticed there was somebody sitting a few feet away; It was a random person dressed in all black, with a ski mask that gave me a pretty bad vibe. I asked what they were doing, but they walked. He walked right past me and up to the girl; he stabbed her in the shoulder; I watched the blood pour out in total shock. After taking a better look at the girl, she had bruises and cuts all over her. It was clear she was trying to protect herself, but failed. I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands and started running and the man; I threw a punch that hit his jaw and sent him back a bit. He still didn't budge at me. He looked at me and finally spoke.

Masked man: You're not the one I want to fight, stop this nonsense already and get lost.

Me: What the hell is your problem? Why do you want to hurt her?

This was when I felt something inside me, it was a powerful rage mixed with a cry for help, I could feel my fight or flight starting to kick in, I didn't believe I could control it. The rage kept building. It was like a demon taking over my mind; I kept trying to stop myself, and even the masked man looked at me in concern.

Masked man: Maybe I should get you out of the way.

Me: No, I will not let you hurt a single person as long as I'm standing here, you bastard.

My words slurred and became non-understandable because of this rage, I've felt nothing like it before and it scared the hell out of me. I finally just let go and went with the flow, I screamed and cry, my tears flowed like rain and my scream reminded me of a lion trying to protect its children. The masked man stood in complete shock as something I didn't even notice took place, My body formed a whitish spot on my shoulder that glowed like the sun poking through a cloud. I looked at the masked man with complete fury in my face. It was time to stop him. I still to this day don't understand why I got this mad, I felt like my world was ending; it felt strange, and my heart hurt horribly. Somehow I felt like this girl lying there was the reason something about her gave me a really nostalgic feeling in my body. I walked up to the masked man and before he had any chance to dodge; I hit him directly in the stomach with all of my strength. He instantly fell to the ground and fell unconscious, I took this time to care for this girl. Her bleeding had slowed down, but I ripped the sleeve off my shirt and wrapped it around her shoulder, stopping any further bleeding. I tried and get her to a real professional; I picked her up and started carrying her. This girl's skin was softer than anything I've ever felt, but I knew thinking about any of that stuff had to wait. I looked up at the sky and noticed that it was getting really gray and dull; it seemed an awful rainstorm was up ahead; I needed to get out of there as fast as possible. Disregarding the masked man, I started running as fast as possible; I was heading straight for my house, but time was ticking fast. Small droplets of rain hit my back, but I didn't stop, I was a mile away from any hospital and only around 3 minutes away from home. Both places were in the same direction, but I didn't know what to pick. If I bring her to a hospital, they might take her away from me and I might never see her again. I didn't know why I cared so much, but I knew this girl was really important. It was now or never; I had to choose right now…