A vision.

I finally decided on my pick, I was going to bring her back to my house and help her recover. I began running again, but something hit me. I'm just with a random girl I've never met; held tight and snug in my arms, I didn't even understand what I was doing. I ran through the rain, my legs were burning but the light rainfall soothed the pain. As I ran and ran, it felt like it was going to be an eternity until I reached my destination, My body was reaching its limit. Suddenly, as I was about to give up and fall to the ground, the girl woke up and looked directly at me. She wasn't confused, all she did was look at me and smiled.

Girl: Thank you so much.

As she said this, she passed out again; I believed she didn't have much time left, so I mustered up every ounce of strength and kept running; I tried to distract myself with the sound of the rainfall. The only problem being is that it started hitting my back, harder and harder. I Just tried to look at my surroundings and focus, the trees, crisp blue ponds, and the bright green rice fields. I kept running until I saw my bland blue home with nothing but dirt and a few flowers surrounding it. I decided to finally stop at my porch and sit down. This is when I felt a tingle again, the same one as last time. It went from just a tingle to excruciating pain with the feeling of sharp needles stabbing every part of my body. I started screaming in agony, my sight was fading and I felt like I was dying. After this I believe I passed out but there was a weird feeling still, the tingles, they were still there and it felt like I was dreaming. After a little while of just feeling these body tingles, my eyes opened, and I saw somebody in the distance, waving at me with a beautiful smile on what seemed to be a girl's face. After getting a good look at this figure, I noticed it was the girl; the girl I just saved. In the state I was in, no words would come out, yet everything I wanted to say was lying on the tip of my lips. my body tingling has stopped, and she kept walking, with every step making this gloomy dream like world surrounding me darker. Once she came up to me, it felt like darkness surrounded me. The only reason I could tell something was there was the footsteps and breathing.

Unknown: The forest, save me.

As I tried to say something back, the words didn't want to come out; something trapped me inside of my own mind. Proceeding this, I blacked out again; for some odd reason, though, it kept happening until I eventually woke up. After waking up, I looked around me; I lied half dead on my front steps with no thoughts going through my mind besides my burning curiosity for that girl I saved earlier. As I tried to stand up, it felt like my legs had knives cutting through me, but that pain didn't matter anymore. I walked through my home, though this time I felt like something was missing, everything was normal, the pictures and paintings, the vibrance that made my home what it was, is still there. As I kept walking it hit me, everyone was gone, my house that was previously loaded with people, was empty, I was all by myself for the first time. Thinking that it was nothing more than a special event they went to, I kept searching for the girl.