Chapter 14

A/N : this is the first chapter that there'll be a Change of povs

Sarah's pov

When I walked into our house after school, I saw my mom and dad were both at home and that in itself was very suspicious due to the previous turn of events.

'What are they up to now?' I thought to myself seeing them sitted in the living room

I wasn't in the mood for a confrontation at that moment and I wasn't ready to tell them what I had decided so, I thought the best thing to do was sneak upstairs to my room since they hadn't noticed me yet

I was glad once I had successfully tiptoed to the stairs and was about to take the first step up because I was out of their view and climbing up the stairs would be easy and noise less because our stairs wasn't made of wood so it wasn't squeaky and it was also carpeted

But for some reason I can't explain, things refuse to go my way recently even after I carefully make plans!!!

What I'm trying to say is that, it was at that moment of all moments my phone decided to notify me that it's battery was low making me pause with my leg in the air. Worse, it was on speaker for some reason even though I usually put it on vibrate!

So without being said, the noise caught my parents attention and I heard my dad say "Sarah is that you?"

"Yes sir" I mumbled out

"Could you come over here please?"he replied

Frowning and throwing a punch in the air because they couldn't see me but I quickly composed myself before going to them

I walked to my parents, stood before them and said my greetings "Good afternoon mom and dad"

They both responded simultaneously and then my dad spoke up

"Sarah take a seat"he started and once I had done that, he continued "I'm just going ask straight up, what have you decided"

"I didn't decide anything, but if you are asking if you have my permission to sell me away and ruin my life, well then, you got it" I said looking him in the eye without blinking

It was then my mom decided to speak "Sarah don't say that"

"I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true, now would I?" I asked in an overly sweet voice

"Either way that's good because we have a family dinner planned with the Morgans this evening so, go get dressed" my dad said

My mom spoke before I could respond "your dress is laid out on your bed already, I picked it out myself"

'What a wonderful achievement'I thought mentally rolling my eyes

I didn't see the point of protesting, arguing or responding in general so I just gave a nod, stood, walked up the stairs to my room and saw the dress on my bed

It was a pretty dress and on a normal day I would have loved it but this wasn't a normal day and the dress was for a family meet and greet in preparation to a forced wedding!

And though it goes without saying, I'm still going to say it anyway... I absolutely despise the dress!

Daniel's pov

My dad told me we were meeting the Davids as soon as I got home. So I quickly walked in my room, took a shower and put on a really nice shirt and pair of jeans. I wasn't happy about what the dinner was about but at least I got to see Sarah and I didn't want to look bad

Once I was done, I walked down the stairs and saw the rest of my family, apart from my dad, in the living room waiting. I sat down and joined their wait for my dad

Pearl walked up to me and I notice she looked very adorable with her little pink dress on and a matching shoe. She looked so excited to be going and and began talking non-stop to me about her excitement on going out

I wasn't happy about our outing but for her sake, I pretended to be and responded to her with smiles

Once my dad walked down the stairs, we all went out the door and filed into the jeep. After about twenty minutes we arrived at the restaurant and VIP reserved table... more like a whole room/mini-dining hall was ours for the evening

A few minutes after, Sarah and her family walked in but I noticed her brother wasn't with them. I knew all about her family because I had done my research so, I knew she had a brother and also a sister. I also knew the story behind the birth of her niece who was currently present. Hopefully my parent don't comment because I know they also had done their background check and knew a lot more than I did

After formalities and pearl telling everyone her name a thousand times, they took their seats and Sarah ended up sitting beside me which I'm sure was a deliberate act by our parents

"So, where is that young man of yours, I thought your whole family would be in attendance" my dad asked Sarah's dad

"He's a little ill and unable to attend, though he send his regards"he replied with a smile but from the shocked look that flashed across Sarah's face for a brief moment before she covered it, I knew that was definitely a lie

When it was time to order, I wanted something simple so I decided to go for a sandwich. Unfortunately, that made my younger sisters yell "me too" which in turn made my mom give us a glare and my dad say "No, order something else. Something more appropriate this time, Daniel"

From the little I knew about my dad, I was sure that he didn't really care about what we ordered and he said that because her saw my mom's frown. Even though I was certain that my dad didn't love me or my siblings, I was just as certain that he cared about my mom because of how seriously he sometimes studied her facial expressions and acted on them without her saying a word

From the corner of my eyes I saw Sarah open her mouth, about to protest but I stopped her by giving a little kick on her foot

She looked at me and I shook my head a bit at her, signalling no because any wrong move and she could ruin the whole arrangement for her parents

I just ordered something random and left it at that. Our food came and I just played with my food and pretended to eat

After a while Sarah excused herself to use that bathroom but came back with a smirk on her face making me suspicious but I just brushed it off as nothing

Once everyone was done with their food and the waiters had cleared up, the moment I had dreaded began when my dad asked Sarah's sister "so where is the child's father? " like he didn't already know

I noticed everyone except the kids tensed up but Sarah more than anyone, she had her fingers clenched like she was trying so hard not to speak

"Well, he's here and there" her sister, I think her name is Josephine, replied with a forced smile

"Ok"my dad said

After a few more awkward questions and answers, Sarah spoke "can Daniel and I be excused, I'd like to speak with him"

"Yes, no problem. You guys need to bond anyway" my dad answered

With that being said we both stood and went out. Once we were out the door, I saw Sarah walk up to a waitress and take a bag from her

After that we went into the restaurant balcony and sat down. The balcony was dimly lit so we weren't clearly visible

"Here, I noticed you didn't eat much" she said handing me the bag

I opened the bag and saw it contained a few sandwiches and a drink. I looked up at her shocked, not knowing what to say. I'm not used to receiving gifts

"Thank you?" I said still shocked but really grateful

Sarah's pov

He looked really dumbfounded when I handed him the sandwich I had ordered personally from the restaurant.

"Well, you're welcome"I replied taking a sandwich

"I thought they were for me?"He asked raising an eyebrow

"You aren't going to eat it all, and its not like I said it was all yours" I said with a shrug taking a bite out of the sandwich making him smile a bit

He sighed and said"I'm sorry about my family"

"Don't bother, they aren't all bad and your sisters are really adorable"I replied

"Yeah, they are. But I know my dad was a bit rude" he said again

"Its whatever. But you know you need to speak up for yourself more right? I don't mean be disrespectful or anything, just speak your mind" I said looking at him

"I know, it's just difficult to do. And I'm not much of a talker" he replied

"But you speak a lot with me" I reasoned

"I wonder why, it just easier for some reason to talk to you but harder with other people for some reason" he answered

"Ok, but still make an effort" I said with a small smile

"I'll try" he said seriously

It became quiet until he spoke "Your brother is really sick is he?" He said with a sad smile

"Obviously! He isn't in support of this whole arrangement" I said with a chuckle

"I guessed as much" he replied with a smirk

After a few moments of sitting in comfortable silence and eating we went back to our families and saw they were already making wedding preparations right there.

We just exchanged looks and a small smile with each other

After the dinner had come to an end and I was at home, I found myself recalling today's events and thinking that this could be worse but thankfully we both could at least speak civilly with one another

And he also has a cute smile which is a plus

What am I thinking!!! I'm probably just sleep deprived. I'm going to sleep now!!!