Chapter 15

Sarah's pov

It's been a week since my family had dinner with the Morgans and I can say they weren't joking at all. I wake up everyday thinking that it's all been just a bad dream but everyday I get reminded that it's not when my mom shows me a dress she wants me to wear or when my dad talks about it in general

Things at home has been, to put it nicely, awkward. My sister and brother have been really quiet and often avoid everyone, my parents try to act unaffected but I can tell you... they ain't fooling no one except maybe themselves?

The only person that's really happy and doesn't feel the tension that's in the house is my dear niece, Hope. She goes around still giving heart warming smiles to everyone, making me want to be a child again!!! I love her so much, Can't believe I'm gonna leave her soon

At school, I try as much as possible to act like nothing is wrong and still pretend to be cheerful because I really don't want pity, mockery or anyone to know in general! The situation is so embarrassing

I sometimes see Daniel at school but I think by some unspoken agreement, we don't speak to each other at school, in fact, we don't speak to each other at all. We're probably just waiting till the day our fates will be sealed

I'm just glad that the 'wedding' was set to happen after the end of the school's session. Which means I can at least finish highschool like a normal senior

Which brings us to the fact that today was finally prom. I wasn't all that excited to go but since I had promised every one expecially Favour that I would attend, I have no choice but to roll out of bed since it was scheduled to start by 5pm and it was currently 4pm

Also, Caleb had asked me months before to be my escort to the prom and I had accepted, so I can't back out now. He'll also be here to pick me up by 4:45pm

Getting up from my comfortable bed I stood up, went to my closet and picked a random dress from the section of my closet that had only dresses that I use for parties or events. It's a good thing I have an organized wardrobe!!!

Then, I bent and picked a pair random black heels from the bottom of my closet because black would go with anything. Then to finish the collection, I picked out a small black clutch to go with the shoes

If you can't tell yet, I'm not even trying at all. That's how uninterested I am about this event. All I want is to graduate and see what life has in store for me after which from the signs I've been getting lately it's not gonna be a walk in the park

After taking a shower, I put on my dress and shoes. As I was about to walk out my room door, I remembered I hadn't done anything to my hair. So retraced my steps and stood before the mirror, I decided to comb my tangled hair, bonded it and styled the front with gel

Once I was done, my mom came into the room looked me up and down before saying

"Caleb is waiting in the living room" she said

"Okay" I said and walked towards my door

"Sarah, remember you are getting married next week. So be careful and don't do anything that will ruin our family's name or your life" she said

"Okay" I said again but this time in a dull tone and walked away

Entering the living room I saw Caleb sitting on the couch. He stood when he saw me.

"Hey, Sarah. You look beautiful" he said with a smile

"Really?" I said looking myself over, I was wearing a burgundy coloured floor length dress that had a slight slit on the left side also had sweetheart styled neckline with longsleeves.

Well I wasn't bad looking bad, not bad at all putting into consideration how much effort I exerted. Which isn't saying much

"Yes, I mean it, was there ever any doubt? " he said smirking at me with raised eyebrows

"I didn't think there was, thanks anyway" I said with a smile

"Shall we?" He said with a chuckle leading me to the door

"We shall" I replied with a laugh, deciding right there that I would at least try to have a few laughs today, no need to mop around for something I can't change

We walked to the car and the driver took us to the school's event. We both walked into the school hall where the event had began.

It looked like a typical high school party just a controlled one because teachers were present

Immediately I walked in I was grabbed by some teachers that wanted to speak with me on some minor issues regarding the upcoming graduation and the speech I was to give as a valedictorian

After a few minutes I went back to my friends. The event was went well... I guess?

When it finally came to an end, Caleb, with the help of his driver, drove me back home. On the way we had small talks until it we arrived

We got down from the car and he walked me to the door

"I had fun today, Sarah. Thanks" he said once we got to the door

"No need, I also had fun" I said in with a sleepy smile because I was so exhausted

"Ok see you in four days for our grad" he said smiling

"Yeah sure, bye" I said turning to go into the house

"Um Sarah?" I heard him say awkwardly

"Yes? " I answered turning around slowly toward him with my head bowed a bit because as I said before I was so freaking tired!

"I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time... "he paused and took a deep breath then rushed out "Sarah I really like you, I've liked you for a long time actually. And I would love it if you would become my girlfriend" he finish

'Bruh, are you for real?!! As if I don't have enough problems already and this guy decides to do this, really???!' I yelled in my mind

Outwardly, I just took a deep breath, looked up at him with a smile,placed my hand on his shoulder

"Caleb,I really don't have energy for this... whatever this is... you also know I don't do things like that. I also have another entirely different path to take in life. So I suggest you concentrate on schooling and more productive things. You're a really smart boy, don't mess it up for yourself. Once again I do not have the energy, interest or time for this" I made sure to look him in the eye when saying all that

He looked really confused and speechless. Like he was trying to decipher what I just said. I know I'm saying this a lot but... once again I didn't have time for this!!!

"On that note Caleb, have a good night. Take my advice to heart but just dismiss the relationship proposal and rejection like it never happened. We're still gonna be friends but so don't be awkward. See you on graduation day" with that being said I turned around, walked into my house and shut the door leaving a shocked Caleb at the door


The graduation ceremony became fun after and only after our principal had given the most boring and ridiculous farewell speech ever known to man kind. Let's not forget that the speech took an hour and a half!!!

Practically everyone dozed off during his speech, including teachers!!! Even the vice principal looked like she was struggling not to. To put it nicely... and I mean it when I say nicely... his speech was torture printed on paper!

Once I gave my send off speech and the other formalities had been observed, like awards and certificates had been given, the ceremony ended. My classmates and I had a private get together, where they all made promises to keep in touch

I say 'they' because I couldn't make promises that I for sure knew I couldn't keep no matter what. So I just remained silent while they talked. No one noticed because they were all too caught up in the excitement of graduating high school

Once that was over, I felt relieved because I could now try to plan the next phase of my life... marriage

Which by the way has already been planned and was happening in two days to a groom I haven't talked to for over two weeks

Which also reminds me, it's on his birthday right? Should I like get him a birthday/wedding gift? Ha! This is so freaking stupid!!!

I think I should get him a gift he at least deserves a birthday gift, I guess? 'I'm just trying to be nice' I thought in a bid to convince myself

'Really? Trying to be nice is saying hello and checking up on him. Getting him gifts is trying to get him to like you' my subconscious replied

'So what if I want him to like me at least it's better than him hating me! We after all have to spend the rest of our lives together so why not like each other' my mind replied

Am I really having an argument with myself? More importantly am I really having an argument with my mind and the topic is centred on if I want Daniel to like me? Also I'm I really thinking that?!!!

This situation is making me loose my mind!!! Ugh!