Chapter 16

Daniel's pov

"Daniel you don't have to go to school on Monday right?" My mom asked pausing from the annoying conversation she'd been having with my sister

"Yes mom. We're on holidays, you know that already" I replied feeling sorry for myself

The school's session had finally ended and I was relieved. Exams went fine I guess? For the period of time it was going on, I decided to focus all of my attention on it in other to keep my mind off how much of a mess my life is

The last time I spoke to Sarah was during the 'family dinner' where she got me the sandwiches. I'm still shocked she had the courage to that by the way

Which reminds me that tomorrow is the wedding. I don't particularly dread it but I'm more concerned about the whole thing but I believe things happen for a reason right?

My mom has been giddy all day long and I've been getting a little irritated by it while my dad has been, well, my dad. He doesn't ever show any emotion

My sister and mom have not stop bickering all day about the wedding!!! My mom has been twirling in circles all day describing how her son is getting married tomorrow like it was a good thing

While my elder sister has been teasing me and pulling my cheeks while telling me I really had good eyes because she saw Sarah's picture and thought she was really beautiful. I can't say I'm surprised though

My kid sisters have been surprisingly quiet all day which was so unlike them. Pearl who was usually everywhere was quietly sitting in a corner in the kitchen observing every one while Julia was nowhere to be found

I was a bit concerned so I decided to check up on them later but right now I needed to find an excape from my mom and sister because I have holding back from strangling my sister due to the fact that she is currently carrying my nephew/niece in her belly but if she pinches my cheek one more time I'll definitely loose it!!!

I saw my sister look my way and I knew what was coming

"So Danny?" She started with a smirk wiggling her eyebrows making me narrow my eyes in suspicion "where's the honeymoon taking place?" She finished laughing so hard

I just remained as silent as I had been since she started teasing me because I really didn't know what to say... not like I would have answered even if I did know what to say

"No. They aren't going on any just yet, they need to concentrate on school for now. They are still very young" my mom said answering her question

'So you know that we're still young! ' I exclaimed inwardly but outwardly my facial expression remained the same

"Yeah that's true" my sister replied

They were basically having a conversation about me like I wasn't there

"Also, we all know what happens at honeymoons right?" My mom said with a goofy smile making me really uncomfortable

"Yeah we do!!!... " My sister started excitedly

'Oh God, No!' I thought knowing where she was going with that

"... that's where babies are made!!! But we don't want babies from you two just yet, right mom?" She said with a babyish pout

"You're right dear" my mom replied smirking

Well, that's it! I've finally had enough! I thought standing up and heading to my room

As I made my excape I heard my sister's teasing

"Awnnn, he's shy!!! He li... " She baby talked once again at me

Luckily I escaped before she could complete her statement

I entered my room and sat on my bed thinking of how Sarah was feeling and if it was as awkward for her as it was for me since in just a few hours we would become husband and wife and we haven't spoken to each other at all!

Which reminds me, should I call her? I got her number from my dad few days ago but haven't gathered the courage yet to call her. Also, I knew she would be busy with her graduation and stuff so I didn't want to bother her but now that I think of it... this is just really wierd

Finally deciding to call her, I picked up my phone about to dial her number but stopped because I heard a knock on my door and it was opened up a bit and two beautiful tiny heads peaked through the door

"Hey guys, come in" I said to my sisters

They walked in slowly holding hands, with Pearl hiding behind Julia and also holding her favourite doll in her hand and that made me worry because Pearl never ever walks around with the doll in her hands unless she is really sad and needs to be comforted

She usually makes sure the doll is safely kept in her room because she says since it's her favorite she never wants to loose it by accident

Whereas Julia never really hold hands unless she needed courage or moral support to do something so seeing them like that I knew something was definitely bothering them

I opened my arms and they both walked into my embrace and sat on each of my knees

"So can you guys tell me what's wrong?" I asked looking from side to side at them

"Are you going to leave us?" Pearl spoke up with a pout and her eyes watering a bit

"No!! Where did you get that from?" I asked shocked and wanting to know why she would think that

"Because mom and dad say you are getting married" she responded like that made sense and I was supposed to get enlightened about her reasoning through that

"Yes? But why would that make you guys think I was going to leave you guys" I asked again still confused

"Because when sister Liliana got married, she left us" Julia spoke for the first time, referring to our elder sister. They'd been close before Liliana had married, so her moving away had really crushed Julia

"Yes, she did. But I'm not "sister Liliana" and I'm not going anywhere so no need to worry" I replied

"Yay!!!" Pearl yelled happily but Julia still kept quiet like something else was bothering her

"Say it" I said looking at her

"What if she doesn't like us?" She said looking at me then giving Pearl a glare

"Yes! What if she doesn't like us?" Pearl piped in too when she saw the glare Julia directed at her. Then she looked at Julia, leaned closer to her and whispered, at least she thought she was whispering. "Sorry, I forgot we were supposed to ask that too but at least he's not leaving right?" Making Julia roll her eyes and then give me a serious look

I wanted to laugh so hard but I managed to keep a serious face because the look on Julia's face showed that she was serious so I covered up by clearing my throat

"Who are you talking about?" I asked

"Sister Sarah!!!" They both replied exasperatedly and in sync making me have to suppress laugh again because they were both so cute!!!

"Well I'm sure she'll like you because Sarah is very nice and in fact guess what?" I asked

"What? "They asked curiously

"I know for a fact that she already likes you two, she told me herself that You both are sooo cute" I said pinching theirs cheeks slightly making them giggle

"Really?" Julia asked still a bit unsure

"Yes really! You both are too adorable for her not to like" I said, assuring her

"Thanks Daniel" she said giving me a hug and pearl followed suit

"You're welcome babies. But you both need to go to bed. now, so hop to it" I told them

After giving me pecks on the cheek they both went happily to their rooms but not before I heard Pearl whisper to Julia "Are we really supposed to hop to our rooms? I don't think I can make it all the way hopping though" and I saw Julia roll her eyes again and that made me chuckle a little

After they left, I decided not to waste any more time because if two little girls had enough courage to confront their elder brother, why couldn't I summon the courage to call Sarah. so I dialed Sarah's number immediately

She picked up after three rings

"Hello?" She said in a questioning tone

"Hello Sarah its daniel" I rushed out suddenly breathless

It went quiet for a while then I heard her take a deep breath before she spoke

"Hey Daniel, how are you doing?" she asked

"I really don't know how I'm doing, I'm feeling a bit norm I guess?" I answered truthfully

"I wish I could feel norm because right now I feel so confused, frustrated and angry at the same time and also a bit helpless because I can't do anything to stop what is happening" she replied sounding depressed

"I'm really sorry Sarah" I said not knowing what else to say

"Its not your fault, its our parents. And I kinda appreciate the fact that you tried to help my family so you really don't have to apologise. And now let's leave this depressing talk" she replied

"Okay? So what are you wearing tomorrow?" I asked in a bid to keep conversations flowing but immediately I said it, I realized just how stupid that question was

"A white dress? " she answered amusedly before bursting out laughing

"That was a stupid question, I know" I replied shyly

"Yes it was" she said still laughing "and you what are you wearing?" She asked in a teasing tone

"A suit that I'm sure I'm going to looking stupid in" I replied with a sigh

"No, I'm sure you are going to look great. You are a good looking boy" she said the last part in a whisper

'Wait what did she just say?' I thought nervously

Sarah's pov

What did I just say!!! I yelled mentally 'what will he be thinking of me? Why did I even say that? I usually don't give guys compliments!' I thoughts to myself

'Sarah chukwuka David!!!' I mentally yelled my full name

"Sarah are you there?" I heard him ask over the phone because I had been silent for a while

"Yes I am" I replied

"Well, I think we should get of the phone now since tomorrow is gonna be a long day. I just called to check up on you" he said

"Well thanks, it'll make tomorrow less awkward I guess?" I said getting ready to hang up and mentally thanking God that he didn't hear what I said because he didn't comment on it

"Yes bye" he replied

"Bye" I said removing the phone from my ear

"Oh and Sarah?" I heard him say making me put the phone back in its position by my ear

"Yup?" I answered

"I'm glad you think I'm handsome. Would be sad if you didn't since we are getting married and all" there was an awkward moment of silence because he burst into laughter making me hide my face on my pillow and groan

I couldn't help but laugh since his laugh was infectious and I hadn't heard him laugh before

We hung up after a while saying goodnight to each other. Though he was still chuckling and I was still feeling embarrassed but for the first time in a long while I slept with a smile that didn't fade till I woke up

It ended when I woke up because I remembered it was my wedding

I wore a very simple white dress for the wedding that had very few people in attendance. Daniel wasn't lying when he said previously that it wasn't gonna be a big wedding

This was the smallest wedding I have ever been to. Which was kinda depressing because i had always imagined that my wedding would be a grand event but I guess God didn't want it that way

After walking down the short aisle, I stood beside Daniel that hadn't taken his eyes off me since I started walking down the aisle. I'm sure he must be thinking of how stupid I look right now.

At least that was what I thought until he whispered to me "you look really beautiful Sarah. So stop fidgeting" he looked at me with a little sad smile which I returned to him because I knew he was just trying to help me

After the vows and it was time to give the bride a kiss, he gave me a quick peck and I was glad he did that because I don't think I wanted to give my first kiss just yet and not to a sixteen year old since today is his birthday

After that, Daniel,both our parents and I signed some documents that I'm still not sure is legal and did not have courage to research if it was or not because I didn't think I'd like what I'd find but anyway, after that my fate was finally sealed

I'm a married girl now!!!