Chapter 17

Daniel's pov

During the wedding I had a lot of mixed feelings but I mostly went in and out of the feeling of watching a movie and feeling indifferent. I could hardly believe that I was getting married and not just getting married, I was literally getting married to Sarah David!

I felt really uncomfortable standing at the alter. Was this really happening right now? To kill the anxiety, I started looking around to the very little audience present.

I saw My dad with his usual business like expression glued to his face. While my mom looked like her face would split any moment now from the radiant smile she was giving.

I also noticed Jake give me a small smile, while Liliana who was sitting beside him gave me a wink! Why am I not surprised?

But as usual Pearl never failed to put a smile on my face by waving frantically at me and grabbing Julia's to help her wave at me, and Julia at usual just rolled her eyes at pearl and shook her head slightly.

Those ladies and gents, are my little angels

Looking over to Sarah's parents, I saw her mom looked fidgety while her dad's had a nervous look. It was almost like they were scared that she wouldn't pull through for them. But for some odd reason, I wasn't afraid of that happening.

I trusted Sarah.

Her brother was surprisingly in attendance but he had only one expression pasted on his face Anger

Our eyes met for a split second but I quickly looked away, he had a deadly look on his face and I'm not ashamed to say that I was frightened by it

Sarah's sister was also present with her child she looked very sad while her baby looked oblivious to anything but the sparkles in her dress

I was beginning to get nervous until I saw My "bride" walking down the aisle fidgety making me want to burst into laughter but I couldn't because my eyes seemed glued to her. She looked really beautiful, and though I know this may sound a bit cliche I still gotta say it

My heart literally skipped a beat!!! I think more than a beat if I'm being totally honest

After telling her to stop fidgeting the wedding went as well as a wedding should go


After the whole wedding was and we had arrived home later in the evening, my mom took Sarah away saying she needed to talk to her daughter in law. While my dad was no where to be found, my kid sisters went to bed immediately making me sit alone in the living room

Which was perfect timing because I really need a break. Deciding I needed fresh air to think, I went to the garden

The evening was cool and helped clear my mind. I know I've been trying really hard to assure Sarah that everything would be fine but I really don't know, expecially with the rate things were not going according to plan

Also, how are Sarah and I going to cope with being together as husband and wife and also sharing a room!!!

Oh did i forget to say we were sharing a room? Well we are sharing a room and it was all mom's idea! We are totally gonna kill each other, Considering the way we argue sometimes!

Oh my God! I thought slapping my forehead with my hand, dragging the Palm down my face and then rubbing my face vigorously with it

I turn around to head inside the house and...

"Ahhh!!!!" I squealed on the top of my voice seeing someone behind me

"Oh My God, Sarah!" I yelled when I recognized who was behind me

She looked at me with wide eyes before blinking a few times and finally did the unexpected, she started laughing!!!

For God's sake, laughing!!!

"I don't see what's so funny in you nearly giving me an heart attack!" I said giving her a hard look

"Daniel, did you just squeal like a girl?" She managed to ask through her laughter, a totally unnecessary laughter if I might add.

"No I didn't" I said trying hard to look her in the face because I was getting embarrassed and looking away would give that up

"Then where did the girly scream I heard come from?" She asked again finally putting her laughter under control but still smiling wildly

"I don't know, that never occurred" I replied still desperately trying to save my face

"Oh really? I'm pretty sure it happened and it came from the person I'm looking at" this time she said it with an amused smile

"I don't know what you heard but I didn't scream like a girl I gave a manly scream" I said with confidence

Guys, you know how things sound so much better in your head but you only realise how dumb it is only after you've said them outloud?

Well, that's exactly what happened to me!!! I only realised how stupid I sounded after I had said that statement to Sarah's hearing and immediately I said it, I wished the ground could open that instant and swallow me whole because she laughed harder than she did the last time and this time it lasted longer

"Its not that funny Sarah" I said

"Well it is to me" she replied still laughing

"Why do I always talk too much and embarrass myself around you?" I asked honestly because I'm usually very composed and coordinated

"I don't know, boys usually do that when they have a crush on a girl but I don't think you have a crush on me. Or do you?" She asked with a fake gasp making me know that she was joking

I just rolled my eyes outwardly but on the inside my heart was almost beating through my chest!

"So why did you come out here?" I asked in a bid to change the topic

"Well, I was looking for you" she said and for some reason she looked a bit nervous

"Why?" I said leading her to a bench to sit

"Well for multiple reasons" she replied her countenance changing a little

"Like?" I asked expectantly with raised eyebrows

"Like this" she answered and with lightning speed gave me hard flick on my forehead!!!

"Ugh! Again?? What did I do this time?!!" I asked holding my forehead and grunting in pain!! That stuff hurts so much!!!

"It's what you didn't do, Daniel!!!" She replied with heat in her voice

"So what didn't I do Sarah!" I yelled back with irritation because my forehead was still stinging

"Why didn't you tell me about the sleeping arrangement!!!" She replied

"Oooooh" I said my mouth forming an 'O shape' and my eyebrows going up

My anger was diluted in a split second. I guess I did deserve the flick

"Yeaaaaaah" she replied mimicking me with wide eyes

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how to tell you" I said with bowed head

"It's fine, I didn't just like being told by your mother that I was sharing a room with you, that's all. It's a bit uncomfortable" she replied folding her arms

"It's uncomfortable for me too. I tried to protest but they didn't listen" I said

"Protested as in you told them what you thought about it? " she asked

"Not really" I replied dragging out my words

"Daniel I thought we had a deal and you said you'll speak out more often" Sarah answered with hands on hand on her hips

"Yeah we did, but it's not as easy as it seems" I replied

"Really? Because you make it seem pretty easy when you talk to me. Why is that?" She said squinting

"I've told you before Sarah and I'll say it again. I. Do. not. know." I replied pausing between each word

"Whatever we'll figure that out later, here" she said shoving a gift bag I hadn't noticed in my hand

"What's this?" I asked curiously

"I got you some birthday presents. I didn't know what you'd like, so I got what I would like for you to have. Get it?" She said with a small smile

"Yes I do but why?" I asked in shock

"Because it's your birthday today, is it not?" She asked like her reason for getting me the gift was obvious enough

"Yes but you do realise that practically no one got me a gift for my birthday. I don't even think they remembered " I said

"Well I'm Sarah and Sarah got you something" she said in a duh tone

"Thank you" I said opening the bag and bringing out what it contains

There were three boxes. I looked at her for a brief moment before opening the smallest one it contained a pen that looked expensive, making me look at her with wide eyes

"What? I saw it and I liked it" she said shrugging

I opened the next one and it contain a set of cufflinks and a tie clip that once again looked expensive, this time I raised an eyebrow at her and she just smiled and shrugged

The last box contain a blue tie, pocket handkerchief and a bowtie that came in a set.

"This one, I saw another set in red but I didn't think you were a red person and I liked the blue better so I thought why not?" She said shrugging and tilting her head to the side simultaneously.

I sat there quietly a bit amused and surprised at the same time. After a few seconds of silence Sarah spoke again

"Can you lead the way to your room. Your mom showed me around a while ago but I can't figure this whole place right now. It's late and my mind is tired" she said gesturing towards the door that led inside

"So your brain can get tired?"I replied finally speaking

"Yes, it can. I'm human too." She said giving me a little shove and started walking towards the door

"Sarah?" I called out

"Yes?" She answer pausing

"Thank you so much for the gift, I really wasn't expecting it" I said

"You're welcome Daniel, Anytime" she replied turning around slightly with a smile.

'Wow, she's really pretty' I thought to myself

Things went fine on the journey to my room. It was really awkward when we got in and had to decide on which side of the bed we'd both occupy but the awkwardness couldn't compete with the annoyance I felt when I was about to get into my side of the bed and Sarah yelled with all her might


"What?" I asked immediately withdrawing from the bed

"There is no way you, Daniel Morgan, are getting into this bed without taking a shower first! And before you ask I already took one when your mom brought me here earlier " She said giving me a stern look

Well I guess our little truce is over and Sarah is back!

"But it's my bed and I don't... " I paused to sniff myself "... I don't smell" I replied

"And I don't care!" She said with all seriousness

Picking up fresh clothing from my closet I stormed into the bathroom

I guess this is what married life is about now.

'Receiving orders!!!' I thought angrily while I slammed the bathroom door