Chapter 29

Sarah's pov

As soon as I shut the bathroom door, I let out a shaky breath that I had been holding in all this while. Where on earth did that come from Sarah? He probably thinks you're crazy right now! The thought came to me as soon as I stepped away from the door

But its all his fault, he just wouldn't stop saying those nasty things and I had to find a way to stop him! I argued with myself. But that was a bit far don't you think? My mind argued back

Yeah but at least he'll shut up once I tell him to next time, I replied smirking as I went to my bedroom to get extra pillows from it.

You really are crazy, my inner voice spoke again

Yeah I know, I responded still smirking as I went back to Daniel's room

For some reason, I felt zero guilt doing what I did unlike before when I'd feel so awkward like I was doing something wrong but now I just feel giddy thinking about it