Chapter 30

Daniel's pov

"What's up man" Andrew greeted immediately I got to our lunch table

"I'm cool" I responded groaning as I struggled to sit down

"Dude, you look like crap" Aaron not surprisingly made the comment

"I feel like crap too" I replied to him

"Did you drive to school? that must have hurt. How do you feel? do you need to go to school's nurse?... " Abigail as usual began asking questions non-stop but I didn't mind, that's just her way of showing care

During these past weeks, I grew closer to them. They were actually the first real friends I got to hang out and so far it has been fun.

"Drive? Sarah wouldn't even let me climb down the stairs on my own not to talk of going close to a car. We took an uber here" I whined without thinking

"Who's Sarah?" Andrew asked curiously

"Hmm?" Was all I could get out before I started choking on the soda I had started drinking

"Sarah? Who mentioned Sarah?" I asked once I could breath again