Chapter 31

Sarah's pov

I walked further into the room looking around it cautiously. I dropped my bag along the way as I got closer to them

"Hey pretty thing? Could you just turn around and pretend like you never saw anything" the idiotic guy that was sitting said to me adding fuel to the already blazing flame

While he spoke, he rose from the stool and walked sluggishly towards me

"Let him go now or else"  I said in a hiss.

By this time, we were already within arms length of each other

"Or else wh-" he started saying

But he was cut off by a punch that knocked him out cold. I wasn't in the mood for small talks so I had packed all my anger into the punch I delivered to him.

Sorry, not sorry.

Both of the guys that were giving Daniel punches had stopped and moved to face me. The first one ran towards me crouching low. I gave him a kick at the side of his neck, he staggered and fell to the ground head first