
Gulunor :

-"Welcome to my Magic Workshop! Here you can find a library of different 'magic books' each with there own specialties and some potions that can help you on your journey."

Vikhail :

-"As a spellcaster, what can I learn?"

Gulunor :

-"A Human Spellcaster can learn from different 'magic books' such as Fire Arts, Nature Arts, Dark Arts, Light Arts, and there's more. The magic books that I'm selling is only basic for us experienced spellcasters. You may learn secret knowledge on your journey."

Vikhail :

-"Secret knowledge, I'll find one."

Hel'nar :

-"What can I be in the future?"

Gulunor :

-"A Beast Knight can choose two paths, it's either to stay with your adventure mates or to sworn yourself to protect your brethren. The great strength of Beast Knights are so impressive that even us high mages tremble from their presence. They can empower their own weapon and harden their own armor with the emotions of their minds. The more they get emotional, the more they get stronger."

Hel'nar :

-"Well, I'm staying with my friends."

Yll'nael :

-"What can I do?"

Gulunor :

-"A high elf can learn different talents such as sprinting faster than any other, different bow talents, and some impressive sword skills, and their great at nature magics but not as good as humans when it comes to other spells."

Yll'nael :

-"That feels like I have the powers of every race."

Gulunor :

-"Here are some equipment and magic books. Just pick one based from your preference. On your journey, you may find other artifacts that might benefit you. Actually, learning how to craft and smith your own equipment is great benefit for you and your allies."

(Vikhail picked the magic books. Hel'nar equipped the leather armor and brought a greatsword. Yll'nael brought a bow and arrows and two pairs of short swords.)

Gulunor :

-"Take a stroll at the city first, while I make preparations at where you will practice your own skills. Oh and by the way, take these."

Vikhail :


Gulunor :

-"Yes. Our coins are named 'Fanarins' in the continent of Fantasia. Buy yourselves a map of this city"

(After strolling and buying a map for each of them, they returned to Gulunor at night. But Gulunor wanted to show them something first.)

Gulunor :

-"Wait. I wanted to show you something, something that will amaze you three."

Vikhail :

-"Lead the way, Gulunor."

Yll'nael :

-" *girly voice* I'm so excited! What do you think it would be Alan?"

Hel'nar (Alan) :

-" *Holding his laugh* (She doesn't even fit being a man)."

Yll'nael :

-"What are you laughing at?"

Hel'nar :

-"Stop being cute in a girly way, you are a man in this world how can you forget that?"

Yll'nael :

-"Oooh, so your attracted to guys who are being cute then. I'll see to that (Hihi)."

Hel'nar :

-"That's not even close to what I said!"

(Yll'nael closing in to Hel'nar with a cute face. While Vikhail is reading magic books.)

Yll'nael :

-"Is this how you like it? Being close face to face?"

Hel'nar :

-"(That face is so cute, those eyes sparkle like stars, but I'm not into this kind of thing! Why am I moving closer?! My body is moving on it's own, and why do I feel like I wanted to. . . kiss him.) *He blushed a little*. *Forcing to say* Hey, s-stop it! I'm a man a-and you're a man, I'm not into this k-kind of thing!"

Yll'nael :

-"Aww, what a cute face your making right now *She blushed a little*. That charm spell works, even on beasts. Interesting."

Hel'nar :

-"Charm me again and I shall see a shape of my fist on your face."

Yll'nael :

-"Don't worry Alan, I'm not looking forward to making love with the same gender."

(Hel'nar looked around him. He saw beautiful lights of the houses, the stars that twinkle up above the skies, the light of the full moon kissing his skin.)

Hel'nar :

-" *Calm background music* We're on a different world now, I can't help but feel relaxed and calm. The purple rooves of the houses and there lights, the light of the full moon, beautiful waterfall coming down from the floating sky islands, and of course having friends with me enjoy this world.

Vikhail :

-"I still can't believe that this is all real. Since we didn't start from being born as babies and we still have our memories. It makes it all weird. But if this is real, then I shall I live here till the day I die and get reincarnated again here in this world."

Yll'nael :

-"I don't know if our memories will be saved after we die in this world. Endings are just so sad."

Vikhail :

-"Well, let us not think about that and we must first enjoy our lives in this world."

Yll'nael & Hel'nar :


(They finally reached the place where Gulunor wanted to show them something amazing. Gulunor stood on the edge of the sky island of the capital of Magen Hi, then he pointed his staff towards an another sky island. The sky island has a very much lower height than Magen Hi. The sky island has a beautiful and colorful forest, a lake can be seen hidden from the .)

Gulunor :

-"I bought that island with fifty-thousand of Fantarins. That is where we will practice and hone your skills to be ready for your journey. It's not much but from there you can see clearly the ground of Fantasia.

Vikhail :

-"What do you mean it's not much. It has everything we need to survive months on that sky island."

Yll'nael :

-"Vikhail's right, we can also build our own home there."

Gulunor :

-"Oh no no no, I won't let you build a home right there. I have many plans for that sky island and besides, it's better to live on the ground of Fantasia than on any sky islands."

Hel'nar :

-"How do we get there?"

Gulunor :

-"Ah yes. (Gulunor whistled two long breaks)."

(After a while something emerges from the clouds. As it turns out, it was a big bird that has the figure of an eagle but bigger. The )

Gulunor :

-"Hera! How'd you been my griffin?"

Vikhail :

-"Wow, a griffin! Where'd you fine one?"

Gulunor :

-"Griffins this size are rarely found on the northern mountains of Fantasia. I wouldn't recommend you to go there and try catching one without proper equipment."

Vikhail :

-"Are you sure? Because I think can catch one, if you fly me to there den."

Gulunor :

-"I don't think so, not now. You will have plenty of time to go there with your friends as soon as you find the artifact that I'm looking for. Anyway, I'll transport you three, one at a time to that sky island. Hera is strong enough to do that, right Hera?"

Hera :


(The two were succesfully transported, only Vikhail is needed to be transported on the other side. As they were flying towards the sky island. Thick fog begins to form around them, making Gulunor stop Hera.)

Gulunor :

-"This. . . fog. Vikhail, hold tight!

(Gulunor speeds up his griffin. As they were flying away from the fog, Vikhail looks back and saw a figure forming from the clouds.)

Vikhail :


(A dragon emerges from the clouds. It's shiny scales reflects the beautiful moonlight.)

Gulunor :

-"A 'Cloud Dragon'. We're lucky to get away from it. They're rarely seen from around here."

Vikhail :

-"It's still an amazing sight."

Gulunor :

-"It is. Griffin Riders will chase it away from the city soon."

(Vikhail and Gulunor lands on the island. Vikhail tells his friends about the amazing sight he saw.)

Gulunor :

-"This island will be your training ground, I will train you students until the three of you are ready for your journey. There are plenty of resources that you can use. Now we must set our tents, but where?"

(Vikhail and Helnar doesn't know where, but Y'lanel has a keen eye for that.)

Y'lanel :

-"Right there."

-"It's close to a fresh water, not close to a hill, exposed to sun and wind."

Gulunor :

-"Nicely done, Y'lanel."

-"I hope you two have learned something from Y'lanel."

-"That's where we set our camp and have ourselves a good night sleep. Then, tomorrow we start our training."

==End of Chapter