You can skip this parentheses, I just wanna say why I was gone for a while...
(The moment I backread my story, I realized that my story is SO BORING, there's just way too much distraction just like the episode 'Training', It's so childish for me and that's not what I want the story to be. I hope you guys understand. Now let's get back to the story.)
--Back to the story--
(After years of training. The three students are ready to depart for their quest.)
Gulunor :
-Wait, Vikhail. I have something to tell you before you guys leave.
Vikhail :
-What is it?
Gulunor :
-No matter what happens, protect your friends from harm. Do anything what's right for you and your friends. Promise me that.
Vikhail :
-Why all this of the sudden?
Gulunor :
-I just don't want you to make the same mistake I did before. All my friends died because of me, I led them to "Demonis" the land of demons. All I wanted is to end all demons and have peace. I and my friends had an argument.
(Inside Gulunor's memory.)
Houndrulf :(2nd leader of the guild):
-This plan of yours is impossible! You're going to get us all killed and wreak havoc to "Fantasia"!
Gulunor :(Leader of the guild):
-Going there is the only way to stop all this cruelty!
Houndrulf :
-Our duty is to protect the people of "Fantasia" and not create more havoc by opening another portal!
Jamaiya :(Captain):
-We have a ten thousand soldiers, mages, and archers against thousands of demons and with the help of "Dragon God Holus". You also have your "Staff of Creyo". All of us can defeat the demons that we have been fighting for millions of years and have what we always wanted. . . freedom!
Houndrulf :
-You're underestimating the demons Jamaiya, we don't have a single information on what's going on in "Demonis".
Gulunor :
-Houndrulf! Can't you see? We have a god that's gonna help us and my staff to freeze them all to death. Then, after all this we will finally have freedom. Don't you want this for your family? Your children will have a better world. It's either you join us to battle or you turn your back on us and leave this place!
Houndrulf :
-I will join, but don't say I didn't warn you two. If we had too much casualties, I'm blaming all of it to the both of you! (He walked out of the tent.)
Dragon God Holus :
-Gulunor, at first I didn't like the idea of marching in to Demonis. Demons are powerful. I may be a Dragon God but that doesn't mean I can kill all demons, but I will die for the people of "Fantasia".
Gulunor :
-Thank you Holus, For joining us to battle against the demons.
Dragon God Holus :
-Of course.
(The army marched inside to the portal leading to Demonis. The battle has begun. The dragon god Holus used his Light Powers to burn the demons. Gulunor turns every demon he sees into thick ice and make them explode into sharp pieces killing more demons near the explosion. Houndrulf with his sword skills, slashing through the demons and cutting their heads clean. Jamaiya cheering her allies with a battle cry. Jamaiya pierces her enemies in a straight line with her long spear. Demons were caught by surprise, making them take more casualties.)
Gulunor :
-Do you see this Houndrulf? We are winning!
Houndrulf :
-I can't believe you were actually right about us winning against the demons.
-Gentlemen, don't get too excited just yet. We still have many demons to kill.
(The bloody battle was stopped by the shaking of the ground. Gulunor noticed something big is coming, something that will cause anyone fear. It's a Fire Elemental Archdemon, it's armor is hanged with eternal burning of corpses from different humanoids. His eyes are hungry for a bloodbath. His whole body made out of fire. His huge and wide wings make him even more terrifying looking like a dragon himself.)
Gulunor :
-It can't be. . .Those things were eradicated during the battle of the gods. Everyone retreat!
(Everyone ran to the portal. By the time, they have reached the portal. The Archdemon has blocked their way to the exit. They had no choice but to fight the Archdemon. Soldiers are disembodied by the sharp claws of the Archdemon. Mages used Ice Magics to weaken the parts of the Archdemon. Houndrulf struck the weak spot with all his might, making the Archdemon roar loud of pain. Gulunor trapped it's hands and foot with thick ice. The Archdemon bursts into rage, making it's body turn into magma that even Ice Spells can't even hold. He splashes his magma to the mages burning them. The Archdemon flew to the sky, then he flew straight down to the ground making the ground crumble. Dragon God Holus is being surrounded by demons, he came to the Archdemon hugging him, making himself explode. There was a very bright light everywhere. The Archdemon being eradicated along with the demons near the explosion. Jamaiya, remembering the good times she had with her family and friends. Jamaiya is becoming tired of fighting, then all of the sudden . . . she got stabbed in the back, making her lose so much blood. Jamaiya with her dying breath said, "I have done my part in this world, now I shall have my rest in peace". Gulunor's army die painfully infront of him. The demons are increasing in numbers killing everyone in their path to get to the portal.)
Gulunor :
-What have I. . .done? This is all my fault. It shouldn't have ended like this.
Houndrulf :
-Gulunor! There's not much time, get into the portal!
Gulunor :
-No! I will not leave my friends! I brought you all to this. Holus couldn't have been dead, if it wasn't for me. Jamaiya . . . died. You're coming with me Houndrulf, I have lost too many, I can't lose a friend again.
Houndrulf :
-Yes Gulunor! I blame you for all of this, but you're still my friend. If I go in there with you we won't have much time to close the portal. You have to go! I had happy memories being friends with you and Jamaiya. Our adventure was fun. Thank you for all of that. Now go! Hurry to the portal!
(Houndrulf pushed Gulunor to the portal. Gulunor looked back at him, he see's a wide smile and tears.)
Houndrulf :
-Tell my wife that I love her!
(The portal was closed as Gulunor got out from the portal.)
--End of Chapter--