(Vikhail and his friends riding a horse on their way to their quest.)
Helnar :
-So, where is the artifact located?
Vikhail :
-Ardan's Peak. Master said that we'll be passing through the land of dwarves to reach there.
Helnar :
-I have heard they have the most advanced technology among other factions.
Y'lanel :
-Perfect. I could finally replace my old equipment.
(As they kept on riding further, they see a cloud of black smoke rising into the skies, ashes floating around them, a smell of burning wood. They rushed up on a hill, only to see a city burning down to ashes, a castle that is in ruins, beneath the mountain there's a huge gate with towers looking like a mine, skeletal corpses walking like it has life, red-skinned humanoids with horns that are similar to goat horns but longer, green-skinned humanoids shouting a war cry.)
Vikhail :
-What . . . what happened here?
Helnar :
-The dwarves has been raided by some . . . I don't know, unnatural humanoid creations of a mad man?
Y'lanel :
-What? No! Basing from their appearance, those humanoids are demons, the undead, and orcs.
Vikhail :
-What do they want from the dwarves a-a-and why would they do this?! There's blood everywhere, I-I can't stand looking at it.
(Vikhail's eyes are turning pale, his face looking white, and he also . . . "peed himself? nah he actually did not do that.")
Helnar :
-Vikhail! Snap out of it. You're a spellcaster, you should get used to things like this. Those are guys right there are evil. When the time comes, you're gonna have to kill in order to save your friends and to save the world.
Vikhail :
-I just can't.
Y'lanel :
-Stop whining already. We need to know why they're here. It looks like the raiders are on their move towards the gate of the mines.
Helnar :
-What do we do?
Y'lanel :
-The city gates are heavily guarded. We're gonna have to go through the sewers to avoid detection.
Helnar :
-Sounds like a plan.
(They ran down to the canal where the sewer of the city ends. While they were navigating the canal, they saw two guards guarding the entrance.)
Y'lanel :
-Those guards looks like dwarves. We should negotiate with them.
(Vikhail and his friends approaches the guards and greeted the dwarves guarding the gate.)
Vikhail :
-Friendly! We're not spies or the enemies. We are here to reach Ardan's Peak but it seems the way is blocked by your enemies. Maybe we could pass through here?
Dwarven Guard 1 :
-Not so easy. We don't even know you. Where'd you come from anyway?
Vikhail :
-We are from Magen High. And we're here to get some rare artifact for our master called, 'Eternal Mind'.
Dwarven Guard 2 :
-Just what every mage wants, a rare and secret artifact. Sorry lad, we really don't like mages roaming around our city. They're too dangerous.
Vikhail :
-Why are the demons, undead, and orcs attacking the city above?
Dwarven Guard 1 :
-They want some artifact that will make the owner's mind eternal. Perhaps you are searching for the same thing and like other mages you'll use it to rule the world, ain't ya?
Vikhail :
-I know nothing of this artifact and if it will be dangerous we will take great care of it. If you really can't trust us. Perhaps we can do something big for you to trust us?
Dwarven Guard 2 :
-Oh, I know! Perhaps you can deal with that problematic spider with your magic and it's not just an ordinary spider, it's a hundred times bigger than a spider! Join the alchemists that are guarding the cage of the spider. The alchemists will tell you what to do.
Vikhail :
-After we deal with this spider. Make sure you'll let us in your city. Do we have a deal?
Dwarven Guard 2 :
-You can count on it.
(Vikhail and his friends started navigating their way to the cage of the spider.)
Y'lanel :
-Those dwarves really have some trust issues on mages.
Helnar :
-I do the same thing if I were them.
Vikhail :
-I understand. Mages can cast devastating spells that could end an entire city. Even now, I'm worried about myself, what if I get out of control and couldn't be stopped that I might destroy half of the world.
(Y'lanel laughs so hard.)
Y'lanel :
-Haha! You think you'd be that strong? Haha! you're actually weak. You couldn't even kill a very small living thing haha. Back from our training, I remember the wolf you're trying to calm down but you couldn't and you let it attack you. Helnar saved your a** back then. I couldn't stop laughing at you that time haha!
Vikhail :
-Killing is not always the way. I could have tamed that wolf and let him come with us.
Y'lanel :
Helnar :
-Vikhail, it's a killed or be killed situation. Will you rather be killed and not enjoy this world?
Vikhail :
-Of course I don't wanna die. It's just that for me, killing is not the right way.
Helnar :
-I don't know but, when the time comes I hope you do the right thing.
(Vikhail and his friends, finally reached their location. They were astonished to see the huge spider crawling around the cage. Vikhail saw alchemists doing experiments. Vikhail tried to talk to get their attention but it seems that they are very focused on what they're doing.)
Vikhail :
-I can't get their attention.
(Helnar roars so loudly that caught the alchemists attention.)
Y'lanel :
-Nice one Helnar.
Alchemist :
-Hey! wha' were ya' thinkin'?! More spiders might come ya jack***! Tell me wha' ya' want before I change my mind.
Helnar :
- How about you pay attention to the people around you, next time!
Vikhail :
-We're sent by the dwarves guarding the city. Perhaps we could help you deal with this spider.
Alchemist :
-My name's Carnon Humin, I'm the current leader of the alchemists.
Vikhail :
-So, could you tell us how this spider grew so much?
Carnon :
- It's because of our experiment. We use spiders as test subjects since they are common down here. Then, my 'CARELESS' assistants accidentally dropped a lot of growing experiments onto a cage of spiders and did not even tell me the truth. I have only noticed months later that the spiders are strangely big. They killed some of my assistants and also soldiers. The queen
Vikhail :
- So there's not just one spider this huge?!
Carnon :
- Nah, we're lucky only one grew up that huge. The others only grew about the size of a dog and has big sharp fangs. Some have escaped and people are gonna have much bigger problems. Right now, this huge spider is not yet on it's full size and it's depending on it's spiderlings, it's gonna be harder to contain in the future.
Vikhail :
- What can we do?
Carnon :
- That's wha' I'm busy about right now. Maybe tomorrow, I can give y'all the information ya' need. How about ya' take a rest first, I can see that y'all are tired of your journey. There's an inn right about there.
Vikhail :
- Thank you. You should also have your rest.
Carnon :
- Bah! I ain't restin' if this spider ain't yet dead.