(It's morning and Vikhail wakes up earlier than his friends, he then goes to visit the restless alchemist at his workplace.)
Vikhail :
-So how's it going? I wonder if you're okay after restless nights.
Carnon :
-Don't worry about me lad. I still don't find weaknesses of this spider, I have tested everything already. This spider is a tough lad and it's spiderlings are just way too many.
(Vikhail scratches his head not knowing what to do. Until he realized, the answer was so simple.)
Vikhail :
- You mentioned many spiderlings, right?
Carnon :
- I did. What about it?
Vikhail :
- If this spider is in a cage and has many spiderlings. All we have to do is kill her spiderlings one by one until the queen has no more source of food. After the Queen is weakened, we can now launch our attack and kill the queen.
(Vikhail's friends just woke up and joins the chat.)
Y'lanel :
- *Yawn* I thought you're soft? I think even killing this bug makes you sad.
Vikhail :
- Ha! You think so? I kill bugs, especially if it's a threat. Cockroaches are my worst enemies.
Y'lanel :
- Whatever.
Helnar :
- *Yawn* Who wouldn't kill a disgusting and threatening bug Y'lanel.
Y'lanel :
- Uhm, soft peoples like Vikhail?
Vikhail :
- Anyway, our plan is to kill all the spiderlings of the queen in order for her supplies to diminish and weaken her.
(After a while, they start to approach the cage of the queen spider and started to kill her spiderlings. Vikhail started using his 'Fire Ball' magic on groups of spiders. Helnar smashes his first spider with his fists, then smashes the other spiders with his great hammer. Y'lanel shoots spiders with her crossbow gauntlets and slashes with his dual sword with great speed. Dwarf reinforcements also started to join the battle. Little did they know, the dwarves starts to shoot the spider queen with cannons.)
Vikhail :
- No! Not the queen!
(The spider queen shrieks so loud that made them hinder their movements and attracting more spiders. Vikhail couldn't defend himself properly and was bitten by a spider at his back. Other dwarves were webbed and stuck.)
Y'lanel :
- Vikhail!
- *Runs towards Vikhail*
- You alright?
Vikhail :
- I c-can keep up. I must s-stand...I must...
- *Vikhail faints on the hands of Y'lanel*.
Y'lanel :
- Vikhail?
- Vikhail?!
- Wake up!
- Helnar! Help me carry Vikhail!
Helnar :
- *Runs toward Vikhail*
- What happened?!
Y'lanel :
- Just help me!
- Tell the others to flee.
(Helnar carries Vikhail on his back.)
Helnar :
- Everyone, fall back!
(Everyone retreats to the camp and tells everyone to flee into the city. More and more spiders starts to show up and chase them. Vikhail and the dwarves have reached the gate of the city.)
Carnon :
- Open the gates! Spiders are about to kill us!
Dwarven Guard 1:
- We can't let you in with with these strangers!
Carnon :
- Are you f***** blind?! Can't you see this people?! We need a medic right now!
Y'lanel :
- We had a deal. We helped the alchemist!
(The spiders are coming closer.)
Carnon :
- Open the godd*** gates ya' scu*****!
(The dwarves quickly opened the gates.)
Dwarven Guard 2:
- Quickly!
(All of them got inside. Carnon had an argument with the guards. Helnar and Y'lanel carried Vikhail to the medics, but the apothecary was also filled with poisoned and wounded dwarves, so they sat and wait for space.)
(Vikhail opens his eyes.)
Vikhail :
- It...hurts...
Y'lanel :
- Vikhail? Thank God you're alive.
Vikhail :
- I should be the one who's dead, not those dwarves who died fighting for my carelessness.
Helnar :
- It's ok buddy, all we can--
Vikhail :
- Nothing's OK! Did you not see?!
- Their lives...I ruined it. I could've warned them.
(Vikhail covers his eyes, trying to hide his crying face.)
Helnar :
- Then fight for them! Avenge their deaths! Be strong. Don't let their deaths fuel your sadness. Instead, let it fuel your determination to avenge them. Don't waste their lives for being brave.
(Vikhail got even more emotional, starting to hate his self. He started pushing his wound deeper wanting more pain.)
Vikhail :
- *Gah!*
- I wanna die! I deserve it.
Y'lanel :
- Stop! Don't do this to yourself!
Helnar :
- Vikhail! You're being childish!
(Helnar and Y'lanel managed to control Vikhail. After a while of Vikhail crying and swearing, he fell asleep. Y'lanel made him comfortable, by placing his head on his lap.)
Helnar :
- Alright, I'm going to get us food. You stay here with Vikhail.
Y'lanel :
- I'll take care of him.
Y'lanel :
- *Y'lanel looks at Vikhail's face*
- *Thinking to himself* (Such a cute face, you kinda make me regret being a male in this world. Your clumsiness makes you look stupid and at the same time cuter. I hope there's a gender swap item or potion somewhere. Ugh, I can't believe I still have a girl personality even if I'm a male in this world. You better find a girl you love before I find the item or potion.)
Helnar :
- *approaches with a bag of sandwiches*
- Heyyy uhm, you're kinda red, are you alright?
Y'lanel :
- Huh? It's nothing.
Helnar :
- If you say so. Well, here's some sandwich.
Y'lanel :
- *Impressed* This is tasty. Where'd you get this from?
Helnar :
- A restaurant.
Y'lanel :
- Can you be specific please?
Helnar :
- Well you didn't ask specifically. Anyway, I bought it at Gonron's Restaurant.
(After a few bites.)
Y'lanel :
- I would like Vikhail to taste this too.
Helnar :
- That's weird for you to say.
Y'lanel :
-Weird? What do you mean?
Helnar :
- I thought you hate him or something.
Y'lanel :
- What? I just wanted him to taste it.
- What's it got to do with hate?
Helnar :
- Well, you were so worried when you saw him getting bitten.
Y'lanel :
- I just can't lose someone like him.
Helnar :
- Woah woah. Now that's super weird. Do you like--
(Suddenly, an alchemist looking troubled interrupted their conversation.)
Alchemist :
- We're sorry but we ran out of medicinal herbs. We can't make a cure without them and we only have a day to save the poisoned ones.
We're asking help from you guys and other dwarves. We'll take care of your poisoned mate.
Helnar :
- I'll join for the search.
Y'lanel :
- I'll stay.
Helnar :
- We're gonna need your skills Y'lanel. It'll make our search easier.
Y'lanel :
- Fine.
- You, dwarf. Make sure you take care of him. If I knew something bad happened to him, I swear I'm gonna--
Helnar :
- *drags Y'lanel*
- Vikhail will be fine, don't worry.
==End of Chapter