"Way too much..."

(Y'lanel and Helnar went at the city gates to discuss with the other soldiers on where they could find the herbs.)

(The captain spreads a map and points where the herbs can be found.)

Captain :

- "Now that you all know where the medicine is located, we shall continue for our search soon."

(Suddenly the guards above the gates shouted.)

Dwarven Guard 1:

- "Captain! We're under attack by demons, undead, and orcs!"

Y'lanel :

- They must've heard the Spider Queen's shriek.

Captain :

- Da**! Prepare the gate cannons and shoot if you must!

- You, tell the citizens to evacuate!

- Soldiers! To arms!

Helnar :

- We're outnumbered captain. We won't win this!

Captain :

- I know that. We must guard the gate as long as we can until the citizens and the wounded can evacuate properly.

Helnar :

- I'll make sure that I'll keep them longer with my strength.

(As they were talking, the gate cannons started shooting.)

Dwarven Guard 1 :

- "They're attacking!"

(The dwarven soldiers starts to form a wall with shields and spears. A mortar-like creation of the dwarves are being set up at a distance. Spike traps are being placed on the ground and covered with dirt. Crossbow mens above a cliff targeting straight at the gates. Alchemists holding a bottle of water.)

Y'lanel :

- "Water?"

Captain :

- "Not just any water, those are 'Holy Water' that will make the skin and bones of evil beings evaporate into thin air."

Y'lanel :

- "That's useful."

Captain :

- *Hands out bottles*

- "Here's some."

Y'lanel :

- "Thanks."

(Suddenly, explosions were heard above the gate. The dwarven guards above the gates fell to their death. The gate is being battered by the enemy, only a few more and the gate will open.)

Captain :

- "Make ready!"

(With the final batter of the gate, the enemies rush in to battle. The traps placed killed lots of orcs and demons but not the undead. The mortar from afar powerfully launched a bomb to a large group of enemies. But even after the very well placed traps and a mortar bomb, there's still more enemies rushing in. The dwarven wall managed to hold steady until a tall giant ogre swings its heavy club at their wall, breaking bones of those who were hit.)

Helnar :

- "Captain!"

- "It's a giant!"

Captain :

- "Fall back to our last defense!"

- "Wait for the mortar to hit the ogre!"

(Every dwarves retreats back to their last line of defense forming another wall of shields and spears, waiting for the mortar to reload and shoot at the ogre.)

(Meanwhile, Vikhail wakes up inside a tent that were set from another place. He can hardly stand up and often fall on his knees. Alchemists caught him.)

Alchemist 1 :

- "Oy! Take a rest!"

Alchemist 2 :

- "You're getting worse!"

- "Take a sit first!"

Vikhail :

- "Where...are we?"

Alchemist 1 :

- "We're outside the city, in another tunnel. Our city was suddenly attacked by evil beings."

Vikhail :

- "W-what?!"

- "I must help them!"

(Vikhail forces himself to stand up but he fell hard on his knees again. The alchemists helped him take a seat.)

Alchemist 2 :

- "Oy, lad! Don't push yourself!"

Alchemist 1 :

- "Mate the poisoned ones are getting worse. They only have up until tomorrow morning to survive."

Alchemist 2 :

- "I don't know mate. We don't have the herbs we need."

(Vikhail coughs...and...there...was blood.)

Alchemist 2 :

- "Oy! You okay, lad?

Vikhail :

- "I'm fine."

- *Thinking* "No, I will not die. Those lives, I must fight for them! Those troubles I have caused is way too much already. I...I will do everything to save those lives! Even if it means I have to die! I wanna...go all out!"

(Vikhail's anger made him strong, strong enough to stand and run. He ran so fast and tirelessly back to the city.)

(Meanwhile, at the city...)

Helnar :

- "The ogre's down, but there's two more."

Captain :

- "We've done what we could! Now, get to the other side and we'll collapse the passage with explosives!"

Y'lanel :

- "But the herbs!"

Captain :

- "We...can't."

Y'lanel :

- "No! Many of your soldiers are poisoned, you're just going to let them die?!"

Captain :

- "You think I don't know that?!"

- "More people will perish if we let this passage open!"

- "Detonate the explosives!"

(Y'lanel threw his sword at the dwarf about to detonate the explosives.)

Y'lanel :

- "I won't let you."

Captain :

- "You're going to get us all killed!"

- "Men! Stop him and detonate those explosives!"

Dwarven Soldier :

- "It's the o-o-ogres ca-captain."

(The two ogres got in. The first ogre surprises Y'lanel catching him with it's hands, then it opens his mouth to eat Y'lanel.)

Y'lanel :

- "Ack!"

(Helnar tried to help but the other ogre stopped him.)

Helnar :

- "Y'lanel!"

(Just as Y'lanel was about to be munched by the ogre's teeth, a loud whistling objects was heard from afar. It was several molten rocks flying straight to the face of the ogre like a meteor.)

(Somebody far away yelled.)

Vikhail :


(The meteor wasn't stopping until the ogre was fully crushed onto the ground.)

(Vikhail ran towards Y'lanel.)

Y'lanel :

- "How'd you--"

Vikhail :

- "That doesn't matter!"

- "All I know is that I must get those herbs!"

(Vikhail runs away but was stopped by Y'lanel.)

Y'lanel :

- "Wait! You're still sick! You're going to die if you keep going!"

Vikhail :

- "The life of many others are far more valuable than my life!"

- "Give me your arrows!"

(Vikhail infuses Y'lanel's arrows with exploding fire. Then, runs toward the other ogre.)

Vikhail :

- "Helnar! Lend me your hammer!"

Helnar :

- "Catch!"

(Vikhail rushes in for the next ogre. He infuses the hammer with exploding fire, then he jumped so high. He readies the hammer starting from his back, then smashes the ogre's face so hard. Vikhail looks at the army of the evil beings.)

Vikhail :

- "That's just all of you?!"

- "Prepare to receive my wrath!"

(Vikhail returns the fire-infused hammer to Helnar. He then infused his bare fists with exploding fire and delivers powerful explosions on each successive punch. He uses his magic to get rocks on the sides of the cave and turns it into meteors. Helnar and Y'lanel back to back slaying evil beings. The dwarves were shocked on what they are seeing, they were explosions and fire everywhere as if they are on a war with the gods.)

Captain :

- "With that man, we can win!"

- "Soldiers! CHAAARRGE!"

(But after several powers Vikhail used, he's coughing much more blood and his nose bleeding.)

Y'lanel :

- "Vikhail, You're bleeding!"

Vikhail :

- "This is nothing, I won't die from it."

- "Sneak past the enemy and search for the herbs we needed."

Y'lanel :

- "Don't be careless again, don't push yourself."

Vikhail :

- "Just go and get those herbs!"

(Y'lanel nods and runs away to search for the herbs.)

(The evil beings are almost gone, but something loud was familiar to the ears of Vikhail.)

Vikhail :

- "That noise."

(The huge spider queen comes out of the tunnel, then crawled around the cave. It grabs everything that it could eat and calling it's spiderlings to feast on every living on the battlefield.)

Vikhail :

- "Your appearance makes me crazy, it makes me...feel even more anger...I...will...give you AN EVERLASTING PAIN that will remain on your mind ETERNALLY."

(Vikhail continuously creates meteors and continuously hits the queen spider. After dozens of meteor strikes, the spider fell on the ground. Vikhail runs so fast toward the spider. His anger still not satisfied, he delivers even more powerful with his fire exploding fists.)

Vikhail :

- "More."

(Vikhail's punches even more faster.)

Vikhail :

- "Still not enough."

(Even faster)

Vikhail :


(Vikhail starts to bleed again.)

Vikhail :

- "I'm...not...yet...DONE!!"

(After the punches, he readies another fist. It was nothing like the same from his other punches, it was powerful, even more powerful.)

Vikhail :

- "DIE!!!"

(The whole cave shakes from the last punch. Vikhail looks up, feeling satisfied of what he's done. He faints out and remembers what his master said to him.)

*Vikhail's memory...four years ago.*

Gulunor :

- "You...you are no ordinary mage."

Vikhail :

- "Why's that?"

Gulunor :

- "I sense destruction in you."

Vikhail :

- "Me? Destruction? Nah, I don't think I'll be that strong and dangerous."

Gulunor :

- "You still have to take care. You should master how to control it or else..."

Vikhail :

- "--else?"

Gulunor :

- "--you'll die and Fantasia will be partly destroyed."

(Vikhail shocked, afraid of what might happen in the future.)

Vikhail :

- "What...is this...power?"

Gulunor :

- "It's best for you to not learn about it. Right now, I must know if you can control your anger before I tell you about your power."

*Present day...*

(It was morning. Vikhail wakes up on a bed inside a tent. He sees Helnar and Y'lanel sitting on a couch, sleeping. He gets up to get some water. He checks his wound, it was patched with a bandage. Vikhail accidentally shoved a book and making it drop on the ground with a loud noise.)

Helnar :

- "Thief!"

Y'lanel :

- "What?! Where?!"

Vikhail :

- "Woah there, it was just me. I dropped a book."

Y'lanel :

- "Tsk, clumsiness."

Helnar :

- "So, are you feeling better? You were pretty beat up last night, I had to carry you on our way here."

Vikhail :

- "I kinda feel weak."

Y'lanel :

- "That's normal. Now dress up, we're going to visit the majestic underground kingdom of King Thalrun."

Helnar :

- "The king offered the people shelter until Hummelton City is rebuilt."

Y'lanel :

- "Also, his majesty gave us an invitation into his castle."

Vikhail :

- "How nice of his majesty."

(Helnar and Y'lanel walks out the tent. Vikhail dressed his self up, then walks with them.)

Vikhail :

- "Now let's visit his majesty."

==End of Chapter