*Prologue: Heroes and Zeroes

Vicinity of the Border, the forbidden hunting grounds.

A natural forest expanding for several miles along with ruins of what was once a city, the sound of explosion occurred frequently as if a war was underway within this forest city along with roars of various monsters.

"The hell your doing twerp!?" An Old man yelled towards a young child that was currently running desperately away from a pursuing Goblin.

"Hiii! Just why can't I keep my distance with beautiful women!?" The boy screamed at the top of his lungs while holding a drawing notebook and a case filled with painting brushes and paints, he was the oddball of the Medici Family, and a well-known failure who could not answer the expected hopes the world had for him.

"If only this urge to paint beautiful women did not occur during that last class session, I would not have come here. Just my luck that she disappointed me so I could overcome this urge with disappointment, otherwise I would have become goblin crap" the boy clicked his tongue while his legs were already screaming in pain, muscles were cramping and a paralyzing sensation as if his leg was being shocked kept occurring the longer he kept running.

"Run!" The old man yelled towards the rest of his teammates, all of them were extremely well equipped with weapons and synthesized armour made from monster articles. They are called heroes, and they are part of the minority of the millions of people who possess the power to overcome the apocalypse that nearly drove the world extinct twenty-five years ago.

"Hey! Don't leave me here! My Family will reward you if you can bring me back safely" The boy exclaimed while looking desperately at the retreating heroes who turned their sight towards him, and all he could see from their eyes were a disappointment, scorn and disdain. 'Haah, as expected I would never get help with my status as a failure'

"Hmph! Maybe with your death will your parents consider creating a new child that can be much greater hope than you" The old man said with disdain before he ran along with his compatriots, they were hired by a group of students to ensure their safety during the practical project the school had assigned them.

"Damn..." The boy gnashed his teeth while cursing, his eyes downcast and his mood became depressed. It has been sixteen years he had been treated like a waste, his parents were known as the two Legendary S Rank of the Medici Family and naturally them having a child had ignited the hope of Italy held towards this boy.

However, upon appraisal after birth, the child was discovered not to have a single profession nor skill. Thus was concluded that he would never be able to enter the superhuman world to fight against the monster nests, dungeon gates and Enemy Superhumans.

Even if each human has a shot of selecting their secondary profession which only enhances their performance in their selective weapons, it did not enhance their overall strength compared to a primary profession which is granted by the mysterious force.

'This world really is unkind' The boy thought while he took a wrong step, his body sway while his feet slipped. Before he could realize what was happening, his forehead slammed against the corner of a car with enough force to shake his brain and knocked him unconscious.

{How pitiful, the true descendant of that man would become something like this} An unfamiliar voice spoke with disappointment that did not make the boy feel depressed, instead, the boy felt bewildered since he could sense how much hope this lady held for him.

He has naturally been incredibly sensitive to emotions since young so he could confidently capture these faint subtle signs, and it was a shame he could not see this lady.

{Although it's way ahead of schedule I will transfer the inheritance of his saga to you according to his wishes, I just hope you will bring him honour}

The female voice vanished after an excruciating pain erupted within his mind, information was forcibly inserted into his memories along with faint warm tingling sensation could be felt deep within his soul as if something was being inserted.

"Urk!" The boy grunted while his eyes began to opening bit by bit, yet the sight of something unfamiliar was fast approaching him and he could only make a shadow out of it made the boy snap his eyes wide open.

[Hero awakening detected!]

[Main Profession Detected: Artisan, Magic Engineer, Mechanic, Inventor, Painter]

[Skills Detected within Memories: General Skills: Harvester [F], Miner [F] has been added]

[Artisan Skills: Liquid Manipulation [S], Metallurgy [S], Transmutation [S], Extraction [S], Deconstruction [S], Refining [S], Enchantment [F] skills has been granted!]

[Magic Engineering Skills: Disassemble [S], Territory Creation [F Rank], Potion Creation [F Rank], Golem Creation [EX Rank], Weapon Creation [EX Rank], War Machine Creation [EX Rank] skills has been granted!]

[Special Skill: Inventor [Special Rank} has been added!]

[Unique Skill: True False Painting (Rank EX) gained!]

[Unique Skill: Appraisal [Rank B} gained!]

"Hiii!!!" The boy screamed while stretching out his palm towards the goblin, albeit unconsciously, the boy cast an ability he gained from the mysterious female voice and the ground tremored before exploding like a geyser in front of the boy.

Bit by bit the fragments of the ground swiftly began to gather forming a three-metre tall round giant humanoid golem, without hesitation the golem thrust it's palm towards the head of the goblin and gripped it's head before squeezing it until it exploded, blood and all kinds of organ matters splatter over the golem and on the floor while the dead golem was still dangling without any signs of movements.

[Common Rank, Goblin has been killed!]

[Level up!]

"Huh?" Leonardo looked blankly at the dead goblin in the hands of the golem, the surrounding goblins already began running away after seeing their brethren killed so effortlessly.

[Name: Leonardo Medici

Age: 16 years

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Title: The Failed Hope

Level: 2

Primary Professions: Inventor, Magic Engineering, Mechanic, Artisan, Painter.

Secondary Profession: TBC

Strength: 10

Endurance: 10

Agility: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 35

Charm: 50

Luck: 1

Free ATP: 20

Power Rank: 126

Evaluation: Common Rank

Innate Ability:

Appraisal (B Rank)

True False Painting (EX Rank) - unknown [Locked]

Inherited Saga: Leonardo Da Vinci

Pioneer of Stars (Blessing) - Life of the holder will be filled with turmoil, however, the holder possesses the chance to make the impossible possible. [Hidden]


General Skills:

Harvester (Rank F) - Ability to discern and harvest natural ingredients.

Miner (Rank F) - Ability to discern and harvest ores and naturally formed jewels.

Artisan Skills:

Liquid Manipulation (S Rank) - Ability to manipulate liquid substances.

Metallurgy (S Rank) - Ability to manipulate metal or metallic materials.

Transmutation (S Rank) - Ability to manipulate alchemical materials.

Extraction (S Rank) - Ability to extract designated components from completed products or raw materials.

Deconstruction (S Rank) - Ability to convert items into raw materials, 50% of raw materials are retained.

Refining (S Rank) - Ability to remove impurities and temper strengthen alchemic and other crafting materials before using

Enchantment (E Rank) - Ability to enchant an object using magical cores as foundation and runes the layout.

Magical Engineering Skills:

Disassemble (S Rank) - Ability to break down a complete product into assembly parts according to the blueprint. Success Rate: 10%

Territory Creation (F Rank) - Ability to open a subspace leading to personal workshop.

Potion Creation (F Rank) - Ability to craft potions from known recipes.

Golem Creation (EX Rank) - Ability to create Golems, current Golems that can be created are Mud, Wood and Rock Golems.

Weapon Creation (EX Rank) - Ability to create weapons with complicated or simple structures.

War Machine Creation (EX Rank) - Ability to create war machines ranging from Catapults to Mobile Tanks.

Inventor (Special Rank) - Ability to extract a complete blueprint of anything that enters the sight of the skill holder, touching target would enhance the quality of blueprint extraction.]

"Just what is going on here?" Leonardo muttered while looking at the transparent screen that magically appeared before him, it was his ultimate dream to become a superhuman that could live up to the expectations of everyone and uphold his parent's honour.

If it was not for the dead corpse in front of him and the destroyed road along with rubbles of what was left of the collapsed golem after it's duration expired, then he would have believed that he had finally lost his mind.

"Let's first get out of here," he said to himself while following the direction which the heroes ran off towards after leaving him behind. Despite the fact that they left him, he knew he could not entirely blame them for leaving him behind since he had no business being here.

"Could it be this unique painting skill is the reason for my obsession? Could it be I had to chase a damsel and become distressed myself before activating my status as a hero!? The hell is up with this template.," Leonardo said with a wry smile running ahead till he managed to leave behind the forest city and reached the border encampment where most superhumans took refuge to rest after a day's hunt or those who are preparing to head out.

"Tsk, he still did not die" a young boy at the same age as Leonardo glared at him while clicking his tongue, with a handsome looking face and curly blonde hair. His name is Richard Stevens, one of Golden Lion Hero Academy's top Close quarter combat student and a hater of Leonardo.

"No need to pay him any attention Richard, he is bound to die sooner or later. He is a famed waste after all" Another boy next to Richard spoke without caring whether his words were heard by Leonardo or not, his names was Roberto, short black hair and an average-looking face. He is the top support specialist that is in charge of managing the buffs.

"Hmph! If only he would stop pestering Charne, his already an annoyance with his painting obsession" A young girl said with a look of disdain lingering in her eyes, she was shorter than average with wavy brown hair and from the looks of it her prospects of growing a bit taller looked slim. She is surprisingly the only priest that was allowed to join this party despite not being a top-class priest.

"It's a shame you don't qualify as a model for me to paint" Leonardo muttered while looking with disdain at the girl. Michelle, who kept getting in his way of asking Charne whether she would be his model or not. But from the looks of it, Leonardo glanced at the girl behind the trio who did not even pay him any attention. 'This is for the best, looks like my boiling blood has calmed down and from experience. I would never get excited with her again'

"You bastard" Michelle growled while Richard who was silent for a moment did not utter a word, instead he broke in a sprint towards Leonardo with his right fist already swinging out.

"Hmm?" Leonardo who saw the impending attack could not react on time, even his body that moved unconsciously could not bring forth the power he once used as he restricted himself due to his morals, no killing.

Upon impact, Leonardo was forced several steps back before he fell on the ground with his left side of his face swollen, a faint trail of blood dripped from his lips while his cold eyes glared at Richard yet he did not utter a single word of threat nor expressed his anger. Instead, he silently stood up and left the trio.

"Tsk, that's what you get for what you say," Michelle said with a gloating expression feeling happy that Leonardo suffered humiliation like that.

"Hmph! You better start running, or I will kill you!" Richard yelled while basking in his self-delusional glory for beating up the famed waste for speaking ill of his teammate.

"You should not have done that" Charne who was silent the whole time finally spoke, she could see the three of them were confused thus she added "The world may see him as a waste, but everyone knows how much his parents dote on him. I hope your family can protect you from their rage"

It was then the three of them became pale, their bodies shivering with cold sweat running down their spine. Normally bullying with words was something they could get away with since everyone does it, but this was the first time they physically bullied him.

"I-It was not my fault! He dared to speak in such a vulgar manner towards Michelle that I disciplined him!" Richard said while looking towards Michelle who nodded while saying "Yes! Yes!"

"Haaah, you three are on your own" Charne muttered while leaving, although she too looked down upon Leonardo for being a waste, she would never stoop down low to bullying the weak and she disdained people who do. Words are fine, but actions were different.

Meanwhile, Leonardo used his bicycle he travelled to follow after Charne to head back home. After experiencing his first life and death moment he finally felt he could now direct his painting obsession to paint only beautiful things that are "worth" to him, people that endangered his life has no worth to him.

"I wonder what mom is going to say? I bet Dad would go crazy after enduring the criticism from the Medici Family for so long..." Leonardo smile became much warmer and livelier than before, even though he did not awaken a combat class he was an awakened nonetheless. He could finally start taking back the pride his parents gave up for his sake and trample these fools who looked down upon him.

He could not aim to become the strongest, but he sure could become the greatest crafter, engineer and inventor in this world. That way he can look down upon those who scorned him and never sell his artefacts to them, for he shall control the production Class world with his talents.