*Worries, Shock and Pride

"I'm home" Leonardo calls out while placing his bag neatly next to the jacket rack before proceeding inside his home.

His parents are both well known S Rankers for the country of Fitaly, so it was reasonable that they were living in the richest districts of the capital city of Chrome. Thanks to that, Leonardo never really had a difficult life other than being scorned for being bornt as a waste due to his parent's fame as powerful heroes.

'It's going to change from now on' Leonardo thought while walking towards the living room where his mother was busy knitting.

Just from looking at her back Leonardo could not help but feel his heart was incredibly heavy, this mother of his never stopped showering in a lot of love despite all the harassments and always stood up for him. Which was why he never told her much of his bullying, he did not want his mother to worry too much about him. And somewhere deep in his heart, Leonardo felt he deserved to be treated like this for being a waste.

'No! Stop being depressed, it has changed. The time to rise has finally arrived' Leonardo cheered himself on, but he knew it would be difficult to change things especially since it has been more than a decade now since he bornt.

"Oh? You're home, that's good. Tell mom how was your day?" Caterina asked while knitting with a warm smile, her expression displayed all the maternal love she held for Leonardo and doted on him very much since he was the only child she could have in this world. She never complained about it, in fact, she was more than grateful to fate for granting Leonardo to her, hench she never held back to spoil her little baby.

"It has been good," Leonardo said while taking a seat next to his mother, his eyes keep swimming between looking at his mother and in front of him. He was currently wondering how he should tell his mother of his awakening, she would definitely ask him how it happened and if what happened before became known. She would really do something, not that he cared, he simply did not want his mother to trouble herself with small fries.

"Come, tell mom. Who was the bastard who dared to hurt my boy?" Caterina asked bluntly with a cold glint in her eyes, although it was not directed to him, Leonardo still had a cold sweat run down his spine sensing the killing intent of an S Rank hero and this was one thing he gained much early compared to others in his peers due to his parents being doting parents.

"No- No- no! No one hurt me, it's just that I have awakened" Leonardo hurriedly shook his hands while his smile was twitching abnormally, he felt bad to lie to his mother but just as much as she loved him, he loved his parents from the bottom of his heart and always wanted to be their pride and joy.

"Oh? That's good that you awake-- Huh? What did you say?" Caterina felt that her hearing must have become rusty from being a housewife for the past sixteen years to look after Leonardo until he graduated from the Supernatural Academy, she could not believe it herself that she actually heard her son said he awakened despite he had been tested and resulted that he would be ordinary for the rest of his life.

"I have awakened mom" Leonardo muttered while opening his status screen in public mode for his mother to see, it was only then he could see her eyes widening, her lips trembling and soon after tears began flowing from her eyes while she blocked her mouth to block out her whimpering.

"Y- You---" Caterina whimpered,

"Mother" Leonardo felt touched, he could see that he finally made his mother proud to the point of crying tears of joy.

"You Foolish son!" Caterina slapped Leonardo across his face causing his skin to turn scorching red with a palm print, and shortly after she grabbed him into a firm tight hug as if she was afraid he would disappear before her and it terrified her. "Don't ever go outside the safe zone you hear me!?"

"Y-yeah!" Leonardo nodded, although he felt his face was aching real badly he did not feel anger, in fact, he could only sigh deep in his heart. Although he awakened, the first thing his mother noticed was his Level 2 and she knew he must have killed a monster which meant she thought he tried to do something that could get him killed.

'Mother's really the same as always' Leonardo embraced his mother firmly, he could feel her trembling which indicated how much shock and fear she experienced. He could not help but bite his lips and swore he would train himself to the point his parents won't have to worry about him.

"What a loud smack, did Leo paint something perverted again?" Piero exclaimed while entering the living room, he had just came back from his usual hunting quest in the front lines. Unlike his wife, he kept hunting to keep bringing income into the family so his wife could enjoy her years of being a mother.

He was quite shocked by the smack especially how loud it sounded, he did not take it much serious since both of them knew Leonardo had an odd obsession to draw beautiful things and tended to cause disastrous problems, although his wife would normally rebuke Leonardo this was the first time he ever hears and sees her hit their son. Which meant whatever he did, was really impactful upon her.

"No! He hunted a monster," Caterina said bluntly, however, she did not let go of Leonardo.

"This---" Piero's face became serious, his brows furrowed as he walked towards Leonardo to have a talk between men. He understood his son was being pressured by the public and the Medici Family, he loved Leonardo just as much as Caterina hench he wanted to persuade Leonardo not to do such a reckless thing again.

"I- I awakened though?" Leonardo hurriedly added, he saw the look in his father's eyes and knew another sleepless night is coming with his father lecturing him about responsibility and filial piety. And since he wanted to learn more about his professions, he could not afford to lose too much time on unnecessary lectures.

"Huh?" Piero halted his step while looking at Caterina who nodded before reluctantly let go of Leonardo.

Just when Leonardo was free to move, he immediately opened his status once more in public mode and displayed it to his father.

[Name: Leonardo Medici

Age: 16 years

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Level: 2

Primary Professions: Inventor, Magic Engineering, Mechanic, Artisan, Painter.

Secondary Profession: TBC


"BWAHAHAHAHAHA" Piero forgot all about what happened just now and began to laugh like a madman, "I told those bastardi that my son is not a waste, heh, once they noticed the error of their ways they will definitely beg us to return to the Core team of the family but I won't!"

"Dear, although you are happy about our son being an awakened. It does not change the fact he nearly died for it!" Caterina spoke with a cold voice, her aura suppressed both Leonardo and Piero who were about to party about the occasion and broke out a cold sweat as the two of them nodded.

"*cough cough* She's right, Leonardo," Piero said while looking at his son seriously, "We need to talk about your recklessness and it appears you have forgotten what I taught you of Familial Piety, so we will proceed with refreshing your memories"

Leonardo saw his father secretly winking his right eye to him, so Leonardo nodded with a serious look "Yes, Father. I'm sorry mother" Leonardo lowered his head towards his mother.

"I will not forgive you so easily young man, maybe if you surprise me with good scores then mother might consider forgiving you," Caterina said while knowing the fact Leonardo hated studying supernatural subjects since he could not become a hero, however, it was only later she would realize just how much of a hungry information gatherer her son would become in the future.

"Yes mother, I will do my best," Leonardo said with a wry smile, although he became a hero he still could not come to like the subjects he once hated due to the fact he was an ordinary person until a while ago.

It was after dinner that Piero and Leonardo went back to Leonardo's room to have their "talk", just as they closed the door did Piero smile became as broad as the horizons, his eyes sparkling like stars. "Come show your father your status again"

Leonardo did as told only to see his father laughing like he was crazy once more, it was only then that Leonardo felt something that bothered him for so long lightened. 'Father must have endured a lot as well huh? I really have to work hard to repay their love and everything they gave up for me. I swear I will have them all apologize to the both of you'

"Although it's not a combat class, it's a good class as well. Not to mention five classes, now this is incredibly rare. So you must keep your professions a secret, only display your Artisan profession since you will be creating things from now on" Piero advised his son.

In this world, people with two classes were Above average, three classes were rare, four and above were unique geniuses that are destined to lead the crowd in similar paths. And those were people most likely to be assassinated by competitors or other countries, so it was best to keep such information hidden.

it was the same for Piero with his Swordmaster, Spearmaster, Dual Swordsman and Guardian Knight profession making him the best choice for vanguard, middle guard and even tank position.

Caterina was a long-range combat class wielder, Fire Magician, Ice Magician, Shadow magician and Light Magician. Hench the Father and mother duo were definitely at the top when it came to a number of professions, and seeing their son having five professions even if it was not combat class still made them incredibly proud.

"Yes, father" Leonardo nodded,

"For now, I will put aside some funds for you. Your mom will control it and buy low-rank ingredients for you to use to create things, explore your profession, skills and innate talents. I will come up with something to protect yourself with since you will probably be sent for practicals outings as part of the experience" Piero muttered while rubbing his chin while nodding.

"Is it possible to buy military weapons like handguns, sniper rifles and the like?" Leonardo asked,

"What for?" Piero asked while being curious why his son wanted such dangerous weapons, although those things became obsolete in the face of monsters and heroes.

"My skill "inventor" allows to pull out a blueprint of weapons or items, since father spoke of my practical camp vacation that is coming up, I thought it would be best to get blueprints of these weapons and reconstruct them with monster ingredients. That way I can take the backlines" Leonardo explained.

"Also, I intend to select Gunslinger as my secondary Profession, using weapons I create for myself would make me feel much more secure and relief" Leonardo added, 'I can't trust the Medici Family or anyone else after what I just experienced'

He too understood that he did not currently have the courage to face monsters head-on, although he experienced his life and death just a while ago. He still could not get over that lingering fear, making him hesitating to go upfront with monsters. He chose the relatively safe option of facing monsters from a distance while slowly building his confidence and getting used to the appearance of ferocious monsters with time.

"Well it should not be a problem" Piero muttered, he had many contacts he built from his youth until today so it was quite a simple thing to get these things. He simply wanted to know what his son wanted to do with these things, he was worried that his son might go take revenge on people for the harsh time.

'I will ask Natasha to keep an eye on him for a while, I just hope I'm overthinking things. I don't want my only son to become a murderer' Piero thought while his face did not display his current worries, however, he was happy nonetheless. And he knew tomorrow when he sees those old coots, he was going to brag.

And Smack their faces while he was at it.