Royal Chapter 5

What? I'm tying the knot with him?! Tell me it's a mistake. I looked at them shockingly.

"W-What? Father, I'm not mistaken from what I heard, right?"

"Yes, you'll wed soon when things are all clear," with that, I dropped my knife and fork on my plate. I know I got the attention of all of them but my life is at risk at this very moment and they're talking about it like it's nothing. Like my freedom is nothing.

"I don't want to get married. Excuse me, I'm done. I'll go first to my room. Thank you for the meal." I stood up and leave them. I continued walking even though my Father called my name. Call me a rude princess you've ever seen but no, I'm not letting them control my whole life. I don't want to be a palace wife forever and bear children with that annoying prince. I don't even like him! How dare them to take my youth away.

I went to my room and my maids immediately came up to me to ask why I'm back early. I sat on my bed and just cried at them. Olivia hugged me and tried to hush me from crying.

"I'm sorry from what you knew that made you upset, darling," Maria said as she sat beside me. What I would do without them? They really know me.

"You can tell us what happened that made you upset my Lady. Anytime you're ready," Daisy said.

I stopped crying and Daisy wiped my tears as I heave a deep sigh. I need to tell them this, for me to breath. I know any minute right now, my Mother will come up into my room to scold me for being rebellious and rude at the dining room.

"They want me to get married to the Prince of the Netherlands. I opposed the decision earlier and now, they're probably mad at me. I don't want to live in the Netherlands and be far from them, from all of you." There were shock and sadness from their faces the moment they heard I'm going to marry. I'm going to be away from them. I can't even live without these people. They're my friends. Unless they can come with me.

"You know darling, about the marriage, we can't do anything about it because the King declared it for you," Maria gave me a pitiful smile.

"If your afraid that you'll be away from us, we can come with you. If we're allowed to." They all nodded. I was about to say something when we turn our heads to the door after we heard a knock. My mother came in and my three maids curtsied immediately then left my room. So here it goes, the endless scolding.

"What are you thinking or are you even thinking, Luana?! You were extremely rude earlier!" raged as soon as she gets closer to me. She almost slaps me, thank heavens she stops halfway.

"Mother, I can't let you control my life! If you truly want me to get married then at least, not to that annoying stranger who calls himself a prince. And please! The Netherlands is not even near our country. I don't even know the place and you'll be sending me off there to live? I can't--" Before I even finish, the sound of the slap she gave me was heard from this four-walled room. Loud that I thought my ears are bleeding. Tears suddenly rapidly escaped from my eyes. That slap was hard, I think my left cheek became numb and swollen.

"You're rebellion made me want to send you off to the Netherlands even more, away from everyone in this place. The decision was arranged years ago and you can't do anything about it. Your mad attitude will do you no good. If I were you, stop being childish and do as what you were told to as an amiable and serene royal highness you are. It's for your own good." I quietly stare at the ground while she's still giving me scoldings. I don't even want to listen.

"You're already 17 years old, you're not a child anymore. At least, act your age, Luana. You agreed or not, you'll still marry Prince Dominique and will be living in the Lavemruse Kingdom in the Netherlands. I hope to not argue with you furthermore in the future or else,"

"Or else what?" I said while my voice cracks because of my cries.

"I won't let you back here in the kingdom for consecutive years and I won't allow you to bring your precious maids with you. You can't get out of the kingdom's premises as you please anymore." Her scolding voice lowered as she left me inside my room, alone.

I gave up and fell to the ground as my knees are shaking. It felt like I've lost all the energy I earned since I woke up this morning. She just proved to me that they still treat me like a soft princess I've always been. Yes, I'm not a child anymore and I'm very aware of that. I can do things without a helping hand from other people. I can decide for myself, for I want to with my life. When will they realize that?

They see me like a lame soft princess who does nothing but enjoys tea parties, read books, not strong enough, and can't stand on her own feet. I have people who love me but why I feel suffocated with their so-called-love for me? Why I'm not happy?

Why they can't hear my plea? I just want freedom and it's so hard to have it.


Kadline's POV (Garden of Fleur, Matias Kingdom)

"I'm very sorry for the rudeness my dear sister showed earlier. She's sometimes uncontrollable," I said to the man beside me, Prince Dominique. My father had asked me to help the Prince roam the palace after we had lunch. I decided to take a rest at the gazebo for a while to drink some tea. I've been stressed since our walk with Prince Lucius and how I got an excuse when I ran to Lucifero after I got back to the palace. That brother of mine is overprotective.

"I understand. It must have been hard for her to not know anything." This Prince is not that bad after all. He's somehow understanding and charming. I don't get why my sister doesn't want to get married to him. He also looks young, wise and powerful enough to protect her.

"Would you like to have some tea?" He just agreed and I let the maid serves us our drinks. We stayed in the gazebo for our tea a bit longer. I thought that I need to know my sister's fiance more.

"I heard you will stay here. How long?"

"Until she's comfortable to be with me. I planned to get to know her more because the last time, and honestly the first time, I saw her was when her 7th birthday." Oh, so he was there? How come I'm not aware of his presence?

"Have you two talked before?"

"Absolutely, yes. Right here, on your gazebo too. When I handed her my gift," he said as he genuinely smiles when he sipped his tea. It was sure a good memory that it made him smile. I'm definitely sure that he is in love with my sister.

"Interesting, tell me more."

"It was when I get her out of the crowd and....."


"Where are you bringing me?" Little Luana said while her one hand holding her dress and the other one was being held by the Little Dominique. The Prince suddenly held her and gets her out of the ballroom hall a while ago.

"I want to give you something." Now they're running to the Garden of Fleur and stopped when they reached the gazebo. The windy air was blowing to their skin, made Luana's hair dance in the air.

The prince took a bracelet out of his pocket. It was a charm bracelet made of silver. He grabbed the princess's right wrist and put the bracelet on it. Luana didn't say a word and just stared at the shiny silver bracelet that has small hearts like a chain. It was simply beautiful.

"A bracelet! Thank you, Prince?"

"It's Prince Dominique of Netherlands."

Luana smiled at him as she sights again her wrist that has the bracelet on it. Dominique startled when Luana hugged him. The young prince hugged her back with joy.

"Thank you for the gift. I hope you visit again."

"Yes, I will. Happy birthday my princess. The next time you'll see me, we'll get married."

The young Luana got confused about the word, married. She still didn't understand about marriage but if that will make their friendship stronger, why not?

"Of course my friend!"


"So you're telling me she agreed getting married to you when you're both younger?" I'm confused about how my little sister agreed with that agreement when she was just 7 years old. I bet she doesn't even understand the word marriage before.

"Yes, so I asked my parents about it and they happily agreed to it, too. That's why I'm here. It's just sad that she doesn't remember me anymore."

"I can't blame her, that was years ago. But I'm happy that my sister will finally have someone she can be with forever. Like her older sister, I usually observe her and the only thing I can surely say is that she's so pure. Though sometimes, she's being sarcastic that doesn't define her good heart."

"She also has the cutest smile," Dominique said. Oh look, he is really in love.

"Look, Prince Dominique, I want you to enjoy your stay here while earning the trust of my dear sister. If you win her heart, you will get the connections as much as you need." Now here comes the serious talks. His smiling face disappeared and look at me with a serious face. Maybe he's not expecting this from me.

"I know the other story why are you here, Prince Dominique. Aside from marriage, you're looking for connections for your kingdom."


"I can give it to you, just treat my sister well. Don't erase my good first impression to you. We all know how strong the Matias Kingdom with all these connections we had. I hope you do well."

We both rose up after we finished our teas. I extend my hand for a friendly handshake will seal our deal.

"Don't take it as a challenge. I don't want you to be pressured. Take your time and enjoy the company here inside the kingdom. Don't worry, I will help you. Also, I hope this deal won't get anywhere."

"It will stay between us. I understand carefully."

We started walking and heading to the vineyard. I want to know his thoughts about the wines we made. I'm managing this business too and not to brag, but my wines are being exported to different countries. I tell you, it receives so much love.

"In a couple of weeks, the preparation for our birthday celebration will soon begin. Luana will reach legal age and of course, you can finally marry her. Be close to her. Tell me anything you want if you need help. I and my brothers will gladly help you."

"Thank you so much for that. Where are we heading to?"

"To the vineyard, I want to hear your thoughts about our wines. Oh, if you succeeded, you'll receive my imported wines in your kingdom. I tell you, they are the best," he smiled and nodded at me as we reached the vineyard.


Third Person's POV

"Lothair, can you spare me a minute?"

Merovecho approached Lothair on his favorite spot on the palace's library. He's absolutely reading William Shakespeare's book of Romeo and Juliet. He really loves to become a writer someday and write masterpieces such as Romeo and Juliet, obviously. Merovecho sits in front of him and still, Lothair didn't even give him a glance.

"What is it?"

"Let's go to Centertown. I heard their cafe shop is----" before he even finishes what he about to say, Lothair closed the book loudly that made him go silent.

"That cafe shop again. Erov, I'm not going with you. I have to finish my manuscript today. I have to hand it to Mr. Gray tomorrow morning for a publish or maybe, later."

"Then why are you not writing? You're just reading your Romeo and Juliet book over again. I thought you'd memorized that whole book already." Lothair stands and places back the book on the shelf. He walks directly to the library's door when Merovecho walks beside him and still trying to convince him to go with him to the Centertown.

"I promise I'll never bother you again after you went with me. I promise It'll be quick." Lothair looks at him, irritated and heave a deep sigh. He just hopes that his brother will do his promise after all of this gets done.

"Ready the horse then." Merovecho grinned and give Lothair a mild fist at his shoulder. Lothair just shrugs it off.

"I can't wait to see her." Lothair looks at him confused as what he heard from Merovecho.

"Who's 'her'?"

"Just come and see," Lothair smirked when Merovecho told a butler to get their horses and look back at him happily.