Royal Chapter 6

Lothaire's POV (Cafe Royale, Centertown, Matias Kingdom)

"Here's your cafe americano, your highnesses."

The petite waitress in an apron placed our cups of coffee on our table. I watch Merovecho look at the woman and my assumptions are right, he likes this woman. The woman curtsied and went on her way back to her post in the counter and still, Erov watching her every move. I snap my fingers in his face as he got back to his thoughts.

"What did you say?" he said as he immediately took his cup and sipped his coffee.

"I didn't say anything."

"I thought I heard you say something or is it just the wedding bells ringing?"

I slammed the table with my manuscript that startled him. He almost accidentally slips his cup of coffee from his hand. I glare at him and he just raised his eyebrows at me. I'm disappointed at what I've discovered at this moment with him.

"Are you even serious? Stop this nonsensical infatuation drama, Merovecho." I tautly said. His eyes narrowed as he places his cup of coffee back in its saucer. He seems nervous. What a foolish man.

"I know, Tier. I just found her beautiful but it doesn't mean I will marry her." He's obviously lying.

"You're not a good liar, don't you know that?" I stand tall and pick up my manuscript. I'm just wasting my precious time here. So foolish of me that I thought it's worth spending much time. I shouldn't agree to be here, to begin with.

"Wait for me, Tier!"

He followed closely behind as I make my way to Mr. Gray's bookstore, a couple of blocks away from Cafe Royale. Erov finally got to catch up my pace and is now walking beside me. He keeps blabbering about what happened at the cafe that I don't want to listen. Such a waste of time.

"Can you just hear me out? It's really not what you're thinking! I'm not going after to that lowly girl. I just want to---"

"Shut your mouth and your nonsense excuses, Erov. Please, know where you stand. You're a Prince for heaven's sake and we, princes, follow rules. Forget it!" I burst out to him that made us both halted. I wanted to say more but people are giving us attention and I can't take the shame if we will make a scene publicly. I walk overpassed him and entered the bookstore, where I originally planned to go.

"Good day, Prince Lothair! Are you here to submit your manuscript?" I was greeted by an old man, probably in his 50's already, in a suit and wearing thick glasses just a bit bigger with the size of his eyes. He is Mr. Desmund Gray, a writer and businessman, who publishes his own books in his bookstore. In order for me have a hardbound book of mine, I need his help.

"Yes, here. Take a look if it's good or I should need to make adjustments."

I placed the stack of papers, which is my manuscript for my first ever novel. I just finished it a day earlier than yesterday and I'm too occupied of the palace and family dilemmas that I just remembered to pass the manuscript to Mr. Gray just a while ago when Erov asked me to go out in Centertown.

"I will read it later, Your Highness. But I'm sure it would be great already and won't need polishing because Your Highness is such a great writer." I smiled at his compliments. I know I'm not that great and I guess, he only said that to make me feel comfortable because it's my first novel.

Erov went inside the bookstore too and Mr. Gray also greeted him. They're having a little conversation so, I excused myself to roam around the bookstore for a while. I went to the bookshelf with fairytale books in it and suddenly, reminisced my younger days.

Ever since I was a child, I always had to visit the bookstore. Books were my first friends and my escapade whenever I had a bad day or I just wanted to be alone. I was never friendly. Not at all. But when my youngest sister came to this world, I changed.

Luana made my life colorful. She was cute and jolly when we were kids. I used to hang out with her a lot and I always bring her here to read her some fairytales. She was always happy and excited but after the announcement of her engagement to the Prince of Netherlands, it all faded away. She hates being controlled and I knew it very much. Maybe I should visit her in her room when I get home.

"Brother, what are you doing there?"

"Just, looking at the books."

I walk back to where the two of them standing and face Mr. Gray to bid him goodbye but I stop when I notice a familiar name written to a paper covering the books and entangled with a ribbon. Mr. Gray noticed that I'm looking into it and lift it up to move it to the other side of the table but I stop him from doing so.

"Are those books to be delivered to the Blanchard Palace?"

"Yes, Your Highness. Specifically, for Princess Eulalie Blanchard. She ordered these medicinal books a day ago."

"Why did you ask, Tier?" Erov butted in.

"Would you allow me to deliver it to her?" Mr. Gray frowned and shakes his head to disagree.

"No, Your Highness! I can do it myself or have some deliverymen do it for me." I smiled at him and get the books from his hand.

"No, I insist. We're actually friends." He looks like he has no choice but to let me do the job. If this goes well, I will treat him a coffee.

"Goodbye, Mr. Gray!" I walk straight to the door and push it to go outside and head back to the cafe where we left our horses. Erov catches up my walking pace and starts being nosy again.

"What are you up to, Tier? Are you interested in that Blanchard princess? That friend of Luana?" he asked.

I ignore him and just walk fast. Ignoring him is the best that I can do to stop him from being nosy about other person's business. As soon as we got our horses back, I ride my horse faster than Erov to ignore his questions but the bastard is catching up fast too and never give up on making me answer his questions.

"Tier! Do you like that Princess Eulalie? What did you like about her aside from being a beautiful Princess of France? Are you seeing each other secretly? Should I keep this information a secret? What are you--"

"Just shut the hell up, Merovecho! And yes, keep this a secret and never tell anyone or I will ruin your reputation by spreading false rumors."

He never speaks again until we reach the palace and separate our ways when we get inside. I am heading back to my room when I met Luana along the way. She seems preoccupied with her thoughts that she didn't noticed me and just keep walking, looking at nowhere. She snapped back when I called her name.


"Ah yes! Tier, what do you need?" she lightly smiled.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I guess," then she narrows her head to look down. Her actions contradict her words. She's definitely not fine.

"I'm going to France tomorrow to visit Blanchard Palace. Do you want to tag along?" she lifts her head and look at me with excitement. I knew she would be like this. She nodded and genuinely smiled at me.

"I know how much you want to get away from here for a while, sister. Don't worry, I got you," as I pat her head.


Luana's POV (Blanchard Palace in the Kingdom of France)

It is early in the morning when we arrived at the home of one of my best friends, Eulalie Blanchard. I was glad my brother, Tier, asked me to go with him. Though his business about going here is not important to me. I just wanted to be away from that Prince even if it's just in a short time. I also wanted to see Eulalie.

"Welcome to the Blanchard Palace of the Kingdom of France, Prince Lothair Matias and Princess Luana Matias," the butler greet us and lead us all away to the greenhouse where Eulalie and her sisters are currently having their tea party. We arrived on time just like Eulalie said to me in her letter when I said that we'll visit their place today.

"Ana!" as soon as we arrived at the greenhouse, I was greeted by a tight hug from Eulalie. She also greeted Tier. Eulalie gathered all her sisters to greet us and we greeted them back too. Her sisters are all pretty especially their youngest, who are triplets, are now in their teens. No wonder they are really famous as the 12 Beautiful Princesses.

"Have a seat and let's have some tea."

We sit across to Eulalie and her eldest sister, Annaliz. Annaliz is already engaged to the Prince of the United Kingdom and will soon announce their wedding. She is really kind and I can see that she's happy with her engagement. I hope I can accept what happened to myself and just be like her, contented and happy.

"So, what brought you here?" Eulalie asked after she sipped from her cup of tea. Tier give the books he was holding earlier to Eulalie. Eulalie got startled when she realized the books.

"Oh! Prince Lothair, you don't have to!"

"No, it's fine. It was just a little favor Mr. Gray offered to me."

"I didn't know you two were close to each other."

"Yes, he is my adviser." Lothaire is talking to Eulalie but I can see his attention is not to her. I look at the direction to where he is looking and saw a princess, playing with the triplets, picking flowers and giving it to them while running on the greenhouse field. She is shining bright like a sun. The fifth daughter of the Blanchard family, Blaire.


"Ah, yes? Come again?"

"I said, how are you with Prince Dominique?" I answered Eulalie like I always say to everyone that I'm fine with him even though I'm not.

"I know you're uncomfortable, Luana. I was like that when I got engaged to Prince Arthur but I got over it quickly when I realized I have no other choice," Annaliz said. Maybe she's right. I'll get used to it soon.

"Excuse me, but Prince Lothair, can you help us for a moment? Please?" We turn our heads to Princess Blaire coming at us and asking my brother for help. My brother's face lights up when he saw Blaire.

"Yes, I can. What is it?"

"Oli climbed at the tree and is afraid to go down. We can't reach him. Can you get him for us? I'm sorry for making you do things like this, Your Highness," Blaire sadly said in her soft voice. My brother gets up and walks towards the tree where the cat named Oli is at. My brother is tall so he can easily reach the cat and get it out of the branch. He did, and give it to Blaire who happily thanked him. Lothair talking shyly to her when I realized something.

"Now I know why he delivered my books himself. Right, Ana?" I nodded to Eulalie and Annaliz, who seems to understand what we are trying to say, and I said, "So do I," as we're looking to Lothair and Blaire happily talking to each other. Looks like our stay will be longer than I thought.