Secret of the Stars


Jared is eating a peanut butter sandwich with the beautiful view of Asgard, Thor's Asgard. He is with the Doctor, River Song, and the Puella Magi Holy Quintet.

"Man, I am stuffed." Sayaka said, rubbing her belly. "Hayate made this food, you said."

"Yeah." Jared said, happily. "I did take down a clown after all. That was easy enough."

"You're taking this easy enough." Kyoko said, snacking on some yakisoba. "How did you recover so quickly after the 456?"

"Was it true love's kiss?" Madoka asked.

"True love's kiss?" Jared asked. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Jared." The Doctor said. "You're lying. Someone came to visit you."

"You can tell us anything." River said. "Who visited you in Sarah Jane Smith's attic?"

"It was someone impossible." Jared said, happily. "An impossible girl."

"And who's that?" The Doctor asked.


"Um, who taught you that word in the first place?" Homura asked.

"River Song." Jared said, looking at the brunette time traveler. "Who learned it from…"

"Oh." Mami said. "Can't say it in public. So who?"

"The Doctor." Jared said, opening up the telepathic connection for the Puella Magi Holy Quintet. "One day. Sandshoes there. He'll regenerate and change. Into an idiot wearing a dicky bow. Childish and everything."

"Basically, he'll turn into you." Sayaka said, telepathically. "Personality wise."

"To forget the past. Yeah. Right now, the Doctor and I are the men with regrets. We want to be the men who forgets."

"Why would you want to forget the past?" Mami asked.

"I lost so many people. Steven Carter's death broke me."

"It's okay, we'll never leave you." Madoka said, telepathically.

The pink haired Magical Girl gave the fanboy a reassuring smile.

"Madoka's right, we'll never leave you." Homura said, telepathically. "We're, we're here for you."

"Nanoha, Fate, Hayate. Open up a portal back to their Earth. Fall 2009. A week or two after the Pied Piper Incident." Jared said, looking over at the Doctor and River. "Sorry about not staying forever. Got places to be. Doctor, River, I'll see you again someday."

A portal consisting of black and white opened up, and Jared stepped through it with the Puella Magi Holy Quintet.


The poster says, East Acton New Theatre presents Secrets of the Stars and a picture of Martin Trueman. It apparently has rave reviews.

"The only reason I'm down here is because this is free. All these horoscopes, signs of the zodiac, it's so sad." Clyde said.


"You brought us to an event filled with astrology." Ren said, looking back at Jared.

"Why not?" Jared asked, holding Ruby's hand.

"Gah." Ruby said, as Jared squeezed her hand. "Why did you bring us somewhere boring? Why can't we hunt some Grimm?"

"Because this is more exciting. I thought we could do something normal for once."

"And what do you define as normal?" Ren asked.

"I think you mean us not risking our lives." Jaune said.

"Yup. Let's see. I haven't contacted you guys in a while. And I was like, I missed you. So I scooped you up. And here we are." Jared said.

"Okay. That's an awesome plan." Nora said.

"You've changed." Ruby said, looking at how tired Jared has gotten. "Whoa. What happened?"

"It's a long story. A very long story, Little Red."

Jared and Team RNJR then approached Sarah Jane's companions.

"I don't have one." Luke said.

"Good evening. If I could just ask you to write down your names and dates of birth, and put them in the box here." Cheryl said.

"Do we have to?" Clyde asked.

"Everyone has to. It's part of the show. An essential part of the show." Cheryl said, leaving them.

"What do I put? I don't have a star sign. I wasn't born." Luke said.

"Sorry, I forgot. What about the day you were, er…" Rani said.

"Switched on." Clyde said.

"Activated." Luke said.

"Man, what am I doing here? This is no way to spend a Friday night. I should be out there. You know, moving, shaking."

"Perhaps doing your homework?" Haresh asked.

"Dad. You weren't coming." Rani said.

"He's so narrow-minded. I said to him, how can you dismiss something, Haresh, if you don't give it a chance?" Gita asked.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here, Mum." Luke said. "I was expecting to see Jared here with Team RNJR. Since he hasn't seen them in a while."

"It's nice to spend time with some adults for a change. This Trueman's come from nowhere. Now he's pulling in all these people. Who knows? There might be a story in it." Sarah Jane said.

��You work too hard. I've been telling her, she needs a night out." Gita said.

"Tonight's performance of Secrets Of The Stars with Martin Trueman will begin in five minutes." Someone on the speaker said.

"Come on. We want good seats." Gita said.

"Do you believe in astrology?" Rani asked.

"No, but I'm always willing to be convinced. Just not expecting to be convinced." Sarah Jane said.

"You okay?" Ruby asked, walking towards Jared.

"Yeah. As long as you're here. I'm totally fine." Jared said, happily. "We're still trying to get to Mistral. Aren't we?"

"Yeah." Jaune said.

"Like Rani asked Sarah Jane." Ren said. "Do you believe in astrology?"

"Yes. I do." Jared said, smiling. "It makes me feel good."

"So, what's this adventure like?" Nora asked. "Are we gonna beat any bad guys?"

"Nope." Jared said. "I don't know what to expect. Since I'm here. And you're here, things changed."

"Is this why you're becoming carefree?" Jaune asked.

"Yup. Being around Luke, Clyde, and Rani. With you guys back in my life. I want to focus on the here and now." Jared said, giving Ruby a hug. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine."

"Hang on, there's your story." Rani said.

"I knew it." Sarah Jane said.

"What's wrong?"

"Jared and I can't even have one night out without something weird happening. Come on."

(Jared's POV)


Luke is reading the programme notes, "Martin Trueman says, I travelled through life without meaning until suddenly I felt the power of the stars."

"Oh. Sarah, Rani, Jared and his friends. Over here." Gita said.

"Sarah Jane. My name's Sarah Jane." Sarah said.

I sat in between Ruby and Jaune, as Ren and Nora sat next to each other. Sarah Jane Smith is choosing her seat.

"That's what I said." Gita said.

"Never mind. Budge up." Sarah Jane said.

"No. Never sit in the middle seat, or you're trapped."


"From the dawn of time, man has looked up to the stars for guidance. Tonight, the secrets of the stars will be revealed to you. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mister Martin Trueman." Cheryl said.

"Thank you, thank you. How nice to see you all. Welcome, welcome. Oh. Thank you for coming. Ladies, a couple of Golden Girls here." Trueman said.

"God, this show is boring." Ruby said, annoyed. "Why did you bring us here?"

"Don't worry, Little Red. It'll get better." I said, smiling. "I know it will."

"Young man, welcome. Welcome, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I'd like to share my journey with you. I was a nothing, a nobody, until I learned the secrets of the stars. In some ways, I feel as if I was chosen. There is so much more in the universe than what we can see from here on Earth. There are two hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone. Huge, shifting stellar forces, pulsing with ancient light. You didn't come here for a science lesson, did you? No. So let's try a bit of showbiz, shall we? Now, who in the audience tonight was born on May the twenty ninth?" Trueman asked.

A woman stands up.

"What about June the sixteenth? How about June the fifth?" Trueman asked, and Clyde stands.

"What did I do that for?" Clyde asked.

"Down. Down. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. That's enough, thank you. Down."

Clyde and the women finally sit.

"Oh, no, no." Clyde said.

"A round of applause, please, for my three accomplices." Trueman said.

"How did he do that?"

"The power of suggestion. It's simple stuff. A parlour trick." Sarah Jane said.

"Nobody ever mentions that again, okay?" Clyde asked.

"Don't worry, you were really funny." Rani said.

"I choose when I'm funny. Not him."

"Now, on your way in tonight you put your birth date in the mystery box in the foyer. My assistant, the lovely Cheryl, has printed up your birth charts. Thank you, Cheryl. So if we're ready, we'll begin, shall we? I'm looking for a Diane Cope." Trueman said.

"That's me." Diane said.

"How long is this adventure?" Jaune asked.

"A day or two at most." I said, taking out some popcorn to eat it. "It's drizzled in chocolate."

"Give me!" Ruby said, grabbing the popcorn bucket. The silver eyed girl then began eating the popcorn. "So, what's a zodiac?"

"Right, I forgot that Remnant doesn't have one." I said. "Y'know how there's twelve months in a year, right?"

"Yeah. So?"

"So, each month has a star sign. I'm a Gemini, and you're a Scorpio."

"Scorpio. That sounds like Tyrian. He's a scorpion Faunus. But I'm not anything like him!"

"True. Want me to explain your star sign to you?"


���Ruby, you're resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend."

"How am I stubborn?"

"Ah, ah, ah. Not done. You're also distrusting, jealous, secretive, and violent."


"You cut off Tyrian's stinger. And you 1v1ed a Nevermore before I even met you. You're able to take on a horde of Beowolves by yourself."

"In fact, your whole life is changing. You suddenly see the world in a new light. It's exciting, and you love it." Trueman said.

"Yes. Incredible." Rani said.

"And there is an anchoring influence in your life is represented by Saturn. A Taurus man, someone very calm and reliable? Is it your dad? A teacher?"

"It's my husband. He's here." Gita said, looking at Haresh.

"And there's Mum, a Gemini, of course. Thank you, Rani. Now I'm being strangely drawn to a Sarah Jane Smith." Trueman said.

"That's me." Sarah said.

"Ah, Taurus. Strong, determined. Now you were born under a very special star, Neptune in your fifth house. Some years ago you travelled far and wide like Jared Shay and oh, the things you have seen. And there was a man. A very special man. No, no. Let me think. It wasn't a romance. No, no, it was something much, much more than that. He taught you so much. There was laughter and adventure, and you prayed that your time with him would never, never end. But then, suddenly, he left you."

"I knew there was a bloke somewhere. What did I say? Broken heart." Gita said.

"A man with no name."

"He's upsetting her." Jaune said, looking down at Sarah Jane. "This is bad."

"A scientist? No. A doctor. The Doctor." Trueman said. "You and Jared both traveled with the Doctor. At two different times. You during the 70s and 80s. And Jared during the 2000s to the 2010s. But Jared, he had traveled with a team full of fairy tales. A team called RWBY."

Beacon - memory…

"Yay, teamwork, camaraderie, good guys, go team, alright, good, what now?" Yang asked, lying down on her back.

"I suggest training for the tournament..." Weiss said.

"And you guys did get more training by taking down bosses in virtual reality." I said, knowing how many bosses we took out with Kirito and the others. "And we stopped some aliens with the Doctor too."

"But I guess we have that covered at this point. Well, more than enough."

"So then..." Blake said.

"Uhh...time for bed?" Ruby asked.

"Please." Yang said.

"Absolutely." Blake said.

"Yes." Weiss said.

"I'm going to sleep forever." Yang said.


"Am I right?" Trueman asked.

"Yeah, you are." I said, eating the popcorn. "I miss my time being with Team RWBY. They're like family to me. I'll see them again someday, I know it. How do you know I traveled with them in the first place? Having adventures? And Sarah traveling with the Doctor?"

"It's all in your stars. And there's Jupiter in your twelfth house, Sarah Jane Smith. You are the keeper of secrets. While Jared, he had Jupiter in his ninth house. He is faithful and believes in others more than himself. He keeps secrets too, but not as much as you."

"If you're so clever, tell me about the future." Sarah Jane said.

"If you want, but oh, I'm afraid Saturn is transiting Taurus. You have fought many battles in your life. You're about to fight another. But this time it will be different. This time, Sarah Jane, you lose. And Jared lost, when Mercury was transiting Gemini. He was against the 456 after all. An impossible task for someone like himself to handle."


"He probably just looked it all up on the internet." Haresh said.

"He didn't have the time. He got it exactly right for everyone. And as for you, Secret Sarah and Jared, man and woman of mystery. Come on, what are you hiding? And who is this Doctor? He sounds gorgeous. And Team RWBY. Jared, it has the name of your friend, Ruby." Gita said.

"Come on, Mum. See you later." Rani said, dragging Gita away.

"Bye." Sarah Jane said.

"See you on Monday, lads." Haresh said, walking away.

"How could he know so much about the both of you?" Jaune asked. "Especially you, Jared. Like. Team RWBY? Only we're supposed to know about it."

"Yeah." Ren said. "Like how did it end up here?"

"Were you being too noisy?" Nora asked. "Like, did you tell anyone about us. Like Team JNPR?"

"No, no, no." I said, taking out a mint chocolate chip milkshake to drink it. "Why would I do that?"

"Because you always do." Ruby said, sadly. "We've known you for years. Ever since the big eared Doctor and bad wolf girl."

"And how could he make me bounce up and down like that? It was like I had to. I didn't want to." Clyde said.

"If he knows about the Doctor and Team RWBY, he could be an alien." Luke said.

"No, I did a scan. Trueman is human. We'll see what Mister Smith says." Sarah Jane said.

(Open POV)

Dressing room...

"Another good show, Martin. Wonderful." Cheryl said.

"A pity it had to be the last performance, but the shows have served their purpose. Tomorrow, I will speak to the entire world." Trueman said.

"But how? Only people here know of you, Martin."

"It is destined. Any moment now."

Knock, knock.

"Hey, Mister Trueman. Great show. Lisa Trotter." Lisa said.

"I've seen you on TV. Paranormal Planet, on the Psychic Channel?" Cheryl asked.

"Yeah, that's right. Actually, we're doing a live interview tomorrow afternoon, but we've had some bad luck. We had a guest lined up, the Celestial Deirdre. Do you know her?"

"I am familiar with her work." Trueman said.

"Anyways, she's had an accident, had to drop out." Lisa said.

"Oh, dear. Nothing serious, I hope?"

"Well, she says she fell down the stairs at home. Which is a bit strange, actually, because come to think of it, she lives in in a bungalow."

"How very unfortunate. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Well, I know it's a bit short notice, but I'd really love you to step in as our guest."

"Of course. That would be wonderful."

"Great. You're a lifesaver." Lisa said.

"Yes. Well, I want to get my message across to as many people as possible." Trueman said.

"What a wonderful surprise." Cheryl said.

"Yeah. Surprised you didn't see it coming." Lisa said.


"Mister Smith. I need you." Sarah Jane said.

"Good evening, Sarah Jane. What can I do for you?" Mr Smith asked.

"Mister Smith, I want you to scan the area around the New Theatre, East Acton. Look for anything unusual or alien." Sarah Jane said.

"Psychic energy, yeah? We know that's real. You almost brought the moon crashing down with your almighty brain." Clyde said, looking at Luke.

"No. That is not what Trueman is about. He can see into people's lives, see into their destinies."

"Yeah, by mind-reading." Ruby said, smiling.

"No, by calculating the positions of the stars when they were born, which is impossible." Luke said.

"Totally impossible." Jared said, drinking a strawberry banana milkshake. "Like, it is. Even if we were in Remnant."

"Sarah Jane, scan completed. I have detected no irregularities in the vicinity." Mr Smith said.

"No, there must be something. An atmospheric disturbance, an energy spike." Sarah Jane said.

"There has been no such event."

"What if it's real? How could we detect it? We don't even believe in it." Clyde said.

"Say that again." Luke said.

"Wow. Have I finally done it? Yes! I have confused you."

"Think, think, think, think, think, think. Of course. He must be using a bio-damper." Sarah Jane said.

"What's a bio-damper?" Jaune asked. "Is it laundry detergent?"

"It's an alien device used for shielding high technology emissions." Jared said, taking out some chocolate chip cookies. "The Doctor put one on Donna on her wedding day. When she was actually being dosed by Huon Particles. Over a six month period. What a day that was."

"Mister Smith, I need you to locate a man called Martin Trueman." Sarah Jane said.

Trueman's flat…

"I can feel the power of the stars. Not just the ones we can see. Suns, planets, whole galaxies, shifting and turning cogs in the great machine of the universe. The conjunction is perfect. Right now, across that infinite distance, the Ancient Lights are aligned precisely with me." Trueman said.

"And tomorrow, the television broadcast." Cheryl said.

"It is destined. Soon the whole world will know my blessing. But I have an opponent, Sarah Jane Smith. Now that Taurus is rising and since Gemini has fallen, Sarah Jane will try and prevent the broadcast while Jared doesn't have enough strength to do so."

"But you will stop her?"

"Oh, yes. She can't interfere. All the forces of destiny are gathered against her."


Luke is slumped in front of a cookery programme.

"Jared, Ruby, Jaune, and I are off to see Trueman, then. I've reset the scanner to search for bio-damper interference patterns. It might just work. Hey, what's up?" Sarah Jane asked.

"The ceiling." Jared said, smiling. "Sorry. Not the time."

"Luke, what's wrong?" Ruby asked. "You okay?"

"Last night, everyone was talking about their star signs, and I don't have one." Luke said.

"I could give you a birthday if you want. The day I found you. That's what I put on the adoption forms." Sarah Jane said.

"I wasn't born though, Mum, Jared, Ruby, and Jaune. I was activated. Happy Activation Day. It doesn't sound right, does it? It's another strange thing, something else that sets me apart."

"It doesn't matter what day you were born." Ruby said, walking towards Luke. "You're not celebrating the day, you're celebrating the person. You're celebrating as to why they come into being."

"But where you come from, a childhood, it makes people who they are. I come from nowhere. I was never a baby." Luke said.

"Oh, Luke. It's okay. We're here for you."

"I thought it would get easier, but there are always new things coming along, like this, to make me feel different." Luke said.

"Just remember, you're strong. I've seen you learn. You're my son and you're brilliant." Sarah Jane said.

"That's me."

"What's my brilliant son going to do today?"

"I thought I'd look for some clues. Read up on astrology with Mister Smith, Ren, and Nora."

"That's a good plan. Guys, we better get going." Jaune said, looking at Sarah Jane, Luke, and Jared. "Call us if you need anything. You are gonna be okay, right?"

"I'll be fine. See you later." Luke said.

Outside the house…

"Star signs." Jaune said, frowning. "Wonderful. I didn't know about them till last night."

Sarah Jane is just getting into her car with Jared, Ruby, and Jaune right behind her.

"Morning, Sarah Jane, Jared, Ruby, and Jaune." Rani said.

"We're gonna see Trueman." Jared said, eating some chocolate chip cookies. "Man, I've been waiting for this."

"You made an appointment?" Rani asked.

"Oh, no. This is going to be an old-fashioned foot in the door job." Sarah Jane said.

"Need another pair of feet, Sarah Jane? Jared already has right hand men. That being Ruby and Jaune."


"The origins of astrology are lost in the mists of time." Mr Smith said.

"It says in here that the earliest record of astrology was in Babylon, in the sixteenth century BC." Luke said.

"It is older than that, not just here on Earth. Primitive cultures across this universe charted the patterns of the stars. This is the zodiac of the planet Ventiplex, for example. And this is the zodiac of Draconia."

"No way. There's astrology in the cultures of other planets?" Nora asked. "How cool is that?"

"Yes, Nora. A similar system operates in the culture of almost every inhabited planet." Mr Smith said.

"So it's everywhere." Ren said. "Astrology and zodiac signs."

Outside Trueman's flat…

"There it is." Jared said, holding out the music note pendant. "Umi Sonoda, set up."

The armor then began going onto Jared's body, and Ebb and Flow is being built into its bow form. The fanboy then looked back at Ruby and Jaune.

"That never ceases to amaze me." Ruby said, smiling. "Bow?"

"First rule of journalism. Never take no for an answer. I learnt that lesson a long time ago." Sarah Jane said.

"Miss Smith. Please, come in." Cheryl said.

Trueman's flat...

"So, I've done some research and up until about two months ago, you led a pretty quiet life." Sarah Jane said.

"Oh, no, no, no, Miss Smith. I made a lot of noise, but nobody ever listened." Trueman said.

"Then two months ago you declare yourself the new Messiah of the zodiac." Rani said.

"Oh, she's good. Your protégée, like you when were the Doctor's protégée. Is she your companion?"

"How do you know about the Doctor?" Sarah Jane asked.

"And how do you know about Team RWBY?" Jared asked. "They're celebrities in Remnant, sure. But how?"

"We come from two different worlds, Miss Smith. I'm a believer, you are a sceptic. And Jared is a mix of both. No common ground. How can I explain myself to both of you?" Trueman asked.

"How can you tell I don't believe you? While Jared somewhat believes you." Sarah Jane said.

"I've read your chart. You're both fighters. And Jared's a fighter while alongside Team RWBY. Adventure, excitement, battles against the most remarkable things." Trueman said, as Sarah has her watch out. "Oh, scan away, please. You won't find anything. People like you have to scan everything. And where does that get you in the end?"

"End? What end? There isn't one. Because Sarah and I agree on something." Jared said, looking at Trueman. "Me being around Team RNJR made me realize that. And I took it for granted. Not anymore."

"Jared's right, he managed to recover because of them and some other friends he knows. Learning, finding out about the universe, that's all the wonder and beauty and strangeness we'll ever need. Often it's more than enough." Sarah Jane said.

"It's such a shame that it has got to end. And I can't have you standing in my way. I've got things to do, such amazing things." Trueman said.

"We're not gonna let that happen." Jaune said. "Trueman, we're gonna stop it."

"Oh. Oh, a threat. She taught you well, didn't she, Pyrrha Nikos? But she's not here. She's gone, she died in a battle. And poor little Rani. You've been lying to her mother, haven't you? Oh, dear, Miss Smith, Mister Shay. Allowing children and Magical Girls into your dangerous world."

"Ruby, Jaune, let's make like a tree and get outta here." Jared said, grabbing Ruby's hand. "I'm craving some coffee. Ooo, can we get some pumpkin spice lattes?"

"But my birthday is next month." Ruby said, sadly.

"I know. We're still going. Sarah, Rani, you too."

"Yes, yes, you are. You see, I have received a special gift. Observe." Trueman said, firing energy from his fingertips at Rani's jacket. It burns a hole. "I can channel all the power of the stars!"

Outside Trueman's flat…

"Your choice, Sarah Jane, Jared. Keep away from us, or…" Trueman said, zapping from a distance. "...the Ancient Lights will destroy you."

"Get in." Sarah Jane said.

Sarah Jane, Rani, Jared, Ruby, and Jaune drive away.

"Now they'll keep away." Cheryl said.

"No, no, Sarah Jane's a Taurus, among other things. Determined, brave. And Ruby's a Scorpio, and she has an influence over Jared. Persistent, loyal. And Jared's a Gemini too, he got his mojo back due to being around those two. They'll keep interfering." Trueman said.

"I'll deal with them." Cheryl said.

"No, no. I need you with me. I shall have to use somebody else. Wait. Last night. That boy sitting on Sarah Jane's right and that boy sitting next to that blonde."

"Clyde Langer and Lie Ren."

"Another Gemini. And a Libra."


"I do like some alone time." Ren said, walking down a street as he is approaching Clyde.

Clyde finished a call, "I'll see you then, Finney. Laters. Hey Ren."

"Clyde, Ren. We need to talk." Trueman said.

"What are you talking about?" Ren asked.

"About your destiny. Stand still. Turn to me. You won't be needing that." Trueman said, taking Clyde's phone.


"Mister Smith, I need…" Sarah Jane said.

"Mum? What's happened? Ren went out to get some cooking supplies for American pancakes." Luke said.

"We nearly got zapped by Trueman." Jaune said.

"We need to find out where he gets his zapping power." Ruby said. "Like, Nora, you could have absorbed it!"

"Was it electricity?" Nora asked.

"I, I don't know. Maybe."

"He said Ancient Lights, whatever it means. Mister Smith, analyse the damage to this fabric. What caused it?" Rani asked.

"The fabric has been burnt." Mr Smith said.

"By what?"

"By nothing."

"That doesn't make any sense." Jaune said. "It looks burnt."

"Nothing has burnt the fabric."

"But it's been burnt." Sarah Jane said.

"By something Mister Smith can't detect." Jared said, happily. "There's a reason as to why I love this adventure."

"Like Clyde said, how can we detect something we don't believe in? The power of the Ancient Lights. What if it is astrology? What if astrology is true?" Rani asked.

"It can't be true." Sarah Jane said.

"It's completely contrary to the laws of physics." Luke said.

"I'll call Clyde. He won't want to miss this." Rani said.

Trueman's flat…

"Whoa. How did we get here?" Clyde asked.

"That's what I want to know." Ren said. "Why are we here? Where is here?"

"I made you want to come here. The two of you are some of the lucky ones. It's your destiny." Trueman said, and Clyde's phone rings. "Oh. Rani calling."

"Here, give that back." Clyde said, standing up.

"Down. Not today, thank you." Trueman said.

���What are you going to do to us?" Ren asked. "Are you gonna feed us to some Grimm? Even though they don't exist here."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. You and Ren have been chosen to join my inner circle. Life is going to be far less complicated for you. Accept the Ancient Lights." Trueman said, putting his hand on Clyde's shoulder, and transfers some energy.

Trueman then did the same with Ren.


"No answer. It must be on silent." Rani said.

"He never puts it on silent, not even in school. He's probably just got his headphones on." Luke said.

"So, this energy. We saw it. It exists." Sarah Jane said.

"No, it doesn't." Jared said, on his phone. He is in the middle of playing Symphogear XD Unlimited. "Astrology breaks the laws of physics, right Rani?"

"What are you getting at?" Luke asked.

"Jared does have a point there, and now isn't the time for a gacha game. Well, what if the Ancient Lights come from somewhere else? A place where the laws of physics are different, so they can break ours?" Rani asked.

"That's like saying you could break the law of gravity." Jaune said. "Even with Dust cartridges, gravity is still a thing back home for us."

"But maybe that's why Mister Smith said nothing burnt my jacket. What if this energy the Ancient Lights use is a different kind of energy to anything we know?" Rani asked.

"No, Rani. The laws of physics, they're are the same across the universe." Sarah Jane said.

"Our universe. But what if the Ancient Lights are from another one? Not from the universe Team RNJR comes from, since their fairy tales and physics are much different from ours. And not from Jared's either, since us and Team RNJR were TV show characters to him." Luke said.

Outside Trueman's flat…

"I'll do as you said, Mister Trueman." Clyde said.

"Me too." Ren said. "I'll, we'll do as you said."

"I know I can rely on you, Clyde, Ren. Now we must be on our way. One last performance. It wouldn't do to keep the world waiting." Trueman said.


"Mister Smith said every galaxy has its own form of astrology, not just Earth. What if astrology is a kind of memory of a time before?" Luke asked.

"What are you talking about?" Ruby asked. "Explain. Ugh, come on. Tell us."

"Thirteen billion years ago, the universe was created. A massive explosion, the Big Bang. But what was there before?"

"Well, nobody knows." Jaune said. "According to Jared. Nothing was there before the Big Bang."

"He might be right for the most part. But what if there was another universe?" Luke asked.

"Where the physics were different. Where astrology worked." Ruby said, her eyes widening.

"And this energy somehow survived the Big Bang." Jaune said.

"The Ancient Lights. So they're very ancient. What have they done the last thirteen billion years?�� Rani asked.

"And why have they picked Trueman?" Sarah Jane asked.

"Guys, I've got something to say." Jared said, holding Ruby's hand. "I may have not been saying the whole truth."

"Go ahead, Jared."

"Luke's theory is right. The energy that's inside Trueman has been waiting for the right astrological conditions across the universe. He's the vessel the energy needs, it wants him to channel the energy. And his birth chart is part of the equation." Jared said, squeezing Ruby's hand. "I forgot how to stop him. It's like I forgot for a reason. Don't know why though."

"Needs him for what, though? What does it want?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, it can't have waited that long just to appear on a stage in Acton." Rani said.

"Sarah Jane, Jared, my media sensor reports that Martin Trueman is about to appear live on the television. Shall I relay the image?" Mr Smith asked.

"Yes, please." Sarah Jane said.

"We're here at the New Theatre in East Acton, where astrologer Martin Trueman has been creating a buzz with some amazing live shows." Lisa said, on screen.


"Hi, Martin." Lisa said.

"Hello, Lisa." Trueman said.

"Right. Before the show I gave you my date of birth, so what can you tell me about myself?"


"Well, Lisa, you are a very trusting person." Trueman said, on screen.

"I don't like this." Sarah Jane said.

"Neither do I." Ruby said.

"Ditto on that." Jared said, sadly. "I was trying to keep this a secret all day."

"It's only the Psychic Channel. When we switched on, we probably doubled their ratings." Rani said.

"Information. This television programme is now being broadcast on channels around the world." Mr Smith said.

Chris's apartment…

"Story of my life." Lisa said, on TV.

"What's that?" Hibiki asked, walking towards the TV.

"I don't know." Chris said. "I didn't put on astrology. What the hell is going on?"

"Now, I hesitate to use the word gullible, but do you ever get the feeling that people are using you just to get what they want…" Trueman said, on TV.


"And you find yourself somehow pushed aside?" Trueman asked.

"Again, that is so true." Lisa said.

"Yes, and it's very convenient for me. You see, you are not important any more. You've served your purpose." Trueman said, zapping Lisa, and she slumps. Then he and Cheryl take out the camera and sound men. "Remove them."


"That's better. Now we can begin. This is a very important day." Trueman said, on screen.

Chris' apartment...

"The most important day in all of our lives." Trueman said, on TV.

"He can't be on all the channels." Hibiki said. "Can he? Who is he?"

"I don't know, Hibiki. Come on." Chris said, flicking through the channels on the remote.


"Just one thing before we get started. I cast a horoscope earlier today for some, some clients." Trueman said.


"And I think they might be looking in. They're going to be having quite a difficult time of it right now. Their problem is they can't help asking questions." Trueman said, on screen. "One of them hangs around a Virgo, a Scorpio, a Libra, and a Taurus way too much. It influenced him."

"How is he doing that?" Ruby asked. "I hope Symphogear is okay."

"Mister Smith?" Sarah Jane asked.

"I can detect no interference with the television signal." Mr Smith said.

"How could you? It's the power of the stars, the old universe." Luke said.


"Interfering in other people's affairs. They really should stop, or people could get hurt. Especially Symphogear, I know he has a close connection with them." Trueman said.


"That's it! I'm not having him do what he's gonna do. I'm not losing Hibiki and the others!" Jared said, dragging Ruby away. "We're going there, to the theatre."

"But how are we going to stop Trueman?" Jaune asked.

"You can't stop him." Ren said.

"Ren? Where have you been?" Nora asked, removing her headphones.

The redhead stood up from where she was sitting.

"Clyde and I have turned to the stars." Ren said.

A strong wind howls through the attic.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, don't be scared." Trueman said, on screen.

"Ren." Jared said, looking at the man wearing green.

"Ren, what happened? What has Trueman done to you and Clyde?" Nora asked.

"He's given us power." Clyde said.

"Clyde, Ren, no!" Jared said, removing his necklace from around his neck. "Umi Sonoda, set up. God, I should have named you Aqours."

Jared's clothes then changed and his armor was then put on top with Ebb and Flow in bow form, "Umi, mind if I change your name? To Aqours."

"If that's what you want." Aqours said.

"Mister Smith, what's happening?" Ruby asked.

"Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening." Mr Smith said.

"Clyde!" Luke said.

"Ren!" Nora said.

"It's the dawning of a new age. The power of the Ancient Lights is reborn." Clyde said.

"Nothing is happening." Mr Smith said.

"Welcome to the future." Trueman said, on screen.

"Sarah Jane, Jared, you must be destroyed." Ren said.

"Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening." Mr Smith said.

"Lie Ren, stop it! I know you're still in there. Like how you're still in there, Clyde Langer." Jared said, holding Ebb and Flow in bow form. "The real you. Ren, you literally fought off a Nuckelavee because it killed the ones you love. And Clyde, you love making jokes because you're the jokester of this group. Remember everything we've been through, Ren. And Clyde, remember the stuff you've been through with Sarah."

"Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening. Nothing is happening." Mr Smith said.

Clyde and Ren lower their arms, and the wind dies down.

"That's it. You don't want to hurt us." Sarah Jane said, looking back at the fanboy. "Nice thinking Jared, with your reasoning."

"I would have done the same too." Ruby said, laughing a little. "Ren. Clyde"

"Stay still, all of you." Clyde said.

"Ren, come on. What are you doing with Clyde?" Jaune asked.

"Quiet." Ren said.


"I have a message for the world. Don't be afraid. Something wonderful is happening. Very soon, every star in the entire universe will be aligned in a perfect conjunction for the first time in thirteen billion years. The way is clear. The Ancient Lights will shine again." Trueman said.

Chris' apartment…

"The chosen ones, my children of Gemini…" Trueman said, on TV.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Hibiki said, as Tsubasa has been standing still. "Tsubasa?"

Tsubasa is transfixed, while Chris fiddles with the remote control.

"It will blossom first…" Trueman said, on TV.

"Don't tell me she's under hypnosis again." Chris said, looking at one of her best friends. "The hell is wrong with her?"

"This is your destiny." Trueman said, on TV.

"No. No, no." Tsubasa said. "Not again."


"The cosmos is shifting. The time is now." Trueman said.

Chris' apartment...

"The Ancient lights are shining on you, the first of my children." Trueman said, on TV.

A light plays over Tsubasa's face.

"All you have to do is let go. You'll feel so happy. There's nothing to be afraid of." Trueman said, on TV.

"Hi." Kirika said, entering the apartment with Maria and Shirabe. "I thought we were gonna head to...Tsubasa?"

"Life will be so much easier for you. So much easier for everyone." Trueman said, on TV.

"Tsubasa? Tsubasa?" Maria asked, walking towards her fellow idol.

"You don't have make any effort. As you listen to my words, just relax and let the Ancient Lights flow inside your mind."


"I understand." Tsubasa said.

"So come, all you Geminis. The time is right." Trueman said, on TV.

On the zodiac behind Trueman, the symbol for Gemini lights up just like a Stargate chevron locking.

"Understand what?" Maria asked.

"I'm one of the first to be Chosen." Tsubasa said.

"As you start to accept their power." Trueman said, on TV.

"I accept the Ancient Lights." Tsubasa said.


"Walk out, my children. Leave your homes. Gather together. Find your brothers and sisters. Take their hands. Join the circle. Go, now." Trueman said.

Chris' apartment…

"I've got to go." Tsubasa said.

"Why is she acting like this?" Maria asked. "Can you stop this?"

"I can't stop. I've got to go."

"You're kidding, right?" Hibiki asked. "Please tell me you're kidding."

"I've got to go."


"Clyde, you can reject it. I know you. You say you're a part of my gang. Well, I never saw it like that, but maybe you're right. We are a gang, a team. We rely on each other. We would never hurt each other." Sarah Jane said.

"Stay back." Clyde said, sending a bolt of energy into the roof.

"Shit. Madokami is getting released early." Jared said, looking down at his phone. "It's not that big of a deal. Since she's gonna be rerun. But still, this is way too early. And Ren, I know you can hear me. You've been through so much. I love it when you go into deep conversations. So break free."

"You've been warned, Sarah Jane, Jared. Ren and I will destroy you." Clyde said.

"You and Ren got orders from Trueman to deal with me and Jared, yes?" Sarah Jane asked.

"You understand that at last." Clyde said.

"Then you can let Rani, Luke, Ruby, and Jaune go." Jared said, holding Ebb and Flow still.

"What? Jared, I'm not going." Rani said.

"Neither am I." Jaune said. "I'm not leaving you."

"Both of you are, right now." Jared said, looking at Rani and Jaune.

"They may pass." Clyde said.

"We'll get help." Rani said, walking out of the room. "Come on, Jaune."

Rani left the room with Jaune.

"It's your turn, Little Red." Jared said. "Go with Luke."

"He's right." Sarah Jane said. "Go, Luke."

"Mum, I'm not leaving you." Luke said.

"Neither am I, I'm not leaving you." Ruby said.

"It's an order." Sarah Jane said.

"Ruby." Jared said, walking over to Ruby to give her a hug. "I'll be fine. I promise, I've got Nora by my side."

"Yeah." Ruby said. "Be careful."

Ruby let's go of Jared and she left the attic.

"Clyde. Remember what you said last night? Astrology's rubbish." Luke said.

"I was wrong. I didn't understand then." Clyde said.

"Ren, what did Trueman do to you?" Nora asked. "I thought you and me. Were…"

"I'm sorry you can't feel the same, Nora." Ren said. "Not yet. At least."

"Luke, go." Sarah Jane said.

"Online. Rebooting." Mr Smith said.

"The circles are forming. If you can't find one, my children, keep walking. Find a friend, take their hand, form your own circle." Trueman said, on screen.

Bannerman Road…

"Gita, I'm not letting you go." Haresh said.

"Mum. Not you too." Rani said.

"Rani, don't be afraid. This is the best thing that's ever happened to me." Gita said.

"Gita, stop this now. Gita! Stay here." Haresh said.

"I'm walking to my destiny."

"We've got to stop this." Jaune said, looking at Ruby.

"How?" Ruby asked.

One twelfth of the population are walking out.

"We'll think of something." Jaune said.

Two parents follow their young son outside.

"Maybe it involves the zodiac signs." Ruby said. "Like Jared said."

"Yeah." Jaune said.


"Children of Gemini, you are only the first to join the Ancient Lights." Trueman said.


"Already it is time for Cancer to join the circle." Trueman said, on screen.

"Crap, Jaune." Jared said, as symbol two lights up. "Not him. Anyone but him."

"Go out and join your Gemini brothers." Trueman said.


"I accept the Ancient Lights." Jaune said, walking away.


"What's happening?" Nora asked.

"Um, well, he's taking over all the Star signs." Jared said, playing with his hands. "Gemini then Cancer. One by one."


"Come on, let's find a circle." Gita said.

"Yes, all together." Linda said.

"Let's." Jaune said.

"I, I don't like this." Ruby said. "What are they doing? Jaune…."

"Go back, Rani. Stay inside and don't let anybody in the house. Promise me." Haresh said.

"I promise." Rani said, running off with Ruby. "Let's go, Ruby."


"Soon all the signs will come under my power. At the Becoming of the Ancient Lights, I will be king of the world." Trueman said, on screen.

"Clyde, Ren, this thing that's possessed you, it's alien. More alien than anything we've met before." Sarah Jane said.

"It comes from before the Big Bang. From another universe. Not ours. But from another one." Nora said, looking at Ren.

"You don't understand something so you call it alien. Sarah Jane, Jared, you always say there's so much more to the world than most people will ever know. Why not this?" Clyde asked.

"It's made you Trueman's slave. You want that?" Sarah Jane asked.

"Trueman is the Chosen One and we will follow him forever. And he ordered us to destroy you and Jared." Ren said.

"Ren, stop." Jared said, aiming the bow at Ren. "You know me. I came up with protection spells. I'm never gonna give in. I'm gonna fight that thing, and send it back where it came from. And I'll, I'll destroy it if I have to."

"Jared, be careful." Nora said, walking up to Jared.

"It's okay, Nora. I know what I'm doing." Jared said, smiling. "So, get out of my way, Ren. You too Clyde."

"Can you do it? You've got your orders from Trueman. You want to stop us walking out of here? Go ahead. Stop us." Sarah Jane said.

"Sarah Jane, Jared, it's got my mum and Jaune." Rani said.

"Loads of people are just walking off." Ruby said, entering the attic with Rani. "Like they're zombies."

"Thanks for the heads up, Ruby." Jared said, smiling. "As long as you're here, I'm fine. I know you two can't do it, stop us."

"We must stop you." Ren said.

"Ren, no. Think about what you're doing." Ruby said.

"We're your friends." Sarah Jane said.

"You shouldn't have done this, Sarah Jane, Jared. You shouldn't have forced us." Clyde said.

"You can't hurt us." Jared said. "I know you can't."

Luke puts his hand on Clyde's shoulder and he grabs Ren's hand.

"I'm sorry." Clyde said.

"Me too." Ren said. "I'm sorry, Jared."

Clyde and Ren collapses. Luke hugs Sarah Jane. And Ruby hugs Jared.

"What, What am I doing again?" Clyde asked.

"Clyde." Sarah Jane said.

"Yes!" Rani said, happily.


"The hell are we supposed to do?" Chris asked.

"I don't know." Hibiki said, sadly. "We should help."


"Ren." Nora said, running up to Ren. "The power's gone. You're free of it."

"So it's all over then? My Mum, she'll be okay?" Rani asked.

"I am afraid that is unlikely, Rani. I am receiving news reports from agencies around the world." Mr Smith said.

"Since the broadcast, some people seem to have been hypnotised and have walked out of their homes and places of work." Someone on the News said, on TV.

"Le situation est tres confuse." Someone on RNF7 said, on TV.

"And we've just had that story confirmed. The President has walked out of the White House and is apparently holding hands with the wife of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan." Trinity Wells said, on TV.

"It is time. Children of Leo, join the circle." Trueman said, on screen.

"Maria Cadenzavna Eve." Jared said, when another symbol lights and locks. "And Iroha Tamaki. We're running out of time."

"I accept the Ancient Lights." Trinity Wells said, on TV.

"He started with Gemini, now it's spreading, it's taking over everybody." Nora said.

"Well, that's what he wants. A world of slaves." Ren said.

"Perhaps the Ancient Lights controlled people in the old universe. Now they want to control us through Trueman." Luke said.

"My mum and Jaune are still out there. They're one of them, so what are we going to do? I mean, the government and Symphogear can't do anything and the whole world's going under, so what on Earth can the eight of us do?" Rani asked.

"Well, we saved Clyde and Ren." Jared said, happily. "We can save Gita and Jaune. We can save everyone. I know we can. And we will stop Trueman. Because I'm not gonna let anyone else I love and care about die. I won't let that happen again."

"But how did we save Clyde and Ren? The Ancient Lights survived the Big Bang. How could Clyde and Ren stop them?" Luke asked.

"Don't look at me." Clyde said.

"Or me." Ren said. "I don't know how we broke free."

"One of you must know something." Rani said.

"It's like a dream. I can't believe I was saying all that stuff." Clyde said.

"Same." Ren said.

"How did you feel, when the power left you lot?" Sarah Jane asked.

"Like we were hypnotised, I suppose, and then suddenly the real us was back. It was like the hypnotised us just got switched off. I'm sorry, Sarah Jane, Jared." Clyde said.

"Oh no, you couldn't help yourself. Believe me, I know what it's like to be taken over."

"Tell me about it. I know if I ever get taken over for like years. Things could end badly." Jared said, sadly.

"We don't know how we saved you, so how can we do it again? It's hopeless." Rani said.

"There's always hope, Rani." Ruby said, happily.

"Wait. Now, we pushed you. We knew the both of you couldn't harm us. That must be it." Sarah Jane said.

"I'm lost." Ren said. "What are you talking about?"

"We forced you lot to do something you could never normally do. Your real selves fought against the Ancient Lights and broke free of that influence. And we need to try the same thing with Trueman. Force him into a corner, make him confront what this thing is making him do. Well, that's it! Come on." Sarah Jane said.

Outside Sarah Jane's home…

"But Clyde and Ren are your friends, Trueman isn't. How can you and Jared get through to him?" Rani asked.

"We can try." Jared said, holding out Ebb and Flow in bow form. "I'm not giving up. Not here."

"But he's taking over all the signs. How long before he takes all of us over?" Rani asked.

"Wait. Trueman's broadcast, he must be using it to transmit his energy around the world." Luke said.

"How? He's got control of the world's TV." Clyde said.

"Yeah, from the theatre." Ruby said, smiling.

"It's simple. We cut off the electricity from the theater. If there's no camera. He can't transmit anything, right?" Nora asked.

"Awesome. Nora. Let's go!" Jared said, happily.

Outside the theatre…

"Any joy?" Haresh asked.

"Still no signal." George said.

"The Children of Gemini must join the Chosen One. We are the Inner Circle." Gita said.

"I don't believe this." Haresh said.

"We need a barrier." Jaune said.

"You're right. Let's make the circle here to protect Mister Trueman." Linda said.


"Children of Libra, join the circle." Trueman said.

Outside the theatre...

"Where are the police? They should be down here, I. I accept the Ancient Lights." George said, as he goes and stands between his wife and son, holding their hands.

"This is insane. I'm going to get help." Haresh said.


"Children of Scorpio, join me." Trueman said.


"I accept the Ancient Lights." Ruby said, letting go of Jared's hand.

"Ruby!" Jared said, taking out a tranquilizer dart to realize that she's gone. "Damn."

Jared then ran off with Ren and Nora, as they're trying to catch up with Sarah Jane's car.


"The Inner Circle. My first subjects, Children of Gemini. Don't be afraid. Our lives have been leading to this moment. We never had any choice. My life brought me here. All the wasted years leading to this moment, but somehow I always knew I was different. Special. Chosen." Trueman said.

Behind the theatre…

Having parked up. Jared, Ren, and Nora are standing at the back entrance of the theater waiting for Sarah Jane's gang to show up.

"Ugh. How do we get past them?" Nora asked.

"We've got to do something." Ren said. "We can't get in that way."

"I can get us in." Clyde said.

"No way." Jared said. "No way in hell. I'm not letting you in there like that, Clyde."

"I'm a Gemini like you, Jared, but I'm one of Trueman's inner circle. It's got to be me." Clyde said.

"Clyde, I'm not asking you to risk losing your life like this. Especially since I lost Ruby and Jaune to that. No way."

"You didn't ask. I offered." Clyde said.

"Let's go." Rani said.


"Children of Sagittarius, join the circle." Trueman said.

Outside the theatre…

"I accept the Ancient Lights." Nora said, walking away from Ren and Jared.

"There's a lot of them. We don't have much time left." Jared said, pacing back and forth. "Clyde, you sure you got this?"

"I can do this." Clyde said.

"You've got to look sort of dopey. Blissed out. Mmm, make it creepy." Rani said.

"Right. Let's roll." Clyde said.

"Clyde, Jared's right, you don't have to do this. I can find another way in." Sarah Jane said.

"There is no another way in."

"It's too dangerous. One slip, they could blast you down."

"If you were in my shoes, you'd do it." Clyde said.

"Your face is wrong. Copy them." Ren said. "It looks too serious."

"Be quiet, boy." Clyde said.

"Have you come to join the circle?" Jaune asked.

"Why have you brought these people? They're not among the Chosen." George said.

"I'm one of Mister Trueman's Inner Circle. He sent me out to bring these people to him. They are my prisoners." Clyde said.

"But nobody can go in. We have orders to stop anybody that tries." Linda said.

"But you can't harm me. I am one of the children of Gemini."

"But they aren't. They're not chosen. I think you are lying."

"And I am one of the Inner Circle. I know all the mysteries of the stars. Mars has entered the Milky Way and Aero is in conjunction with the Galaxy. Step aside."

"We did not know."

"Pass through, quickly." George said.

"May the Ancient Lights shine upon you." Clyde said.

"Chocolate bar brands." Jared said, laughing a lot. "Man, I forgot about that joke. Good one, Clyde."

Clyde leads Sarah Jane, Luke, Rani, Jared, and Ren into the theatre.


"Join me, children of Capricorn. There are intruders. The boys Clyde and Ren. They're somewhere here. I don't understand. This was not destined." Trueman said.

"They're one of us." Cheryl said.

"No. There is something wrong. They're nearby, but I can't reach their minds. Quickly. Find them. Bring them to me."


"Wasn't bad, was I?" Clyde asked.

"That was awesome." Jared said, laughing. "You went out with a Yang."

"And I'm expecting a Ripple of applause." Clyde said.

"You five, get backstage, find the power supply. Switch it off." Sarah Jane said.

"Right." Rani said, running off with Luke.

"And the both of you are going back to Trueman?" Clyde asked.

"Yup." Jared said. "Sarah and I, we've got to reach him. Make him break control. Like we did with you, Clyde. And you too, Ren."

"Just the both of you?" Ren asked. "Are you sure? Because that isn't the best idea."

"Mister Trueman would like to see you, Clyde and Ren. And I'm sure he'll be delighted to see you, Miss Smith and Mister Shay." Cheryl said.


"Come on. He's moving through the Zodiac. When he gets to Aries, I'll be taken over and so will Kirika Akatsuki. Jared already lost most of Team RNJR and Symphogear." Rani said.

"There must be a switching room. It's a public building. Health and safety regulations say there must be an emergency cut-off switch in case of a fire or flood." Luke said.

"How do you know?"

"It's on a notice board at school. I remember everything I read."


"Rani's mum!" Ren said. "Can I..."

"I don't think your ability will work here, Ren." Jared said, sadly. "There's nothing we can do."

"What happened to you, Clyde and Ren? My influence is gone. How could both of you leave my Inner Circle?" Trueman asked.

"Ren and I were too strong. We fought it and we got free." Clyde said.

"That's not possible." Trueman said.

"It is possible." Jared said, happily. "Sarah and I. We saw it happen."

"It doesn't matter. Perhaps it was fate that you should be here to witness my apotheosis."

"Your what? That's a bad thing." Ren said.

"One step further. You know what I can do. Now, kneel before me." Trueman said.

"Do as he says." Sarah Jane said.

Lighting gallery...

"Oh, no. He's got Sarah Jane, Clyde, Jared, and Ren. I don't even know what we're looking for." Rani said.

"The emergency main switch." Luke said.

"What does that look like?"

"I'm not entirely sure."

"Oh, great."

"I don't think it's in here. Come on."


"What's your plan? After you rule the world." Ren said, crossing his arms.

"The Ancient Lights will use Earth as a starting point, and I will teach my people how to use their minds and the power of the stars to go out into space until every mind in creation belongs to me." Trueman said. "I knew it would work on people from Remnant. So I'll reach that point eventually."

"Why? What's the point?" Jared asked. "Why do the Ancient Lights want to boss people around? I find that ridiculously stupid."

"Control is the purpose of the Ancient Lights."

"God, just listen to me. Let your humanity take over, please. I don't want to hurt you." Jared said, separating Ebb and Flow to make it go from bo form to dual pistols form. "Please. Just thinking back before this happened. Your life before it happened."

"My life before? Which part of my life? The part when I was selling vacuum cleaners? When I was rounding up shopping trolleys? When I was cleaning toilets? I was a nobody." Trueman said.

"And this is your way of becoming a somebody? Yesterday nobody cared, today, everybody knows your name. What do you want to be known for, enslaving millions of people?" Sarah Jane asked.

"Do you really think that is going to work? Making an appeal to my better nature? Don't you see, the human part of me is loving every moment of this."

"This is wrong.��� Jared said, aiming his pistols at Trueman. "It's cruel and senseless. I don't get what you're saying at all. Like you're a puppet for the Ancient Lights. I believe in astrology, like any other person. But this, this is way too far."

"No, Sarah Jane, Jared, I am unique. The Ancient Lights have been waiting thirteen billion years for me. I was born at exactly the right moment, at exactly the right time. I am the most important person on the planet. On any planet. People used to say, Martin, you are not the centre of the universe. It turns out I am, and I never even knew it." Trueman said.

"Listen to him. He's going to make all of us his slaves." Ren said. "I can't believe you can't stop this, Jared."

"I want it to happen. The Ancient Lights are shining. The conjunction, it's starting. Form the Inner Circle. I must speak to the world. My world. The time has nearly come. Children of Pisces, prepare yourselves." Trueman said.

"Our big plan. Talk him out of it. It didn't work. So that can't be how you got the Ancient Lights out of me and Ren." Clyde said.

"Gah, there must be something we missed, Sarah." Jared said. "What was it? How could I forget such an important detail?"

"What was it? What's so special about me?" Clyde asked.

"And me." Ren said. "You hang around me and Nora. You support Jaune's team attack name for me and Nora. That being Flower Power. So why am I important?"

"Because you are." Jared said, smiling. "You are important. For so many reasons."

"He said we were going to lose, didn't he? But we can't lose, Sarah Jane, Jared. Sarah Jane, we always win. We're the team. We're the nuts. And Jared, you're like that too, with Team RWBY. That you haven't seen together in so long." Clyde said.

"Don't worry." Ren said, looking at Jared. "The others can still stop this."

Outside the theatre...

A column of light beams down from space into the theatre. Ruby, Jaune, and Nora are in that mishmash of people.

"The Ancient Lights." Everyone said.


Trueman and his Inner Circle of Geminids are in the beam, "Yes!"

Switching room...

"Luke, down here. Come on. Now." Rani said.

She starts pulling plugs out of racks of power sockets while Luke throws breaker switches.


"My destiny is now." Trueman said.

Switching room...

"I'm not letting this happen. Not to my mum." Rani said.


"It's too late." Clyde said.

"The zodiac is nearly complete." Trueman said.

Switching room...

"The emergency mains switch." Luke said.

"Ow." Rani said, trying to pull the lever.

"He's put a shield around it." Luke said.

"No. Mum."


"Children of Aries, join me." Trueman said.

Switching room...

"I accept the Ancient Lights." Rani said.

"No. Rani." Luke said.


"Yes! The Ancient Lights. All around the world, the Ancient Lights are reborn." Trueman said.

Switching room...

Unlike Rani, Luke is able to take hold of the mains switch.

"Nothing there." Luke said, happily.


"Thank god." Ren said, when the power goes out. "The power's out."

"They did it." Jared said, smiling. "Good one, Luke."

"Yes! The team." Clyde said, excitedly.

"You flicked a switch. Flicked a switch? The Ancient Lights survived the big bang, and you think you can stop them by flicking a switch?" Trueman asked.

"I have been chosen." Rani said.

"No. Rani!" Clyde said.

"I only needed the signal to broadcast my instructions. I can find another signal. Right now it doesn't matter. Don't you understand? The Zodiac is almost complete. Only the Children of Taurus to claim, and then even you will know my power, Sarah Jane Smith." Trueman said.

"Mum, I did it." Luke said.

"Nothing can stop it now."

"Luke!" Sarah Jane said, looking at her son.

"That's it. Of course." Luke said.

Attic - memory…

"We must stop you." Ren said.

"Ren, no. Think about what you're doing." Ruby said.

"We're your friends." Sarah Jane said.

"You shouldn't have done this, Sarah Jane, Jared. You shouldn't have forced us." Clyde said.

And Luke put his hand on Clyde's shoulder and he grabbed Ren's hand.


"I know what happened. I touched Clyde and Ren. It's me." Luke said.

"Luke, what are you doing?" Ren asked.

"Watch." Luke said, joining the Inner Circle, between Cheryl and Gita.

"Is that it?" Ren asked.

After a few moments, the whole circle collapses.

"What?" Rani asked.

"Yes!" Luke said, happily.

"No." Trueman said.

"What happened?" Rani asked.

"No! No!"

Outside the theatre…

"What happened?" Nora asked.

The circle breaks up here, too.

"I don't know." Ruby said, sadly.

"Same. Where's Jared?" Jaune asked.


"How have you done this?" Trueman asked.

"I wasn't born. I have no birthday, no star sign, so astrology doesn't work on me. The circle was like an electrical circuit. I broke it. Like how the Curse of Balal was broken." Luke said.

"Like you did before. You touched Clyde and Ren. It shorted the power." Rani said.

"What are you?" Trueman asked, looking at Luke.

"He's my son, and he's the centre of my universe." Sarah Jane said.

"Everything, everybody is born." Trueman said.

"I wasn't. And I thought it was a bad thing, till now." Luke said.

"You planned out everything, like I used to do. Everything was mapped in the stars." Jared said, laughing a lot.

"But Luke has no star sign." Ren said. "So you didn't know he was there."

"It was the only chance. The perfect conjunction. They're already moving. The old knowledge of the Ancient Lights will be lost forever. And I'll be lost without them." Trueman said.

Ruby, Jaune, and Nora then entered the room in a hurry.

"What's going on?" Ruby asked, seeing Trueman. "We've got to help him."

"Let the power go, Trueman." Jaune said. "That much power. It'll drive anyone insane."

"No. It is foretold." Trueman said.

"Martin, come on. Step out of the light, please." Jared said, smiling. "You don't have to do this."

"I was born for this, my destiny. There's nothing left for me here. I can't go back to being nobody. Let me go. Let me go to the stars." Trueman said, and the Ancient Lights burn him up and zoom back into space.

"Even at the end he wouldn't let it go. He must have wanted it so much." Sarah Jane said.

"What happened to him?" Nora asked.

"Maybe it destroyed him." Jared said, holding Ruby's hand.

"Or maybe he joined the Ancient Lights." Ruby said, as Jared squeezed her hand. "I don't know."

"Mum. She's waking up." Rani said.

"She'll be fine. Won't remember a thing." Sarah Jane said.

"We'd better get out of here." Clyde said.

"Unless you fancy explaining it all to her. And explaining about me and Jared, about Noise and Symphogear, Remnant and Grimm, and aliens, and everything." Sarah Jane said.

"Come on, quick." Rani said.

"Best part of being in this team? Running away afterwards. While Jared, you ran straight into the action with Team RWBY." Clyde said, happily.

Chandra home...

"Dad? Dad?" Rani asked.

"And an urgent investigation is underway to find out exactly how the television signal was hijacked as part of Martin Trueman's publicity stunt, with foreign governments demanding an explanation from the Prime Minister. But what about the people at the centre of what is already being described as Trueman's Hypnotic Circle? Earlier Cheryl Farley, formerly one of Trueman's followers, spoke to Joanna O'Brien." Someone on the news said, on TV.

"I was completely under his power. I gave him all my money, left my husband." Cheryl said, on TV.

"I couldn't break his hypnotic spell over, over my poor Cheryl." Stuart said, on TV.

"Rani?" Haresh asked.

"Dad?" Rani asked.

"Da da."

"Don't worry, love. Everything's all right." Gita said.


Reading the Ealing Echo - headline TV Hypnosis Stunt Full Story.

"Look. My stars. And your stars, Jared. Gemini. You will find love in a launderette. Ha, wrong. Today I saved the world." Clyde said.

"You saving the world? That's more of our business." Ruby said, crossing her arms. "You don't even have a cool weapon. Like my Crescent Rose. That I love so much."

"Well, I helped to save it. I'm part of the world-saving team. Great cover story, eh?" Clyde asked.

"Where's Ren?" Jared asked, looking at Jaune.

"I think he's making pancakes." Jaune said.

"Chocolate chip. And maple." Luke said. "Up. Down. Up."

"What are you doing?" Clyde asked.

"I just wondered if you were under my control now."

"Oh, I know. He could use Aqours and take down Salem for us." Jared said, smirking.

"Very funny. Taking down your big bad. I thought we agreed never to mention that up down thingy ever again." Clyde said.

"We never agreed to anything." Nora said. "Besides, it's a nice day today."

"Okay, time to go. I said I'd meet Finney. Wait. Oh, no, no, no." Clyde said.

"What is it?" Luke asked.

"Trueman's nicked my mobile. I've got no mobile. I'm nobody. I'm no one. I don't exist. It's a social disaster."

Attic / S.O.N.G headquarters…

"The hell happened?" Chris asked.

"Chris." Jared said, sipping on a cup of tea. "How's it going over there?"

"Besides losing a day of our memory. How do you think we're doing?"

"Wha." Hibiki said. "Tsubasa and Maria have another concert coming up. I thought you and Team RNJR could come."

"As long as no one interferes with it." Jared said, smiling. "There's no more Uwasa in Kamihama City. So I don't have to stop there as much."

"Yeah." Tsubasa said. "And we don't have to deal with Noise as much. Is this what normal life is?"

"You guys could come with us." Ruby said.

"To Remnant?" Shirabe asked, telepathically.

"Why not?" Nora asked. "Jared upgraded your suits. So it's not that big of a deal."

"It kind of is." Maria said.

"Noise was our territory." Tsubasa said. "And Grimm is yours."

"That's true." Jaune said. "How are we able to communicate with you guys like this?"

"I linked up each of our individual Aura with their Relics." Jared said, happily. "It widens the telepathic range a bit."

"But, but we don't have telepathy." Ruby said.

"I know. But it's convenient."

"For you. It's giving me a bit of a headache." Ren said.


"He waited so long to achieve something and we just stopped it from happening." Luke said.

"Well, perhaps us stopping it was destiny." Sarah Jane said.

"I don't think I believe in destiny."

"You still miss not having a birthday?"

"No, thanks. Why should I want to be like everyone else? Today, me being different was a good thing."

"Today, you being different saved the world." Sarah Jane said.

"Why don't we celebrate this day then?" Luke asked.

"That's a great idea."

"Every year, this could be my special day."


"Can I have presents?"

��Oh, whatever you want. Plus cards. Cakes. Lots and lots of attention. And a party. Oh, how about a party?"