World 6.17

Lou Jiang saw himself sleeping in that finished portrait. It was indeed beautiful, he moved towards it and carressed it with his fingers as he scanned every texture.

"It's beautiful" he uttered

A figure hovered behind him with his blushing face "D-Do you l-like it?" Gung Weixi uttered

Lou Jiang looked at him then he quickly wrapped his arms around the male in so much awe. Gung Weixi froze when he felt the tightening grips of Lou Jiang, it was warm and comforting.

"Thank you, Weixi! This is indeed beyond my emotions! I'm so flutter" The male exclaimed with a big smile drawn on his face.

Gung Weixi once again found that smile enchanting and magical like he was pulling him more into his imagination. For the first time, he felt the urge of bringing him inside his fantasy filled with colors.

Lou Jiang was indeed happy after seeing that portrait of him drawn by Gung Weixi's magical hands.