World 6.18

"He killed his mother"

The glass of water slipped down from his grip. The pieces of glass slowly shattered as it hits the hard tiled surface.

"Jiang,Are you okay?" Wu Jun quickly grasped the male away from the broken scene.

Lou Jiang jolted in surprise "I-I'm sorry! I was just a little bit out of myself!" He exclaimed in panic

Wu Jun smiled at him as he went to the corner of the office to get the broom and dustpan. The male saw him so he initiated to clean the mess.

It's true that after comforting Gung Weixi, Lou Jiang decided to report it at Wu Jun right away. After the male calmed down, he asked permission from him.

  It was so sudden for him to mention his mother. 

"How did that happen,Senior Jun?" Lou Jiang asked the moment he slumped his butt back to the sofa.