6 Krevik Sleeps

He still hadn't let go of her hand. He looked down when he realized it.

"Sorry," he said as he released his grip. "Let's pick these up first, then we'll get some more. Okay?" he smiled cautiously at her.

"Okay," she beamed. Her smile stopped his heart.

"I… dropped these when I saw you crying," he said. "I thought something horrible had happened in the village."

She blushed, remembering what she thought it was. "I'm sorry I worried you," she said embarrassed.

He looked directly into her eyes as he sincerely said, "You can worry me whenever you want." I love you. He said it with his eyes, with his heart, and his whole being.

She blushed. "Don't you dare tell anyone I was crying!" She smiled as she punched at his arm. He caught her fist in his palm before it reached him.

"Or what?" he said smiling as he leaned toward her, his face now inches from her own.

Her eyes opened wide. For a split second she thought he was going to kiss her again! He leaned even closer and pulled her into a hug. It was soft, and she could feel his strength supporting her.

"I… don't know," she breathed. She hugged him back. She forgot she was supposed to be mad at him for seeing her cry. He laughed. He continued to hold her. H didn't want to let go of her. She was precious. He just had to know one thing.

"Are you going somewhere?" He choked on the word going.

She stiffened at his question. "Yes," she whispered. She could feel her eyes begin to burn. She didn't want to cry again. He squeezed her slightly. Then he pulled her away from his chest so he could look into her face.

"When do you go?"

"In five days."

I can't go with you can I," it wasn't a question.

"No," she said sadly.

"When will you come back?"

"I always stay gone for a month."

A month! How could he possibly survive without her for a month!?

"Well then we'll just have to make the most of our time here before you go," he said positively. "Instead of getting wood, do you want to go fishing with me?" He hoped she wouldn't see the ulterior motive behind his question. When they went fishing, they sat on a fallen log. Their shoulders always touched.

"Okay," she smiled at him.

"Shall we then?" He put out his arm for her. She took it with pleasure.


The sun was sinking into the trees. The sky was a fiery red that set a heavenly light on everything it could touch. The pink and purple clouds made the image even more beautiful than Mirrame thought it could be. The small stream they fished in was dancing in what little light was left. The reflection of it danced across their features as they sat, hand in hand, staring at the sky.

Their fishing poles were forgotten in the ground, as they watched the sky. The lines were still in the water. The bait was probably long gone by now. It was the first time they had done anything like this. They both knew it was because the kiss. Neither of them had said anything about it so far. He still didn't know what she thought about it. Her hand was once more in his. He needed the strength of her hand to say what he was about to say.

She loved the way his hands felt. She felt so safe with him. She knew she didn't have to be strong when she was with him. When she was with him, she was just an ordinary woman. Not a title. She wasn't The Priestess, or The Elders Daughter. She was just Mirrame. She couldn't help but realize that that was why she fell in love with him. He didn't care about her title, and he was strong enough to protect her if she ever needed it. She was strong enough that that scenario would most likely never happen. She couldn't help but blush, and feel heat rise to her face when she thought about that kiss. She turned up to look at him. Her gaze met his. He was looking at her!

"Beautiful," he whispered. With that one word she froze in place. Her heart stopped. "I love you."

"What?" she said confused. Had she gone deaf when she looked into his eyes? Either that or she was hearing things. Did he just say what she thought he said?

"I said, that I love you," he said as if reading her thoughts.

"Will you marry me?" she blurted. What she had meant to say was I love you too. She was shocked with herself. How had that come out instead!?

He chuckled. "That's supposed to be my line. But yes," he said seriously. "I'll marry you."


Phillip was overjoyed when Isadar asked for Mirrame's hand in marriage. He shook his hand and said, "Well it's about time!"

They laughed about it, and they celebrated with their evening meal. Then in the midst of their celebration he asked, "Before or after?"

They looked at him confused.

"Mirrame's leaving in five days," he reminded them. "You want to get married before or after?"

Their hearts both broke. They had forgotten that she was leaving. They decided to settle for a quick marriage before she left. This way they would know they had each other even though they were apart. It took a day to plan, the next day they would get married. It would be their special day of celebration.


Isadora looked down on her sleeping son. She would finish the story tomorrow. She knew that he would dream about Isadar tonight, just as she had when she was little.

She patted him on the head, and then lay down beside him. Krevik would sleep with her again tonight. That was good. If they needed to run from the cloaked figure in her nightmares; she needed to know Krevik would be right beside her.