7 The Dream Wedding

Krevik Lay Sleeping, dreaming of the end of his mother's story.


The wedding was beautiful. It was held in the meadow where he had found her crying. Isadar was so nervous. So was Phillip. Isadar stood there waiting for her to come and walk down the isle of flower petals.

Suddenly she appeared. Her dress was the same dress her mother wore. It was white and simple, and made her look elegant. Wasn't music supposed to be playing? Where did everyone go? He didn't care; his eyes were only for Mirrame, the rest of the world faded away when he looked at her. She was so beautiful he almost forgot to breath. Did he really deserve to be this happy? He took a deep breath as she reached him. He took her hands. He knew he was supposed to be listening to what Phillip was saying, but he could only hear the pounding of his heart. She was so perfect.

Phillips' words had somehow reached him. "I do," he said. So did she. He barely heard the words, but he knew what they meant. "You may kiss the bride."

He kissed her lips softly, then with more passion. He realized people were watching. They were both red with excitement and embarrassment. They were married.

In a tree nearby, a lone black bird watched the ceremony.


The magician was looking into the ball again. He could see Isadar's smiling face, and he saw the signet ring that Isadar wore around his neck. It made him sick to look at it.

How could he think that he was fit to be king? He wasn't. He didn't know anything.

"He has time to get married, but not to find me my crest!" shouted the magician's voice, "How dare he wear the signet ring of the king!? He isn't worthy of wearing it; not even around his neck!"

Phineas came into the dark room and set a glass of water before the cloaked figure. The servants had begun to complain. They hadn't seen king Emir for quite a while, and he wasn't sending them any messages like he had in the past. King Emir had always sent messages to his subjects, and they had always been signed with the ring. Phineas knew the king couldn't send those messages anymore. The king no longer had the signet ring. The king was trapped, and only Phineas knew of Emir's horrible prison. It was one from which there was no escape.

Because the king had not sent any messages, the servants had begun to spread rumors among the people. There were rumors that the king had become possessed. There were rumors that Isadar had grown jealous of Emir, and he had killed him for the throne. If this was true; then only Isadar could be the mysterious man in the cloak. He must have placed the bounty on his own head to dissuade any confusion. There were also rumors that a mysterious wizard was the cloaked man and that he had cast an evil spell on the king.

That last rumor was close, but still not quite correct. The man in the cloak was a magician. However whether or not he had cast an evil spell on the king was something only Phineas knew. He knew everything. He still remembered that fateful day that changed everything for Emir. And only Phineas knew where Emir was; but he could tell no-one. He knew that they wouldn't believe him, and they would turn on him in an instant and call him a traitor. The people already mistrusted him as it was. A gardener suddenly becoming so important to the king. The rumors were the reason the castle was slowly being emptied. People were beginning to feel uncomfortable there. The Magician made no effort to stop them. It would help him move more freely if they would all leave.

Phineas was the one who had told the king where to find The Cave of Japeth. He had waited outside of the cave for his master to come out. He couldn't go into the cave with the king; he would have only gotten in the way, and perhaps even got both of them killed. He was the only one the king had trusted to be there. And now he regretted his decision, if only a little.

Phineas looked at the cloaked figure annoyed. "Well, are you going to drink that or not?" he said, tired of hearing the Magicians complaints.

The Magician took off his cloak; something that only happened in front of Phineas. His hair was long, and so white it could be called silver. His face was startling against his hair. He had a young face. He looked so unnatural, especially with his diamond colored eyes. But he was still handsome. Extremely handsome. He looked at Phineas out of the corner of his eye.

"Fine," he said like a spoiled child. Then he gulped it down. He placed the glass in exactly the same spot that it had been in. "But, you're lucky. Anyone else in your position would be dead for speaking to me like this, especially in the mood that I'm in now." Phineas reached for the glass.

"Phineas," said the magician in the same dry vehemence he used when saying the servants name. "I'll take my dinner in the study; breakfast too. I need to take another look at that potion. I have a plan."

"Yes sire," said Phineas as he left the darkened chamber.


New rumors were making their way to Isadar's ears. The castle was emptying out. Goblins were constantly attacking it. The king had gone into hiding, and some strange Magician was running the kingdom. The goblin attacks were getting worse. Some of the people were making their way into the Forest of Ern. It would be safer there from the Goblin attacks. This was how the news reached Isadar about what had been happening in the castle.


"Goblins!" Phineas was crying out as he ran frantically through the castle. "Goblins! They're attacking the castle!"

Blaise a young page of 13 was roused by this cry. He was one of the most faithful servants of the king left in the castle, patiently awaiting his return. He hurriedly grabbed the few belongings he could and began to run out of the castle using the escape tunnels. He had just begun to wonder if it was a trick being played on them by Phineas, when suddenly-

BOOM! The noise was right behind him. He helped his fellow servant who had fallen, get back up. He could hear the snarling getting closer behind him. Then he heard his king! "Phineas!" The king sounded angry. He almost turned back to go help his king, but as he turned to look behind himself he saw two very large goblins; and they were hot on their trail. But these were no ordinary goblins; they were the most horrifying goblins the world would ever see. When Blaise looked back on it, it was a miracle everyone had escaped alive and only mildly injured. It was a sight that would forever haunt his nightmares, and he would forever regret not going back to help his king.

The last human voice he remembered hearing in that castle was Phineas crying out with horror, "Master!"