10 Krevik's Dream continues

The villagers had stopped walking. It was such a sudden stop, that if Isadar hadn't turned his head when he had, he would have bumped right into the rear end of his own horse. Phillip wordlessly walked to the front of the crowd. Isadar followed after him.

Looming in front of them was a canyon bigger than any he had ever seen before. The only thing between them and the other side was a small ancient looking rope bridge. It swayed unsteadily in the breeze. Phillip now stood in front of it. He prepared himself to cross. As Isadar looked across it he knew that getting everyone across without incident would be a terrifying feat.


Phineas brought it to him. The Magician held out his hand expectantly. In it Phineas placed the weightless crystal ball. The magician was in Phillips kitchen. He leaned back in a chair at the head of the table with his big black boots resting on it. He had removed his cloak. His silver hair was shining in what little light there was. He and Phineas were alone in the house. The curtains had been drawn and candles lit. It looked the same as it had the night that Isadar and Mirrame celebrated their engagement. But it was different somehow. Darker. There seemed to be dark shadows in the room as the Magician peered into the ball. Phineas's eyes remained blinded to whatever secrets it could tell.

The Magician's face changed from amusement to excitement as he looked into it. "Phineas!" he shouted as he suddenly sat up. "Get me my cloak! We're leaving!"


The cloaked Magician walked into the sunlight, Phineas following obediently behind him carrying a small chest. The chest contained only the crystal ball. The Dragon Army moved aside. They didn't know what was inside the chest. Nor did they want to know. Whatever it was, it was filled with magic. They could feel it. It bit at them if they got too close to whatever was inside. The Magician climbed onto the Silver Dragon. She was the only one impervious to the ball's magic. Phineas bumbled about trying to figure out how to climb back on. Finally he succeeded.

The Magician nodded to the feathered Dragon. He was the only one without a rider. He was in charge. He sounded the call. The Riders mounted quickly, and he lifted off only a second after the Magician. The army followed suit. Dust kicked up throughout the village as the Dragon army lifted off into the air. They were excited. Now was the time for pursuit.


Krevik awoke from his slumber. He was clutching his chest. A signet ring shone in the moonlight on his finger. It was the same as the one in his dream. The same one Isadar had worn.

"I dreamt again," he said. His voice sounded mournful. His head was pounding.

He had remembered every detail of the dream. He always remembered every detail of his dreams. He was much too old for this now. He was nineteen for crying out loud. Wasn't that too old for such childish dreams? He looked out the window. He could see the moon shining beautifully. The beauty of it reminded him of the woman in his dreams. The one he called "Mother." She was very beautiful.

He had dreamt about being a child again. The woman had told him a story. He clutched his chest. It hurt. Every time he dreamt about that woman his chest hurt. It was only in his dreams of when he was a child though. When he dreamed about anything else, it was only his head that hurt. Sometimes it hurt so much that his eyes watered. He hated it when that happened. It seemed so… weak.

He wouldn't mention his dream to him. Krevik hated not telling him things; but he wouldn't like it. He could still see the moonlight shining into his room. It annoyed him. It was too bright. It made his head hurt more. He kicked off his blanket and closed the curtain on his window.

Now he would be able to sleep again. In the morning he would ask the old man for something to stop his dreams. The old man told Krevik that it was better if the master didn't know he had been dreaming. When Krevik pictured the Evil Magician in his dreams; he always looked just like him. He and the evil Magician were just too similar. They even acted alike. What would he be like if he were evil? He shuddered from the thought of him being evil. Then he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.


Phillip was a little way down the bridge, and then he turned and waved for the next person to come. Isadar had secretly decided to be the last one to cross. He knew the one his brother was after was himself. If everyone else had crossed and his brother came, then he would cut the rope, and be lost to his brother. He sent people out one by one. Link had been helping him by keeping everyone calm or cheerful.

"How do they all know when to turn?" he asked Isadar as the man in front of them proceeded to cross.

"I don't know," he said. "We'll figure it out when it's our turn" He smiled assuredly at Link. It was then that he noticed how much the boy had grown since they first arrived in the village, until now. Link was still very much a child, but he was striving to be a man.

The man that had gone before them turned and waved, and Isadar pushed Link lightly on the shoulder to go. Link walked slowly at first, not sure if he could truly trust the swaying bridge; but then as he gained more confidence began to walk at a quick and steady pace.

Suddenly around the place where everyone else had turned and waved Link stopped. He turned, and instead of waving began to point at a spot on the bridge. Isadar just knew he was smiling, the boy waved for Isadar to follow. He sucked in a breath, now it was his turn. He was suddenly glad to have been the last one. He had stepped on to the bridge not knowing what to expect, but it was surprisingly steady. It was strange, but with each step he gained more confidence in the old bridge. He had gone pretty far, when suddenly he saw a sign on the bridge. He walked up to it. 'Turn and wave' was written on it. It was pure genius. He smiled to himself and turned to do what the sign said.

In the sky coming toward him was a black and ominous cloud, moving against the wind. The cloud had a spot of silver in front. The smile was replaced by a look of shock and fear. Isadar knew it was the Dragon Army. They had really come! The cloud was drawing closer by the moment. Wind didn't matter to Dragons. He turned and looked to see how far link had gotten. He still had such a long way to go!

"Link!" Isadar shouted "Link!"

Link turned and looked toward Isadar happily. Then he saw Isadar pointing to the sky. He froze in fear for a moment. What was that black cloud!?

"Run!" he heard Isadar shout. Isadar wouldn't budge until he did, Isadar waiting on the bridge for his death gave Link a reason to turn and run.

"Run!" Link heard himself shouting. "Run!" He was shouting to no one in particular and everyone all at once. Running was the only thing he knew at that moment. He could feel the bridge shaking, and he knew Isadar was running with him. He could see his family up ahead, waiting for him. "Run! Dragons!" He shouted to them. They didn't budge. Why didn't they move?