11 The Reunion

Watching Link run in front of him, he knew he couldn't give up like he had intended to. One day he and Mirrame would have a child. He hoped that child would grow up to be as brave as Link. If that were to happen, he couldn't give up now. He needed to get across now. He just had to! Finally he could see that Link was across. He was almost there himself. The dragons were close. Too close. He could feel their presence looming behind him as he ran.

He looked ahead and realized that at the end or the bridge, the village waited. They were all looking to the sky. Why in the world were they just standing there!? Why didn't they run!? The dragons could cause immeasurable damage if they stayed there like that.

As he looked at the faces of the villagers he saw Mirrame. Her hair blew lightly in the wind. Her eyes stared into his. Willing him to run faster. He longed to hold her in his arms and tell her everything would be alright. He wanted to protect her from everything.


Mirrame had been waiting for Isadar to cross the bridge. She watched face after face pass her by. All faces she knew, all faces she was happy to see safe. But his face she did not see. And each time she did not see his face she grew more anxious. She knew what he had decided as each person passed her by. She knew that he had decided to go last. This way; if need be he could sacrifice himself for the others.

She was pissed. When this was over she was seriously going to let him have it. How dare he wait to be the last one to cross!? Her anger rose as people passed her by; each going to their loved ones. When she had seen her dad she had expected Isadar to be right after him. But now waiting to be last! She knew the Dragon Army was on its way here. She felt a light touch on her arm, and looked up to the sky where she had pointed. There was a thick black cloud moving against the wind. Dragons! She looked to the bridge again. How could he do this to her!? Her blood was boiling until… she saw Link. He was running! He reached the end on the bridge breathing harder than any of the others had. He saw her, and turned to face the bridge. Years later she would marvel at such a young boy for acting that way. But right now her eyes could only hold Isadar. He was repeatedly looking back. She wanted his eyes to find her there. She wanted to recklessly run out to him and have him hold her. She wanted him! She waited there on the edge, and willed him to come to her. Her anger was gone, replaced only by her love for him.


When Isadar reached the end of the bridge, his immediate response was to throw his arms around Mirrame. He noticed no one else. In that moment only they existed. He longed for her to be safe. He had seen her clothing at a distance and knew she was there to fight. He knew she would die to protect him. He dreaded the thought. He wanted her to be in his arms, yet he wanted her to be anywhere but here. Right now he just wanted to know that she would be safe. And right now, this place was not safe at all.

He pulled himself away from her to look into her eyes. He saw the quiet strength that rested there, and he saw why the villagers revered her so much. At this moment, they were both warriors. They would fight side by side!


"Isadar," said a voice pulling him from his revelry. "It is good to see you are well."

How had he not seen her before? She was a beautiful woman standing a little to the left of Mirrame. She had fair skin, and those same dark green eyes. Even though her attire was one for battle, she still managed to look elegant in it. And upon her head was a tiara with a single stone made of jade and emerald set on top.

"Kierra?" Isadar asked, astonished. It really was her! She was the one! She was the woman who had broken his brother's heart!

"Hello Isadar," she said with a sad smile. It did not reach her eyes, "You've grown."

Mirrame watched this scene unfold before her eyes with complete jealousy. The Enchantress never let anyone call her by her real name! Yet here, she had allowed Isadar to say her name! How in the world did she know Isadar anyway! Seeing the way the two of them looked at each other was eating Mirrame alive. They looked at each other with far too much familiarity for comfort. Then to make it worse Isadar actually smiled at her! How did they know each other?!

"I thought it was you," Isadar said, "It's been a long time…"

"It has," said the Enchantress sadly, but we'll talk about this later. Right now you need to protect your people."

"My people?" Her choice of words had obviously not escaped his notice. He cocked his head to the side as he asked.

"Yes Isadar… yours," said the Enchantress. "You are the king, are you not?" she said as she fingered the ring about his neck.

"No. Emir is the king" Said Isadar.

"You are the one wearing the ring," spat back the Enchantress. The Enchantress looked close to tears. Mirrame jumped. The Enchantress never showed this much emotion. "Emir is gone" The Enchantress swallowed her tears. "Even if it is only at your neck," she said in a softer manner, "You're still wearing it."

"I… I'm the… king?" Isadar let it sink for a moment. Suddenly he turned to Mirrame. "I can't be… What should I do?"

Mirrame was surprised her husband still knew she existed. Most men fell in love with the Enchantress at first sight! Isadar turned to the sky, the army was a lot closer now. So very close. He turned to Mirrame, and saw the answer in her eyes. He needed her to be safe. If he died now, he needed to know she was safe, and he was confident that she and Kierra could protect the people.

"Take Kierra, and the rest of the women and children out of here," He said, "I will stay here with the men and fight. I'll send you a word when we're finished."

"What!?" She shouted at him. Just who did he think he was ordering her around like that!? This was the last straw! Not only had he known the most beautiful woman on the planet; but he neglected to tell her about it! And now he was actually telling her, the strongest in battle among the priestesses, to stay out of the fight; so she could protect Kierra- the aforementioned beauty?! Now she was angry.

Kierra watched the argument while keeping an eye on the sky. She wanted to see how this fight went. Did Isadar really not tell his wife about her? He must really be in love. But the army was getting closer. Now they were too close! She reached out to Isadar- He ignored her and stepped toward Mirrame.

"Mirrame," Isadar said taking a step toward her. He put his hand lovingly on her face, and looked deeply into her eyes. "If I must be king, then you are my Queen. I need you to be safe! Now go before-"

"It's too late" The Enchantress said angrily; "They're here!" It was true they were almost to the bridge.

Kierra turned to Isadar who had his arms around Mirrame. He kissed her forehead. At that moment, he looked so much like his brother. She smiled a lonely smile.

"Isadar," she said to get his attention, "Do you believe that you are king?"

He touched the ring around his neck, he knew its meaning. He had understood it's meaning when he picked it up from his brothers desk before he left on his quest. He pulled Mirrame closer to him with his other arm. "Yes," He said. "As long as Mirrame is at my side; I can do anything."

Mirrame stayed looking at him surprised. How had he not fallen for the Enchantress?

"Then only you can stop him now," The enchantress said. "The Crest is inside of you."