16 Helen

Phineas went to the master's chamber when he was sure Krevik had gone back to bed. He stood in the doorway expectantly.

"Did he take it?" asked the Magician nonchalantly.

"Every drop sire," replied Phineas.

"It doesn't seem to be working Phineas," he replied. "Make it stronger."

"I'm already working on it," replied Phineas.

The Magician nodded, and then waved Phineas away. He was working on a new potion. It was one that required much skill, and concentration.


It had been one week since Krevik had gone to Phineas with chest pains and headaches. He was better now. A small part of him wondered just what had been wrong with him in the first place. The rest of him ignored the thought. It didn't matter now. He was better.

He had been called to the Magicians' room. The Magician sat by the window. He was in his cloak. Krevik wondered how the Magician could stand wearing it all the time. It was very old. He knew the style was from a hundred years ago at least. But the cloak itself looked brand new. The Magician was an enigma. He hadn't aged a day in all the years Krevik had known him.

"Sit," the Magician commanded. He was angry, Krevik could tell. Even though there remained so little emotion on the Magician's face, Krevik knew he was angry. Something about all this seemed vaguely familiar to Krevik. When he sat down a cup of warm tea appeared before him. He remembered this event occurring as a child, but the feeling was different. He loved it when things appeared in front of him as a child, now he was troubled by the feeling it gave him.

He blew on it and took a large drink. The magician waited until Krevik swallowed. "It's time to try this again," said the Magician. Everything began to fade. Krevik knew the Magician was saying something important, but he couldn't hear it. His last thoughts before the blackness swallowed him were of a village girl. It was so familiar.


Krevik was out with his men. They were going on a raid. The Magician had just gotten some information that this village could lead them to the crest. He rode slightly behind his men. He had a horrible feeling that he would hear screams. It wasn't unusual to have one person scream every now and then. But this wasn't a normal feeling. He didn't like it. He was surprised at the feeling of the breeze against his arms. He had left his armor at the castle. He wasn't used to not wearing it. But, he didn't really need it to check empty houses; now did he?

He decided to start checking the empty houses for clues. He was the only one who would be able to feel its presence.


"Is it wise to let him out so soon?" Phineas asked the Magician.

"No," said the Magician in a condescending tone. "No, it's not. But I can't wait forever. I need that Crest!" The last phrase was said with so much fervency and passion, that Phineas flinched.


"Jesse!" A young woman's voice whispered harshly. "Jesse-e wake up!" The raiding soldiers were so very close now. She could hear them. The sleeping girl's eye's fluttered.

"Helen?" said the girl in her groggy voice. "What is it Helen?" she rubbed her eyes. Helen grabbed the girl's wrist and dragged her to the kitchen. She flung the now wide awake girl into a cabinet. "Listen!" Helen's voice was still a whisper. "They're here to raid the village. Hide here, and don't you dare make a sound!"

It was then that Jesse could hear the methodical stomp of the soldiers' feet. She could also hear some of the smaller children sobbing in fear. The sobs were coming from the direction of the square. Memories of last week came to her in a torrent. She was so scared then, but she had been saved. She had been saved by a man that looked nothing less than Prince Charming, on a white horse no less. She knew then that she wouldn't be saved today. Today she would have to hide in silence. If Jesse were to somehow be found and captured, Helen might not even know until it was too late.

How could this be happening again? Why so soon!? It had only been a week hadn't it? I can't let them find me! Not now! If they manage to find me they'll find it for sure! No one is able to get past their magical interrogation methods. Helen, leave! Get out of here while you can! Run! Go and be safe!

Jesse wanted to scream at Helen to go, but she knew that if she cried out now then they would both be caught. Jesse could barely even breath now, much less speak. Besides, she knew it would be useless for Helen to run anywhere. If anything Helen would probably run unknowingly into the arms of the enemy. Helen was blind. Helen would stay in her kitchen until a raider led her out of it.


Krevik stepped into one of the houses. It was simply decorated, and brought a sort of peaceful feeling into him. This house would reveal nothing. He was about to turn and leave, but then decided to explore anyway.


Helen heard a footfall land in the doorway of her home. Her heart pumped furiously. She could hear Jesse breathing in the cabinet, and wished they wouldn't find her. Each footstep brought more fear into her heart. She needed to calm down. She grabbed at the table. The hilt of a knife found its way into her hand. If they wanted Jesse they would have to go through her first! Try as she might, there was no way she could calm her beating heart. The footsteps stopped a few feet in front of her. This worried her more than anything. What was he doing? Why wasn't he saying anything!? 'Get to the square. Why are you still here?' Anything like that would work! She couldn't hear him at all anymore. Had she gone deaf as well? Had the raider left, taking Jesse with him; without her hearing it at all?

She opened her mouth to speak. Nothing would come out!


Krevik stared in shock at the image in front of him, his mouth agape. His men were supposed to make sure the homes had been empty. Anybody could be waiting in one of the homes to try and assassinate him! They had obviously been mistaken when they said all the homes were empty. There standing against the kitchen table, was a deadly vision of beauty. She was holding a very sharp looking knife. He wished now for his armor.

She had long wavy blond hair, and dark brown eyes. She wore a simple white dress and a knife in her right hand. She wouldn't look at him. Instead she looked past him into the hall. Why wouldn't she look at him?

He tensed. What if she was waiting for her husband to come rescue her? But no, her face didn't show any hope for that. It showed only fear. He saw her lips open. She wanted to say something. It looked like fear had sealed her voice. He had a sudden desire to hear it.

"H-hello?" she said in a quivering voice. To Krevik it sounded like heaven had opened up. "Is someone there?" She couldn't see! So that's why she wouldn't look at him! He felt so relieved.

"I… thought this house was empty," said Krevik.