17 Finding Jesse

That voice! I know that voice! But it can't be! Krevik? He's here? In this house! No way! Jesse sat in the cabinet allowing the wave of shock to pass over her. She listened, willing him to speak again with her mind.


"Wh-who are you?" Helen asked partly in relief. They haven't found Jesse! She gripped the knife tighter. There was still a chance they could find her. She wished desperately now for her sight. He sounded kind, but sometimes you couldn't tell by the voice. The eyes though… the eyes rarely lied. When she still had her vision, she had noticed the eyes always betrayed the persons' emotions. And the emotions betrayed their intentions.

"I am the king," he said with authority in his voice. "You can't see can you?" he asked. His voice was still kind. But it didn't have pity. Good. She couldn't stand it when people pitied her. He sounded almost relieved. Maybe he was relieved because she was blind. Maybe he thought her to be weak.

"No," she said angrily. She clutched the knife tighter. She didn't know what would happen next. She didn't know if he would try to take advantage of that weakness. "No, I can't see." She said it with confidence. She couldn't see, but she knew how to fight. She could fight well, even better now that she had lost her sight. She could feel the next move her opponent would make when she was fighting. That was an ability she never had while she could still see.


Krevik saw her hand grip the knife tighter and her face filled with determination as she spoke. He was enchanted. This woman was the bravest thing he had ever seen.

"I'm not going to fight you," he said. He wouldn't be able to strike this beauty, even if she attacked him with that knife. He wouldn't be able to defend himself at all against her. "You can put the knife down. And whoever's in that cabinet over there can come out too."


Jesse stiffened. He knew where she was!? How!? She looked down and realized that part of her skirt was sticking out of the door. If that wasn't bad enough, so was one of her boot straps. How could she have been so stupid?


How did he know? Helen thought. He knows where Jesse is! If Jesse comes out and he sees who she is- She reacted before she could finish her thought. She lunged at the king with the knife. She had to protect Jesse at all costs… even if it meant killing the king who had saved her. She would save Jesse.

She felt the knife make contact. Krevik grunted, as it pierced something soft. The knife that flew out of her hands along with the rancid smell of flesh. He blocked it! But, with what? She could smell the meat. It was the rump roast she had bought for dinner. She lunged at him again to tackle him, all her thoughts had come to her within a split second and now they were both grappling on the ground. She fought well, but so did he. He had pinned her down. She opened her mouth to let out a scream. But instead of a scream she felt something else upon her lips. Was he kissing her!? Her own reaction shocked her and made her body rigid. Not because he kissed her, but because for some unfathomable reason, she liked it! And she kissed him back! Was she that starved for attention?


Krevik looked at the woman, still in partial shock. Did she just kiss him back? Why on earth did he kiss her!? He hadn't meant to. All he had meant to do was keep her quiet. Just one scream and he'd never get her out of there. He didn't understand it himself, but he knew that he had to keep this woman safe. He knew he would protect her as long as he lived. Krevik felt someone pulling at him. He sat up at the silent command of the dainty arms. He looked behind him to see who it was.

"You!" he said shocked. Standing right in front of him was a girl. It was like she had stepped out of his dream, only she was older now. His chest hurt and his headache at the sight of her. What was she doing to him? He could hear the men outside. He was filled with a sudden urge to protect this girl. He realized he loved her. Though why, he didn't know. He couldn't allow these girls to be caught!

"We've got to get you out of here," he said to her, "someplace safe."


Jesse wasn't quite sure she heard right. Did he recognize her? He wanted her someplace safe? She watched Helens confused face. She had seen the kiss. She had no idea what Helen could've possibly been thinking. From Jesse's perspective it looked just like a fairytale; the handsome Prince Charming kissing the Fair Princess. Helen sat up partially. She couldn't get up all the way because the king still had her pinned.

"Can you get off me please?" She said in a timid voice. Krevik turned to her looking shocked that he was still on top of her.

"Yes," he said, getting off of her. "Sorry," he said, remembering the kiss, "I just didn't want you to scream. He was glad she couldn't see him blush. "Can you ride a horse to safety?"

Helen didn't know what to do. Everything was happening so fast. One moment she was scared out of her mind, and then she was fighting. Then the thing that took her breath away happened. Now he was telling them to just ride a horse out of the village? Was this some sort of demented trap?


Krevik stared at the girl before him. She was just so… familiar. He couldn't get over it. He watched her running and ducking in front of him. He was going to give them his horse. Then they would be safe. He held onto the young woman behind him gently; yet his hand felt like it was being permanently welded to her wrist. He could feel her presence like fire. What was with these two? What was it about them that made him go against his mentor- The Magician?

They ducked and hid and rolled all the way to the tavern. The tavern was where the horses were. They did well in avoiding the town square where the villagers were being guarded while the town was raided. That is where the majority of the soldiers were. Krevik suddenly found himself wishing he could help them too; but he was having a hard enough time just getting two of them out of there.

This next part would be the hardest. Suddenly he remembered the road block!

Krevik drew his sword.

"What are you doing?" the young girl asked him wide eyed, as they mounted the horses; the young girl on one, and he and the blind woman on the other.

"There are men blocking the road out of here," he said. He had forgotten about it till now. "You know, just in case someone tries to escape? You stay close behind me," he said to her looking her in the eyes. Her eyes… they look just like mine, he thought.

"And you," he said to the blind woman as he gripped her arm. "You hold on tight." This was going to be dangerous. Perhaps it would've been better to let the two girls ride together. It didn't matter now. He would definitely get them out of there. Even if it meant going against the Magician. He would keep them safe!