21 Kevik was out of his sight

Jesse had served herself and Krevik some soup. She was tired, but not as tired as Helen. Right now she was just hungry. Krevik had looked at the soup, and tentatively tasted it. She smiled to herself as he ravenously began eating it. If she was hungry, he had to be hungry. Once he was done with his first bowl, she served him a second. While they ate, she told him what had happened. He had passed out, and Clouds of smoke seemed to begin to waft off of him. Kierra had sat with him for a long time muttering until all the smoke had cleared. She told him that right after the smoke had cleared, he had an enormous fever. Her and her father had been very worried, but Kierra had told them Krevik would be fine.

Jesse sat watching him eat and was relieved. She had not never seen him eat this much- ever. "I don't think." Jesse said, "that I have ever seen you eat this much."

Krevik looked at her surprised. "I don't think I have ever eaten this much before… It's good" He added.


Krevik finished the rest of his soup nervously, why was she staring at him like that. It was almost as if she looked away and he would disappear forever. He didn't know what he should do. She knew he wasn't really going to disappear; right? He began to get up to clear his soup dish. Jesse bolted up, "I'll get it!" She was quick as lightning sometimes…

He stood up, and waited for her to be done. He was quite wide awake now. He looked out the window and saw that it was quite dark. No wonder Helen was sleeping so soundly. Krevik watched Jesse as she finished rinsing his plate. What was he thinking? She was going to have to go to bed.

"Jesse," Krevik said. "Let's go to bed." He had tried to make his face look tired.

"Alright," she said. "You look kind of tired."

"But this time," He said thinking of her girly room. "Why don't you sleep in your bed?"

"No way!" She exclaimed. "I'm sleeping with Helen." You can sleep in the living room too."

"Okay," He said. He didn't want to argue with her. He needed some time to think.

Krevik tucked in Jesse and kissed her goodnight. He sat in the rocking chair that was adjacent to them. He watched them as they slept. And he thought.

This was his new home. Wasn't it? He knew that he had run away. But why? He didn't know what to think. This was all happening too fast. He had a family now. His stepfather Rodan, a sister Jesse. And Helen. Where did she fit in this? She was apparently related to Rodan somehow. That didn't make her related to him right? Didn't that mean he still had a chance? At what? Did he love her? His whole world had just turned upside down. His thoughts were reeling. His feelings were reeling. When was the last time he felt so much? What about the Magician!? Oh great! He was in big trouble now. What would he tell the Magician? If he left now would the Magician forgive him? They could go back to how it was right? He knew he was supposed to be afraid of the Magician. But he couldn't remember why at the moment. Why did he even long for the Magician's forgiveness. What was the Magician doing now?


The Magician was pale. Even more so than he had ever been. He sank into his chair by the fireplace and stared into it as if hoping some sort of answer would come to him. Krevik was out of his sight. For the first time in years, Krevik was out of his sight. He was worried. The witch who had betrayed him, now had Krevik under his wings. Perhaps he should have just forced Krevik to his will.

But he couldn't do that. Krevik had to come to him on his own. But perhaps… He thought as he sat up hopeful for the first time in hours, perhaps there was a way to go to Krevik. He just needed to figure out how.


A sound at the door brought Krevik to alert immediately as he came out of his thoughts. The door handle was being pulled. Krevik stood in a defensive position. Whoever it was he would fight them to the…

"Rodan?" Krevik asked as the door opened. Indeed it was! Rodan smiled at Krevik and motioned to allow someone else to enter. It was the Enchantress. She entered in proud and tall and as if she owned the place. Funny, but in that respect she was just like the Magician. Then Rodan entered. He almost seemed to fit in with the furniture. He was a part of this place. It was easy to see that much.

"So, you're up," Rodan said quietly.

"Good," said Kierra as she walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah," he said. "Jesse gave me some soup. And she seemed like she wanted to wait up for you… She's a good kid."

"Yes she is," said Rodan. "Let's go talk in the kitchen. We don't want to keep the Enchantress waiting."

"Okay," Krevik said quietly.


When they went into the kitchen, Krevik stopped short. He knew he and Rodan hadn't spoken in the living room for very long… So how is it that there was tea and snacks already prepared and laid out on the table?

He looked at Kierra. So she did know magic. Did that make her just like the Magician? And if she could use magic just like him, then what made her any different. He still had conflicting feelings about her.