22 Krevik's Goodbye

Kierra spread her arms to welcome them to eat at the table. Rodan sat and began to drink, trusting Kierra completely. Krevik remained standing, knowing that somehow he didn't trust her.

"I already ate," he explained knowing that it would be rude if he remained silent and not eating at the table with them. "Jesse made me soup."

"Good," Kierra said as she sat squinting at him momentarily. "We haven't eaten in a while. So forgive us for eating while we speak."

Krevik nodded and sat down as well. "What are we going to talk about?" He asked.

Rodan cleared his throat nervously, "Well…" he cleared his throat again, "Here's the thing… The village elders and the Enchantress and I were discussing what would be best in our current situation-"

"Situation?" Krevik asked. "What situation?" What could have happened while he was asleep?

"Well…" Rodan said. He was clearly struggling with what he was about to say. "While we were in our meeting we were discussing what would be best for everyone here… and that is to say-"

"They want you to leave Krevik" Kierra interrupted. "Rodan and Jesse may want you to stay. But they are the only ones who do." Krevik looked at Rodan, and was very hurt. The truth of it was written on his face. Where was he supposed to go now? Rodan sighed.

"They are worried the magician will come for you soon. It's not a matter of 'if', they know he will come. And when he does, he will hurt everyone here to get to you. They may just be looking out for their own interests, but they made me realize something too. You are not safe if you stay here. In fact because we have such selfish elders right now, I wouldn't be surprised if one of them were to betray us." Krevik had his head in his hands. He thought he had found his home. Now what? What was he to do? Where was he to go if he couldn't stay here? Next came the words he dreaded most. Words he knew were coming and there was nothing he could do to make them stop. Words he knew he would follow because of who they came from.

"Krevik. I want you to go with the Enchantresss." Rodan said, "She will keep you safe."

It was then that Krevik made up his mind. At least for now. He would trust her… He would trust her because Rodan trusted her. But if she did anything, anything at all to make that trust crack in the slightest, then he was done. He would never trust her again after that. Because she had betrayed the man she claimed to love; what would stop her from betraying him?

"Okay," Krevik said. "I'll go… with… the Enchantress." He had almost called her Kierra again. Every time he had so far, there was a glint of something in her eye. It was there even though he called her the Enchantress. Why did she react like that? How was he ever to trust this woman? He had to try for Rodan's sake.

"We'll leave soon then. Before the sun rises." Kierra said. She didn't know what to make of Krevik. She knew in many ways he was still a boy trying desperately to grow up and find his own way. She knew he didn't trust her. She also suspected that a part of that was due to the magician's influence. And as he was still under that fiends influence, there was no way she could fully trust him. She needed to get him away from anyone who might be hurt by him. But he decided to go with her, and that was good. I meant he had decided to fight the Magicians influence. And that was something she could trust. She would take care of him. She would keep him safe, for Isadora's sake.

"I'll go wake Jesse," Rodan said.

"No," Krevik said. He looked slightly panicked for a moment. "If you wake her I'll never be able to leave… Give me a paper instead. I'll write her a note. But I need you to promise me Rodan, do not read it, and do not ask Jesse what it says. I trust you and it is the only reason I am leaving Jesse with you. You were once like a father to me as well. Actually, give me two papers… If Jesse gets no goodbye, but a letter from me; it's only fair that you get the same. I hope I can see you again soon. For now… I'll say 'Good night'"

"Good night Krevik," Rodan smiled giving him two papers and two envelopes. He left the room, to go to bed. Krevik turned to the Enchantress who was still drinking tea.


Krevik left a letter for Jesse and a letter for Rodan in each of their rooms by their bedside tables. He was now on horseback once again. This time he was with Kierra instead of Jesse and Helen. The horses they were now on ran so fast they seemed to fly. He could almost imagine it; the horse suddenly sprouting wings and flying off the ground. So high they would go, all the way to the clouds, where all angels are said to reside on the pink and orange clouds of the morning. Oh great! He was doing it again! Daydreaming! He was supposed to be paying attention to the scenery passing him by so he could find his way back if need be. But now, who knows if he'd ever be able to find his way back. He missed at least a mile to a half a mile of scenery back there just because his brain would not cooperate. His imagination just kept kicking into overdrive. It was almost dawn now. They had ridden the entire night. He was tired now. So very tired, and the ride had been made in almost complete silence; only directional shouts on her part and answering calls on his part. It wasn't as if he could talk to her anyway. They were going way too fast.

"Just a bit more and we'll be there!" The Enchantress shouted back toward his direction, "Right after this next thicket!"

"Okay!" He called back. It was a good thing she shouted at him like that the whole time. Otherwise his imagination could have taken him anywhere. They slowed the horses, and passed the aforementioned thicket. They were in a clearing, and up ahead toward the middle of this enormous thicket was a house. They walked the horses in silence to the house. The horses stayed and drank the water that came out of a vine covered well. When he first looked at it he thought the well was made of vines. But now that he was close, it was stone. Stone covered in vine so thick it was just peeking through in certain places. The water was clear, and good. It seemed to relieve all his stress. He felt the exhaustion just seep right through to his bones. Every ounce of him was exhausted. He walked with Kierra to the house.

"This is where I live," She said. "You are one of the few who have ever seen it since it was first built. I used to bring the villagers here often, but things have changed. The only ones who visit me here anymore are Rodan and Jesse." She smiled, glad to be home. She dumped Krevik on the couch in her living room. He lay down exhausted. She slightly regretted taking him the long way around. But it was necessary. He looked around for a moment taking in the scene of the house for a moment before his eyes gently closed. Kierra covered him with the quilt some villagers had made for her a few years back.