26 In a Dream

The way he felt now must be in part because of the healing water. Maybe he had drunk too much after all. His head wasn't hurting while he dreamed. That was one good thing at least. Why had his head always hurt before? He looked toward the castle; and suddenly he was there. He saw himself and knew this was the past. This was the night before he had gone out and found Jesse. It seemed so long ago now. Was it really only a few days? He watched himself toss and turn, and sweat. He saw himself wake holding his head. He remembered how much it had hurt. It was so painful. He followed himself to Phineas's chamber. Then he did something he had never done before. He followed Phineas into his room. He walked right through the door. Being an apparition in your own dreams had some positives. He saw Phineas bypass the cupboard and the table where he knew the magician had his potions. He wanted to look and study them, but now he needed to follow Phineas. He turned from them to see Phineas go to a mirror, reach inside, and bring out a vial. He put a drop into some cold water, and suddenly it was warm tea. A stinky steam came from it, but changed immediately into the familiar sweet smell he remembered. He KNEW mirrors were bad. Why had Phineas gotten the potion from such a place? Did the magician know Phineas had that mirror?

He tried to see the Magician. But something seemed to block him. He didn't know what to do as he couldn't just materialize in front of the Magician. He didn't know what else to do, so he decided to walk around the castle. If he couldn't see the Magician, then he could at least reminisce about his childhood. It had been lonely at times, but maybe there would be something that he could see, something that would show him why everyone hated the Magician. If he could figure it out, then maybe he wouldn't have to fight him. Time suddenly fast forwarded in from on him. This was not his doing. What was going on?

Why was he not in control of his own dream? He followed the hooded figure to something he vaguely remembered. He knew the figure was the magician, but it was like the figure was an apparition this time. He knew there was something blocking him from seeing the Magician. He could tell when the Magician spoke, but unlike before he could hear nothing.

He was at a cottage. It looked familiar. Everything seemed to be changing right in front of him. He was going back in time now. But this time he was staying in the same place. He was still at the cottage.

He saw Rodan holding a baby as he slept on a couch. He peaked closer. It was Jesse. She was cute even as a baby. Krevik realized no man would ever be good enough for his sister. The cottage was quiet. He looked out of the curtain. It was night. He started to walk through the cottage. He saw a room with a large bed and a crib. It was the nursery. There were toys strewn about and he knew where everything should be. This was his home. Well, the home that should have been his… the home he should have grown up in.

He looked for his toy soldier on the large dresser. It wasn't there. Where was it? A soft movement came from the large bed. Then he saw it- a small boy about 5 holding his favorite toy soldier in his sleep. Krevik, not thinking, began to lean down to put the soldier where it went.

"Who are you?" demanded a voice from the doorway. Krevik stiffened. The voice could not be talking to him. He was in a dream. He would wait until the other person replied and then he would watch. Was there an intruder there that was hidden from his sight? He looked around the room and saw no one else. He looked to the door to see a small woman holding a blade pointed directly at him. "Don't move," the tiny woman said sternly. Krevik knew her the moment he saw her.

"Mother?" The word tasted funny on his lips. She stiffened in shock.

"Come into the light," she said eyes never moving from him. She stepped back to allow him to follow her. He stepped into the light the fireplace cast. She looked into his eyes and put the sword away completely. Tears shown in her eyes and her chest heaved with emotion. "My Krevik!" She threw her arms around him. Oh my boy, look at how you've grown." She looked at him with such warmth. She was so happy to see him. "I knew you were strong. But this was two weeks ago…To step into my dream-"

"This is your dream?" Krevik interrupted.

Immediately she looked at him with a scolding look. "Now I know that I have taught you better than to interrupt me Krevik. What do you say?" It was not a question but a demand.

Krevik smiled what must be the largest smile he could ever give. He hugged her as tight as he could and said with the emotion thick in his broken voice, "Sorry ma'am."

Laughing nervously Isadora said, "What has gotten into you my son?"

Krevik released her suddenly; he had given too much away again. He had to reign in his emotion or all would be lost. He could play this off. He had to. "It's been a while since I saw you," Krevik said. "I've been away from home for a while." He smiled. "I just missed you."

"I see…" Isadora looked thoughtful for a brief second. Then a smile lit up her whole face. "Come, We'll go for a walk. You can tell me all about yourself." They walked through the wall and out into the yard. She led him to a bench they had on the porch. They sat and she waited.

When Krevik didn't speak she smiled sadly. "I'm dead then, she said matter-of-factly." Krevik turned to her shocked. "Close your mouth Krevik unless you want to catch flies." He remembered her saying that a lot to him as he grew up.

Smiling sadly he told her, "I don't know what I can tell you."

"Listen to your heart Krevik. Tell me what you feel is right to say. Besides," she smiled. "I'm supposed to be dead. Whatever you say to me now will not change the future."

"How do you know?"

"Do you think you are the first Ametian to walk into a deceased loved ones dream Krevik?" She looked at him mockingly.

"Ametian?" Krevik asked. "What is that?"

"Oh," She said sadly. "Then it happens soon…Never mind that. If you are here now, you must need to know about your power. I will tell you what you need to know."

Isadora Looked at Krevik excitedly.

"What is it?" he smiled.

"I'm going to tell you a story." She smiled full of excitement and thrill. " She grew very still. The excitement still shown in her eyes, and a smile still played on the corner of her lips, but he could tell she was serious. Her very posture set the tone for her story.