27 Ametian History

"This is a dream Kreivk,"she said in a melodic voice. "So pay attention. I'm about to show you my gift."

As she spoke, her word formed an image right in front of him, as though the story was spoken into existence just by her words alone. This was a dream. This was her gift. "A very long time ago…"


Varden, our world was still very young. There was a human girl named Michella. She lived deep in the mountains. She was very beautiful. Even though her family lived so deep in the mountains, they were very successful in this world that was just beginning. Though it is not the way of the world now, the kinder you were, the more successful you tended to be. It was the way the world was intended to be. Good was the best thing anyone could be.

Michella was very good and very kind like her father. Michella loved to look at the sky. In the day so much blue happened. When the sun would dawn, it would be a brilliant orange, or sometimes pink. Then there would be an array of blues that happened throughout the day. Then twilight would set in and the sky would turn purple and the deepest blue. She loved this next part of the day the best. The moon was often not out yet, as the world had just begun not too long ago, and man in the moon did not yet realize there was a lot of work for him to do. The man in the moon was lazy when the world first began. He would often come out late. But the stars would come out right as the sun would go down. And they would shine beautifully.

Michella would always sit on the roof of their home and look to the sky for a particular star. It was her favorite star. She often thought that this star rather liked her too, because whenever she would look at it, it seemed to shine brighter. It was like it was smiling at her, so she would smile back. Often when she dreamed, she would dream about the star. She knew it loved the sky as much as she did, maybe even more. She wanted to join her star there someday.

One day when she sat on the roof, her star wasn't there. She didn't know where it could have gone. She decided it must be hiding from her, but it would come out soon. Surely it would come out soon… She looked for the star again and again for her star until she fell asleep. She was saddened by its sudden disappearance. When asked by her father why she was so sad, she told him of the star, and of its disappearance.

Her father told her that after she had gone to bed he had seen a falling star after she had gone to bed yesterday. It fell on the other side of the mountain near the town. Perhaps this was her star. She was saddened even more, because she knew as much as she loved her star, surely it would grieve her star to be out of the sky. She begged her father to let her find the star. He agreed, but only if she took the wagon as he did not know if her star would be heavy or not. And they needed some supplies from town.

She set out right away to travel to the other side of the mountain. She searched for the star, but did not see any evidence that it had fallen. She made it to town and got the supplies they needed. On her way back she decided to search some more for her star. She decided this time she would take a less known path. Perhaps this way would lead to her star. As she searched, she came upon some bandits. Frightened she didn't know what to do. They started to come toward her, taunting and teasing. If she was lucky, they were going to kill her and take everything she had. She took out her father's hunting knife, prepared to take as many of them with her as she could.

Suddenly, from behind the bandit there was another man. He was so strong. He defeated them all so easily. He was so different, but he felt so familiar. He smiled. He had the same smile as her star. She smiled back. She had found her star.

He introduced himself as Amets. He was the Star of Dreams. He had the power to walk though dreams, and when he had walked through hers, he had fallen in love with her. He climbed up on the wagon with her and showed her the place where he had fallen. He told her that he had fallen for her. He was in love with her, and fell from the sky that he loved so much just to be with her. She loved him as well.

When they returned to the cabin on the other side of the mountain, her father was pleased to know that she had found her star. He held a feast, and the two got married. Her father was well pleased, as most men in the area considered his daughter too wild and free willed to become a wife. But Amets loved her for it. He took good care of her and was a hard worker. And when they had their first child they realized something strange was happening when their child was asleep. The child was able to walk through dreams as well. And so it was generation after generation, there were those who would walk through dreams, those who could dream the past, and some like the star, never slept at all. These were the people known as the People of Dreams, the Ametians.


Isadora stopped speaking. And the images went away. "You Krevik are their descendant. As am I. This is why you dream." Isadora waited for her words to sink in. "This is why when you don't dream, you have a great headache. You were meant to dream, Krevik. I know what lies ahead of you will be hard. I do not know what it is, but it will be difficult. Trust in your dreams Krevik. They will help you get through whatever comes your way."

"I will." Krevik promised. "I will trust them."

"Then tell me Krevik," his mother asked. "Why did you not dream for so long?"

"I was afraid." Krevik admitted. "I was afraid of my dreams and what they meant. I had help in not dreaming. I know that if I dreamed I could find the Crest of Power. The magician needs it to complete his own crest. I was told that the magician must not get it at any cost. I was told this by many people… Including Rodan."

"Take care of them Krevik," Isadora smiled sadly. "I love you, always my precious boy."

"I love you to mom." Krevik meant it. He loved her with a deep resounding love. He didn't want to go, but something told him he had slept too long. "I don't want to leave you…. Will we ever meet again?"

"I hope so Krevik," Isadora said. "I really do. Your sister is coming. I feel her being carried on the wind. Trust what she says Krevik. She has been through so much tonight. Now it is time for you to wake"

She touched his forehead and before he could say or ask anymore he grew heavy and sunk into darkness. He could feel the dream and his mother slip away.