28 Betrayal

Walking through the meadow always calmed Jesse down. Why it hadn't worked this time was because she was just too mad. There was only one solution left to her. She was going to talk to her father. He was just going to have to take her to go see Krevik. She knew it was weird of her to be protective of her older brother, but she couldn't help herself. So much had happened to him. Maybe she would bring Helen along with her to visit Krevik. There seemed to be a lot of chemistry between the two of them. Maybe Helen would be her future sister! That would be so fun! That was weird, the meadow hadn't calmed her at all, but the thought of Krevik and Helen being married not only calmed her down, but also excited her to no end.

For a short moment it almost felt as if Krevik were watching her walk. But the feeling fled as soon as it came. Before she knew it she was back in town. She had walked all the way back hardly noticing a thing as she walked back.


Blaise was an old man now. He disliked being an old man. What he wouldn't give to have a young body again. He used to hate the Magician ages ago when he had first come to this little backwards place in the forest. He was not made to live in the forest. He missed living in a castle. And Ern was annoying in more ways than the villagers would ever know. He was 85 now. It had been 72 years since he had lived in a castle. And before that… Well that was another story. Now... Now he hated the Magician for his youth. The Magician should have aged, yet he had stayed so young. Krevik would probably turn out to be just like his mentor. Better to stop it now. He skulked around a building as sneakily as his old body would carry him. He was late for a meeting.


Jesse saw Blaise sneaking off. She didn't know why, but something told her he was up to no good. There was something in the way he moved. She never liked him, and it was obvious he didn't like her. Years ago when Krevik had first been returned to them Blaise had warned everyone against Krevik. He was still a boy at the time. But the barrier had almost come down then. The magician had almost been let in. She was certain Krevik didn't do it on purpose. Blaise just turned the situation all around. Krevik was nowhere near the Barrier when the rift happened. But it did not stop and angry mob from blaming Krevik. And then just like that Krevik was gone again. Jesse and Rodan don't know how it happened, but Krevik was in their home safe in Rodan's bed sleeping between Rodan and Jesse. And in the morning he was nowhere to be found. The villagers all thought the Magician came through the rift somehow and kidnapped Krevik once more.

But Jesse for a long time blamed Blaise. Sure he was old, and old people get scared easily, but had it not been for Blaise, the rest of the village would have kept better watch out for Krevik. She followed his skulking figure and made sure not to be seen or heard.


"Look," she heard a whisper come from the dark. "Old Blaise is finally here."

She didn't know who the voice belonged to, but she knew she had heard it before.

"Shush," said Blaise. "Do you want the whole village to know what we're up to?"

"We were just talking Blaise," said a shrill female voice. She knew that voice. She always sold watered down dye for clothing. What was her name? It didn't matter. She listened intently.

"We don't know what that boy's up to 'is time. Sure 'e's got Rodan and 'is little runt wrapped 'round 'is fingers. But what do we do when 'e opens up more 'n a little rift?"

Blaise waited for them to look in his direction. Clearly he was in charge and wanted everyone to know it. "We kill him." He said. Jesse held back a gasp. He said it calmly, like he had given it much deliberation. "We have to. We don't know what the boy is likely to do next. We do it tomorrow. We all know the Enchantress won't be home. She has her meeting to go to. We'll leave in the morning. I've thought about it and I know just how to make it look like an accident."

"But we don't know where the enchantress' cottage is."

"Oh, I do," said Blaise. "I haven't been there for many years now, but I know exactly where her cottage lies"

"Good, I'm glad one of us has some forethought."

"Gary right after this meeting I want you to go keep an eye on Rodan's house. Make sure he and his 'runt' you called her?" Blaise interrupted himself. "Well make sure they don't leave to go see him in the morning."

"You want I should watch all night?"

"I'm afraid it will be necessary."

Jesse didn't stay around to hear more of the specifics. She needed to go now! As soon as she felt confident she was out of hearing distance and that no one had followed her she ran home. She scribbled a short note to her father that she couldn't wait and had to see Krevik. It was an emergency.


Jesse didn't pack anything more than a little food, and some water. She couldn't get her horse out of the livery, as it would raise suspicion. She would just make it to the Enchantress cottage on time to warn Krevik and maybe they would be about an hour away when the villagers came looking for him. She was walking quickly through the forest. She knew which direction she needed to go.

She too had been to the Enchantress' cottage before with her father. As she ran she caught sight of something flying alongside her in the twilight. It was late but not so late in the day that she couldn't see a blackbird. It was then that she knew she was in trouble. She started to run. She had to keep going. No one even knew where she was, and who knew what time her father would be home!? He was acting as their king. There was no way he would be home in time to see her note and come after her. It was what she had counted on while leaving the house earlier. She ran harder. There were more birds now. With the large raven leading the pack of crows. The crows started to dive at her. They were trying to drive her off the path. She kept her hood up and covered her face as much as she could and kept running. She dropped her pack behind her. Oh well she could always get another one. The crows kept coming until she had no choice but to leave the safety of the path. She kept it to the right side of her just within eyesight. She didn't know why but she felt that if she kept it within eyesight she just might make it out of this alive. Suddenly she heard growling on her left. She turned and dived just as a wolf came out of nowhere and nipped at her heel. She stumbled but kept going. She was so tired now, but if she stopped she would be eaten in no time at all. There would be nothing left. She had to keep running. There were more wolves. She had lost sight of the path. She stopped. They had somehow herded her and now had her surrounded. This was how her mother died. This was now how she would die.

One of the crows dove toward her face, but the raven flew in front of the crow and attacked it. The Crow was dead. The raven landed in front of her tall and proud daring the other animals to come at it. Jesse was confused, weren't these animals all under the control of the magician? What was going on? Suddenly as if her thought came to life the Magician landed before her with the raven at his side.