29 Kidnapped!?

The Magician had to hurry. He flew on his silver dragon as fast as it could carry him. It was too soon. If that girl died now Krevik would never find the Crest. Krevik would lose himself to despair and he would remain stuck as he was for who knows how much longer. That girl sure knew how to get into trouble. She was the worst. He could see the flurry of activity below and knew he would make it just barely on time. They were herding her. He dropped down and landed right in front of her. He wasn't too late. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a wolf lunge toward his prize. He struck it down before it reached her. She stared at him wide eyed. He didn't know which was the stronger of the two emotions coming out of those wide eyes. Was it fear or confusion? He didn't have time to contemplate for soon there was a rather large frenzy. They were all out for blood. The raven had disappeared in the fray. He fought them all off of her and suddenly his dragon landed in front of them.

"Glad to have your assistance," he said sarcastically. "You decide to go to a ball first or something princess?" Jesse looked at the Magician like he was a mad man. She shook her head in wonder. No one talked to dragons anymore, and most especially not rudely. The magician held out his hand toward her as he climbed upon the dragon. "Coming?" When she didn't immediately reach out he said, "Or if you like you can stay and be eaten?"

There was something in his manner right then, the way he carried himself and the way he spoke to her that reminded her so much of Krevik that her hand automatically reached for his outstretched hand. She felt the sudden lift and the Magicians arms holding her in place before she realized what had just happened. She had been rescued and now kidnapped? She had been kidnapped right? Or did she just willingly go with the man who tormented the world these past 70 some odd years? What did she just do? How was he even here right now? None of this made sense!

Suddenly the raven landed in front of her on the dragon. Her pack clutched carefully in its claws.

"So that's where you ran off to," the Magician commented. "good thinking."

They landed. Good they were still in the forest. The Magician did not get off the dragon. "Go," he nudged Jesse.

"Why did you save me?" she asked cautiously. He bit the left side of his cheek the way Krevik used to when he was younger. He threw her off the dragon.

"About that," he said thoughtfully. She stood and dusted herself off. "It was premature. Pay no attention to it."

"But Krevik-"

"Don't you listen, child I said pay no attention to it!" He sounded frustrated. "This," he said gesturing between the two of them, "never happened. Do you understand? Tell no one…. And that includes Krevik… about what happened here tonight. Goodness knows why I didn't just knock you unconscious. I very well should have."

"I won't tell, Jesse said. "No one would believe me if I did."

"good��� Go now," he gestured frustrated. She could see it now they were close to the Enchantress' cottage. He brought her here? "And tell no one."

He left.


As Jesse ran up to the cottage Krevik saw her disheveled state. How had she gotten here so fast? Had she chased after him the whole way? How long did it take her?

Krevik ran to meet her and caught her in his arms.

"Jesse," Krevik breathed out concern written clearly in his eyes as he held her away. "Are you alright?"

"K- Krevik!" Jesse stammered. She looked so relieved to see him. She looked fine physically, but she was shaking like a leaf.

He lead her to the well unconsciously, but realized this was exactly what she needed. He drew some water and handed her a cup. He had learned earlier today that any more than that was a bad idea. He sat her down and made her drink, watching the calming effect take place immediately.

"Jesse," Krevik began, concerned. "Did you run all this time to get here?"

"No….not exactly," She bit her lip in the same manor she always used when she was about to lie. He wondered for a moment if she knew she did that. "I was brought here on the wind." Krevik tried not to smile. Horror filled her eyes and she looked at him in concern. "Krevik we have to run away. Now! We have to go now!"

Krevik stood and pulled Jesse to her feet. "Okay," he said. "I believe you. Let's go."

"I'm not complaining or anything but," she said unsure. "Just like that? No questions."

"You said we had to go now," Krevik replied. "I'll ask my questions on the way." He paused, waiting for her to lead. She didn't. "Which way do we go?"

"Not that way…" Jesse pointed her finger toward the path she would have taken to get there. Krevik pointed toward a mountain barely visible over the trees.

"What about that way?" he asked.

"That's pretty close to the barrier…." Jesse said. "I think its perfect. Do you need to get anything?��

Krevik had left his pack next to the door of the cottage. He ducked his head in and grabbed it quickly. Soon he and Jesse headed on their way into the night. They did not see the large black bird following their path.


"Krevik," Jesse said stifling a yawn, "I know it was my idea to leave right away, but we've been walking half the night and still haven't reached the mountain. Can we stop for a bit?"

Krevik looked at her seeing how tired she was. He had slept earlier that day, while it looked like she hadn't slept since the night before. He stopped her from going any further, and took her pack from her and bent down on one knee, with his back facing her. It dawned on her what he meant.

"Wait Krevik, I didn't mean…"

"Jesse," Krevik sighed. "Just get on. You haven't slept and I have."

"Why are you in such a hurry now Krevik?" Jesse asked.

"Because you said you were carried here on the wind." Krevik stayed kneeling. "Get on my back and I'll tell you what it means." Krevik looked back at her with a knowing smile. She hated not knowing things. She was tired, and her curiosity was getting the better of her. She sighed and climbed on his back.

"Fine," she said.

Krevik smiled. He walked on for a while in silence before he heard Jesse's breathing deepen. He knew she would be like a terrible storm, all wind a rage when she woke up and he said nothing of what he knew. But that was also part of the reason he had to hurry. Something was pulling him in this direction. Now that he was on this path he couldn't seem to stop. If he was right about this, they were being followed.