30 Jesse Dreams

Kierra had been in a fitful sleep. She didn't know why, but she felt so uneasy when she had gone to bed. She had a meeting to go to tomorrow evening. She really didn't want to go. Krevik needed her here. That much was clear. Even though he did not seem to desire her help, she would give it. She decided to warm herself some soothing tea. That would help. As she walked to the kitchen to do so she realized Krevik, no longer occupied her couch. He must be outside by the well again. He seemed to like it there. Funny how that trait was so completely like Isadar, when so much else of him was like Emir. She walked out to the well curious to see if he had drank more of the healing water. The bucket had been drawn. It was still pretty full though. She looked at it to see what was going on. Krevik wasn't here. She called out for him. And then she noticed it. A footprint next to a small bracelet. Jesse's bracelet. Foolish girl! What had they done? They've gone off on their own. Who knows what could happen to them out there.

Kierra knew instinctively which path they would take. It would not be in the village. Nor would it be to the center of the forest. No, they would take the worst path imaginable. They would go to the border.

Kierra set out to follow them. She couldn't have been too far behind them.


The magician watched from his perch in the sky. He watched as Krevik sped through the growth. He saw the Enchantress waken, she was a good two hours behind them. He would not stop her from following. The end was coming. Soon he would have the crest, and there was nothing she could do about it. Of course she needed to be there and see what would happen in the end. He wanted this desperately. He was so far into the sky that she would not see him.

He was glad to watch Krevik and Jesse running toward danger. Everything in his plan was coming together.


Krevik had finally made it to the mountain side. He didn't know what was drawing him this direction; he didn't even know whether or not to be worried. He had gotten tired though, the night was almost over, and though he had slept during the day he had still done walking for the two of them for the better part of the night.

Jesse hadn't realized what it was that she said. It was that comment more than anything was what made Krevik hurry. Many memories returned with the healing water. Though it was still difficult to sort all of them out, he knew this much clearly… Riding the wind was not often said in modern speech, but the moment someone rode a dragon, the words flowed off one's lips like water off the mountain top. It was downhill and flowed quickly. The words were usually out of someone's lips before they even knew what they were saying. The trees were not enough cover. Krevik needed time to think. They needed a better place to hide from prying eyes.

Krevik felt Jesse stir. He stood still. He felt her weight shift and knew she had woken up. She seemed confused for a moment.

"Oh Krevik how could you!?" Jesse exclaimed.

"Good morning to you too princess." Krevik smiled.

"I can't believe you!" Jesse cried out. "Let me off."

He bent over letting her off. She hadn't felt heavy when he started walking with her on his back, but now he felt how light he was without her there. If a light breeze came he might be knocked over by it. He could see it now, all that would be needed was for Jesse to make a sigh in his direction, and off he would go blowing into the wind.

"We need a place to hide," Krevik said calmly.

"Jesse looked at him confused for a moment, not really understanding why they needed to hide. They had gotten away hadn't they? The villagers would not be able to find them right? Krevik looked so tired. He walked the entire night? Then to her left something caught her eye. A dark streak. No not a streak. A cave. It was an entrance to a cave!

"What about there?" Jesse pointed.

"Where?" Krevik asked. He didn't see it right away. But then a light breeze did come, and revealed what looked like a small entrance to a cave.

"It's perfect Jesse!" They grabbed their packs and he lead her to the entrance. "I'll go first Krevik said. There could be a bear, or wolves, or something." He had already had his back to her and did not see her shudder at the mention of wolves. She hugged herself and kept watch while Krevik went in.

"Jesse-" Krevik popped his head out. Jesse jumped. Krevik eyed her momentarily, knowing full well she would tell him nothing of her night until he had revealed everything himself. He didn't want to pull her into that just yet. He knew he would have to tell her everything though, and soon. "Come in its dark but nothing seems to be living here."


Jesse followed him into the cave. It was really dark. Dark was an understatement. Pitch dark was an understatement. Were caves supposed to be this dark? Her mouth was dry and she could still feel the weight of her dream. Krevik handed her the water, then he sat back against the cave wall exhausted.

"I need sleep, he said groggily as his slumber took him. Jesse looked at him in shock. How had he fallen asleep so quickly? She almost woke him up to talk about her dream. She had dreamt the past before. Usually it was of happier times and her mother. Welll…. This one included her mother too. But never were her dreams so vivid as when Krevik was nearby. This time it was different though. She was sleeping on Krevik's back when she had this dream. It had been horrifying. Was what she dreamed real? And if it was, what did this mean?

She contemplated her dream in her head. Her mother had just sent her and her father to the villages further in. She said it was a routine inspection, but she seemed off. Her father kept asking her if she was okay, and if Krevik had dreamed again. Why was it so important that Krevik not dream anything bad? Kids had nightmares didn't they?

But the tension was very clear regarding Krevik's dreams.

"If Krevik dreams I need to know!" Rodan said. He didn't yell but that made the statement more ominous. It had been an urgent statement. "I need to know I can protect my family. And now that we've married that includes Krevik. Please, tell me."

Her mother Isadora sighed. She looked tired. "He dreamed that if you and Jesse remain here, you will be caught up in an accident. He doesn't remember it; I peeked in on his dream by accident." She looked at him lovingly. "I need to protect my family too. Now please Rodan take Jesse with you to inspect the inner villages?"