Chapter 03: The Council

Artemis gasped, "Perseus?"

The council stared at the son of Poseidon in shocked silence. It was broken by a teary eyed sea god bounding off his throne and grabbing his son in a tight embrace.

"Where have you been Percy?" Poseidon asked as he held on to his son as if he were about to disappear.

Percy looked at his father sadly, "Traveling. I needed some time to clear my head after everything that happened."

Poseidon looked at his son worriedly. Percy didn't have any of the happiness that used to be easily seen in his features. Despite his worry, Poseidon was just grateful to know that his son was safe and back in front of him.

Zeus cleared his throat behind the reunited son and father.

"Perseus, I believe we have some questions for you." Zeus asked as he looked between his wife and the demigod suspiciously.

Percy nodded, knowing this would be a long council meeting.

"How is that you have become my wife's champion, along with Hestia's? Zeus asked suspiciously.

Hera rolled her eyes at her husband's paranoia. As if he had the right to question her relationship with a man.

Percy's eyes darkened and they glowed with a brownish light that unsettled a number of gods and goddesses.

"I owe her and Hestia my life. Without them, I would be in Tartarus at the moment." Percy said coldly.

"What? What are you talking about Percy?" Poseidon demanded as he looked at Hera suspiciously.

Percy shook his head, "After I left Camp Half Blood, I was planning on traveling for a while, just hunting monsters to blow off some of my anger. Before I left, I went to visit my mother." Percy explained as his body tensed. His eyes caught fire and most of the Olympians jumped back in shock. Hera and Hestia quickly made their way over to Percy. Hera put a hand on his shoulder and whispered soothing words in his ear while Hestia held his hand comfortingly. The Olympians stared at the interaction between the three with wide eyes.

Percy calmed at the comfort of his two patrons. He looked back toward Zeus and his father.

"When I got there, both she and her fiancé Paul were dead. All that I found was a note from their killer." Percy spat angrily.

Poseidon stood from his throne in a rage, "What? Who killed them? I will drag them to Tartarus for eternity."

Percy's eyes darkened and he turned toward Athena, "She already is in Tartarus."

Athena's eyes widened and a look of horror crossed her face. Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out a note. He walked over and handed it to the stunned goddess.

The throne room shook violently. Everyone looked at Poseidon to see his eyes were such a dark green they were almost black.

"Read it." Poseidon growled at his longtime rival.

Athena paled a bit and looked at the note, reading it quickly to herself. When she finished, the first tears anyone had ever seen from the Goddess of Wisdom fell from her eyes. She shook her head, "I..I can't."

Poseidon slammed his trident into the throne room floor causing a crater, "READ IT!" He bellowed at the Wisdom Goddess.

Athena looked at her father who shook his head, "Read the note Athena, he deserves to know."

Athena steeled her nerves as best she could before looking at the note again.

"Dear Percy,

If you're reading this, then you somehow won the war. If that's the case, I thought I would leave you with a parting gift. Your parents are dead because you were dumb enough to think I would love you.

Enjoy life alone,


Athena finished before looking over at Poseidon expecting him to try to blast her.

Instead Poseidon was slumped in his throne with his head in his hands as he sobbed. She looked at Percy expecting the same but he was just standing with an emotionless face as he glared at the floor. Demeter and Hestia were trying to comfort their brother as best they could.

After several minutes, Poseidon collected himself enough to sit in his throne and wait to hear more about his son.

Athena turned to Percy, "Perseus, I'm sorry…." She started before Percy interrupted her.

"Don't Lady Athena. You don't owe me an apology. Despite hating me, I know you would not stoop as low as to hurt my mother. She may have been your daughter but she made her own choices. I know you did not raise her to be a traitor. I hold no grudge against you. My mother's death was only two people's fault, your daughter's and my own." Percy said in an emotionless tone.

Athena stared at Percy shocked. She assumed he would blame her. She looked at him sadly, "Percy, I am sorry for judging you so harshly all those years ago but you need to know that your mother's death is no one's fault but Annabeth's."

At the mention of her name, Percy's fists clenched in rage. A comforting squeeze of his shoulder from Hera caused him to relax. Everyone stared at the two strangely. Before Percy could respond to Athena, Poseidon spoke up.

"Percy what did you mean when you said you would be in Tartarus without Hera and Hestia?" He asked nervously.

Hera answered before Percy could, "My sister and I were watching Percy in her hearth when he discovered his parents. We looked into his mind and saw his intentions of traveling to Hades' realm to enter Tartarus, sacrificing his life in exchange for the chance of revenge against Athena's daughter. We managed to convince him not to and instead become our champion. Now he rescues demigods we send him after in the hopes they won't face a life like the one Percy has had to live."

Poseidon paled at Hera's explanation. Everyone else stared at Hera in shock.

"I thought you hated Percy?" Apollo asked, speaking for the first time.

Hera scowled at the sun god, "I disliked Percy at first. I thought he was rude and disrespectful. But after the reward ceremony on Olympus, he was trying to slip away unnoticed when he thought the throne room was empty. When he noticed I was still there, instead of ignoring me, he walked over and bowed. He apologized for speaking harshly to me after his quest in the Labyrinth and explained his reasons; I teleported him to Camp Half Blood so he wouldn't have to slip away from Olympus in appreciation for his apology. Before he left Camp Half Blood, he took the time to make a sacrifice to me, thanking me for helping him leave Olympus. So no Apollo, Percy here is actually my favorite demigod."

Everyone now stared at Percy in shock but he just kept his face emotionless.

"So now Percy rescues demigods for you and Hestia right? I thought you hated demigods?" Hermes asked.

Hera shook her head, "Actually Percy convinced me to change my views of demigods. Hestia and I now try to help them when we can by sending Percy to rescue them so they don't have to face the horrors of abusive parents or relatives."

Most of the Olympians looked at Percy with smiles, happy he was helping their children. To their surprise, his face remained emotionless.

"What was with the disguise? Why didn't you just tell me who you were? Of all men you would have been the only one I allowed to enter the hunter's camp." Artemis asked, sounding a little hurt.

Percy looked at her apologetically, "I am sorry Lady Artemis but I was trying to remain hidden. I also apologize for challenging you to an archery competition. I was just trying to keep my identity a secret."

"Don't apologize Percy, you finally put her in her place when it comes to archery. Finally she can't say she is the best anymore." Apollo said happily. Artemis looked like she was about to yell at her brother but Percy spoke first.

"Actually she is. It wasn't a fair competition. I used the moisture in the air to aid the aim of my arrows. If I hadn't cheated, she would have won easily. She remains the best archer this world's ever seen." Percy said effectively shutting up Apollo. Artemis smirked triumphantly at her brother before turning to glare at Percy.

"You cheated? So you did it just want to humiliate me?" She snapped at him.

Percy shook his head, "No, I wanted to keep my identity secret and you threatened to kill me when I didn't tell you. I did what I needed in order to prevent fighting one of goddesses I have the most respect for."

Artemis' eyes widened and she smiled a bit but her smile vanished when she saw Poseidon, Hestia and Hera glaring at her murderously. Artemis decided to keep quiet for now. She did hope to speak to Percy alone. She had wanted to ask him something for over 5 years now which was the main reason she was so angry she couldn't find him.

"So Perseus, now that you are back, will you be heading back to Camp Half Blood? They are in need to someone to lead their camp and have missed you dearly since your disappearance." Zeus asked hopefully.

"I believe you all swore an oath that Percy will be resuming his duties for Hestia and I. On top of that you are all bound by the Styx to keep Percy's identity a secret." Hera reminded everyone.

"Why does his identity need to remain hidden?" Aphrodite asked curiously.

"Percy Jackson is dead. He died in his mother's apartment 5 years ago. I have no desire to make any lasting connections with anyone. In my new identity, I can help demigods without any attachments. It works best for everyone that way." Percy replied in a cold tone.

Everyone stared at Percy with wide eyes; no one knew what to say to him after his declaration. Being the idiot she is Aphrodite of all people spoke up.

"You know Percy; you're more than welcome to make some temporary connections with me. You've filled out nicely in the last five years." Aphrodite said smiling seductively at the demigod.

Artemis glared at the love goddess. She also felt an ugly feeling building in her chest. She shook it off as sympathy for Perseus.

"No thanks." Percy said coldly to a now shocked love goddess.

"Percy, you want to spend some time with me." Aphrodite said putting as much charmspeak as she could into her words.

Percy's eyes glowed brown before looking at Aphrodite distastefully again, "Like I said, no thank you."

"W..What? No one can resist my charmspeaking." Aphrodite said shocked.

Percy rolled his eyes, "I guess I'm special, or you're losing your touch."

Aphrodite eyes flashed dangerously, "Am I not pretty enough for you Percy?"

"No, I've just decided to follow a path like my patron Hestia or Artemis' hunters. Love cost me some of my best friends and my mother. I have no interest in a romantic relationship with anyone." Percy said without any emotion.

Aphrodite gasped, "But Percy you can't let one person ruin it for the rest of us. You're far too sexy to follow those silly hunters."

Artemis was about to snap at the goddess but Hera beat her to it, "You will leave my champion alone Aphrodite. He is free to love who he chooses but it is clear he has no interest in you." Hera snapped. Aphrodite huffed indignantly, already thinking of ways to get Percy into her bed.

"Back to more important matters," Zeus said in an annoyed tone. "I assume you remain loyal to Olympus Perseus, correct?"

Percy nodded, "Of course Lord Zeus. I apologize for hiding my identity. I was simply trying to spend some time trying to sort through my emotions. They are under control now and should the need arise, I will fight for Olympus just as I swore to you I would."

Zeus smiled, "Very good Perseus. It is good to have you back." Zeus said feeling relieved the mystery man was a powerful demigod loyal to Olympus.

"Percy, where have you been living for the past five years?" Poseidon asked wondering how his son has been living.

Percy shrugged, "I usually camp in the woods as I spend most of my time finding and bringing demigods to camp or sometimes to the hunters. When I am near New York I sometimes stay at my patron Lady Hestia's palace. I've also stayed at the Lotus Hotel a few times over the years."

Poseidon's eyes widened, "What? Why would you stay in that cursed hotel? You could have been trapped!" Poseidon yelled incredulously.

Percy shook his head, "I am not a fool Dad. My patron Lady Hera's blessing protects my mind from being influenced by anyone trying to control me or search my mind without my permission." Percy explained as his eyes glowed brown again, earning a proud smile from Hera.

Poseidon looked shocked but recovered and gave both Hestia and Hera appreciative smiles. They both nodded and gave him warm smiles back.

"Well I believe the Hero of Olympus deserves better than that. Perseus a small palace shall be built for you on Olympus for those times when you are near New York." Zeus announced, earning a shocked but happy smile from his wife.

Percy looked surprised but nodded, "Thank you Lord Zeus that is very generous of you."

Zeus nodded, "My wife and sister's champion and my favorite nephew deserves no less."

Everyone seemed shocked by Zeus' words but figured he was getting on his wife and Poseidon's good side. In truth, Zeus was actually rather fond of his nephew. Getting on his wife's good side was just an added benefit.

"Unless anyone has anything else to add, I believe this council is over. I remind you all to remember your oath about Perseus' identity lest you want to incur my wrath." Zeus said threateningly.

When no one said anything Zeus nodded, "Very well, council dismissed." He thundered, before vanishing in a bolt of lightning.

Most of the Olympians flashed out but a few stuck around to speak to Percy. Poseidon was the first to approach his son, grabbing him in a tight embrace.

"I know you're still hurting Percy but please don't disappear on me again. The past five years have been horrible not knowing if you were safe or not." Poseidon said nervously to his son.

Percy smiled sadly at his father. "I'm sorry about that Dad. I should have told you what happened but it was all still so fresh. I promise I won't vanish on you again."

Poseidon smiled at Percy, "It's alright Percy. It's just good to have my son back at last."

Poseidon hugged him again before vanishing into a sea breeze.

Percy turned to find the throne room empty with the exception of his two patrons looking at him smiling.

Hestia walked over to Percy and pulled him into a warm hug.

"Well apparently you're getting your own palace, but since it's not built yet, I assume you'll being staying with me tonight?" Hestia asked hopefully.

Percy broke into the first happy smile of the day, "Of course Aunt Hestia. I will be home early tonight so we can have dinner together."

Hestia smiled warmly and kissed Percy on the cheek before vanishing into a flash of flames.

Percy turned to Hera who was smiling sadly at him.

"I'm sorry Percy but I couldn't let them send someone to kill you. I …" Hera started but Percy interrupted with a wide smile.
