Chapter 04: A New Friend

"Mom, you don't have to apologize, I know you wouldn't have done it if you had a choice." Percy said smiling at Hera.

Hera smiled at her adopted son. He was such a good kid despite all the terrible things that happened to him; exactly what she had always wanted in a son.

"You did well in the meeting Percy. I don't think I've seen your uncle so relieved at finding a demigod in his life. I'm happy you're getting your own palace on Olympus. It will be good to have my son around more often." Hera said warmly.

"You do know that I will still be rescuing demigods, right?" Percy asked a little nervous.

Hera nodded, "Yes but that doesn't mean you can't spend a little time on Olympus with your mother now does it?"

Percy shook his head smiling, "No, I suppose it doesn't."

Percy looked a little nervously at Hera, "Are you ever going to tell anyone that you aren't my patron but that you actually adopted me?"

"Of course I am Percy. I don't care what your father says. You're just as much my son as his now; but you've just returned, at least to almost everyone on Olympus, I think a little time to let your return settle in will be best." Hera said smiling at her son.

"What about Uncle Zeus? What if he gets angry?" Percy asked curiously.

Hera laughed, "And what will he say? He has had hundreds of demigods with other woman. I think I am more than justified to adopt a son."

Percy grinned, "Good."

"So, do you want to tell me why you lied to Apollo about your archery competition with Artemis?" Hera asked with an eyebrow raised.

Percy gaped, "How did you know?"

Hera laughed, "I might not be able to read your mind anymore but I can still tell when you lie."

Percy scowled playfully at her, "I don't know. Apollo is just so annoying. He never would have let her live it down."

Hera nodded, "I figured. You saved everyone the headache of listening to Apollo tease her for the next few centuries."

Percy nodded, and then he smiled, "I must say it was nice to see my Dad again. I have missed him a lot."

Hera nodded, "I know you're cautious Percy, but I know you miss your cousins Nico and Thalia. Maybe it would be good for you to see them sometime. I know Thalia hasn't been the same since you vanished. She keeps the hunt looking for you no matter what. And Nico still searches for you by himself."

Percy frowned, "I do miss them a lot. Maybe you're right. I think I will talk to Artemis and Hades about seeing them again. I just hope they won't tell anyone else."

Hera smiled, "I am sure they will understand your reasons. You can start with Artemis. I believe she is listening to our conversation right now." Hera said before she flicked her finger and the throne room door opened revealing a wide-eyed Artemis.

Hera laughed before she kissed Percy on the cheek and vanished in a flash of light.

Percy looked at Artemis nervously. Artemis walked over to Percy with a glare, "So you didn't cheat? Mind telling me how your archery got so good? I think you were one of the worst archers in the history of Camp Half Blood if I recall."

Percy looked at Artemis incredulously, "Seriously? You don't think I noticed that you blessed me when you made me immortal?"

Artemis' eyes widened, "How did you know?"

Percy chuckled, "I don't know. Maybe the silver glow my skin gives off in the moonlight. Or the fact I was suddenly decent with a bow and could move as quiet as your hunters through the woods."

Artemis face palmed causing Percy to chuckle. Artemis glared at Percy for a minute before chuckling herself, "I guess the glow would be obvious wouldn't it?"

Percy nodded before turning serious, "I have been curious though, why did you bless me?"

Artemis shook her head, "Not here. I've wanted to ask you something for a while. Can we go someplace more private to talk?"

Percy nodded and grabbed her shoulder. They both vanished in a flash of flames. They reappeared at the edge of a forest, on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

"What the Hades was that?" Artemis asked angrily.

"I just teleported us to somewhere more private." Percy said innocently.

"I thought you were only partially immortal? How can you teleport?" Artemis asked suspiciously.

Percy held up his hands, "I am. But when Hestia made me her champion, she gave me the ability to teleport using fire. I'm sorry but I thought you might like this place." He said gesturing to the cliff. It was night and the moon was clearly visible along with the stars. The ocean lay below them, the tides crashing against the cliff walls.

"Actually yes, this is quite beautiful." Artemis said surprised.

Percy nodded, "Ever since your blessing, I've always felt most at peace when I was around both the moon and the sea. The tides and moon have a relaxing effect on me. The forest also helps. Whenever I would get upset about something from my past I would come here. It helped me regain control of my emotions." Percy explained as he sat on the cliff looking out into the sea.

Artemis stared at Percy for minute, noticing the way his skin glowed in the moonlight. She couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked without the emotionless mask he wore during most of the council meeting. She sat beside him on the cliff as she looked out into the night sky.

"Perseus, how did you come to be adopted by Hera?" Artemis asked curiously.

Percy continued to stare at the sky as he answered, "Well after she and Hestia became my patrons, she would visit me a lot. We would just talk a lot about a bunch of different things. She would listen to me about everything from her betrayal to all the friends I had lost over the years. I would listen to how hard it is being married to Zeus. She never hated you or any of his kids but was mostly just hurt. It's not pleasant to have permanent reminders of your husband's unfaithfulness for all eternity. Eventually I convinced her it isn't anyone's fault but his. She feels bad about the way she has treated his children over the centuries. Well except Heracles, I told her she was far too kind to him, something she agreed with. She feels especially bad about how she treated you when you first came to Olympus. Then a couple of years ago, I thanked Hera for being there for me when I almost lost it over my Mom's death. She said I was like the son she always wished she had. Hestia suggested that Hera just adopt me officially. When I saw the way her face lit up at the suggestion I knew I couldn't say no. Not that I would have, she kind of filled the void in me when my Mom died." Percy answered quietly.

Artemis listened with shock to Percy explain.

"So it was you that changed her so much?" Artemis asked.

Percy looked at Artemis and raised an eyebrow.

"A couple years ago everyone noticed how much kinder and softer Hera became. When she blew up on Olympus today everyone was shocked because she hadn't gotten angry once in the past two years." Artemis explained.

Percy gave Artemis a small smile, "Good, she is a very sweet woman. She was simply bitter. I know she wishes she could make amends for the things she has done to wrong you and your half-brothers and sisters."

"Well she didn't put up a fight when my mother was finally released. That is enough for me." Artemis replied.

Percy nodded, "She apologized to your mother you know. To say your mother was surprised is an understatement."

Artemis' jaw dropped, "She actually apologized to my mother?"

Percy nodded, "Yes. Your mother is a really nice person too. You two look a lot alike. You have the same facial expressions."

Artemis felt herself blush at the fact that Percy paid attention to her facial expressions. Once she controlled herself she looked at Percy shocked, "You met my mother?"

Percy chuckled, "Yea, she crushed me in a hug when she found out it was part of my wish for her to be freed. Even for a Titan your mother is incredibly strong. Thankfully I still had the Curse of Achilles then."

Artemis laughed at Percy's description of her mother. Then she realized what he said about his Achilles Curse.

"What do you mean you had the Curse of Achilles?" Artemis asked confused.

Percy shrugged, "I wasn't lying about being both Roman and Greek. Before I started rescuing demigods, Hera and Hestia sent me to Camp Jupiter. When I crossed the Little Tiber I knew I would lose the curse since it was a Greek curse. But after about two months, I left camp. While it was different, it was too similar to Camp Half Blood. I left and Hestia and Hera began sending me on missions to rescue demigods."

"But you have a bar for a year of service in the legion?" Artemis asked.

Percy scowled, "Lycaon and his pack ambushed Lupa and her pack. Another camper and I killed most of his pack but Lycaon managed to slip away like the coward he is." Percy growled. "Lupa decided that my actions were more important than a quest and I was given the mark for a year of service."

Artemis smirked at Percy, "You have a knack for finding trouble don't you."

"Unfortunately." Percy groaned, causing Artemis to chuckle.

"Well thank you. Lupa is a friend of mine." Artemis said gratefully.

Percy nodded.

Artemis stared at Percy incredulously, "Don't you ever feel proud of the things you've done?"

"What do you mean?" Percy asked curiously.

Artemis stared at him for a minute, "Perseus, you're the greatest hero in Greek history and yet you don't even acknowledge it. Any other man who achieved one tenth of the things you've done would be as arrogant as Heracles or Zeus."

Percy looked at Artemis surprised, "I highly doubt I am the greatest hero to ever live. There are plenty of greater heroes than me."

Artemis punched Percy in the arm, "No there aren't. You just refuse to recognize your own accomplishments."

Percy shook his head, "They aren't accomplishments. I would gladly trade them all for even one of my dead friends back. They are the heroes. People say I rescued you from Atlas when that isn't true. Zoe was the true hero of that quest. She faced her father knowing she would die. She was a far greater hero than I am."

Percy looked at Artemis to see her eyes tearing up, "Artemis I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to remind yo…." He began but Artemis clamped a hand over her mouth.

"That's not why I'm crying. It's just nice to hear someone finally give the greatest huntress I ever had the credit she deserves. She was a far greater hero than Heracles, Theseus, the original Perseus or all the others. The only one who surpasses her is you Perseus. Thank you." Artemis said as she wiped away her tears.

Percy decided it was best to just nod and stay quiet while Artemis reined in her emotions. After a minute she turned to Percy with a serious expression on her face.

"The question I've been waiting to ask you for five years, is why? Why did you use part of your wish on my mother? You made sure to mention both her and Calypso when you said you're wish. I've been waiting five years to ask you why. I understand Calypso because you know her but you didn't know my mother, I'm surprised you had even heard of her." Artemis asked seriously as she looked at Percy closely for his answer.

Percy's eyes widened, he tried to look away but Artemis grabbed his face and made him look her in the eyes. Percy sighed, "I did it for you." He whispered.

Artemis' eyes widened, "Why?"

"Because of a few reasons actually. You voted to save my life after the quest with Zoe despite the fact that I got Zoe killed. Because you gave my cousin Thalia a home, something she hadn't had in her entire life. Even at camp it wasn't a home for her. She was never truly happy until you gave her a home in the hunt. And because despite the fact I am a boy, you never treated me as badly as you did other males and I kind of thought that made us friends. I thought having your mother free would make you happy." Percy explained, the last part coming out quieter than the rest.

Artemis stared at Percy with wide eyes making Percy become extremely nervous he was close to becoming a jackelope. He was about to apologize when Artemis shocked him by pulling him into a hug. Percy felt himself blush deeply and thanked every god he knew that Artemis couldn't see his face right then. After a minute, Artemis pulled back with a smile of her face.

"Yes Percy, I consider you my friend. The only male friend I have." She said in a happy tone before her face darkened and she slapped Percy hard across the face.

"Zoe's death was not your fault. She knew her fate when the prophecy was issued." Artemis said angrily.

Percy shook his head, "And that prophecy may never have been issued if I wasn't such a fool. If I had seen through her lies, you may not have taken Annabeth's place under the sky, something she probably planned. Then Zoe may still be alive."

Artemis slapped him again, "I was captured by Atlas. He would have found a way to trick me under the sky no matter what. Don't you dare take Zoe's heroic sacrifice away from her."

Percy's eyes widened, "That's not wha…." He started before Artemis clamped her hand over his mouth again.

"I know that's not what you meant. It's only that and that you're my friend that stops me from adding to the jackelope population right now." Artemis said seriously before she softened.

"I know you would never try to take something away from Zoe, but her death was not your fault." Artemis explained.

Percy wisely nodded.

Artemis and Percy sat in silence for a few minutes staring at the sky before Artemis spoke again.

"Percy, are you really swearing off love like my hunters?" She asked curiously.

Percy nodded seriously, "I will never get a friend killed for love again."

Artemis looked at him questioningly.

Percy's face darkened, "Every friend I lost could have been prevented if I saw through her lies, if I wasn't such a naïve and love struck little boy. My parents wouldn't have died by that bitch's hands. The last thing my mother saw was her evil face and I won't do that to another person I care about. Love is a distraction and not necessary. If there were a male version of the hunters, I would have joined a long time ago."

Artemis looked at Percy sadly. She decided not to pursue the subject as it was obviously not a pleasant one for him. Another question popped into her mind she has wanted to ask Percy for a while.

"Percy, why did Annabeth think your Achilles' spot was on your lower back?" She asked softly.

A small smile crept onto Percy's face, "Achilles."

Artemis looked at him confused, "What?"

"When I entered the Styx, Achilles was there to warn me not to as he said he did to everyone who entered. When the river spit me out, Achilles spoke in my mind. He told me to not tell anyone my Achilles' spot, even the one who tied me to the mortal world. It was Annabeth who tied me to the world. During the battle, she asked me where my spot was and I remembered his warning. I told her to guess. She guessed on my left side, and she was almost right. I told her it was in the small of my back. That's why I stabbed Luke there. It was luck, but his death was her fault as well. She told me his Achilles' spot without knowing she did. When I disarmed her, she asked how I knew where his spot was. I foolishly told her that she had guessed right with mine but also that she told me where Luke's was. It almost got me killed when Athena blasted me. Thalia saved my life." Percy explained.

Artemis smiled at his explanation, "You're smarter than people give you credit for Percy."

Percy shrugged, "Mostly just lucky."

Artemis punched his arm playfully, "Take the compliment Percy. You're too modest sometimes."

Percy smiled at Artemis. He was shocked when she blushed. She tried to cover it but Percy saw, he wisely didn't comment.

"Do you really want to visit Thalia?" Artemis asked trying to forget she had just blushed at Percy's smile.

Percy nodded, "I have missed her a lot. I think it's time I visited both her and Nico. They are my cousins and my two best friends."

Artemis nodded, "Should I bring her to Olympus?"

Percy looked thoughtful for a minute before he shook his head. Artemis looked at him strangely.

Percy smiled, "We're friends, right Artemis?"

Artemis smiled back and nodded.

"So I will be able to bring female demigods to you without being killed right?" Percy asked hopefully.

Artemis got a thoughtful look on her face, causing Percy to pale a bit, but then she smirked, "Yes Percy, I won't kill you for bringing me hunters." She said like it was obvious.

"Your hunters will keep my secret for me if you tell them too, right?" He asked.

Artemis smiled, "You're going to let my hunter's know your identity?" She asked hopefully.

"I will as long as you can keep them from trying to kill me." Percy said.

Artemis nodded, "You're actually the only acceptable male in their minds. Thalia and Zoe made them actually like you. They know you were Zoe's only male friend in her entire life."

Percy nodded, "Good, I have a young girl to save in Utah. Instead of bringing her to you on foot, I will cheat and teleport us a little bit away from your camp. I will bring her to camp as Blake but reveal myself in front of your hunters."

Artemis grinned, "Good. I think they will appreciate being the only ones who know."

"I hope your right. I don't have the curse to save me from the hunter's wrath if not." Percy said warily.

Artemis smirked, "I will keep them in line. But for Thalia, you're on your own. Her wrath you have to face yourself."

Percy paled, "I deserve her wrath. I haven't been a good friend."

Artemis looked at Percy sympathetically, "She will be mad but mostly she will be happy to have you back. She hasn't taken your disappearance very well."

Percy nodded and tried to stand up. Artemis yanked him back down.

"Not yet fish boy, I have one more question." Artemis demanded.

"Okay, what's on your mind Moonbeam?" Percy asked playfully.

Artemis' eyes widened, "Did you just call me Moonbeam?" She asked indignantly.

Percy smirked, "Yes, I believe it's a proper response to being called fish boy."

Artemis looked at Percy for minute before she smiled, she actually liked the nickname. It was nice to have a friend who wasn't afraid of her.

"How did you get so good at archery? My blessing would help, but you're better than any of my hunters." She asked curiously.

Percy grinned, "Hard work. I've practiced every day for five years. The minute I found out I didn't suck anymore I got hooked. I always liked archery but was miserable at it. Besides, our competition was easy; if the contest had been more difficult then you would have won easily. I just managed to make ten perfect shots from a short distance."

Artemis smiled, "See, archery is awesome isn't it." As soon as the words left her mouth she covered her mouth with her hand. Her face had a horrified expression on it.

Percy' eyes went wide before he started laughing hysterically, "Oh….. my…gods…. Apollo… will…. love… it…. when….. I …tell… him…" Percy managed to sputter out between laughs.

Artemis eyes widened before they narrowed. She jumped on top of Percy and pinned him to the ground. She began wailing on his chest and arms until his laughter stopped.

"You will never repeat what you heard." She said threateningly.

Percy couldn't stop himself from breaking into more laughter. Artemis began beating on Percy again until his laughter died down.

"Perseus, I will kill you if you don't promise to never repeat that." She threatened.

Percy's face morphed into a thoughtful one. Artemis narrowed her eyes at him before he smiled.

"How about another deal?" He asked.

Her eyes narrowed further, "What deal?"

"You can never call me Perseus again and in exchange, I will keep your secret." Percy said smirking.

Artemis' eyes widened, "You're blackmailing me?"

Percy nodded. Artemis glared at him before sighing. "Fine. I have been calling you Percy for most of the night anyway. But if you ever tell anyone, they won't ever find your body. My hunting wolves would love some seafood for a change."

Percy paled at the thought causing Artemis to smirk. She got off him and offered him a hand, pulling him to his feet. When she did, their faces were inches apart. Artemis took in his scent, it was intoxicating to her. Percy felt his face heat up being so close to the goddess. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was.

Percy stepped back and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Hey Artemis?" He asked softly.

She looked up at him, her blush finally fading.

"Thank you." He said gratefully.

Artemis raised an eyebrow.

Percy looked down, "I haven't had this much fun in years. I've spent the past five years pretty much emotionless and cold towards everyone except with Hera and Hestia. With the demigods, I kept things pretty impersonal. Except for the girls I brought to you. I couldn't help myself with them, they are such sweet girls. But tonight was different. I actually relaxed for once without being guarded toward people. I just wanted to say thank you for being such a good friend. It was nice to just hang out for once and have a real conversation."

Artemis smiled at his words. She stepped closer to Percy, "Percy, you've done more things for me than anyone in my life. So thank you for being such a good friend. Make sure you make it to camp tomorrow." She said before she leaned over to Percy and kissed him softly on the cheek. "See you tomorrow Percy." She whispered before vanishing in a flash of silver light.

Percy stood frozen for a minute, his hand touching the spot on his cheek were she kissed him. He felt butterflies in his stomach. He shook it off. He was thankful to have her as a friend. Both were against love anyway, so the kiss was a friendly one he told himself before vanishing in a flash of flames.