Chapter 08: Captured

Percy awoke the next morning feeling better than he had in a long time. He thought about his talk with Artemis the night before. She had made him feel a lot better about being stuck in the life as a demigod. She was right, this was the life he was given and he would do what he could to protect the people that mattered to him. It would do him no good to mope around thinking about the friends he lost. Zoe would have put an arrow in his ass if she knew how much time he spent feeling guilty about her death. No, he would use the power he had to prevent as many people's deaths as he could.

After showering and eating, Percy left his palace and headed toward Hera's. She lived with Zeus; he assumed his uncle knowing about their relationship would make any interaction less awkward. As he walked, Percy continued to think about the night before with Artemis. He realized she hadn't been in her twelve year old form that she usually stayed in. In fact, now that he thought about it, she had been in an age similar to him ever since their first talk after he was revealed to the Olympians. He wasn't sure why she had done that but he also couldn't get the thought of how beautiful she was in that form out of his head. Percy shook his head, trying to force those thoughts out. She was a maiden goddess while he had swore he would never allow himself to fall in love again. He was happy to be her friend and had no plans to ruin that.

Percy reached the palace of Zeus and Hera and was about to walk up to the door when Hestia suddenly appeared in front of him. Percy smiled when he looked at his patron but it quickly vanished when he saw the grim expression on her face.

"What's wrong my lady?" Percy asked.

Hestia looked at him sadly, "There is an emergency council meeting. Your attendance is required."

Percy's eyes widened but he nodded. Hestia grabbed his shoulder and flashed them into the throne room. When Percy looked around, most people had confused expressions on their faces. The only two not in attendance were Hera and Artemis. Percy began to panic, worrying something had happened to both of them. He sighed in relief when Artemis flashed into the throne room. She looked at Percy and blushed before looking away quickly and sitting in her throne. Percy quickly looked away as well before turning to look at his mother's throne expectantly. After a minute, he realized most people were looking at him.

Hestia came up beside Percy and led him over to her throne, sitting at the foot of it with him instead of in her throne.

Percy looked up at Zeus to see a grave expression on his face.

"I've called this council meeting to discuss some… err… developments since the meeting yesterday." Zeus said somewhat awkwardly.

Every stared at him expectantly.

"Last night we discovered the giants have reformed faster than we anticipated. After realizing this we decided to implement our plans immediately." Zeus explained.

Percy stood up, "Excuse me Lord Zeus but what giants and what plans are you talking about?"

Zeus sighed and explained the new threat and how it related to the next great prophecy. Percy was shocked when he heard about the rise of the giants and the Primordial Goddess Gaia. Zeus then explained Hera's plan and how they had switched both Jason and Nico last night after wiping their memories. Percy eyes caught fire when he heard what had happened to Nico.

"What? Why would you send Nico? Bring him back. I will go in his place. The Romans are strict and Nico has never been one to follow orders." Percy pleaded.

Zeus looked at Percy sympathetically, "We can't do that Perseus. We need Nico to gain the trust of the Romans before merging the camps. The plan was to have you with him to help him adjust but that plan may no longer be possible."

Percy waited for Zeus to go on.

Zeus sighed, "Hera has been captured."

The throne room shook violently.

Everyone looked at Poseidon but saw he was staring at Percy in shock. Percy's body was glowing with an ethereal sea green light. His eyes were flaming orbs. Hestia quickly wrapped an arm around Percy and whispered something into his ear. The sea green glow around Percy faded but his eyes remained on fire.

"Who took her?" Percy growled.

Everyone stared at Percy in shock. They knew he and Hera were close but did not expect Percy to react so extreme.

Zeus shook his head, "We don't know. We assume it is someone within Gaia's forces but we have not been able to locate her. Jason is currently being brought to Camp Half Blood where he will be given the quest to find Hera."

"I want to be on the quest." Percy said seriously.

Zeus shook his head, "We can't allow you to return to camp right now. Jason needs time to gain the trust of the Greeks and you returning to camp will distract from his ability to do that."

"Then I will find her on my own. I won't stand by and wait for her to be found." Percy shouted.

Zeus glared at Percy before sighing. He couldn't blame Percy for his concern as he was just as worried about his wife as Percy was.

"I was hoping you would help the other group that will search for her." Zeus said timidly as he looked at Artemis expecting her to blow up. Surprisingly she nodded.

"The hunters will be searching as well. Since you and Artemis seem to be friends, I was hoping you could join them in their search." Zeus announced.

"What? My son will not be going with those man haters. You know how they treated him yesterday." Poseidon yelled.

Artemis wanted to retort but Percy beat her to it, "Dad, I'm going. Artemis is my friend and I will not allow one hunter to stop me from finding my mother. Artemis and I talked last night and everything is fine now. I assume you probably threatened the hunter in question but that's not necessary. I love you Dad, and I appreciate your concern, but I need you to let this go. It was a misunderstanding and it's over now." Percy said sternly.

Poseidon looked at Percy in shock and was about to argue but a quick glare from Percy caused him to sigh and nod grudgingly. Poseidon was a softly when it came to his kids, especially Percy.

"Thank you Dad." Percy said gratefully.

"Unless anyone has anything else to add, this meeting is over." Zeus said. When no one spoke, he nodded and dismissed the meeting. Instead of flashing out, Zeus stood from his throne and beckoned Percy over to him.

Percy was a little surprised but walked over to his uncle.

"Perseus, I know I am not the best husband in the world but I do love my wife a great deal. Please find her. I am putting you with Artemis because you two are the ones I have the most faith in to complete the task." Zeus said seriously.

"I won't let you down uncle. I appreciate you not getting upset about Hera adopting me. She means a great deal to me as well and I won't stop until she is rescued." Percy said just as seriously.

Zeus smiled, "I know you won't Perseus. Thank you for saving my daughter Lily as well. I owe you a great deal and should you ever need something, don't hesitate to ask."

Percy nodded and smiled, "It was my pleasure uncle."

Zeus smiled and disappeared into a lightning bolt. Percy turned around to find the throne room empty except for Artemis who was looking at him somewhat nervously. He walked up to her, unsure of why she would be nervous.

"Is everything alright Artemis?" Percy asked.

Artemis looked a little unsure, "Um…. Percy, how exactly did I end up in my bed last night?"

Percy chuckled causing Artemis to glare at him. Percy rolled his eyes, "Well we were in the ocean and you fell asleep on my shoulder. I flashed us back to Olympus and tucked you in before going into my new palace. By the way, we're neighbors now."

Artemis looked relieved but she blushed a bit before smiling, "Thank you Percy."

Artemis walked a couple steps closer to Percy, "So when will you be joining us?"

Percy looked thoughtful for a moment, "I need to get all my weapons and supplies together. Then I need to visit Hestia before I come. I should be there in about an hour."

Artemis nodded and then kissed Percy on the cheek causing them both to blush.

Percy looked at her questioningly.

Artemis smiled, "Thanks for being such a good friend." She whispered before flashing out.

Artemis flashed herself back to her hunter's camp and made her way into the infirmary tent immediately.

"Everyone except Phoebe leave now." She said sternly. The two other hunters quickly left the tent while Phoebe looked up at Artemis nervously.

"Phoebe, you will explain what your problem with Percy Jackson is right now." Artemis ordered.

Phoebe narrowed her eyes, "He got Zoe killed."

Artemis shook her head, "That is the stupidest thing you have ever said in the thousands of years you've been in the hunt."

Phoebe looked shocked. She also felt embarrassed at what her mistress said about her statement. She was about to respond but Artemis held her hand up.

"Phoebe, you are one of the best hunters I have ever had and I love you like a daughter but you are making it difficult for me to keep you in the hunt. Almost the entire hunt is angry with you and the younger girls along with Thalia are contemplating leaving the hunt." Artemis said seriously.

Phoebe's face reddened, "Then they obviously aren't taking their oaths very serious if they are so fond of Jackson."

Artemis narrowed her eyes, "I am not concerned with their oaths as I know Percy would never try to touch a hunter. Hell, he won't touch any woman after what the damn daughter of Athena did to him. Do you know what she did Phoebe? Before the Battle of Manhattan she killed Percy's mother and soon to be stepfather. Then she left him a note that said his parents are dead because he was dumb enough to think she would love him. So do you think Percy blames himself slightly? He hid for five years trying to get over the grief of all the people that girl got killed, Zoe included. Percy blames himself even more than he blames her. So when you told him he got Zoe killed, you basically ripped another piece of his heart out of his chest."

Artemis looked up at Phoebe who was biting her lower lip nervously. Artemis decided to finish her rant now.

"Zoe died because the Fates decided it was her time. She knew she would die and faced her death bravely. You disgrace her sacrifice by saying Percy killed her. He helped her die in peace. He was the first man she had ever befriended in her life. If she heard what you said to Percy, Thalia's lightning bolt would be the least of your worries. I know you miss Zoe. I miss Zoe too. But she died a true heroine's death. Don't take anything away from her by trying to blame someone for her death." Artemis finished seriously.

Artemis looked at Phoebe to see her looking away. Artemis sighed and sat on the bed next to Phoebe. She put an arm around her oldest huntress and pulled her into a hug. Phoebe tensed for a second before wrapping her arms around Artemis tightly.

"Phoebe, I meant what I said when I said you are like a daughter to me. I would never make you leave the hunt but you need to fix what you've done. Percy is like a brother to Thalia. He gave her a chance to join the hunt by accepting the responsibility of the prophecy so she didn't have to. I know he is a man but he is different. Almost everyone in the hunt likes him. He is one of my friends and I want you to talk to Percy." Artemis said softly but also sternly.

Phoebe looked into her mistress' eyes and nodded, "I know you're right. I just wanted someone to blame about Zoe's death. It wasn't fair to say that to Percy. I will apologize next time he stops by."

Artemis smiled, "That's good because he'll be here in less than an hour. My father has assigned him the task of finding Hera, who has been kidnapped, along with us."

Phoebe's eyes widened, "Hera is missing?"

Artemis nodded and explained everything about the war with the giants and Gaia as well as the switch of leaders between the camps. Phoebe was shocked at the news but agreed Percy would be helpful in the hunt for Hera.

"Stay in the infirmary while I explain the situation to the rest of the hunters. When Percy arrives I will send him to speak to you. Once you two have made your peace it will be easier to get Thalia to forgive you." Artemis stated.

Phoebe nodded but she was a little apprehensive about talking to Percy alone. She knew she had been wrong but apologizing did not come easy to children of Ares.

After what seemed like forever, the tent flat opened and in walked Percy Jackson. Phoebe was surprised his face didn't hold any anger or resentment when he looked at her.

"Artemis said you wanted to talk to me?" Percy asked.

Phoebe nodded, "Yea, about what I said to you yesterday… I.." Phoebe started but Percy stopped her.

"Phoebe, are you still angry at me?" Percy asked calmly.

Phoebe shook her head.

"Is it going to be a problem for you for me to be with the hunters for a little while?" He asked.

Phoebe shook her head again.

Percy smiled, "Then we're cool. I understand where you were coming from. As long as there is no bad blood between us then all is forgiven." Percy said as he extended his hand to Phoebe.

Phoebe's eyes widened before she smiled and shook his hand, "Thanks Jackson."

Percy grinned and pulled Phoebe out of her bed, "Let's go deal with Thalia because I know she doesn't like being angry with one of her best friends.

Percy and Phoebe walked out of the tent and into the dining area where they were met by the wide eyes of all the hunters when they saw Percy and Phoebe talking and laughing together.

Artemis smiled. Percy really was something special she thought to herself. Then she cursed herself. She had been finding herself more and more drawn to Percy over the last week. Something about him just made her want to be around him. She needed to distance herself from Percy. She knew she was feeling things she had made an oath never to feel for a man.

Percy sat at the table the hunters were eating at and was quickly jumped on by and overly excited daughter of Athena. Chloe had apparently abandoned her own seat, choosing Percy's lap as the place to eat the rest of her meal.

After lunch Artemis stood to address the hunters, "Girls, today we begin our search for Hera. As I told you earlier, she has been captured and Perseus has been assigned to search for her with us."

"Can't we just leave her?" Thalia asked half-jokingly.

"No. We will not leave my mother in the hands of Gaia's forces." Percy growled.

Thalia turned to look at him with wide eyes, "What did you just say Percy?"

Percy sighed, "Hera adopted me a couple years ago. And before you judge her so harshly, she is the one who sent Nico and I to rescue your sister." Percy said gesturing to Lily.

"What? She hates Zeus' kids." Thalia said in disbelief.

Artemis decided to intervene, "A couple of years ago, the rest of the council noticed a change in Hera's demeanor. She became much kinder and softer than we had ever seen her. No one knew what it was at the time but needless to say it was a nice change. When Perseus was revealed on Olympus, it was discovered that Hera and Hestia were his patrons. Last night, Hera informed the council that she had actually adopted Perseus a few years after she became his patron. When Perseus was rescuing demigods, it seemed he was performing the missions for both Hestia and Hera. Perseus apparently convinced Hera to change her view of demigods, even the demigods of her husband."

Everyone looked at Percy with wide eyes. He looked at Artemis strangely but quickly averted his gaze before she noticed. Thalia gave Percy a look that said she wanted to talk to him later. Percy gave her a slight nod before turning back to the talkative daughter of Athena in his lap.

The hunters and Percy travelled west for the rest of the day. They had little information to go on other than it was believed that Hera was taken after bringing Nico to Camp Jupiter. Percy noticed a change in Artemis' demeanor toward him. She seemed colder and far less friendly. She no longer called him Percy and instead only called him Perseus. Percy didn't know what was going on but decided it wasn't important. What was important was finding his mother and then getting to Camp Jupiter to check on Nico.

The same pattern continued on for the next three days. Artemis acted in the same colder and unfriendly demeanor and Percy continued to ignore it. Thalia confronted him about Hera but after a long explanation she accepted his reasons and was happy he had another motherly figure in his life. Finally on the fourth night that Percy travelled with the hunt, Hermes appeared with information regarding Hera. The quest from Camp Half Blood was heading for Mount Diablo where one of the demigod's fathers was being held. The hunters began to trek toward Mount Diablo in hopes that Hera was being held there. After travelling for another day straight, the hunters settled down to camp for the night. Everyone was sitting down eating dinner before Thalia noticed that Percy wasn't around.

"My Lady, where is Percy?" Thalia asked.

Artemis looked around just noticing that Percy wasn't there. She felt terrible for acting so coldly toward Percy over the past five days but she convinced herself that it was necessary. She was getting too close to him and decided the only option was distancing herself.

Artemis shook her head, "I don't know. Perhaps he went for a walk. He can take care of himself."

Thalia narrowed her eyes at her mistress. Everyone had noticed the change in her demeanor towards Percy, they just couldn't figure out why.

"I will go look for him then." Thalia said.

Artemis shook her head, "No, continue eating. I will find him and see what he is doing." She said before leaving the table and scanning the area to see if she could pick up on his aura. Percy's was stronger than any demigod she had ever met and surpassed that of many minor gods. Surprisingly, she found nothing. Percy had the ability to hide his scent and aura better than any of her hunters so she began to search on foot.

After about ten minutes, she heard the familiar twang of a bow string and the following thud of an arrow hitting its target. She followed the sound until she reached a clearing. She found Percy firing arrows at a target around one hundred yards away. She was slightly awed at his skill with a bow. The speed and accuracy he was shooting at was better than any of her hunters. She walked closer to him and cleared her throat.

She noticed Percy tense before setting his bow down and turning toward her and bowing. She frowned at his actions. It was clear he had noticed her cold demeanor toward him over the past days.

She sighed, "You don't have to bow to me Percy."

Percy looked up at her before standing; his face remained void of emotion, "Is that not how a demigod is supposed to act in the presence of a goddess?"

Artemis felt a pang of guilt at his words. She looked at him trying to think of what to say but he beat her to it.

"Is there something I can do for you Lady Artemis?" He asked stoically.

Artemis winced at his tone, "We were wondering why you didn't come to dinner?"

Percy shrugged, "I wasn't hungry and decided I would get some training in."

Artemis nodded and contemplated what to say next. She knew she should just leave but she couldn't force herself to do it. She looked at Percy and noticed he wouldn't meet her eyes.

"Can I talk to you for a bit?" She asked softly.

Percy looked toward her and nodded. Artemis walked a few feet closer to him and sat down in the grass. She gestured for Percy to join her. He seemed reluctant but obliged.

Artemis thought about how to explain to him why she had been acting like she had but couldn't think of a valid excuse other than the truth.

"Percy, about the way I've acted towa…" She began but Percy cut her off.

"It's nothing Lady Artemis, I understand. You have sworn off the company of men, including that of friends. It's fine." Percy said coldly.

Artemis looked at Percy sadly before steeling her nerves to say what she really wanted to say.

"Percy, that's not why. The real reason is that I've star….." Artemis began before an Iris Message appeared in front of them. It was Hestia.

"Percy!" She called.

Percy looked up and smiled, "My lady, what can I do for you."

Hestia smiled, "It appears the quest is heading for the wolf house. I believe you know where that is. They seem to think Hera is there."

Percy's eyes widened and he grinned, "That's great! We will head there immediately."

Hestia shook her head, "The prophecy says you will need the quest to be there as well in order to free Hera. They should be there by late afternoon tomorrow. Try to time your arrival with theirs."

Percy looked frustrated but nodded, "Okay, we will. Thank you my lady."

Hestia smiled warmly at him and swiped through the message.

Percy turned to walk back to camp but Artemis grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Percy, wait." She pleaded.

Percy seemed surprised but nodded.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to lose you as a friend over something stupid." Artemis said sadly. She had lost her nerve to tell him the truth but did not want to lose him altogether.

Percy looked thoughtful for a moment before he smiled, "I don't want to lose you either. But could you act a little less coldly?"

Artemis nodded and pulled Percy into a tight hug, "Thank you Percy."

Percy hugged her back just as tightly. As he hugged her, he couldn't help but notice the way she smelled. It was like a forest and it drew him to her even more. Percy cursed himself for his thoughts but suddenly grinned.

"So, over the past five days, how many times have you called me Perseus?" He asked teasingly.

Artemis released him and looked at him scowling.

"I will be back at camp soon. I have one last Iris Message to send." He threatened.

Artemis eyes widened but before she could say anything, Percy put an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm just teasing you Artemis." He said chuckling.

She elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to wince, "Ummm… ouch." He whined.

Artemis chuckled but grabbed Percy's hand and started dragging him back to camp.

Line Break

Percy and the hunters were nearing the wolf house around 3 p.m. During the trip there, Artemis and Percy had walked together and talked almost the whole way, surprising the hunters immensely. They knew Artemis and Percy were friends but for the past five days, Artemis had hardly treated him better than she would any other boy. The hunters were happy to see Artemis warm up to Percy again. During their trip, the remaining few with doubts about him had been won over by Percy's kind and gentle nature. They actually enjoyed having him in the hunt and for the past day they had been pleased to see their mistress' mood brighten immensely. Many wished Percy could stay with them more often, he made things more fun and kept Artemis happy, which made the hunters happy.

As the neared the wolf house they could hear the sounds of battle coming from inside. Before they could charge forward, a pack of wolves stepped out of the woods near the building.

"Lycaon." Percy and Artemis growled in unison, causing them both to blush slightly despite the situation.

Lycaon came out of the woods in his human form, glaring at Artemis threateningly.

"Well hello Artemis, is this a boyfriend I see by your side? I guess with the god's rule ending you decided it was time for your first romance." He mocked. Artemis glared back at him while Percy smirked. He snapped his fingers, transforming his features into those he had in his one meeting with the werewolf.

"You!" Lycaon bellowed. "I'll kill you. That bitch Lupa would be dead right now if not for you."

Percy snapped his fingers, returning his features to his normal look. He pulled a silver knife from his belt and threw it in the blink of an eye. It imbedded into Lycaon's thigh causing him to yelp in pain.

"Someone's been a naughty little doggy Fido." Percy mocked.

Lycaon pulled the knife from him leg and glared at Percy murderously. He shifted into his wolf form and he and his pack attacked at once. The hunters began firing arrows into his pack while Artemis and Percy eyed Lycaon.

Percy pulled out two golden hunting knives. He twirled them in his hands once and they shimmered into silver ones. Artemis smiled at Percy before pulling out her own silver hunting knives.

Lycaon charged straight for Artemis but as he lunged, Percy kicked him in the side, knocking him out of midair. Artemis in a flash of silver drove one of her hunting knives through the werewolf king's head. Lycaon dissolved into golden dust.

"Well, that was surprisingly easy." Percy snickered. Artemis chuckled but stopped abruptly when Lycaon reformed a few seconds later in his human form.

"Well, as you can see the doors of death are open. We will simply wear your little hunters down until each one of them has their throats ripped out." Lycaon sneered.

Artemis' eyes widened, "Percy, we need to find a way to keep them at bay until Hera is free."

Percy nodded and turned toward the hunters. He saw a wolf had Chloe separated from the other hunters while the rest of the pack blocked off access to her.

Percy disappeared only to reappear in front of Chloe. The wolf faltered momentarily giving Percy the chance to light his hands on fire.

"Bad dog," He muttered before sending a large ball of fire into the wolf. The wolf's body caught fire and it tried to roll around to put the fire out but it dissolved before it could. Percy felt around for water and located a river a couple hundred yards away. Percy closed his eyes until he felt the familiar tug in his gut. The wolves began to stalk toward Percy who sent a wall of fire into them. The wolves began dissolving and started to reform until a huge wave of water scattered the dust of their remains. The hunters all sent Percy appreciative smiles as Percy teleported back to Artemis.

"Where's Lycaon?" He asked.

"He went inside." Artemis replied.

Artemis had half the hunters stand guard outside while the rest went inside with Percy and Artemis.

When they went in, they saw Jason fighting a fully formed giant while two other demigods tried to free Hera from her cage.

Percy was about to run towards his mother but a figure stepped out of the shadows that simultaneously sent a chill down his back pure rage into his mind.

"Well hello Percy. Did you miss me?" The figure mocked.

"Annabeth." Percy growled.