Chapter 09: Admissions and Amazons

"Well hello Percy. Did you miss me?" The figure mocked.

"Annabeth." Percy growled.

Annabeth grinned at Percy, "I see you didn't forget me after all. I guess you did miss me didn't you?"

"Your return to the world is going to be short lived Annabeth." Percy hissed.

Annabeth narrowed her eyes for a minute before she looked around at the people accompanying Percy. She began laughing loudly.

"Oh…my…..gods… you really are pathetic aren't you? You joined the hunt after you found out I never loved you." Annabeth mocked as she tried to control her laughter.

Percy winced despite how hard he tried not to.

"Where's you little lover Annabeth? I guess I didn't fail completely if he isn't by your side." Percy retorted.

Annabeth's eyes flashed with anger, "Don't worry Percy, he will be with me shortly. Together we will help our new mistress destroy you and those pathetic Olympians once and for all." Annabeth snapped.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "You know you can't defeat me Annabeth. You never had any real power. You relied on your brain which was never half as smart as you claimed it to be."

Annabeth smirked. Two earthen hands rose from the ground and tried to grab Percy. The first was blasted apart by a massive bolt of lightning. The other exploded when a blur of silver appeared in its place.

"Well, well, well. Looks like you and Thalia are still close. And it looks like you've gained a friend in that pathetic maiden goddess." Annabeth growled as Thalia and Artemis appeared at Percy's side.

Thalia stood glaring at one of her former best friends murderously while Artemis mirrored her expression on the other side of Percy.

"Hey, Thals. Happy to see me?" Annabeth mocked.

Thalia's eyes narrowed as the sky darkened.

Annabeth noticed and smirked, "Don't worry you two. I haven't come to fight you today. No, I will enjoy taking my time with your deaths. By the way Seaweed Brain, how are Paul and Sally?" Annabeth sneered.

Percy was about to reply when silver arrow impaled Annabeth through the leg causing to let out a cry of pain. Percy and Thalia gasped when golden ichor began to flow from the wound.

"You will die painfully for getting Zoe killed and messing with my friend Percy." A female voice hissed as it made its way toward the trio in a standoff with Annabeth.

Phoebe walked in between Percy and Thalia, glaring a hole through Annabeth.

Annabeth laughed, "You think I'm here to fight you weak little demigods? No, I just wanted Percy to see the face of the person who plunged the dagger through his pathetic mother's heart before she died."

Percy began to tremble in rage. Phoebe, Thalia and Artemis backed up as Percy stepped forward, the winds increasing with every footstep he took.

"I will make sure when you die this time I oversee your eternal torment. When this war is over, you and Luke will pray for Tartarus when you I have you within my grasp." Percy growled as he body began to glow brightly. His eyes glowed a mix of brown and sea green as he stared at Annabeth.

Annabeth's eyes widened before she glared at Percy, "You will suffer for eternity for touching Luke you worthless sea spawn. I will make sure you die slowly and painfully along with your little bitch virgin friends." She hissed before the ground swallowed her whole.

Percy's eyes widened when she vanished. He raised his fist before slamming it into the earth causing a massive earthquake to shake the wolf house down to its foundations.

Hera's cage shook and crumbled under the power of Percy's rage. The giant king Porphyrion stumbled and fell to the ground when the earth shook. Before Jason could attack, the earth swallowed him as well.

Percy looked up to see a couple Earthborn, Lycaon, and a few assorted monsters. He turned and sprinted at the werewolf king before Lycaon could pick himself up after Percy's earthquake tossed him to the ground.

When Percy reached him, he grabbed Lycaon by the scruff of his neck before violently tossing him into the wall of the wolf house. Lycaon let out a pained yelp.

Percy grabbed the beast by his snout before using his other hand to grab his lower jaw. Percy let out a primal scream of rage as he ripped the Lycaon apart. Percy ripped Lycaon's lower jaw from him mouth.

Lycaon let out an agonizing yelp before dissolving into golden dust.

Percy turned to find all his friends and allies on the ground holding on for dear life as the winds wiped violently within the wolf house. Percy noticed he was in the eye of his own violent hurricane.

Percy vanished into a flash of flames before anyone could say anything to him.

When Percy vanished, the hurricane dissipated along with him. Hera walked up beside Artemis and Thalia with tears in her eyes. Thalia had her own tears after seeing the true nature of one of her former best friends and the pain of her brother in everything but blood. Artemis was trying to hold back her own tears. Seeing Percy in so much pain caused her more pain than she wanted to admit.

The hunters killed the few remaining monsters while the Earthborn were swallowed up by the earth. The hunters and demigods all gathered inside the wolf house as everyone tried to absorb the events of the past ten minutes. Hera had tears falling down her face while Artemis managed to keep hers at bay. When she saw the hurt and pain in Hera's face she did something she would have never thought she would do in her entire immortal life. Artemis walked up to Hera and pulled her into a tight embrace.

Hera seemed shocked but hugged her stepdaughter back as she thought about the pain that her most beloved son was in at the return of the girl who almost took everything away from him.

After a minute, Hera broke away with a look of gratitude towards Artemis shining in her brown eyes. She turned to the three demigods from the quest.

"Your bravery has freed me young heroes. I am in your debt. I will send you back to your camp. I am sorry but this is just the beginning of your journey." Hera said apologetically as she snapped her fingers and the demigods disappeared from the wolf house.

Hera turned to Artemis, "We must inform the council of what happened here and about Percy."

Artemis nodded solemnly. She turned to her hunters, "I'm sorry girls, but I need to send you to Camp Half Blood for the night. I will come back as soon as I can but we must speak to the other gods about what happened."

The hunters did not seem pleased but nodded in understanding. Artemis snapped her fingers and all the hunters with the exception of Thalia vanished from the wolf house.

Thalia looked at her mistress questioningly.

Artemis sighed, "Thalia, the boy fighting the giant is someone very important to you. He is your brother Jason. Before you react, you must understand there is long and violent history between Greeks and Romans. While you were born to Zeus and born a Greek, Jason was born to Jupiter and thus is a Roman."

Thalia's eyes widened.

Before she could answer Artemis looked at her sadly, "I am sorry Thalia but I cannot explain more now. Go get to know your brother. We will speak when I am in done in the council meeting." Artemis said as she snapped her fingers, sending a wide eyed Thalia to Camp Half Blood.

Hera looked at Artemis sadly, "This is very bad. Gaia is smart. She is using the one person who can destroy our greatest demigod with little more than words."

Artemis nodded, "We will find Percy. We will help him through this."

Hera looked surprised but nodded at Artemis, "You are right. Let's inform the council and then we can try to locate Percy."

Once the council was gathered, everyone looked at Hera expectantly.

"The Giant King Porphyrion has risen. He escaped before Jason could kill him." She said seriously, earning worried expressions from the Olympians.

Zeus looked like he was about to speak but Hera cut him off.

"There is more. When Percy arrived with the hunters, Gaia released what could be her most powerful weapon in this war." Hera said seriously.

Everything looked at her expectantly.

"Athena's daughter Annabeth is out of Tartarus. She appeared when Percy arrived. He nearly destroyed the wolf house in his rage. After she vanished, Percy ripped Lycaon apart with his bare hands, literally, before he vanished." She said as a tear fell from her face.

Every member of the council's eyes widened. None were more affected than Athena and Poseidon.

"Do you know where my son is?" Poseidon asked worriedly.

Hera shook her head. Poseidon closed his eyes painfully as he thought of his son.

Artemis was trying to control her emotions as she thought of Percy when a presence entered her mind.

'Go to him Artemis. Only you can get to him now.' Hestia said seriously in her mind.

Artemis' eyes widened and she looked at Hestia questioningly.

Hestia rolled her eyes, 'I know how you truly feel about my champion. I'm not telling you to tell him but you are the only one who he will listen to. Go to him before he loses control of himself.' Hestia urged her.

Artemis seemed conflicted but steeled her nerves. Percy needed her and she would not abandon him when he needed her the most.

Artemis disappeared in a flash of silver from her throne.

The council stared at her empty throne in shock.

"Where did she go?" Apollo asked worriedly.

"To find my champion." Hestia replied calmly.

Apollo's eyes narrowed, "And why would she be able to find him?" He asked suspiciously.

Hestia glared at Apollo, "They have grown close. She will be able to calm him. They are friends. And if you lay one finger on my champion, I will rip you apart." Hestia said in a dead serious tone.

Apollo's eyes widened. Before he could reply, Hera spoke up.

"If you touch my son, you had better hope Hestia kills you." Hera said threateningly.

Apollo looked at Hera shocked. He turned to look at the rest of the council to find Poseidon clutching his trident and glaring at him threateningly. He saw Hades with a murderous look directed at him as well. Finally Apollo looked at his father expecting some support only to see Zeus glaring at him with a look that said it all, touch Percy and the next thing you'll do is taste my bolt.

Apollo held his hands up, "I was just wondering. Relax guys, I like Percy too. I won't touch him."

The majority of the eldest Olympians nodded toward Apollo but their looks said they weren't joking about the threat.

Artemis flashed onto the same cliff she been to twice with Percy and immediately dropped to the ground. The winds were whipping wildly while the rain poured down in relentless sheets. Artemis looked up with wide eyes to find Percy floating a few feet off the ground glowing with a bright sea green light. His eyes glowed even brighter with a mixture of sea green and brown. He seemed oblivious to everything around him, his mind only focused on unleashing as much destruction as possible.

"Percy!" She tried yelling over the whipping winds but Percy couldn't hear her, he was in his own little world.

Artemis sighed in frustration before flashing from her place and directly onto Percy's back, dragging him back down to the ground. The storm didn't lessen but only increased as Percy crashed onto the ground underneath Artemis. When Percy turned and saw Artemis the storm slowed, slightly.

"Go away Artemis." Percy growled as the storm began to pick up again.

"Percy, stop. Don't let her do this to you. This is what she wants. She wants to get to you. She isn't worthy of your attention." Artemis pleaded.

Percy's eyes glowed even brighter as the earth began to shake at their feet.

"Artemis, please leave. I don't want you to get hurt." Percy yelled.

Artemis shook her head, "I'm not leaving without you Percy."

Percy's eyes narrowed but the glow didn't diminish, "Leave Artemis. Why do you care? I am just a stupid boy who let people die because of his stupidity. Exactly what you preach your hunters to avoid." Percy bellowed.

Artemis braced her herself as the winds tried to push her back, "That's not true Percy. That's not what you are. You are the opposite of what I preach my hunters to avoid. Please stop this and just talk to me."

Percy shook his head, his expression looked pained, "Please Artemis, just leave. Please." Percy pleaded as the storm slowed ever so slightly.

Artemis stared at Percy. Despite the glow, she could see the hurt and pain emanating from his eyes. Before she could stop herself she took two steps forward and kissed Percy softly.

In an instant the storm stopped and the glow from Percy's eyes and body vanished. She kissed him softly for a moment before she stepped back.

She looked at Percy nervously to see his reaction.

Percy eyes were wide as his mind raced with millions of emotions. The most prominent were happiness and pleasure. But right behind them were fear and worry.

"Why did you do that?" Percy asked quietly.

Artemis blushed and looked at the ground for a moment before she took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, "Because I like you Percy." She said nervously.

Percy's eyes widened even further as he stared at Artemis in shock.

"B..B…But you can't Artemis. You aren't allowed to love." Percy whispered.

Artemis narrowed her eyes at him, "I am free to do as I want Percy. I did not want to feel this way about anyone but I can no longer deny how I feel about you Percy."

Percy stared at Artemis for a minute before he finally found his voice, "I like you too Artemis but I don't think I can do this again. I can't open myself up again. It only gets people killed."

Artemis looked at Percy for a minute before she walked up and slapped him hard across the face, "Percy, I like you and if you like me as well then grow some balls and get over the past. That bitch was like a penny, two faced and worthless. She wasn't worthy of a man like you to begin with. You didn't get your friends and family killed. She did. I like you Percy so you can think about your feelings towards me but I suggest you think quickly as I don't plan on waiting forever for you to get over a girl who isn't worth a moment of your time." Artemis said seriously before she closed the distance between them and kissed him again.

Before Percy could respond Artemis vanished in a flash of silver.

Percy stared blankly at the spot where Artemis had stood in shock. He mind raced with millions of thoughts before they settled on one clear one. He was an idiot. Did he really just tell the girl he was crazy about, no? Percy shook his head and decided he needed to talk to Artemis. He was about to flash back to Olympus when Hestia appeared in front of him smirking.

"Interesting night Percy?" Hestia asked teasingly.

Percy blushed a deep shade of crimson before going to bow to his patron.

Hestia's face morphed into a scowl, "Will you please stop doing that Percy? You may be my champion but I love you like a son. Now stop bowing to me and come over here and give me a hug." Hestia said firmly.

Percy smiled and got up and hugged his aunt. When he pulled away Hestia was smirking again, "Anything interesting to tell me?" Hestia asked chuckling.

Percy scowled playfully, "How do you always know?"

Hestia chuckled, "What that you and Artemis love each other? Well it's rather obvious. But I'm sorry Percy; you'll have to wait to fix your little blunder tonight. Nico needs you. He is in Seattle with two Romans, a boy and a girl, and they are about to enter the Amazon's home base. They will likely kill all three of them unless you intervene."

Percy's eyes widened, "What can I do? Won't they try to kill me?"

Hestia scoffed, "Not unless they have a death wish. Hera is the patron for the Amazons. I think they will listen to her son."

Percy's eyes widened and he grinned, "Okay I'm on my way. Any idea where to look?"

Hestia nodded, "Look for the headquarters of the internet company Amazon. That is how they fund themselves. You must join their quest to Alaska. That is where Thanatos is being kept. Alcyoneus is there. He is the bane of Hades and is immortal in his homeland of Alaska."

Percy nodded, "Thank you Aunt Hestia, I won't let you down."

Hestia chuckled, "You never have and I highly doubt you even have the ability to let me down Percy." She said before giving Percy a kiss on the cheek and vanishing.

Percy smiled and teleported himself to Seattle.

Percy walked around for a few minutes before getting directions to the headquarters of Amazon. Percy found the building and walked in the front door. He walked up to the front desk to see a teenage girl eyeing him suspiciously.

"Can I help you?" The girl asked as she eyed him.

Percy nodded, "Yes, I'm looking for three people, two boys and a girl. I'm guessing their captive and you're planning on killing them sometime soon."

The girl's eyes widened and she had her sword at Percy's throat in a heartbeat.

"And looks I've found a forth to join them." She hissed at Percy.

Percy smirked and vanished into flames, reappearing behind the girl with Riptide at her throat.

"Now, that wasn't necessary. I am not here to cause trouble, I simply wish to have an audience with whoever your current queen is." Percy said calmly as he took the girl's sword.

"I think not boy. I'll never let you touch her." The girl growled.

Percy sighed and removed his sword from her throat. He stepped back and held the girl's sword out for her to take.

"I am honestly not here to harm anyone. I simply wish to speak with whoever is your leader. Here take my sword. But try to attack me and I promise it will be the last thing you do." Percy said seriously.

The girl's eyes widened as she stared at Percy strangely.

"Alright, I'll take you to her without attacking you but I promise you no safety once you're in her presence." The girl said warily as she took both hers and Percy's swords.

Percy nodded, "That's fair enough. Lead the way."

The girl looked at Percy surprised but lead him into the warehouse.

"So, what's your name?" Percy asked curiously.

The girl narrowed her eyes, "Why?"

Percy shrugged, "Just thought it'd be polite to ask you instead of referring to you as Amazon girl."

The girl looked at Percy oddly, "My name is Kinzie."

Percy nodded, "Mine is Percy Jackson. It's nice to meet you Kinzie."

Kinzie stared at him strangely but walked the rest of the way in silence. They finally reached a doorway that led into a large room inside the warehouse. When they entered they saw a woman sitting atop a throne of books and boxes that had Amazon's logo on them.

Percy walked up to the throne were the woman was staring at him somewhat shocked.

"Why have you brought this man here Kinzie?" The woman asked.

Kinzie shrugged, "He asked for an audience with you."

The woman narrowed her eyes, "And why isn't he in chains?"

Kinzie looked down, "He is rather powerful. I had my sword at his throat but he disappeared in a burst of flames only to reappear behind me with his sword at mine. But he gave me both our swords and said he just wanted to talk."

The queen's eyes widened as she turned back to Percy warily, "What is your name? And what do you want?"

Percy smiled, "My name is Percy Jackson and…." He began before the queen drew her sword and pointed it at Percy threateningly.

"You! You destroyed my home. You will not leave this warehouse alive Jackson." She hissed.

Percy's eyes widened, "Umm… What are you talking about? I don't know you… Actually you do look familiar, where did we meet?"

The queen scowled, "Circe's island. You destroyed my home with that insufferable girl."

Percy's eyes caught fire, "You were one of Circe's attendants. I did not destroy your home. I believe I was a guinea pig while that bitch poured the bottle of Hermes' vitamins in the cage."

The queen looked at Percy confused, "What do you mean? She was your companion."

Percy scowled, "She was a lying bitch. She betrayed us to Kronos. She also killed my parents. She was sentenced to Tartarus but she is back and working with Gaia in the upcoming war."

The queen seemed surprised, "That may be true but I still can't allow you to leave. You will still die with the other three."

Percy shook his head, "No. Actually all four of us are leaving and you're going to let us."

The queen laughed, "And why would I do that?"

Percy smirked, "Because my mother is rather protective of me. I'm guessing she would rip you apart for trying to touch me."

"And why would I worry about your mother?" The queen asked.

"My mother is Queen Hera. I believe she the patron for the Amazons, is she not?" Percy asked smiling.

"You lie. Lady Hera has no demigods." An amazon yelled.

Percy just smiled. A collective gasp was let out by all the Amazons in the room. They all looked at Percy in shock. Percy looked above his head to see a large holographic peacock feather floating above his head.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot. I didn't catch your name on Circe's island with the whole being turned into a guinea pig thing. I'm Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and adopted son of Hera." Percy said kindly.

"H..Hylla." The queen stuttered out.

Percy smiled and bowed his head a bit, "Queen Hylla. I am sorry but I need my three friends. They are on a quest to free Thanatos in Alaska. It is of the utmost importance and my patron Lady Hestia has sent me to join them."

Hylla was about to respond when a woman entered the room, "I think not Jackson. The Amazons are aligning themselves with Gaia in this war."

Percy looked at Hylla to see her scowling. Percy looked at the new woman, "Who are you?"

The woman smirked, "I am Otrera, first Queen of the Amazons. And I will regain my throne tonight when I defeat Hylla. We will be joining the earth goddess Gaia in this war."

Percy looked at Hylla, "So she isn't queen right now?"

Hylla shook her head. She was about to say something but before she could Percy pulled a knife from his belt and threw it at Otrera, impaling her through the heart. She fell, dead before she even hit the ground.

"My mother is happy with the current queen bitch." Percy said scowling.

A couple Amazons who came in with Otrera pulled out their weapons and pointed them at Percy. Percy lit his hand on fire but Kinzie and a few others stepped with their weapons out and pointed at Otrera's guards. "He is the son of Hera. He is not to be touched." Kinzie growled.

The guards didn't lower their weapons but did not advance either.

"Leave now or else we will allow him to kill you as well." Hylla commanded. The guards scowled but turned around and left.

"She will return. The doors of death are open and Gaia is allowing her allies out." Hylla said frowning.

Percy nodded, "That's why I need my friends. We must free Thanatos so he can police the doors."

Hylla looked at Percy for a minute before turning to two Amazons, "Go get the prisoners and bring them here."

The guards nodded and left.

Hylla turned back to Percy, "Anyone else would be killed immediately for killing an Amazon. Being the son of Hera protects you but that was rather rash of you."

Percy nodded, "I am sorry but anyone who aides Gaia is an enemy to me and will meet the same fate."

Hylla looked at Percy strangely for a minute before smiling, "I feel the same way. She will return but it will most likely take a day or so. Free Thanatos and the Amazons will come to aide Camp Jupiter. An army led by a giant is marching toward their camp. If not, Otrera will return to challenge me for my throne again. If she wins, she will lead the Amazons into battle alongside the giant's army."

Percy's eyes widened, "We will and I will see you at Camp Jupiter."

Hylla nodded then bit her lip nervously, "If for some reason we aren't there, I need you to pass a message to my sister. She is a praetor at camp."

Percy's eyes widened again, "Reyna?"

Hylla looked shocked, "How did you know? I thought you were Greek."

Percy rolled up his sleeve showing his SPQR tattoo.

"I thought you were a son of Poseidon?" Hylla asked.

Percy smirked, "I'm special I guess. Apparently I am both, a son of both Poseidon and Neptune. I was at Camp Jupiter for a bit before my mother and patron gave me a new purpose rescuing demigods in danger."

Hylla stared at Percy in shock, "If we don't make it, tell Reyna I am sorry. She will understand." Hylla said before turning around.

Percy grabbed her arm gently, "You will make it. If you are Reyna's sister then you are a daughter of Bellona. If you fight like Reyna then I am sure you will make it whether Otrera returns or not."

Hylla looked at Percy and nodded, "Thank you Percy."

Percy nodded. He turned around to see three demigods staring at him oddly.

"Nico!" Percy said happily.

Nico looked at Percy confused, "Who are you?"