Chapter 10: The Son of Neptune

"Nico" Percy said happily.

Nico looked at Percy confused, "Who are you?"

"Dii perduint eam" Percy cursed loudly.

Nico looked at Percy confused but the other two demigods looked at Percy with raised eyebrows.

"Umm…. Are you a demigod?" A pudgy Asian kid asked.

Percy looked at the kid for a second before his eyes shifted to the girl with him.

Percy's eyes widened, "Hazel?"

Hazel looked at Percy confused, "Umm…. Yes. But I don't think I know you."

Percy stared at her for a minute before he face palmed. Percy shook his head and then snapped his fingers. His appearance changed into the one of Blake.

"Blake?" Hazel asked.

Percy shook his head, "Actually my name is really Percy, but yes it is me."

Hazel's eyes widened but she rushed forward and hugged Percy tightly, "Where have you been?"

The Asian kid glared at Percy but was ignored as Percy hugged back one of the few people he allowed himself to get close with during his short time at Camp Jupiter. When Percy released her, he changed himself back into his normal appearance.

Hazel looked at him expectantly.

"So, Blake... Or Percy, how is it that you look so different now and why did you leave camp anyway?" Hazel asked confused.

Percy sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose, "This is going to take a long time to explain so we I will do it on our way to Alaska."

Hazel nodded smiling before her smile vanished, "Well that would be nice Bl… I mean Percy, but we are kind of prisoners at the moment."

Percy grinned, "Not anymore. My friend Hylla here has agreed to release you three into my custody."

The three demigod's eyes widened and they looked at Hylla who was smirking, "Consider yourselves very lucky. The only person who could get me to agree happened to be the one to show up. It would not do well for me to refuse a request from the son of Juno."

Hazel looked at Percy confused, "I thought she was just your patron?"

Percy shook his head, "She was when I met you but things changed. It's a long story, I will explain later but we need to get moving. Thanatos is needed as soon as possible."

The pudgy Asian kid stepped forward, "How do we know we can trust you?" He asked suspiciously.

Percy rolled his eyes and rolled up his sleeve showing his SPQR tattoo.

The kid's eyes widened, "First Cohort?"

Percy shrugged, "Reyna vouched for me. She's a good friend. Actually that reminds me." Percy said as he turned back to Hylla.

He walked up to her and handed her two imperial gold hunting knives. Hylla looked at him confused but Percy put up his hand before she could speak.

"They are for your journey to Camp Jupiter. Lycaon and his pack are roaming the area. These will help if you run into him." Percy explained as he took the knives back.

Percy twirled them in his hand and they shimmered into silver hunting knives.

"Just spin them and they become silver. They were a gift from my mother so I feel they would do well in the hands of the Queen of the Amazons." Percy explained.

Hylla's eyes widened, "Shouldn't you keep them if they were a gift from your mother?"

Percy chuckled, "No, I have more than enough gifts from her. I am her only demigod child ever. She spoils me far more than she should. Make sure your warriors carry some type of silver weapon in case you run into that mutt and his pack."

Hylla gave Percy a wide grin, "Thank you Percy. You have made a friend of the Amazons today. If you come back to Seattle, make sure you stop by."

Percy shook his head, "I will but I will see you at Camp Jupiter before then and you can pass that message to Reyna yourself." Percy said seriously.

Hylla looked at Percy for a second and nodded, "You're right Percy, I will see you soon." She said confidently.

Percy turned back to the three demigods walked toward the exit, the trio trailing behind him.

"So how do I know you exactly?" Nico asked confused.

Percy rolled his eyes, "Well you are like a brother to me and one of my two best friends but other than that we're cousins."

Nico looked at Percy strangely, "The why does it seem like I've never met you before?"

"My mother took your memories. I will explain when we get on the boat." Percy said tiredly.

"Umm… Percy? We don't have a boat anymore. The one we had fell apart when we reached Seattle." Hazel explained.

Percy shrugged, "That's fine. We'll just steal one. I'm in no mood to walk to Alaska."

"How do you plan on stealing one?" The Asian kid asked.

Percy looked at him, "Well I'm going to get on it and drive it away from the place it was before." Percy explained in an overly slow tone causing Nico and Hazel to chuckle. "What is your name by the way?" Percy added.

The kid scowled at Percy, "Frank Zhang."

Percy gave an apologetic smile, "Sorry Frank, but if you had the day I had then you wouldn't be all rainbows and sunshine either."

Frank's eyes widened but he kept his mouth shut on the way to the marina. Percy led them around until he found one to his liking. It was a very expensive speed boat. Percy led them on to the boat after untying it from the dock.

"There's no key." Hazel said.

Percy shrugged, "We don't need one."

Hazel was about to ask why when the boat lurched back and then took off down the coastline.

"Um… How are we moving?" Frank asked nervously.

"I'm a son of Neptune. I just willed the water to take us and it did." Percy replied.

Percy looked to see them all staring at him strangely and sighed, "Everyone sit down and I will explain. This will take a while so why don't you relax."

"How about we eat some dinner while we listen to your story? We've been stuck in a cage for half the day." Frank asked.

Percy shrugged, "What do you want?"

Frank looked at him strangely, "Well I'd like a hamburger and some french fries but I doubt we're going to see a takeout restaurant anytime soon." Frank said wistfully.

Percy chuckled and clapped his hands together. Frank's jaw dropped when a hamburger and fries appeared on a plate in front of him.

Hazel chuckled quietly while Nico stared at Percy in shock.

"Before you ask, I am Vesta's champion. One of the powers you get with the job." Percy explained quickly.

Percy quickly summoned some food for Hazel and Nico ad began to explain everything to them. He told them everything he knew about the war with Gaia and the giants along with the god's plans. He explained about Jason and the battle in the wolf house. He left out the part about Annabeth. He would tell Nico if he could think of a way to give him his memories back. He had an idea but wasn't sure.

"So we're supposed to fight with a bunch of weak Greeks?" Frank asked disbelievingly.

Percy's eyes caught fire causing Frank to jump back and fall out of his chair.

"Watch your mouth son of Mars. I am a child of both Rome and Greece. Most of my friends are Greek and most have seen battles tough enough to make you wet yourself." Percy growled.

Frank got up and looked at Percy with fear, "Why didn't they help the Romans in the Battle of Mount Othrys?" Frank asked nervously.

Percy scoffed, "We defended Mount Olympus in New York. We defeated both Hyperion and Kronos, or Saturn to you. How many Titans have you fought Frank?"

Frank's eyes widened, "How did demigods defeat two Titans including the King of the Titans?"

Percy was about to answer but someone spoke up, "They didn't. Percy did, by himself basically."

Everyone turned to Nico stunned. Percy grinned, "Nico, your back!"

Nico nodded unsurely, "Yea, I guess. When you started talking I kept getting flashes of memories. But I think I remember most stuff now."

Percy smiled, "Good, I've missed you bro. I tried to get the gods to bring you back but they refused. But its fine now, we've got death to free."

Nico smiled and was about to say something but Frank spoke up, "Wait. You defeated two Titans?"

Percy shrugged, "I had help. The satyrs or fauns helped me with Hyperion and my other best friend saved my life in the battle with Saturn." Percy said his body tensing when he remembered the events of the throne room.

"That's pretty much everything. You guys should get some sleep. We will reach Alaska tomorrow." Percy said staring at Nico, trying to tell him to stay. Nico nodded as the other two went off to find somewhere to sleep.

"What's up Perce?" Nico asked.

Percy's face darkened, "She's back. Gaia released her from Tartarus."

Nico's eyes widened, "What? How do you know?"

Percy glared at the floor, "She was at the wolf house. She said she and Luke are fighting with Gaia. That's not all though, she's immortal."

Nico's jaw dropped, "W..What?"

Percy shook his head, "Phoebe shot her in the leg and golden ichor poured out. She vanished after that, saying she would take her time killing Thalia and I. I lost it. I almost blew up the wolf house before I got out of there. I don't even remember after that, all I remember is the rage, I couldn't control it. Thankfully Artemis found me and stopped me."

Nico looked at Percy sympathetically, "You're not alone Perce. Thalia and I have your back. We will be with you the whole time. Besides, immortal or not, she and Luke don't stand a chance against you."

Percy shrugged, "I don't know. When I saw her I just wanted to kill everything around me. That's why I flashed away before I hurt someone. I don't even know what would have happened if Artemis didn't stop me. I think this is Gaia's plan. She's using Annabeth to distract me."

Nico nodded, "We'll get through it Percy. This time, we'll make sure that bitch goes to the Fields of Punishment where we can oversee her eternal torment. The gods are fools for sending people to Tartarus. This is exactly why it's foolish; it's a chance for evil people to be together to make alliances."

Percy nodded and leaned back in his chair before sighing loudly and running a hand through his hair, "What can we do but wait and see." He said dejectedly.

Nico nodded before giving Percy a strange look, "Um… Perce, how exactly did Artemis manage to calm you down? I know you're friends but I figured it'd be Hera or Poseidon."

Percy felt his face heat up and he looked at the floor, he couldn't keep a small smile from climbing onto his face. He looked up at Nico who was staring at him confused.

"Actually, she kissed me." Percy said quietly.

Nico, who had been leaning back in his chair as he stared at Percy, lost his balance and fell to the ground hard.

"WHAT?" Nico yelled.

"Keep your damn voice down." Percy hissed.

Nico rolled his eyes, "What?" He asked more quietly.

Percy shrugged, "She said she likes me." He whispered, his face turning red again.

Nico stared at him with his mouth hanging open before it morphed into a huge smirk, "Gods Perce, only you could get an eternal maiden to fall for you."

Percy rolled his eyes, "That stays between us." He said seriously.

Nico grinned, "I can't tell Thalia?" He asked mockingly.

Percy sent a very small ball of flame into Nico's chest causing Nico to jump out of his seat trying to swat out the flame. When he did, he turned and glared at Percy.

"Not unless you want a much larger version of that sent at you." Percy threatened.

Nico rolled his eyes, "I was kidding bro, relax. No need to burn my shirt, jeez. I liked this shirt."

Percy chuckled, "Let's get some sleep; we have a very long day ahead of us tomorrow."

Nico nodded and the two went to find somewhere to sleep for the rest of the night.

Line Break

Percy, Nico, Hazel, and Frank arrived in Alaska at noon the next day. Percy was woken up by an Iris Message before they reached Alaska from Hestia. She told him that they needed to get back to Camp Jupiter by sundown as that was when the army marching there would arrive. Hestia told Percy where to find Alcyoneus as she said they didn't have time to find him themselves. Percy thanked her and was about to swipe through the message when Hestia told him the hunters would be at Camp Jupiter for the battle. Hestia had laughed at Percy's nervous face before she ended the message.

As the four demigods entered Alaskan waters, Percy explained his message from Hestia and where they were heading.

After a few hours of traveling, Percy set his eyes on Hubbard Glacier. He noticed it was not too far from the Canadian border. Percy shook his head, apparently giants were not bright.

As Percy guided the boat quietly to a part of the glacier were access to the top wasn't impossible. Nervous tension rolled off the two Roman demigods in waves. Percy looked at Nico; he was nervous but hid it well. Percy couldn't really blame his friend, they were about to battle the giant who was born to replace his father. Then again, it was the same case for Hazel. Frank seemed inexperienced. He wasn't a bad kid but had given Percy the cold shoulder most of the trip. He seemed to think Percy had some kind of interest in Hazel. While Hazel was a beautiful girl, she was only 15 years old. Percy also had his sights set on another woman, who coincidentally spent the majority of her time in the body of a twelve year old. Percy shuddered a bit when that thought hit him, but it quickly vanished when he remembered what she looked like in her older form. Percy couldn't think of a more beautiful woman he had seen in his life. He cursed himself, hoping he hadn't screwed things up with his cowardly response to her admission of her feelings.

Percy pushed those thoughts out of his head; this was certainly not the time to be thinking of romance. They had a god to free and hopefully a giant to kill if they could lure him off his glacier and into Canada. As they got ready to leave their boat, Percy checked his weapons and armor. He wore light, roman style armor. It was black but with some sea green mixed in as well. He checked his pocket for Riptide before reaching for his hunting knives. He was shocked when he felt them there. He had given them to Hylla. Hadn't he?

Percy pulled out the blades and examined them. There were identical to the ones he had given Hylla. Percy spun them and they shimmered into silver before he spun them again back into imperial gold. A small glint on the hilt caught his attention. He grinned when he noticed the peacock feather emblem on the hilt, something the blades he gave Hylla did not have.

"Thanks Mom." He whispered quietly even though he knew she couldn't hear him up in Alaska. Percy held out his hand. His hand lit on fire as he sighed in relief. He still had his demigod powers.

Percy led the group up the glacier until they reached some type of abandoned encampment. Percy eyed the buildings carefully. They were barracks. The emblem of the twelfth legion was imprinted on the buildings.

"The lost Eagle." Frank muttered as he pointed up toward the Eagle Standard displayed in front of the cohort barracks.

Shades appeared in front of the barracks, all of them dressed in Roman armor and holding imperial gold weapons. To their left, stood a hooded man in a robe. As Percy eyed the man he noticed the shackles that chained him to the wall.

"Thanatos." Percy muttered, pointing to the chained god. The shades watched them approach the god but made no move to stop them. When they reached him, he picked up his head, the hood falling off his face.

"Ah Nico, how nice of you to come visit me." Thanatos said dryly, causing Nico to smirk.

Percy pulled out Riptide and slashed at the chains but his sword just bounced off.

"Damnit, how do we break these chains?" Percy cursed.

Thanatos moved his gaze from Nico to Frank, "Only the fire of life can break the chains of death." He explained.

Frank turned pale white as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small charred stick. The other three looked at him strangely.

Before anyone could say anything, a giant figure walked out of the shadows and smiled evilly at the demigods.

"Welcome Frank Zhang, Nico Di Angelo, Hazel Levesque, and Perseus Jackson. How nice of you to volunteer as the newest members of my legion." Alcyoneus said still smiling evilly.

"You three battle the giant and shades, I will free Thanatos." Frank ordered.

When they looked at Frank's face, they decided to listen to his command. He had a look of acceptance on his face but also confidence.

The three demigods walked towards the giant only to be met by a cohort of Roman shades standing in their way.

Percy looked at Nico, "Draw the giant west. We aren't far from the Canadian border. He can be killed once he leaves Alaskan territory. Take Hazel with you."

Nico nodded but Hazel looked shocked, "Percy, there are at least 50 of those shades. We can't let you fight them alone." She protested.

Nico grabbed his sister's hand, "Don't worry. Those shades don't have a shot." He said with a smirk. He grabbed Hazel and dragged her into a shadow, reappearing behind the ghostly legionnaires.

Percy grinned and pulled out Riptide. He lit the blade on fire and charged straight toward the shades.

Frank looked up at Thanatos warily before he thought about his stick catching fire. The tip immediately caught fire and he moved it onto the first chain. Thanatos just watched him as he moved from shackle to shackle, his stick slowly burning away. When the final shackle broke, Frank stabbed his stick into the snow. When he pulled it out, it was little more than a stub.

"Ah, looks like you've got a little life left to live." Thanatos remarked dryly.

Frank looked up at him incredulously, "Well you're free, aren't you going to do something?"

Thanatos stared back at Frank, "Do something? Of course, I will watch. Those who die in this battle will stay dead."

Frank looked at the god with narrowed eyes, "That's it?"

Thanatos nodded, "I suggest you go help your little girlfriend, I'm afraid she and Nico are having some trouble with the giant. Ah, yes there are some souls to reap." Thanatos said as he spread his wings and drifted over toward Percy who was currently in the middle of dozen of shades, a small hurricane surrounding him and his body fully engulfed in fire.

Frank's eyes widened at the son of Neptune's power. Frank closed his eyes and focused, a moment later shifting into an eagle and flying toward Nico and Hazel who were trying to avoid the giant's massive spear.

When Frank approached them, Alcyoneus had Hazel backed against a wall of ice with Nico struggling to his feet twenty yards away. Frank flew into the giant's face and raked his claws across the giant's eyes.

Alcyoneus bellowed in pain as he staggered back. When he opened his eyes again a giant grizzly was barreling toward him. Before he could react, the bear collided with his legs, knocking them out from under him. Alcyoneus fell to the ground with a thunderous crash. Before he could react, an elephant stood above him and stomped it's foot into the giant's head multiple times, knocking him unconscious.

Nico and Hazel approached the giant, eyeing the elephant warily. Their jaws dropped when the elephant transformed into their friend Frank.

"W..Were you just an elephant?" Hazel asked in shock.

Frank rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Yea, it's kind of a family gift. My Mom told me we are descendants of a son of Poseidon who was given the ability to transform into animals."

Nico looked at him in shock before he smirked, "Well Percy's going to have some words with his Dad when he finds out about that power."

Frank looked at him incredulously, "You mean the guy who is currently inside his own hurricane while his entire body is on fire?"

Nico's smirk grew, "Well said Frank. I guess he's got enough power as it is."

"How do we kill him? Hazel asked, gesturing to the unconscious giant.

Nico looked at Frank, "Feel like dragging him about a thousand yards west? He can be killed once we cross into Canada."

Franks grinned, "Gladly."

Frank transformed back into an elephant while Nico used some ropes from Frank's pack to tie one end to Alcyoneus' ankle and the other to Frank's neck. Hazel and Nico hopped on the giant's chest before Frank began dragging him as fast as his elephant legs could take him. After about ten minutes, they crossed into Canada where Frank transformed back and collapsed in exhaustion.

Nico and Hazel both took out their swords as the giant stirred. He looked at Hazel and Nico murderously, "What are you little demigods doing? I am immortal in my homeland."

Nico snorted, "You're really supposed to replace my Dad? You aren't smart enough to make your home even a mile away from the border."

Alcyoneus looked around frantically and tried to speak but was cut off by Hazel impaling her imperial gold sword into his chest. Nico followed her lead by stabbing the giant through the neck. The giant slowly dissolved into an oily colored dust.

"Let's go check on Percy." Nico said.

Hazel nodded and grabbed Frank's hand and pulled him to his feet before Nico grabbed her hand and ran into a shadow. When they came out their jaws dropped.

Percy was standing holding the Eagle Standard in his hand before he slammed it down. Lightning flew from the eagle, blasting the remaining shades.

Percy turned to look at the three and grinned, "I gotta get me one of these."

The three chuckled at Percy's childish antics. They turned to find Thanatos looking down at a pure black iPad.

"How do we close the doors of death? And where are they?" Nico asked.

Thanatos glided over to them, "Hmmm... the doors of me. I cannot tell you where to find them as their location is entirely a physical place. As for closing them, I do not have the power to close them myself. All I can tell you is to go to Rome. There you may find the answers you seek. I must be off to your Camp Jupiter now. There will be many more souls to reap today." He said before vanishing into darkness.

Nico looked at Percy worriedly, "We don't have time to take the boat. Can you do the fire teleporting thing you do?"

Percy nodded but Frank stepped back worriedly, "No way. Me and fire don't mix."

They looked at him confused. Frank sighed and explained his stick and how his life depends on it.

Percy looked at Nico expectantly. Nico sighed and nodded, "I can do it, but I'm going to be exhausted. That's a very long way to go."

Percy shrugged, "We really don't have a choice. Let's go before it's too late."

Nico grabbed Frank's hand and pulled him into a shadow.

Percy turned to Hazel and grinned, "Shall we, milady?"

Hazel blushed a bit and punched Percy playfully. "People aren't going to recognize you." She commented.

Percy nodded and snapped his fingers, changing his appearance.

Hazel looked at him a little confused, "Why do you look the same age as five years ago?"

Percy shrugged, "I'm immortal. Well at least the same way as Diana's hunters."

Hazel eyes widened, "When did you become immortal?"

Percy smirked, "The same time I receive Diana's blessing."

Hazel gasped, "That's not possible. She hates men."

Percy shook his head, "Actually we're pretty good friends. But that's an explanation for later, we've got an eagle to deliver." Percy said as he handed it to Hazel who looked at him confused.

"You retrieved it, you should return it." Hazel argued.

"No, you retrieved it. It was the fifth cohort who lost it and lost its respectability at the same time. You return the honor of your cohort my friend." Percy said smiling.

Hazel looked at Percy smiling with gratitude. Before she could reply he grabbed her shoulder and they vanished into flames.

When they reappeared a couple hundred yards from the Field of Mars Hazel gasped. The enemy had the legion pushed back almost to the edge of the field. The only thing keeping the army at bay was the continuous volley of silver arrows from the archways.

"You guys get to the legion." Percy ordered.

"What are you going to do? And why do you look like that." Nico asked with an exhausted look on his face.

Percy smirked, "This is so the Romans recognize me and I'm going to make one Hades of an entrance." He said as he tossed Nico a big square of ambrosia.

Nico grinned and led the two confused Romans toward New Rome.

Percy pulled out his two hunting knives before vanishing from the spot. He reappeared about 10 feet in the air above the front lines of the enemy army. Percy's body caught fire as he fell to the ground. He landed on one knee, creating a large earthquake that knocked hundreds of monsters off their feet. The stunned Romans were able to recover and reform their ranks to push forward.

Percy rose from his knee and sent a wave of fire into the enemy army, creating some space for himself. Then, he charged.

Artemis watched from the archway as she and the hunters continued firing arrows. When the earth shook and a large figure rose from a knee engulfed in flames, she smiled. She wanted to talk to Percy again. When he never came back to Olympus the day before, she assumed he did not return her feelings. While she was saddened, she just wanted to make sure she didn't lose him as a friend. She had decided it was probably for the best anyway as a relationship between them would cause trouble on Olympus and with the war beginning it would not be an ideal time for personal drama. Not to mention her oath to swear off the company of men for eternity.

She watched in awe the way Percy fought. He wielded dual hunting knives with skill that would rival her own. Percy moved through monsters with such speed that he appeared to be a fireball, leaving only death and destruction in its wake.

After a few minutes, the Romans had caught up to Percy and were fighting alongside him. Although they keep a few feet of distance from him considering his body was engulfed in flames. The first, second, and third cohorts began to push their way back against the army of monsters.

At the same time the fourth and fifth cohorts were struggling against another part of the army being led by the giant Polybotes. The cohorts were in tight ranks trying to withstand the constant onslaught of attacks from Cyclops and Earthborn. Reyna flew through the air on her Pegasus trying to distract Polybotes, giving the Roman soldiers a little relief and time to focus on the monsters. Nico and Hazel were leading the two cohorts but their numbers were too small to mount much offensive.

Percy, who was currently leading the first three cohorts, noticed the pounding the fourth and fifth cohorts were taking. He sent a wave of fire into the monsters in front of him before vanishing in flames.

Percy reappeared in between Nico and Hazel. He pulled out Riptide and joined the fight. He noticed Reyna trying to distract the giant and started making his way towards her.

After a few exhausting minutes, he managed to push through the ranks of monsters before Polybotes noticed him.

"Ah, a son of Neptune. It will be my pleasure to kill you before I kill your father." Polybotes mocked.

Reyna looked down and noticed Percy for the first time. Her eyes widened when she noticed the man she had vouched for years ago. She hadn't seen or heard from him in almost five years after Lupa said he was summoned by the gods to perform tasks for them. Reyna smiled, she had developed a crush on the demigod during his short stay at camp but left before she could ever tell him.

As she was distracted looking at Percy, Polybotes landed a strike with his trident, knocking her off her Pegasus. Before she could crash to the ground from twenty feet up, she appeared in the arms of Percy who had flashed to her falling form before flashing to safely to the ground.

Reyna stared at Percy with wide eyes before smiling at him radiantly. He returned her smile and set her down before turning back to the giant.

Polybotes looked at Percy with an arrogant smile, "Your demigods are failing and soon your camp will be overrun." He said gesturing toward the Roman ranks as they were being pushed back.

Percy glared at the giant and was about to reply when a horn sounded loudly from the other side of the Field of Mars. Polybotes turned toward it before looking back at Percy with an evil grin, "And here are our reinforcements to finish you off."

Percy looked at the army at the edge of the Field of Mars and smiled. It was the Amazons. He prayed they were being led by Hylla and not by Otrera.

A feeling of dread passed through Percy when he saw the Amazons charge toward the city of New Rome. Just as he was about to alert the cohorts of a new enemy army, the Amazons changed direction and charged straight into the back of the monster army that was beginning to overwhelm cohorts one, two, and three again.

Percy turned back to Polybotes whose face was red with rage as he looked at the biggest part of his army getting destroyed.

When the Amazons entered the fight with cohorts one, two and three, the hunters turned their attention to the smaller army engaging cohorts four and five. The onslaught of silver arrows gave the legionnaires enough of a help to turn the tide of the battle. Frank was in the form of a grizzly bear, slashing and clawing his way through dozens of Cyclops and Centaurs.

Hazel and Nico fought side by side until Hazel sheathed her sword before raising the Eagle Standard high, "Twelfth Legion Fulminata", she screamed before bringing the Eagle Standard down with a powerful strike. Lightning flew from the eagle, blasting every monster within a twenty yard radius of Hazel.

Nico raised him Stygian Iron blade before driving it down to the hilt into the earth, forming a large crack to appear in the Field of Mars. Skeleton warriors climbed from the cracks and began attacking monsters while the hunters continued raining arrows down on monsters.

Percy turned to Polybotes who was watching in horror as his army was being decimated. He turned to Percy with a look of rage, "I will kill you little demigod, just as I will your half-brother Perseus Jackson when he shows his cowardly little face." Polybotes sneered.

Percy snapped his fingers, changing his appearance as he watched Polybotes' eyes widen at the sight before him.

"Ah, I see you've shown your face little sea spawn. Mother has many plans for you Jackson, beginning with reuniting you with your precious little girlfriend. She is looking forward to spending some time with you." Polybotes sneered.

Percy's eyes narrowed and he sprinted toward the giant. Polybotes brought his trident down trying to impale Percy but Percy just rolled to the side before charging again and slicing a deep gash in the leg of the giant.

Polybotes let loose a cry of pain before swiping at Percy again. Percy rolled to the side again and sent a ball of fire toward the giant. The fire hit the giant's injured leg before Percy retreated to a safe distance.

Polybotes winced as the fire burned his leg. He composed himself before starting to laugh at Percy, "What is your plan Jackson? You cannot defeat me alone."

Percy glared at Polybotes before a silver arrow flew by Percy's head and impaled Polybotes in the knee. Percy turned to find Artemis a few yards behind him with her bow out and another arrow aimed at the giant. Artemis let the arrow fly towards Polybotes where it imbedded itself about a foot higher than the first, this time in the thigh. Artemis notched another arrow and looked at Percy expectantly. Percy grinned and turned back to Polybotes and charged. A large group of demigods and Amazons had gathered in a circle around Percy and Polybotes with Artemis standing a few feet inside the circle.

The third arrow imbedded itself in the giant's hip and a second later another landed in his stomach. Percy charged as Polybotes tried swat away the arrows the hunters were firing at him from a distance. Percy jumped on the first arrow and used it as a step to reach the second, third and forth before he slammed Riptide into Polybotes' chest. The giant bellowed in pain as he stumbled back and tripped, landing on his back. Artemis approached the injured giant as Percy slowly pulled himself off the ground. Artemis gave Percy a smile before she pulled out a hunting knife and stabbed the giant in the chest, inches from where Riptide was still imbedded. Polybotes let loose a pained scream before dissolving into a puddle of steaming green water.

Percy turned toward Artemis and smiled. He was about to say something before a group of ecstatic legionnaires and Amazons mobbed him.

Percy, Hazel, Frank and Nico were led into Camp Jupiter where the Feast of Fortuna was being celebrated on top of their obvious victory celebration. The Amazons and hunters joined in on the feast as people celebrated the victory. Reyna pulled Percy and Nico aside for an explanation of the fight as well as the change in Percy's appearance.

Percy explained in detail everything about the war and the gods' plans. He explained about the Greeks and the gods' plan to merge the groups. Reyna was relieved to find out Jason was safe and just at the Greek camp. She was unsure about the merging on the camps but knew it was not her place to question the gods and their plans. Percy explained his appearance and why he looked different when he was in Camp Jupiter years earlier. Reyna was surprised but accepted his explanation before they returned from a side room of the dining area. When Percy, Nico and Reyna returned from the side room, Percy saw Artemis sneaking glances at him. He was trying to make his way toward the hunter's table but was constantly getting stopped and congratulated on defeating the giant.

Percy sighed and decided he would talk to Artemis later. He took a seat next to Nico, Hazel and Frank. They talked and laughed while eating but were constantly interrupted by legionaries with questions and congratulations. Percy found himself the attention of many female legionaries as well as quite a few Amazons. Many inquired to his current relationship situation to which Percy decided it was best to lie; although that did not deter most from continuing their flirtatious conversations trying to get his attention.

Eventually Percy managed to sneak away from his table and quietly make his way toward the hunter's table. When they noticed him they smiled. Percy smiled back but didn't say anything. Instead he walked up behind Artemis and before she could turn around, placed a hand on her shoulder and flashed them both away.