Chapter 11: Love?

Percy put a hand on Artemis' shoulder and flashed both of them out of Camp Jupiter and the state of California all together. They reappeared in the clearing of a dense forest. The moon shone brightly in the sky, illuminating the clearing well enough to see.

Artemis whirled around with a hunting knife in hand, ready to kill whoever had the nerve to take her away from her hunters without her consent. Her blade was met with another as Percy knew this was most likely coming. When she noticed it was Percy she sheathed her knife but still glared at him.

"Sorry Artemis, I just wanted to talk and things were kind of crowded in Camp Jupiter." Percy said as he held his hands up in front of him.

Artemis nodded as she too wanted to talk to Percy.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Artemis asked as casually as she could.

Percy sighed and sat down in the grass. He motioned for Artemis to join him, which she did after hesitating for a second.

"About last night Artemis…" Percy started but was interrupted by Artemis.

"It's fine Percy. It was a mistake and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that even if it was the only way to calm you down." Artemis explained.

Percy stared at her for a minute before speaking, "No, actually I'm sorry Artemis. Everything you said to me was right. I tried to come back to Olympus to find you but Lady Hestia sent me to Seattle to rescue Nico and the other two from the Amazons."

Artemis' eyes widened slightly, she felt happy that he had tried to come find her but she also began to suddenly get very nervous. When she had kissed Percy it was on impulse just like her little rant afterword. She looked at Percy to see him looking just as nervous as she was.

"So what did you want to say then?" Artemis asked quietly.

Percy noticeably tensed for a bit but seemed to gather his courage to speak, "I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have used her as an excuse because you are right. I may have thought I loved her but that was never true, I never even knew who she was." Percy said before taking a deep breath and looking directly into Artemis' silver eyes, "Artemis, I like you, a lot. I'm not going to pretend that I know what I'm doing because I've never been in any kind of a relationship or anything like it before. When you kissed me last night, it was the first time I'd ever kissed a girl in my life. I might not know how to this works or how it would work between us but I do know how much I care about you and if you still feel the same way, then I'd like to find out."

Percy looked down into his lap once he finished talking. His stomach was doing somersaults with the nervousness he was experiencing. Artemis was silent for a minute making Percy's nervousness grow into a sense of dread, but suddenly a small hand grabbed his and laced its slender fingers through his larger ones. Percy felt warmth spread from his hand to the rest of his body until his face morphed into a warm smile.

He turned to look at Artemis to see her face tinted pink but a warm smile also gracing her lips.

Artemis looked up at Percy, her expression growing more serious, "Can I ask you something Percy?"

Percy nodded.

Artemis bit her bottom lip nervously, "I know this is a first for you but it's also a first for me. I've spent thousands of years despising men after seeing what they do to my hunters and other women. This is the first time I've ever allowed myself to look at a man like this. I need to know Percy, can I depend on you?"

Percy was a little surprised at her question until he realized what she was asking. He squeezed her hand gently and leaned over until his mouth was right next to her ear, "I swear it on the Styx." He whispered softly.

A very low rumble of thunder was heard in the distance.

Percy could feel the tension leave her body as he held her hand and he knew she believed him. Percy kissed her softly on the cheek before leaning back and smiling at her red cheeks and happy smile.

Artemis leaned her head against Percy's chest and gently pushed him onto his back. She laid her head on his shoulder as they both stared up into the night sky. The moon was shining even brighter than before and Percy swore the stars that made up the huntress constellation were shining just as brightly as the moon as if shining to show their approval.

They laid there for a while in silence, just drinking in the moment. Artemis broke the silence with a question that had been in the back of both their heads for a while.

"Percy, how will this work? Both our fathers may be angry about this and with the war; it isn't the best time to cause drama on Olympus." Artemis asked softly.

Percy thought for a moment before answering, "I don't know. No one needs to know for now. Then we can deal with it after the war. It's not like it's strange for us to be around each other, so for now, we just keep it to ourselves until you decide the time is right. But I do know that neither your father nor my father will be able to do anything to change my mind."

Artemis smiled before pulling herself up and kissing him gently on the lips. It was a short kiss but still perfect.

Artemis got to her feet before pulling Percy to his.

"We should return to Camp Jupiter. It's been almost an hour and I'm sure people are wondering where we've been for so long." Artemis said.

Percy smiled at her and nodded. Artemis grabbed his hand and they disappeared in flash of silver light.

They reappeared inside the dining area of Camp Jupiter. Most of the Romans were gone but Reyna, Lupa, along with Hazel and Frank still remained. The hunters were still there as well, some shooting confused looks toward Percy and Artemis. The awkward silence was broken by a small blonde haired grey eyed girl jumping up from her seat and hugging Percy tightly.

"Percy! Where have you been?" Chloe asked excitedly.

Percy chuckled; she was certainly different than any child of Athena he had ever met.

"I needed to talk to Artemis about what rest of the Olympians are planning next. It was a conversation better held in private until everything is revealed." Percy said providing a rather convincing lie. The rest of the hunters seemed to accept his answer. Even Artemis seemed somewhat surprised at the speed in which Percy came up with the story.

Percy was about to speak again when he was suddenly grabbed roughly by the collar of his shirt and dragged toward the exit of the dining area.

"What are you doing Thalia?" Artemis asked surprised.

Artemis turned to her mistress with a slight glare, "I need a word with Percy…. in private."

"I'm sorry Perce. I didn't know about her brother." Nico said nervously.

Percy's eyes widened, he knew he was screwed.

Thalia dragged him out of the dining area and into a secluded spot. Thalia pushed Percy roughly in front of her. Percy was expecting to get shocked but instead got punched hard in the jaw. He stumbled back and looked up to see a sight that broke his heart. Thalia was looking at him with betrayal in her eyes.

"Thalia please let me explain." Percy pleaded.

Thalia looked at him angrily but Percy could also see the hurt.

"I couldn't tell you, I swear. I begged and pleaded with my Mom and Hestia but they said Zeus forbid it to ever be revealed. Thalia you're my best friend, I would never betray you. They said it could start a huge war between the Romans and Greeks if you found out." Percy explained.

Thalia looked away, "Percy, you were one of my best friends too but I don't know anymore. I thought I could trust you above everyone else, that you would be the one to never betray me." She said as a few tears fell from her face.

Percy's eyes widened, "I would never betray you Thalia. You mean everything to me. If not for you and Nico, I would have given up on life after the whole thing with Annabeth. I swear on the Styx that I did everything I could to keep your brother safe until you found out. Every single quest he went on in the last five years, I shadowed him without him knowing. My Mom said that you would get to know just not yet. So I watched Jason to make sure nothing happened to him because I knew how much it would mean to you to get your real brother back."

Thunder rumbled in the background.

Thalia looked at Percy surprised. She walked over to him and shocked him with a high voltage of electricity; blasting Percy backwards a foot or two. Percy was on his back, the shock of the last blast had his ears ringing. When he looked up, he expected to get shocked again but instead Thalia had her hand extended to help him up. Percy took it and she pulled him up and wrapped him into a tight hug.

"I'll forgive you just this once Kelp Head. But if you ever keep something like this from me again, you won't get a chance to do it a third time." Thalia said seriously before she softened, "I'm just glad to have him back now. Besides, I already had one real brother since the idiot turned me back from being a tree."

Percy sighed in relief and smiled as he wrapped an arm around Thalia's shoulders, "I'm glad you forgive me but I'm still sorry Thals. I hope you know I would never betray you, you're my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Thalia smirked and shocked Percy lightly, "Don't get all soft on me Kelp Head."

Percy rolled his eyes as he rubbed the spot on his arm where she shocked him.

The two walked back in to the dining area receiving a number of raised eyebrows. Percy had a very visible bruise on his jaw and his hair was sticking straight up. Nico started laughing loudly until he was suddenly blasted with the water from every one of the cups on the hunter's table. The hunters roared in laughter at Nico's shocked face while Percy just smiled smugly.

Artemis smirked at Percy's hair and bruised face. She couldn't help but chuckle thinking about Percy and Thalia. They were exactly like a brother and sister. Constantly bickering and at each other's throats but both would take a fatal blow for each other without a second thought.

Lupa trotted over in her wolf form and eyed Percy before recognition flitted across her face. Percy bowed to her, "It's nice to see you again Lady Lupa."

Lupa gave a wolfish grin, "As it is you my child. It is good to see you back in Rome."

Percy smiled in response.

Percy turned to Artemis, "Have you explained what will happen next?"

Artemis nodded, "Yes, I've informed them of the Greek warship that should arrive tomorrow with the three demigods from Camp Half Blood. Lupa and Reyna will inform the Romans and help keep the peace they ship arrives. We need to go to Olympus to find out who they believe the final four of the prophecy are. It is clear that Nico, Hazel and Frank are three of the four but the fourth remains unclear."

Percy nodded, "So when do we leave?"

Artemis looked at the hunters apologetically, "Right after I settle the hunter's in here at camp for the night."

A number of groans and unhappy sighs were heard from the hunter's table.

Percy chuckled, "Why don't we bring them to Olympus with us?"

A number of hunter's heads shot up excitedly.

Artemis shook her head, "Zeus has forced me to limit the number of times I bring the girls to Olympus due to some…. unfortunate incidents involving male gods."

Percy looked over to see a number of disappointed expressions on the hunter's faces. Percy walked up to Artemis and whispered something in her ear. Artemis' eyes widened before she smirked.

"I suppose that is a way around Zeus' orders. It's up to the girls." Artemis said smiling.

Percy turned to the hunters, "If you guys want, you can stay at my palace on Olympus. I can return to Camp Jupiter for the night so you guys can stay there."

The girls looked at Percy surprised. Phoebe spoke up, "Why would you come back to Camp Jupiter?"

Percy looked at her surprised, "Well I didn't think you girls would want to stay in my palace if I was there."

Phoebe laughed, "We'll go but only if you do too."

Percy's eyes widened before he smiled. He looked over to Artemis who smirked, "It's up to you. They aren't exactly easy to handle cooped up on Olympus. If you think you can handle it then it's your funeral." She said, her smirk shifting closer to a smile.

Percy grinned, "I think I can find some ways to entertain the girls."

Artemis looked at Percy questioningly but only received a wink in response. Artemis blushed a bit but hid it well. Artemis and Percy teleported the hunters to Olympus and Percy let them into his palace. Artemis went to her palace while Percy showed the girls around his.

"So what can we do when we're here Kelp Head?" Thalia asked.

Percy shrugged before his lips quirked into a smirk, a plan worthy of Hermes forming in his head. Percy explained his idea to the hunters whose faces slowing morphed into evil grins. Percy left his palace chuckling at the excitement the hunters had when he told them his idea.

Artemis met Percy outside. She was eyeing him a little suspiciously from the smirk he had on his face when he walked out.

"What's so funny?" Artemis asked.

Percy chuckled, "Nothing. I gave the hunters something to do during the meeting."

Artemis looked at Percy strangely, "And what would that be?"

Percy's smirk grew, "You'll find out tonight. I promise."

Artemis eyed Percy suspiciously again. She was about to question him some more but he startled her by grabbing her hand and kissing her softly before stepping back.

"You asked if you could depend on me and I said you could. So have a little faith in me." Percy said smiling.

Artemis blushed when he kissed her. She smiled at his words before grabbing his hand, "I do." She said softly before they vanished in a flash of silver, appearing in the middle of the throne room.

Artemis let go of Percy's hand and went to her throne while Percy was suddenly crushed in a hug from an overjoyed Queen of the Gods. Percy smiled and hugged her back just as tightly.

"Are you okay?" Hera asked softly. Her question was clearly referring to the events from the wolf house.

Percy gave his mother a warm smile and nodded, "I'm perfectly fine Mom."

Hera seemed a little surprised at how happy Percy seemed but decided to just accept it rather than mention anything that might upset him.

Before Hera could step back, Poseidon appeared at her side and looked at Percy worriedly. Before he could even speak, Percy did, "Don't worry Dad. I'm fine. I'm over what happened yesterday."

Poseidon smiled, "Good Percy, you had me worried."

Percy nodded as the rest of the gods began flashing into the throne room. When the council was all seated, Percy noticed he was awkwardly still standing in the middle of the throne room. He looked at his mother, then his father, unsure where he should go. After a moment, he decided instead of sitting in front of either, he would sit in front of his patron's throne. Hestia smiled warmly at him when he sat at the foot of her throne.

"Now that everyone is here, we can get started." Zeus announced. He turned to Artemis, "Artemis dear, can you inform us of the events at Camp Jupiter?"

Artemis nodded, "The giant Polybotes and his army attacked Camp Jupiter early this evening. The battle was not going well until Percy and the other three members of the quest arrived. Percy and his friends helped hold off the enemy. The Amazons arrived shortly after and quickly turned the battle in our favor."

Zeus nodded and turned to Hera, "Thank you for sending the Amazons to aid the campers. It sounds like the battle would have been lost without their help."

Hera shook her head, "I didn't send them to help. Percy managed to befriend the Queen of the Amazons when Hestia sent his to rescue the three demigods from the quest."

Zeus looked surprised, "Well done Perseus. It sounds like you were the key to the survival of the Roman camp."

Percy nodded in response before Zeus turned back to Artemis, "And what of the giant Polybotes?"

Artemis smirked, "Actually Percy and I managed to defeat him at the end of the battle."

Poseidon grinned, "That's my boy!" He said proudly.

Percy blushed a bit at the attention from the council, "I would have failed if not for Lady Artemis and her hunters."

Poseidon looked at Artemis and smiled.

"Now, on to the quest; the Greek warship should arrive at Camp Jupiter tomorrow. So far we have identified six of the seven demigods from the prophecy. Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades, Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite, Frank Zhang, son of Mars, and Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto." Zeus announced to the council.

Every nodded their heads before waiting for Zeus to continue.

"I believe the obvious choice for the seventh member of the prophecy is Percy." Hermes announced.

Hera shook her head, "My son is not part of prophecy. He has a role to play but not as a member of the seven. I believe Reyna Milan, daughter of Bellona is the seventh demigod from the prophecy."

The Olympians began arguing, some convinced Percy should lead the seven while others argued he had done enough already. After a minute Zeus shot his bolt into the middle of the throne room, effectively silencing everyone.

"We will discuss this matter in a more orderly manner. Perhaps we should ask Perseus what he thinks since it is him we are arguing about." Zeus said sternly. "Perseus, do you believe you should be a member of the seven?" Zeus asked.

Percy looked thoughtful for a moment before he shook his head, "I think it would be best if Reyna was the final member of the seven. Regardless of whether or not I'm one of the demigods in the prophecy, I'm going to fight in this war. It would be better if I was more like a wild card so I can help where I am needed."

Everyone thought about Percy's words before Poseidon spoke up, "Percy, you've done enough already. You don't need to risk your life again in this war."

Hera nodded her head in agreement.

Percy shook his head, "No, I am going to fight. When Annabeth showed up at the wolf house she said she planned to kill both Thalia and I in this war. While Thalia can more than take care of herself, I will not sit around when I can be helping and watching her back. I won't let that Annabeth take even one more person that I care about away from me. I've also got a score to settle with her for killing my mother and Paul." Percy said confidently.

Poseidon looked at Percy worriedly while both Zeus and Artemis sent him smiles at his concern for Thalia.

"Very well, it is decided. Reyna Milan, daughter of Bellona shall be the seventh member of the prophecy. Since Perseus is concerned for my daughter and seems to be the only man that Artemis and her hunters can stand, I say we keep him with the hunters for the duration of the war. He can help where necessary." Zeus announced to the council.

Poseidon had a defeated look on his face while the majority of the council seemed to agree with the decision.

"If no one had anything else, then this meeting is over." Zeus announced. The majority of gods flashed out of the throne room. Poseidon and Hera said their goodbyes to Percy before leaving Percy alone with Artemis.

"Well, looks like you won't be getting rid of me anytime soon." Percy said smiling.

Artemis rolled her eyes but smiled while she did.

"So, are you going to tell me what my hunters have been doing during the meeting?" Artemis asked hopefully.

Before Percy could respond, a scream loud enough for all of Olympus to hear answered her question.

"HERMES!" The voice screamed.

Artemis' eyes widened, "What was that?"

Percy smirked, "I'm guessing Apollo just saw his palace. The hunters work fast."

Artemis looked at Percy disbelievingly before she started laughing. She grabbed Percy's hand and flashed them back to her palace. Artemis led Percy to the couch where she took a seat next to him. Percy smiled and put his arm around her as she cuddled up closer to him.

"So what exactly did my hunters do?" Artemis asked smirking.

Percy grinned, "I told them to give his palace a makeover. It was far too flashy, even for Olympus. I have no idea what they did to it but I told them to be creative."

Artemis chuckled into Percy's chest as her head was nestled into it as he softly played with her hair.

"Do you think we should check on the hunters? They might be wondering where we are." Percy asked after a minute.

Artemis sighed and nodded, picking her head up from Percy's chest. Artemis yawned and stretched try to shake off the weariness from the day. She tried to stand up but Percy pulled her back down to the couch. Before she could ask what he was doing, he kissed her softly. Artemis smiled into the kiss and put her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss a bit. When they broke apart a minute later, both her smiling stupidly.

"Go to bed Artemis. I will make sure the hunters stay out of trouble." Percy said softly.

"Are you sure Percy?" Artemis asked.

Percy nodded, "Come to my palace in the morning. We can leave Olympus after some breakfast."

Artemis smiled at him, "Okay Percy, thank you." She said tiredly.

Percy smiled back as gave her one last kiss before leaving for his palace.

Line Break

Artemis knocked on Percy's palace doors the next morning at 8 a.m. sharp. After a minute, a sleepy Phoebe opened the door. She smiled at Artemis and led her into Percy's palace. Artemis smiled as she saw the hunter's all passed out in different places throughout his palace. Artemis found what had to be Percy bedroom but was surprised to see Thalia the only one sleeping in the room, sleeping on his bed.

Artemis' eyes narrowed and she looked at Phoebe who chuckled, "Percy let Thalia and I share his bed last night. He slept in a chair in the living room."

Artemis was a little surprised and smiled, "So where is Percy then?"

Phoebe shrugged, "He left earlier with Lily and Chloe. He said he had a surprise for them."

Artemis nodded and began waking up the hunters. About halfway through, Percy walked back inside with a smiling Lily walking next to him and even happier Chloe on his shoulders.

Artemis looked at Percy questioningly but Percy just smiled in response. Before Artemis could speak, Lily slapped a bracelet on her wrist and a shield sprung to life causing several groggy hunters to shriek loudly. Percy busted up laughing while Artemis tried to contain her own. Lily retracted the shield.

"Lady Artemis, Percy brought me to visit my Dad and he gave me a shield so I can be just like Thalia." She said excitedly.

Artemis smiled at Lily and turned to Percy where her smile only grew.

"Where did Chloe go?" Phoebe asked.

Phoebe jumped back in shock when Chloe reappeared on Percy's shoulders.

"Percy introduced me to my Mom. She gave me a hat that makes me invisible." Chloe said happily as she hugged Percy' head. Percy laughed as he reached up and plucked the smiling girl off his shoulders.

"So what do you guys want for breakfast?" Percy asked.

The hunters all starting listing off their requests until Artemis silenced them by raising her hand.

"One at a time." She said sternly.

"Blue pancakes!" Chloe asked. Percy chuckled and clapped his hands together and a plate of blue pancakes along with some fruit and orange juice appeared in front of her.

Chloe smiled and dug into her food. Percy conjured up each hunter a meal of their choice. While they ate, Artemis led Percy into a side room. Percy looked at her confused when she pulled him away from the hunters. He was about to ask her what was wrong when she smashed her lips into his. Percy's eyes widened before he smiled. When they broke apart, Artemis smiled at him radiantly.

"What was that for?" Percy asked smiling.

Artemis just leaned up and kissed him again, "For caring so much about my hunters." She said softly.

Percy shrugged and smiled, "They deserve to know their parents a little bit. After I left your palace last night I visited Zeus and Athena and asked if it was okay to bring the girls over for a quick visit. Both were more than pleased to see their kids."

Artemis smiled at him before leading him back to where the hunters were still eating. None had apparently even looked up to notice their absence.

"So where are we headed?" Percy asked.

"Back to Camp Jupiter. Father said it would be good to have you there for the first meeting of the Greeks and Romans. He is hoping you can act as a peacekeeper in case there are any problems." Artemis replied.

Percy nodded, "Well let's hope for the best."